People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 38 Survival Day 038: Evil Thoughts

Xu Zhijian just stared at the mirror silently until the evening.

He did nothing during this period.

And the mirror did not look any different.

When Kelly came back, she saw that the mirror had been moved to the French window, and she was confused and puzzled.

She couldn't help asking: "Xu, what are you doing?!"

Xu Zhijian smiled mysteriously: "We have already taken the first step, so what do you think I want to do?"

She was stunned when she heard it, feeling that she understood, but also feeling that she didn't understand.

This should be the second method, right?

But why did you take out the mirror?

And it was not clear what the method was, which was really confusing.

But now you can only choose to believe and agree.

She smiled and nodded: "I understand, I understand, if you need help, please feel free to talk."

That's what she said.

But she didn't know what was going on, she vaguely felt that Xu seemed to be a little different.

But she couldn't tell why for a while.


Could it be that he was confused by the ghost mirror?

But it didn't seem to be the case.

What her parents did when they were manipulated was even more outrageous and weird, such as pulling off all their fingernails.

But I didn't feel any pain.

He chewed the ceramic shards like bread and stood in front of the mirror with a sly smile.

Wait, wait, wait.

Kelly withdrew her thoughts and just hoped that everything was just her overthinking.


After dinner in the evening.

The two of them watched a movie with rare interest, and talked about the plot from time to time.

After the snacks were finished, Kelly got up and went to the kitchen to get the goods.

Just as she opened the refrigerator door and picked up a bottle of drink, she suddenly heard a low curse.

"What a hateful bastard!"

The voice was Xu's.

She hurriedly turned her head to look at the living room.

As a result, she saw a surprising scene.

Not only was he sitting on the sofa, but there was actually a man next to him.

And it was his younger brother Tim!

This... Isn't my younger brother still in the hospital?

How did he suddenly appear at home? !

At this time, Xu's voice came again: "Your sister is a psychopath, thinking about boring things every day."

Tim: "Alas, there is no way, the doctor said that her brain has been diseased and it is completely incurable."

Xu: "So there is a ghost in the mirror, which can kill people, and it is all her second personality's fantasy?"

Tim: "YES! There is another secret. In fact, my parents... were killed by her with a gun!"

"There is no demon or external force. She just had another attack at that time."

"I have been hiding this secret and dare not say it out."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Kelly was shocked at first, and then became terrified and unbelievable.

What? !

My parents were killed?

This...How the hell is this possible, it is definitely not like this!

It is obviously the ghost mirror that did it!


The drink slipped from her hand with a loud sound.

Kelly shuddered immediately, and then found that Tim had disappeared.

And Xu Zhijian just turned his head to look at himself.


She stood there with a confused look in her eyes, totally confused about what was going on.

Was it an illusion just now?

Or, is it now?

Seeing her confused and frightened look, Xu Zhijian knew that something was wrong.

So he came over and asked with concern: "What's wrong with Kelly? Are you hallucinating again?"

Kelly looked at him, then at the empty sofa.

Finally, she realized that this was the real thing, and that just now was an illusion.

Her brother was still in the hospital, how could he suddenly appear at home.

She breathed a sigh of relief and told him everything that happened just now.

Xu Zhijian nodded thoughtfully after listening, and did not comfort her or spray the mirror as before.

Kelly said helplessly: "What else do you have planned? Can you tell me?"

"Hurry up and solve it. I feel worse and worse."

He smiled: "I understand your mood, but don't worry, it will be over soon."

"Come on, let's continue watching the movie."

Kelly wanted to continue asking, but seeing his serious look, she hesitated.

She could only sit beside him absent-mindedly, and occasionally glanced at the ghost mirror standing quietly by the window.

God bless.

Let this damn thing be destroyed quickly!



Xu Zhijian lay in the bedroom and fell asleep.

It has been several days since I came here, and this is the first time I have completely relaxed and fallen asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but suddenly I slowly opened my eyes and woke up again.

His eyes seemed a little dull. He put on his slippers, opened the door and walked out of the bedroom and walked to the living room step by step.

Then he stood in front of the mirror.

The moonlight shone in from the window, reflecting a dim and blurred figure in the mirror.

He looked at himself silently.

In a trance, I don't know whether I am real or the one in the mirror is real.

After a moment, he in the mirror suddenly grinned with an evil smile.

But the real him was still expressionless.

Xu Zhijian was not afraid of this, and grinned as well.

The reflection in the mirror whispered: "Kill Kelly, kill her... Hehehe."

The real him: "Are you finally going to accept me? No problem, I will definitely do it."

The reflection: "GODD~~ Let's see your sincerity."

"There is a pistol in the box in the attic. Use it to kill Kelly, then commit suicide and come to us."


This voice seemed to have a kind of magic, which made Xu Zhijian involuntarily walk up the stairs to the attic.

Before leaving, he deliberately came to Kelly's door to observe for a moment.

He left only after making sure that there was no problem.

His things were very light, and there was no creaking sound when he stepped on the wooden stairs.

He soon arrived at the attic.

No one had cleaned here for a long time. It was dark, cold, and the smell of dust was floating in the air.

Spider webs were hanging everywhere.

He had never been to the attic, but he knew where the box was strangely placed.

He opened it with a key, and there were some documents and a revolver inside.

More than a decade ago, Kelly's father wanted to use this to kill them.

He was killed in return.

He operated it skillfully, then picked up two bullets and loaded them.

Finally, he returned to the living room quietly.

When Xu Zhijian opened his eyes and sat up suddenly, it was already six o'clock in the morning, and the sky was bright.

He saw that he was still lying in bed.

Was the situation last night a dream... or?

Thinking about it, he reached out and touched under the pillow, and then took out the silver revolver.

"Hehe, it's not a dream after all."

Xu Zhijian held the heavy gun, and he didn't feel scared or panic.

Instead, he found it very interesting.

At the same time, an idea that he had never had before emerged in his mind:

Kill Kelly!

Not pretending, not threatening, but really wanting to kill that woman.

Anyway, he is not from this world, and there will be no consequences if he kills her, so he can just run away.

He also needs to take all his property and the mirror.


Don't take anything else, just take the mirror and leave.

Thanks to the emotionless Uchiha, book friend 9839 for the monthly ticket.

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