The Seventh Demon Temple!

This is one of the centers for Hell to invade the main plane.

They control more than a dozen gates to Hell that lead to the fairy tale world.

In the hall, all the high-ranking demons seemed extremely respectful.

Because in front of them was the demon monarch who had participated in the God War and survived to the present:


He was not tall, and even looked like an ordinary old man in the fairy tale world.

But he sat calmly on the dark throne, and no one dared to question him.

“The gate to Hell has been built, only Monica seems to have a problem, but Dahl has already gone there, I believe it will be solved soon.”

A tall demon spoke, and Harleyton nodded in satisfaction.

“Very good! Then, we can proceed to the next plan.”

Suddenly, a high-level demon warrior came in in a panic.

He looked at the demon lord Harleton and half-knelt to report:

“Lord, there is an accident! Lord Dal is in danger!”

What a waste!

This thought flashed through the minds of most of the great demons!

It’s just a small low-level stronghold that has troubles, but they can’t even solve it!

Don’t make Lord Harleton angry!

When Harleton heard this, he was not angry, but showed an expression of interest.

“what happened?”

“Dahl didn’t elaborate, he seemed very anxious! He asked to send all the big demons to support! He claimed that he was facing death threats!”

The high-level demon said quickly.

Harleton thought about it and waved his hand:

“Since he still has the opportunity to pass on the message, it means that the situation is not that serious. Go and check out the situation of the two big demons!”

“Who is willing to take the order?”

Although they were all slandering Dal, they were all acquaintances and knew each other well.

Even though Dal’s strength was in the middle and lower reaches, he was still a great demon! He was so frightened that he asked for help so ugly.

It must be not simple!

For a moment, none of the dozen great demons in the hall spoke!

The Seventh Demon Temple was as silent as death!

The high-level demon who was half-kneeling on the ground was sweating coldly.

Even though none of these great demons took the initiative to release their momentum, he still felt unparalleled pressure!

It’s like a rabbit that strayed into the territory of an elephant.

Even if the elephant has no ill intentions at all, it may die miserably because of some unintentional actions! Harleton’s face gradually became ugly, and his eyes became dangerous. Finally, a great demon couldn’t stand the pressure and stood up.

“”My Lord, I am willing to obey your orders, but Dahl will not do anything without a purpose. Two big demons may not be enough, at least five!” he said.

Harleton nodded:

“Okay, four more people stand up.”

The First Demon Hall fell into silence again.

Harleton laughed in anger and directly pointed out the four demons standing at the back.

“You guys, go with him!”

The four of them stood up helplessly, and one demon, under pressure, spoke up:

“My Lord, five people are still not safe…”

“”Get out!”

Harleton looked at the five big demons walking into the gate of hell, and the expression on his face improved a little.

He had known for a long time that the people in the Seventh Demon Temple were all these silver coins who were afraid of death, and among the big demons, their strength was generally weak!

The strong ones among the big demons, the war maniacs, were all in the demon temples at the top of the sequence!

If it was the First Demon Temple,

I’m afraid they would have to fight for this spot!

Before the formal invasion began, the big demons were basically not allowed to enter the main plane, unless an abnormal situation like this occurred.

The five demons passed through the gate of hell and turned directly into a stream of light.

Lin En saw this familiar scene and scratched his chin.

The style of these big demons seems to be wrong.

Although being cautious is a good thing,

I always feel that something is wrong!

The five The great demon glanced around and finally fixed his sight on Lin En.

Anyone who is not a fool can guess that he is the culprit for Dal’s request for help!

A great demon narrowed his eyes and made the same guess as Dal:

Lin En is the demon monarch left after the war of gods!

There is no other reason, they are both great demons, but the other party is not only more powerful than them, but even the real body of the demon is twice as tall as them!

Seto glanced at Dal, who was covered in painful injuries and whose flesh and blood were constantly growing, and cursed in his heart, this Shabi must have taken the initiative to provoke!

Served him right!

He also caused them to cross the gate of hell and come to the main plane.

What if the church finds out and sends the archbishop to besiege them, wouldn’t it be the end?

Seto showed a smile that he thought was friendly, even close to flattery:

“Sir,” and before he could finish his words, he saw a huge fist constantly enlarging in his sight!

“You are asked to come here to get beaten, not to flatter!”…………………………………………….

After so long of revision, the chapters are finally released!

Thanks to 13400 for the monthly vote, and thanks to all the readers who voted for the author!

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