Leia smiled slightly.

What Lin En said was very bold, but it was exactly what she wanted!

“Do you want to come back to Taige City with me? My house is quite big, so we can show our skills freely.”

Lin En was a little surprised at how open Leia was, but thinking about her own Superpower 2 and the bonus brought by being a hero saving a beautiful girl, it was normal.

But it was still not open enough!

Otherwise, we could fight directly in the Falling Moon Forest.

Looking at the natural beauty would be a different experience!

Lin En took out the magic map and looked for the location of Taige City.

Taige City was very close to the Falling Moon Forest. More importantly, it was right in the middle of the Falling Moon Forest and the Wind Rolling Plain.

His route just passed by Taige City.

As the largest human gathering point between the Falling Moon Forest and the Wind Rolling Plain,

Taige City was quite prosperous.

“Good! I hope you will perform well then!”

Lin En put away the magic map and looked at Leia with fiery eyes, while the other three demon hunters ran to the side to check the werewolf’s body and did not interrupt the flirting between the two.

“Is this a magic map? Are you a magician?”

Leya came over, a little curious.

Lin En nodded.

“To be honest, I am a high-level magician, and hunter is just my superficial identity.”

“Haha, stop kidding.”

Leya laughed. A high-level magician could directly wipe out the werewolves with a large-scale magic. His fighting power was extremely terrifying!

Moreover, she had never seen such a young high-level magician!

Seeing that Leia obviously didn’t believe it, Lin En didn’t care.

Although he could indeed kill the werewolves instantly with magic, wouldn’t it be faster and simpler to use swords?

Moreover, the destructive power of magic was too strong. It would be bad if it hurt the flowers and plants.

On the other side, the three people who touched the corpse looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes!

“All of them were killed in one blow! Their recovery ability seems to be completely useless!”

The three demon hunters understood that even though the silver weapon could greatly restrain the werewolf, the werewolf could still show some extraordinary recovery ability if it was not directly hit in the vital part!

“So, what’s going on, Lynn?”

“Who cares! He saved our lives anyway.”

John kicked the stiff werewolf corpse and snorted.

“I know I don’t want to cause trouble for him. What I mean is that if he joins the Demon Hunters and undergoes training, he might become a Demon Hunter Deacon!”

“Even reaching the level of Lord Constantine is not completely impossible!”

“Constantine is the most legendary demon hunter! In front of him, these werewolves are all killed with just a breath! Is it possible for Lin En to reach that level?”

Another demon hunter was a little skeptical.

Constantine was his idol, and he knew how powerful he was!

“But Lynn is still very young, isn’t she?”

John asked.

“When Lord Constantine was young, could he have achieved the same level as Lin En?”

The other demon hunter was silent.

“Anyway, I will try to invite him. If he can really join, it will be a good thing for the demon hunters!”

John concluded.

Soon, the group headed towards Taige City.

On the rest of the journey, they did not encounter any other extraordinary creatures.

Soon after they walked out of the Falling Moon Forest, a huge city appeared in front of Lin En. Although it was far less magnificent than the palace, the towering walls, elite soldiers, and bustling crowds were all things that the palace did not have!

“Taige City is very prosperous! It is far from being comparable to the small village in the Falling Moon Forest. You will be shocked by its advancement!”

Leya was a little excited.

Although their mission was not long, if it weren’t for Lin En, they might have died in the Falling Moon Forest!

“Do we still have to queue up?” Lin En frowned as he looked at the huge crowd of people being checked.

“No, demon hunters have privileges!”

Leya smiled proudly, and several people walked towards the huge city gate. The soldiers obviously knew Leiya and made way for them.

What surprised Lin En was that there was no bloody plot that someone had a crush on Leiya and took out his anger on him.

And when he left,

“It’s over, Miss Leia is already taken, I have no chance!”

The soldier on the left cried.

The soldier on the right curled his lips in disdain:

“Miss Leia has publicly stated that if you want to conquer her, you have to be at least ten times stronger than her! Do you have a chance?”

“Humph, I don’t believe that pretty boy can be that strong! In the end, I’m just not handsome enough!”

“”Lin En, we have to go to the Demon Hunter Branch first. Why don’t you come with me?”

Leia asked.

Lin En also had the same idea, and the two of them came up with the same idea……………………………………………..

First update today! Flowers will be added!

Please vote for flowers!

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