Placing a net of puffer fish whales on the ground, Starjiu stared at Chu Feng, with a trembling intent in his eyes, and asked seriously: “What’s your name?” ”

Chu Feng pretended to force: “You are not qualified to know!” ”

If Starjiu wants to fight, then just use him to try the power of “nanohair”!

Hearing this, Starjiu’s eyes showed an icy light, he didn’t expect the other party to be so arrogant.

You know, as the deputy chef of the gourmet club, he has a very high status in the entire gourmet club, and other members will respectfully address him as “deputy chef” when they see him!

And now, he was actually looked down upon by a guy of the same age, and he had to teach the other party a lesson.

“Not qualified?” Starjiu’s eyes flickered coldly, “Let me see how strong you are!” ”

After speaking, he released all the breath on his body, and suddenly his body was full of black light, and the space was buzzing.

Feeling this terrifying momentum, Ah Yu looked horrified: “It’s so strong coercion, my body can’t move!” ”

He knew very well that if he fought with this creature, he would be defeated by the other party in an instant!

Coco stared at Sta Jiu with both eyes, seeing the terrible electromagnetic wave, sweating profusely, and his palms were also overflowing with cold sweat.

In his eyes, Stargyu was a huge mountain, a mountain that he could not cross at the moment.


At this time, Staju controlled the GT robot’s right foot to stomp on the sand, and his body rushed up like a fierce beast, and the energy was monstrous and unstoppable.

Ah Yu and Coco trembled: “Chu Feng, be careful!” ”

However, in the next second, the two were stunned.

Because, when they saw that the GT robot was still 10 meters away from Chu Feng, it suddenly fell to the ground, black smoke came out of the body, and the electric light “sizzled”, but it was motionless!


Ah Yu and Coco dumbfounded!

What is the situation, the two of them can’t understand at all.

Just now, Starjiu controlled the GT robot menacingly, but suddenly fell to the ground and lost its action? ?

And the corner of Chu Feng’s mouth hooked a satisfied smile.

Nano hair is really powerful!

Just now, the “nano hair” was launched, confinement the GT robot, and then the nano hair drilled into the GT robot’s body, destroying its core equipment instantly.

Stajyu, who controls the GT robot, loses contact with the GT robot, and the GT robot is like a pile of scrap metal.

Stajiu, who is far away in the GT robot control of the food club base, is stupid!

He didn’t even see clearly what Chu Feng’s attack was, and he lost!

“So strong!”

“Who the hell is that guy??”

“I must know you!”

Here, Ah Yu reacted for a long time and took a deep breath: “Hey, Chu Feng, what did you do??” ”

Just now, Chu Feng was obviously motionless, how could he knock down such a powerful enemy? ?

Coco is also confused!

He also didn’t see clearly how Chu Feng made a move!

Perhaps, Chu Feng didn’t do it at all!

Chu Feng smiled indifferently: “It’s nothing!” ”

“Okay, I’ll go first. You guys feel free! ”

With that, he walked away.

Looking at Chu Feng’s distant back, Ah Yu and Coco didn’t know what to say, they only felt that Chu Feng was too godly!

As for Komatsu, who has no experience in combat, the whole process is confused!

He knew that the white-haired monster that suddenly appeared was very powerful, otherwise he would not have scared Ah Yu and Coco into pale.

However, such a powerful monster, Chu Feng didn’t even move his hand, and knocked the other party down!

“Mr. Chu Feng, it’s amazing!”

Komatsu sighed from the bottom of his heart!


Leaving the cave, many people outside saw Chu Feng, first with a moved expression, and then did not see Chu Feng’s puffer fish whale, and their eyes showed contempt.

Chu Feng ignored them, stomped on the ground with his right foot, turned into a figure and rushed to a height of hundreds of meters in an instant, and then landed steadily on the back of a strange bird, and finally roared away on the strange bird.

Everyone who was sitting on the rock and showed contempt for Chu Feng just now saw this scene, and their expressions suddenly changed drastically.

“So strong!”

“Who is that guy?”

“Shhh! That guy is actually a master! ”


IGO No. 1 Eco Garden.

At this moment, the head of the sixth branch of the gourmet club, Sidoru, the new member Kidd, the wild Dosa, and the weirdo Zaiba have controlled the GT robot to enter the first ecological garden.

Their purpose is to capture gem meat.

The other side.

IGO Affairs Director Uman Umeda took a sip of tea, pushed his eyes, and looked serious: “The gourmet party… Finally acted! ”

“Hmm…,” the IGO legal chief leaned against his chair with his hands on his chest, “Then, how about the injury??” ”

The head of the IGO Bureau, Red Wine, picked up a piece of information and reported: “At present, the land mussel and hamburger shells in the 4th ecological garden, the red scorpion in the 5th ecological garden, and the rainbow fruit in the 8th ecological garden… Among them, the 8th ecological courtyard was the most affected. Not to mention a single rainbow fruit weighing more than 500 kilograms, Tro Kong is almost completely destroyed…”

“Judging from the video footage of the monitor, it can be determined that the enemy is a new GT robot, and it is still investigating who the controller is.”

IGO Finance Director Wu Liu put his hand on his back and said, “In any case, the manipulator must be a very powerful person!” ”

The director of the IGO publicity bureau replied: “The food guard should have been dispatched!” ”

“yes!” The IGO legal secretary replied, “But… It’s a pity that the arrest failed! ”

“The captain of the mobile team, Thor, has been killed!”

Hearing this, the IGO Finance Director’s face changed slightly: “How could it be… Especially the captain of the gourmet mobile team turned out to be … That’s a powerful person who has achieved great results since he was a gourmet! ”

The IGO Commissioner looked solemn: “Hmm… IGO must also come up with countermeasures! Wine Director, summon the Four Heavenly Kings! ”

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