People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 309 Survival Day 309: Bad Blood

After walking for a while, they had to enter an area covered by white fog.

Because there was only this direction to go forward.

Everyone was alert and carefully observed the surroundings.

There seemed to be something like ash in the white fog, dripping slowly.

There were also many trees, but they could not form a forest.

And they were all black, dead and twisted.

Xu Zhijian felt an invisible pressure, and keenly felt whether that thing should come out?

After walking for a while, they found a corpse not far ahead.

It should be a man.

But the head and body had been broken into pieces, which was horrible.

Everyone had seen many similar broken bodies before, and guessed that they should have fallen to death.

After taking a closer look, Xu Zhijian and Royce immediately found something wrong.

The clothes worn by the corpse were black, as if they had been burned by fire.

This was obviously attacked from the outside.

He reminded: "This place is dangerous, you must be careful."

Everyone nodded to show that they understood.

Then continue to move forward vigilantly.

At the same time

Three to five hundred meters away, there was also a group of people groping forward carefully and nervously.

Seven in total.

Six men and one woman.

They were also different races, two of them holding pistols, and two holding machetes.

These four walked in front, and the other three unarmed followed behind.

They were also captured humans.

But they were lucky enough not to be rushed into the Black Forest, but escaped all the way to this place.

They walked carefully.

They didn't know where this place was, nor did they know how to escape.


At this time, a blue ball of light suddenly flew from a distance without any warning.

It hit the man on the second left in the first row directly.

His body was instantly torn into pieces!

The people behind him were also torn into pieces.

Two were killed instantly.


"FUCK...FUCK! What is that?!"

"Damn it, run!"

The other five people were scared to death, screaming and turning around and running wildly.


At this time, another blue light shot out, smashing the man running at the end into pieces.

As for the one in the front, his body suddenly "flew" up two or three meters.

Two bloody cuts appeared on his back!

It was as if he was pierced by something.

Bang, bang, bang!

The other three survivors hurriedly stopped and started shooting at the air in fear.

They couldn't see anything.

But their companions died one after another. What on earth was going on? ! !


Xu Zhijian and others keenly heard the gunshots and stopped immediately.

Is there something going on? ?

He thought to himself that what he thought was right, they must have started to move out!

So he immediately ordered: "Take off your clothes quickly and smear the mud on your body, quickly!"

He quickly took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of boxer briefs.

Then he squatted down and poured some water into the soil, grabbed the mud and started to smear it.

Royce and others didn't know what he wanted to do, why he suddenly made such a move.

But along the way, they were already very sure of his ability, so they didn't ask any more questions and immediately followed his instructions.

The four of them quickly stripped naked, leaving Isabella and Jiang Youmei in only bras and panties.

Everyone smeared mud on their faces, necks, limbs, stomachs, chests, and other places.

Not long after, Xu Zhijian and Royce had become a mud man.

Only two eyes, nostrils, and mouths were exposed.

Hanzo was already a step slower, and one thigh was not covered with mud.


As he was still smearing, a blue light suddenly flew from the far left and hit him.

His body instantly broke into pieces and flew away, and he didn't even have time to react.

Blood and minced meat splashed on Xu Zhijian and others' bodies and heads.


Jiang Youmei was so scared that she was about to scream instinctively, but Xu Zhijian's big hand took the lead to cover her mouth tightly.

At the same time, he made a shushing gesture, indicating that no one should say anything!

Don't move!

Jiang Youmei swallowed her scream back, staring with horror, confused and scared.

Her body was shaking slightly.

Isabella and Royce were squatting and sitting respectively, both of them were also confused and shocked and dared not move.

What on earth is going on? ! !

What is the purpose of smearing mud?

What is that blue light!

Xu Zhijian covered Jiang Youmei's mouth while trying to look around with his eyes.

Here it comes... finally here!

But where is it? ?

He didn't dare to make big movements, fearing that he would make a sound and be noticed by the other party.

So a weird picture appeared.

The four of them seemed to be frozen, keeping different postures and not daring to move, not even daring to breathe.

Just like that.

It lasted for about three minutes.

The gunshots in the distance had disappeared and returned to silence.

Xu Zhijian finally saw a slight huge mark on the land in his left field of vision.

It was obviously a footprint.

A drop of cold sweat slid down his cheek.

That's right... those terrible and damned things are coming!

He couldn't help but slow down his breathing again, worrying about how long this method could last.

If it was cracked or ineffective, it would be terrible.

At this time, Royce's legs began to tremble and he was about to give up.

He used his eyes to warn and remind him not to move, don't move, don't move!

Royce understood and just gritted his teeth and held on.

After holding on for a while, they saw an amazing scene appearing in front of them.

A burly figure slowly appeared in the air!

First the legs, then the waist, and finally the whole body.

It was like scratching a lottery ticket.

When Jiang Youmei and the other two saw this figure, their eyes widened in astonishment.

OMG... What kind of monster is this? ?

He was at least two meters and three meters tall, extremely burly, and his arms were thicker than human thighs.

His skin was like a reptile.

His arms were wearing two metal arm guards, and his legs were similar knee pads.

On his left shoulder was something like a cannon barrel.

The most outrageous thing was the head, which was wearing a silver-black metal mask.

It was hard to tell what shape it was, and there was an ivory-like fang on each side of the mouth.

There were long black dreadlocks on both sides of the head.

They looked at the monster in amazement, and at the same time understood why it suddenly appeared.

This must be the legendary invisibility!

No wonder Xu asked to quickly apply mud, it turned out to be a similar way to cover up? ?

Xu Zhijian looked at this familiar shape and thought that the entity was different from what was shown in the movie.

More burly and domineering, with a sense of oppression.

Just thinking about it, the monster suddenly turned around and stared at the four of them.

"Fuck... Is there no way to use it?!"

His heart suddenly sank, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

This is over!

However, after waiting for a moment with great tension, the other party did not take the next step.

Instead, he looked and turned his head to continue looking elsewhere, as if looking for something.


Xu Zhijian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, scared me to death, it turned out that there was no exposure.

Moreover, this seems to be an absolutely good opportunity!

Now the monster has its back to him, and is defenseless, and the distance is only more than ten meters.

As long as the sneak attack is launched, it will definitely succeed.

But did the other party really not notice it, or was he deliberately playing along?

After thinking for a while, he picked up a stone very slowly and carefully with his other hand.

Then he threw it hard into the distance.

A sound of landing was heard.

The monster immediately turned around and looked over, and the cannon on its shoulder also moved automatically at the same time.

Now it can be confirmed that it is not pretending.

You can seize the opportunity to sneak attack!

Xu Zhijian immediately became excited, knowing that the opportunity is not to be missed.

So he raised his gun and aimed at it as quickly as possible, and shot!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

He held the trigger without letting go, and the real bullets poured over instantly.


The monster turned around instantly when he heard the gunshot, but it was still too late. How could it be faster than the bullet.

The body was immediately hit by the bullet, and a stream of fluorescent green blood spurted out.

It roared in pain a few times, aimed the shoulder cannon at the direction of the bullet and shot a blue light directly.

At this time, Xu Zhijian had already run away to prevent the soy sauce girl and the others from being killed.


The blue light easily blew up several big trees.


The monster was hit by more than a dozen real-damage bullets and couldn't bear it at all. It fell to the ground with a bang after firing only one shot.

It remained motionless with green blood and died immediately.

"Kill the Iron Blood Warrior-Elephant Face, and reward 500 season points"

Upon hearing the news, Xu Zhijian didn't have time to be happy.

Instead, he instinctively opened the exchange library and exchanged the human body limit.

Now he has the strength to fight! !

He ran back and said, "Quick, leave here quickly, more dangers are coming!"

Jiang Youmei and the others had been numb because they had been in the same position for too long.

They tried several times but failed to stand up.

Royce grinned and asked, "Xu, what the hell is this?"

"This is the real hunter behind the scenes, the Iron Blood Warrior!"

As he spoke, he walked to the body of the Elephant Face and quickly put it into the equipment library for temporary storage.

The equipment worn by the other party was very high-tech and powerful.

It was definitely a good thing.

But now there is no time to study slowly, so I can only put it in first and analyze it carefully after it is safe.

Isabella murmured in astonishment: "Predator??"

"Yes, an extremely powerful alien race."

Xu Zhijian explained quickly.

Predator's titles include hunter, jungle hunter, predator, etc.

The most well-known nickname of Predator actually refers to the role of governor at the beginning.

It is a mistake, and it has become their synonym.

Their average height is 2.2 meters and their weight is 500+ kilograms.

The skin is very similar to crocodiles in terms of color and texture, with a Mediterranean in the middle of the head and long dreadlocks on both sides.

And the mouth is like an open crab.

The overall shape is a mix and match.

The physical fitness completely exceeds the limit of the human body, with a force of thousands of kilograms, a jump of three or four meters high, etc.

The technology of the Iron Blood is extremely advanced, surpassing the earth by NNNN years.

Not only can it travel through the stars, but it also has star destroyers that can destroy a planet with one blow.

However, such a high-tech civilization is extremely fond of hunting culture.

Always wear a full set of equipment and go deep into other planets alone to hunt and kill.

Similar to humans hunting wild beasts.

Every time a creature is killed, its skull will be taken off and displayed as a trophy.

Including but not limited to humans, aliens, dinosaurs, snow monsters, monsters on Skull Island, etc.

In addition, they also have relevant hunting creeds.

The most important point is not to kill the old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant.

Because there is no sense of honor.

When facing a strong man who can survive to the end, out of dignity and respect, they will take off all their equipment and choose hand-to-hand combat.

If they can't beat him and feel embarrassed, they will activate the self-destruct device on their wrist.

It looks small, but its power is comparable to a nuclear bomb.

Enough to blow up half a town!

Relatively speaking, the Iron Blood Race is a monster that follows the rules.

However, this is the conventional style of doing things.

But what they are facing now is another clan called "Bad Blood"!

Simply put, it is a member who is judged by other races to have done unforgivable things and is expelled.

It is equivalent to the police and gangs of humans.

They are sworn enemies, and they fight as soon as they meet.

These bad bloods are taller and stronger than normal clans, and naturally more brutal and vicious.

They don't follow rules or martial ethics at all.

They kill all prey, regardless of gender, age, or whether they have weapons or not.

The nicknames of these three iron bloods are: Lion Face, Eagle Face, and Elephant Face.

So they are also called the three giants of Lion Camel Ridge.

Their combat power can be ranked T1 in all related films.

They are second only to the lone wolf of T0 level, the ultimate iron blood.

However, whether it is a normal clan or a bad blood, they have a fatal weakness.

That is, the direction of eye evolution is incredible.

They cannot see the picture like humans.

They can only provide special vision such as thermal imaging and infrared through high-tech masks.

This ability is very useful at night.

But relatively speaking, the disadvantages are greater.

Once the thermal imaging cannot be detected or the mask is knocked off, it is a blind man.

They can only rely on their ears to distinguish sounds.

In Predator 1, the governor found a way to avoid being discovered by covering himself with mud.

So this is why Xu Zhijian asked him to smear mud just now.

Because of this, he was able to successfully launch a sneak attack and easily kill a Predator.

But this is the only chance.

Now that the elephant face has been killed, the other two can know the situation first.

And if I remember correctly, the masks of these bad bloods are more advanced than ordinary Predators.

It can also provide another way to find prey!

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

After Xu Zhijian finished his brief narration, he pulled them up and ran away.

Royce clearly felt that his strength suddenly became extremely great, just like a monster.

But he didn't ask much.

Because there were too many doubts at this time.

For example, why did he know that this monster was called Predator, and why did he know that smearing mud could avoid being discovered?

It was very strange.

But now is not the time, and he can only wait until it is completely safe before asking.

The four people ran fast.

On the other hand.

The seven people have all become corpses with different ways of death.

One of them had his spine and skull pulled out, and his back was completely rotten.

His bones were strangely "floating" in the air, dripping with blood.

But then he was thrown more than ten meters away.

Then there were waves of vibrations from the ground that went away, and it was obvious that something invisible was running away quickly!

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