When Lin En uttered these two words, everyone present felt extremely absurd!

That was an archbishop! A real big shot!

Even the Pope would not dare to insult a bishop like this!

Julia covered her red lips with only one thought in her mind:

“Lin En, are you crazy?”

Even Schiller, who was ordered to kneel down, was so angry that he laughed!

He was about to get angry, but found that his screen was shorter and a friend’s voice came from the side:

“Oh my God, Schiller, what happened to you?”

Schiller felt the coldness coming from his knees, his eyes filled with confusion!

Yes, what happened to me, how could I kneel down so simply because of a person’s words! Qiao Liya and others felt dizzy when they saw that the archbishop obeyed Lin En’s order and knelt down directly. Is this world crazy?!

“Okay, Schiller, you can get up now. Now, can you listen to me carefully?”

Lin En spoke with a smile on his face, but in Schiller’s eyes, he was like a devil from hell!

“Who are you? How did you do it?!”

Schiller asked like a string of cannonballs without even getting up.

Lin En grinned.

“You can regard me as the human body of God!”

His words immediately made Schiller fall into boundless shock!

At this moment, he seemed to see countless holy angels behind Lin En flapping their wings and holding swords, surrounding this”God”.”ï¼�

“Now, is it okay for Qiao Liya to be the priest of Taige City?”

Lin En asked nonchalantly, as if he had done nothing!

And Schiller smiled bitterly. If he had known this would be the result, he would not have dared to refuse Qiao Liya to be the bishop!

“Everything will be done according to your wishes, sir!”

Schiller leaned forward to show his submission.

When the communication was cut off by Lin En, he raised his head, and what emerged in his eyes was not the anger after being humiliated, but ecstasy!

No matter what Lin En’s true identity is, his sacred and incomparable power is real!

If the man opposite is not lying, in this era when the church is weak, he will lead the church to a new peak!

“What on earth happened, Schiller! Who is that man? Why did you kneel down to him?”

The companion’s face was ugly. What happened before his eyes was beyond his understanding!

Schiller breathed a sigh of relief.

“Summon all the archbishops and start a holy council! I will explain to you what happened at the meeting! In short, the world’s pattern may change again! We may be able to restore the glory of the church!” In

Taige City, everyone was shocked by Lin En’s performance.

They knew that Lin En was powerful and mysterious, but if someone told them before this incident that Lin En could make a bishop kneel, they would be angry!

Because it is an insult to the bishop and the church!

Qiao Liya was dizzy.

Why did Lin En like to make people kneel so much?

Last night, she knelt in front of Lin En more than once…

Lin En glanced at everyone,

“Why are you all standing there? The church has already taken care of it. Go and inform the influential forces in Taige City. I will announce the appointment of the new priest!”

Everyone came back to their senses.

The shocking scene just now had completely made them forget that

Lin En’s goal was to make Qiao Liya a priest!

Even Qiao Liya herself couldn’t understand why the archbishop far away in the sky would kneel down for such a small matter!

She looked at Lin En with more and more admiration…

Soon, the Holy Light Knights began to run around in Taige City!

The Magician Association, in the tallest magician tower!

“President, the new priest summoned us to the church, as if he had something to announce!”

Upon hearing this, the Magician President raised his head from the thick magic book, his eyes lit up!

“Well, tell me, what kind of gift should we bring to meet such a young and senior magician?”

The little magician wiped the cold sweat from his forehead:

“President, what audience do you mean? Our Magicians Association is not a subordinate force of the Church!”

“Although the strength of the Taige City Church is stronger than ours after the arrival of the new priest, the strength of the Magician Association on the mainland is far greater than that of the Church.!”

“Well, you are right. Then I will bring some gifts and send them on my own behalf! Do you think Father Lin En is willing to accept me as his apprentice?”

The Magician Guild President nodded and asked expectantly.

The little magician looked at the pale hair of the Magician Guild President and chose a more euphemistic statement:

“President, at your age, you are qualified to be Lin En’s grandfather!”

In the Demon Hunter Division, several deacons also received invitations from the knights.

“What do you think of this new priest?”

“In my opinion, he won’t stay in Taige City for long! This time he summoned us, maybe to appoint a new priest for Taige City?”

“Is the Vatican moving so fast? Taya just died yesterday, and the heir arrived today?”

“Never mind him, just pack up and get ready to go. After all, he is a high-level magician, so we have to give him the face he deserves!”…………………………………………….

Today is the fifth update!

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