People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 230 Survival Day 230: Solomon's 72 Magic Pillars

Driving all the way back home.

Xu Zhijian got out of the car and looked at the house. It was really big and luxurious.

And it was in the beautiful suburbs, surrounded by mountains and rivers, which was quite good.

Unfortunately, the incident was very terrifying.

When he opened the door and walked into the house, a dog came straight to him.

Anne touched the dog's head, and then whispered while changing her shoes: "Did I act okay just now?"

Her husband Steven asked back: "What?"

She explained: "I mean, did I act sad enough? Should I be more sad?"

Steven shook his head: "No, it's good."

"That's good..."

They changed their shoes and went back to the house.

And their eldest son Peter and youngest daughter Charlie also went straight to the second floor.

Only Xu Zhijian was left in the hall.

From beginning to end, no one exchanged a few words. On the one hand, they didn't know what to say, and on the other hand, they were tired.

That's right, no one was sad because of Lao Deng's death.

Although they are a family, they actually get along very strangely.

Oh, no.

Charlie felt sad and reluctant.

But it was not because of family affection, but a more terrifying reason.

But it was good this way, just convenient for action.

He strolled around the first floor with interest, looking for clues.

He searched the hall first and found nothing, then checked the rooms one by one.

Soon he came to the bedroom where the old Deng Allen lived.

There was an orange bedside lamp on here, and the vision seemed very dim and depressing.

There was also an indescribable smell floating in the air.

His eyes were directly on the several cardboard boxes piled in the corner, which were all filled with the relics of the old Deng.

Very good.

There are many clues hidden in it.

He walked over and opened one of them, and there was a very thick book on the top.

The title was: "Psychic Notes"

He picked it up and flipped through a page, and a piece of paper fell directly to the floor.

Xu Zhijian picked it up and took a look.

"My dear baby, beautiful Anne: "

"Please forgive me for hiding something and not telling you in time"

"Please don't hate me for this, and don't lose confidence because of this"

"When you reach the end, you will understand that all the efforts are worth it"

"The sacrifices we make are not worth mentioning compared to the rewards we can get"

"Love your mother: Allen"

Xu Zhijian thought of this piece of paper in the movie and couldn't help but sneer.

This old Deng said it nicely, but it was actually very vicious.

The so-called "our sacrifice" is actually just to sacrifice others and get rewards for ourselves.

He continued to look through the things in other boxes.

Soon, he found two more books, one was a photo album, and the other was a book on mysticism called "Begging for Spirits".

Open the photo album first to check.

There are many photos stored in it, basically all of them are unknown strangers, men, women, young and old.

Among them, there are middle-aged men and women who went to the funeral!


Xu Zhijian said happily inwardly. With this photo album, it is basically equivalent to mastering all the targets.

Greatly reduced the difficulty of finding.

He looked through the pages with satisfaction, and soon saw a familiar and strange picture.

I saw Old B Deng Allen wearing a wedding dress, wearing the pendant, opening her arms and closing her eyes to accept a kind of baptism.

There were many people around her, throwing yellow things like gold coins.

Her expression was very enjoyable and joyful.

But Xu Zhijian felt very uncomfortable watching it. I don’t know why, I felt physically uncomfortable and wanted to vomit.

I didn’t feel anything when watching the movie.

Now that I see the real thing, I feel uncomfortable no matter how I look at it.

I continued to flip back and saw a photo of the protagonist’s family.

And this photo also appeared in a mysterious ceremony where the whole picture could not be seen.

It matches.

It matches everything!

Xu Zhijian recalled the plot of the movie while watching it. As of now, it is basically completely consistent.


At this time, the light with orange light suddenly flashed a few times.

He instinctively looked up and looked over, and his vision was completely black and then restored.

In this rapid change of light and dark, he suddenly noticed that something seemed to appear in the dark corner of the wall? ?

He took out his gun and aimed.

Just as he was about to fire two shots, the door was suddenly pushed open and Annie walked in.

Xu Zhijian calmly put away his gun.

Because the light was flickering, Annie didn't see that he was carrying a pistol.

Instead, he asked curiously, "Xu, what are you doing here?"

He stood up and shook the book in his hand: "Nothing, I just miss my grandma and want to see her photo."

Annie nodded: "Is that so, that's why I came here too."

"Okay, then you read it first."

"No, I'll read it after you finish."


Xu Zhijian didn't give in too much. He didn't mean to give it away, so he was polite.

And Annie didn't really want to read it, so she was polite.

The two left the room together.

Before leaving, Xu Zhijian took another special look at the dark corner just now.


I remember that the ghost of Lao Deng appeared in the movie, and then Annie turned on the light in fear and disappeared again.

Is it the same now?

Or something else?

Thinking as he returned to the hall, Annie went to do other things, and he returned to his room and closed the door.

Continue to carefully check and read these books.

Put the album aside after reading it, and open the book "Begging for Spirits".

It records a mystical legend, an extremely important one that is related to the content of the entire movie.

"Baimon", one of Solomon's 72 magic pillars!

Baimon Ars-Goetia,

One of the nine kings of hell, was originally an angel.

He was very obsessed with the singing of Lucifer Gundam E6, so during the battle in heaven, he decisively joined the devil camp.

Unfortunately, he was defeated in the end.

Then he was demoted to hell with his brother.

Became a demon god who commanded 200 demon legions and 25 angel legions.

And its image is generally wearing a crown, with a female appearance and a male body, or more commonly, a male girl.

Often rides a dromedary with three human heads hanging on it.

Followed by a group of demons playing music.

It is equivalent to a demon god with its own appearance BGM.

What it hates most is that when believers summon it, the carrier used is a female body.

Because it needs a man's face to correct its appearance.

As for its ability, it can give believers endless wealth and knowledge.

Of course, it needs a small price.

That is, the head will be twisted off.

This is also an important sacrifice for summoning it.

The pendant shape carried by Lao Bden and Annie is the prayer image that belongs to it.

After reading the content carefully, Xu Zhijian rubbed his tired eyes and got it in his mind.

At the same time, he thought of a somewhat terrifying question.

That's right.

Since I am temporarily staying in their house and have been together for a while.

Then, will I be tricked by Lao Bden without knowing it? !

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