Ferrari was speeding on the road, and soon, Lin En brought Haley to the forest.

He brought Haley here not for any wild war AV plot, but according to the information that Lin En got from the little fat man, their so-called secret base and the gate of hell were all located in this dense forest.

Haley saw the rugged path in the forest, which was not very friendly to the Ferrari with a very low chassis. The branches of the trees on both sides of the path added a bit of danger to the convertible Ferrari. She couldn’t help but whispered to Lin En:

“Let’s get off the car and walk. After all, this road will scratch your Ferrari.”

Lin En raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Hailey, you can see that I am a rich man.

Hailey nodded, not knowing why Lin En asked this.

“Rich people don’t care if their Ferrari is scratched. They don’t even know that they need to refuel their cars because they often throw them away after driving them once!”

Lynn stepped on the accelerator, and the car engine roared like a tiger.

The strong push on Haley’s back made the seat belt tighten around her chest, and she was a little breathless.

But she didn’t care at all. She was thinking one thing in her mind:

Is this the world of rich people?

In addition, where is the unwanted sports car thrown? I have a friend who wants to pick it up!

Lynn saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and considerately moved his hand on Haley’s thigh to help her loosen her seat belt.

“Lin En, stop rubbing, I feel much better now.

After a long time, Hailey finally couldn’t hold it anymore.


Lin En said slowly, moving his hand back to the original place.


At this time, the fat guy and the thin guy were still on horseback, or on their way to the destination by bicycle!

The thin guy pedaled his bicycle hard, and when he thought of Lin En’s red Ferrari, he was so jealous that his cell wall separated!

“Damn, why does he have such rich relatives, but I don’t?!”

The little fat man had already told the thin man the whole story of the richest tomato made up by Lin En.

He didn’t question it at all.

After all, no one would really think that the people around them were possessed by a body!

The fat man let go of one hand, touched his bulging trouser pocket, and couldn’t help but smile:

“Spike, don’t be so jealous! We are the best foursome who grew up playing together. Lin En’s fortune cannot be made without our help!”

Spike glanced at the fat man with a bright smile, and immediately realized that he must have received Lin En’s help!

He immediately said with a look of regret:

“Idiot! Now it’s their turn to play with their naked butts! Let’s settle for a deal!”

The fat man saw Spike’s face flushed, reached into his pocket, pinched two bills, hesitated for a moment, pinched a bill between his two fingers, and handed it to Spike.

“Don’t be jealous, everyone who sees it gets a share, here, it’s for you!”

Spike took the rich man and couldn’t help but widen his eyes. The four of them were naturally poor children who were suffering. After all, in America, children from rich families play with silver and go out.

Who has nothing to do to explore the gate of hell? He looked at the fat man and said with emotion:

“Riel, you are really my best friend!”

Hearing this, Riel rolled his eyes.

You still call me stupid, but you are the stupidest one!

Lin En was driving a Ferrari. If a little bit of it leaked out from between his fingers, it would be enough for you to eat and drink!

Soon, the two of them rode their bicycles and came to a small wooden house.

The red Ferrari was parked at the door, and it was covered with scratches.

Spike and Riel were so distressed that they wanted to roll their eyes!

Ancestor, you drove a Ferrari into the forest?

Give me the money to repair the Ferrari, and I will carry you in! []

The thin man wanted to push the door open directly, but the fat man stopped him tactfully and knocked on the door politely.

A rustling sound was heard, and after a moment,

Lin En’s voice came from the wooden house:

“Come in.”

The two looked at each other, opened the door and walked in.

It’s said that money makes the boss.

It was obviously their common secret base, but it was like Lin En’s office.

They had to report in before entering!

As soon as they entered the room, they saw Lin En sitting on the sofa in neat clothes, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

Haley sat next to Lin En, her clothes were not very neat, and her blonde hair was messy, as if someone had pressed and rubbed it hard.

And seeing the corner of her mouth,,,,,

Riel was not stupid, and he quickly realized what was happening!

Thinking of how he and Spike had been pedaling their bikes for half a day, while Lynn had arrived here early in a sports car, enjoying Haley’s**

Even though he got Lin En’s benefits, he couldn’t help but feel hatred towards the rich!

The rich are so corrupt!

Also, why isn’t I the rich one!

Thanks to 15593 for the monthly ticket!

Thanks to Ye Ran for urging me to update! I will try my best to update!

Thanks to all the readers who support me, Lao Ye Chuan!.

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