People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 370 Survival Day 370: Requiem

Having lived for more than 20 years, I really didn’t know that there was such a high-end exhibition hall in the local area.

But the location is really remote, and the bustling area of ​​our city is only around the Third Ring Road.

Outside are urban villages or undeveloped areas.

The wax museum has long exceeded the third ring road.

It is located just to the north of a half-demolished urban village, basically in the wilderness.

It takes about an hour and a half by bus from the city.

It's not over yet when we reach the terminal, we still have to walk several kilometers more.

I was really in a bad mood at the time, but I had no choice but to live.

I didn’t know how long I had been sitting there. When I got off the bus at the terminal, I saw that the scene in front of me had completely changed.

No more high-rise buildings and busy traffic.

Looking around, except for the only road, there are no crop fields growing food on both sides.

It's an old, dilapidated, half-destroyed building.

Or some little shabby bungalow used as a recycling bin.

That's called desolation.

I only had one thought in my mind at that time: How stupid people must be to open a wax museum in a place like this?

How can this make money? ? ?

While thinking about it, I walked north according to the address. After walking for about ten minutes, I finally reached my destination.

Death Light Wax Museum.

The exhibition hall, which is seven to eight meters high and imitates the architectural style of the Ming Dynasty, stands there alone.

It has become somewhat dilapidated due to exposure to wind and sun.

In the wilderness, there is an indescribable eerie feeling.

How to say it.

It always feels a bit like an ancestral temple...

Especially the name, it’s called Death Ray, it’s really awesome.

Next to the exhibition hall, there is a small bungalow with a ticket office and big red letters "Welcome" posted on the window.

It should be the security room.

I walked over and looked in through the window. It was so dark that I couldn't see what was going on inside.

However, at this moment, the closed window of the security room was suddenly opened with a "hula".

I quickly looked up and saw a middle-aged man standing in front of the window staring at me.

He is in his forties, wearing a security uniform, has a crew cut, and looks very ordinary.

But his eyes are very bright.

His left hand kept playing with a pair of Wenwan walnuts.


I cursed unhappily.

But with a smile on his face, he tentatively said: "Hello, uncle, I'm here to work. Have you received the notice from above?"

He nodded slightly and said, "Xiaoqiang, right? Come in."

As he spoke, the large iron door on the outermost floor of the wax museum opened in response.

I walked into the security room with my things and glanced around casually. The room was not very big, probably more than 20 square meters.

The home is also very simple.

On the only desk, there was a pile of tickets to the wax museum as high as a hill.

I don’t know how long it has been there, but the paper has turned yellow.

"Uncle, I'm new here, please take good care of me from now on." I said to him politely.

He nodded with a smile: "You're welcome young man, we will be colleagues from now on, just call me Lao Chen."

Of course I wouldn't be stupid enough to call him Lao Chen, so I quickly complimented Uncle Chen.

While chatting with him, I made the bed and put on my security uniform, even if it was time to start work.

During this period, the manager called to inquire about the situation.

After listening to his chatter, Lao Chen took the key and led me to the wax museum to familiarize myself with the situation.

"Our job is very simple. During the day, when people come to visit, we sell tickets and stand guard. When no one is around, we rest and sleep."

"Between 11:30 and 12 o'clock in the evening, just come to the museum to patrol and register."

Lao Chen explained to me the work to be done while walking.

In the silent exhibition hall, only our voices and footsteps echoed.

At night.

Lao Chen specially took a few bottles of beer and some deli peanuts from the storage room, saying that he would help me catch the wind and cleanse the dust.

We started talking while drinking.

I learned from him that this wax museum has been open for more than 20 years.

Not only did they not close the door even though they were clearly losing money, they also hired caregivers with high benefits.

This unusual situation gave me a hint of uneasiness.

After drinking until 11:30, Lao Chen took the record book and went to the wax museum on time to inspect.

Originally I was supposed to do this, but on the first day at work, he said he would take care of me.

After he came back from his inspection, we drank for a while, and then we ended up sleeping until we couldn't bear it any longer.

Midnight falls and everything is silent.

I don't know how long I slept like this. In my daze, I was suddenly woken up by the sound of gongs and drums.

The sound came from outside the house.

I glanced out the window irritably and saw a group of people in white clothes walking slowly from a distance on the road in the wilderness.

I couldn't see their faces clearly, but I could only see that the leader kept throwing white things into the sky.

The people at the back were carrying a rectangular heavy object together, while the people on both sides were playing suona and other musical instruments.

This scene is obviously a funeral.

I cursed secretly and prepared to go back to sleep.

However, at this moment, I saw the group of funeral people walking and suddenly turned a corner.

He actually walked towards the wax museum.

What's going on?

My sleepiness suddenly disappeared, and I quickly lowered my head to call Lao Chen who was sleeping on the lower bunk.

"Uncle Chen, Uncle Chen, wake up." I lowered my voice and called a few times.

But Lao Chen was snoring slightly, sleeping like a dead pig and unresponsive.

I was a little scared, so I quickly took another peek outside the window.

At this moment, the funeral procession had stopped less than ten meters away from the wax museum, and also stopped playing music and throwing paper money.

They all stopped in place motionless.

Under the dim moonlight, they looked more and more weird.

My scalp suddenly felt like it was exploding.

I quickly covered my head with the quilt and didn't dare to breathe out, my heart was beating so fast.

At the same time, I also had a terrible feeling. I could feel that the group of people were definitely looking into the security room!

I curled up and hid under the quilt, not daring to move, but there was still no movement outside.

After about ten minutes, seeing that the oxygen was getting less and less, I had to fearfully open a crack to ventilate.

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.

When people are afraid or curious about something, that is often when they want to learn more about that thing the most.

Of course I am no exception.

I was already scared to death, but I just couldn't control myself and wanted to look outside to see what was going on.

After struggling for a long time, I finally decided to commit suicide.

I carefully opened the gap a little and slowly looked out the window.

Things turned out to be completely different from what I expected.

I didn't see a more terrifying scene, all I saw was the empty wilderness.

The funeral procession that was standing outside the house just now disappeared silently.

It's like it never appeared.

This unexpected situation calmed down my panic a lot.

I didn't have time to think about it, so I hurriedly pulled the curtains shut, and then hid under the quilt again.

I definitely couldn't sleep, so I closed my eyes and started to recall what happened in the past two days.

Starting from my brother's cell phone number to tonight's scene, everything seems weird.

The more I thought about it, the more uneasy and confused I became.

Could it be... hell?

Thinking of the horror novels and movies I had read before, I suddenly came up with this idea.

In the silent room, Uncle Chen's rhythmic snoring made me suddenly think of a question.

Purr... oh my god!


I suddenly thought that something was wrong, and goosebumps instantly spread all over my body.

Because I remembered that when the funeral procession first appeared, I could still hear Uncle Chen's snoring.

And after hiding under the covers for ten minutes until the group of people disappeared, I didn't hear any movement in the room at all!

But at this moment, Uncle Chen's snoring sounded again.

If it only lasts for a minute or two, it's okay, normal people can hold it in.

But not breathing for ten minutes is pure nonsense!

So I heard it wrong...or? ? ? ""

At this point, Julie and Wendy couldn't help but hold hands and looked a little scared.

Julie hurriedly shouted to stop: "STOP! I asked you to tell a bedtime story, not a requiem."

Requiem for God.

This little girl is quite talented.

Wendy feigned anger and said, "Xu, you did it on purpose, right?"

Xu Zhijian smiled and said: "Of course not, we are about to reach the most exciting place, do you want to listen?"


"It's almost time, it's over, it's time to go to bed."

Wendy and Julie said in unison that they didn't want to listen, and if they continued to talk about it, they would just stay up late and have a party.

Seeing them walking into the room together, Xu Zhijian thought to himself what a pity.

Why do you suddenly think of telling ghost stories?

Just because the power outage is an opportunity, I deliberately scare Wendy, and then I can take advantage of it... ahem.

As a result, Julie just wanted to drag her to sleep with her, which directly ruined the opportunity.

Damn it!

It seems that it is better for them not to reconcile for the time being.

He was lying on the sofa in the living room, looking at the night view outside the window while planning tomorrow's trip.

Hope everything goes well on the journey.

I don’t know how long it took.

Hearing a slight sound of footsteps, he glanced over and saw that it was Wendy going to the bathroom.

After she came out, she came over and asked: "Xu, is it really okay for you to sleep here?"

Xu Zhijian replied: "It's okay, this sofa is quite comfortable, don't worry."

"That's good, otherwise I won't be able to get over it."

"Ha, no problem, go to bed."

"Okay, good night."

"Good night."

Wendy turned around and left, turning her head to look at him again when she was halfway there.

There was also a hint of pity in his eyes.

A night of silence.

At 8:30 the next morning, they finished gearing up and officially started their Route 66 journey.

Get in the car, turn on some relaxing country music, and let’s go!

Wendy and Julie took a photo with their mobile phones at the same time, preparing to post it to social networking sites for a record.

But it occurred to me that just a few days after the Death Incident, many classmates and friends died.

It seems a little inappropriate to post it now.

So I gave up and waited until some time later.

Xu Zhijian was also very emotional about this. They are really two kind people.

We walked forward chatting and laughing, and by noon we arrived at the town closest to the first stop.

Just in time to have lunch and take a rest.

After parking the car, the three of them walked on the road looking for a suitable restaurant.

Then I found that there were many people coming and going on the street, which was very lively.

I realized today was a special day after seeing the flyers hanging on the poles on the roadside.

The local town's summer beer festival has begun.

Most shops have suspended business, and other citizens on vacation have also come to participate.

More and more people are on the street.

Food, wine, and beauties make up a carnival feast.

Even the patrolling police are smiling.

In addition to food, there are street magic and performance art performances. Anyway, it's as lively as it can be.

The three didn't expect to encounter such a thing, and they were very happy. This is also a good start to the journey.

So they ate and took pictures all the way, and they had a lot of fun.

As they walked, they found a drinking competition on the roadside, and the onlookers cheered from time to time.

Since it is a beer festival, special beer is definitely indispensable.

The competition is very simple, just see who drinks more, and the winner will get a prize of 500 US dollars, which is not much, just for fun.

It is a promotion method of the manufacturer.

At this time, there are already several contestants, but they all failed.

Julie said with some regret: "It's a pity that I'm not of legal age, otherwise I would have participated in the competition."

In the United States, the law stipulates that you must be 21 years old to drink.

So she and Wendy are not eligible.

Although they have drunk privately on weekdays, it is not okay to do it openly on such a festival.

The merchants will not be afraid to sell it.

Xu Zhijian smiled and said: "It's okay, I will participate in your place, just in time to earn some money for travel."

After that, he signed up directly, and soon it was his turn to play.

The opponent was a fat white man with a big belly.

The two stood opposite each other at the table, with a glass of draft beer in front of them.


With an order, the two picked up the glasses and drank them all in one breath.

Then refilled the cups immediately.

One cup.

Two cups.

Three cups.

When it came to the fifth cup, the fat man slowed down, his face was ugly, and he couldn't help but burp frequently, but he didn't give up.

And Xu Zhijian still looked relaxed.

Although he didn't like to drink or smoke.

But after all, he has the physical fitness of human limit, not just for decoration.

He can resist and metabolize some non-lethal toxins quickly, not to mention low-proof alcohol.

He can easily handle it.

Julie shouted happily: "Xu~Come on! Come on!"

Wendy also echoed on the side, "Xu, hold on a little longer, we will win soon."

The onlookers also encouraged loudly.

Xu Zhijian easily drank the seventh cup and then burped.

When he drank the ninth cup, the fat man finally couldn't bear it and vomited.

This is considered a failure.

"COOOOOL!! Xu, you are great!"

Julie and Wendy walked up happily and high-fived him to celebrate.

He took the $500 prize with a smile and left with them in applause, hiding his merits and fame.

As he walked, he said: "This money is just enough for us to buy a travel annual pass + insurance + postage, not bad."

This refers to the annual pass for the US National Park.

The price is $85 and can be used by 4 adults or 1 car.

Up to 2 people can sign an annual pass, no relatives are required, just show it when you travel.

No matter how many times you visit, as long as it is valid for 12 months, you can enter and exit 63 national parks at will.

The price-performance ratio is very high.

This is much better than in China.

Wendy said directly: "No, how can I let you pay for the travel alone? Absolutely not."

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