At this time, Brother Kun, who was singing and dancing Rap on the tree branch, had no idea that danger was coming!

Lin En threw a stone, a small stone, and it had the effect of a cannonball!

After directly penetrating the pheasant, the stone passed through the trunks of several ancient trees in succession, and finally embedded deeply in the fourth tree.

Picking up the fallen pheasant,

Lin En used his palm as a knife and attacked the ancient trees one after another, harvesting a batch of wood.

This made him find the feeling of playing Minecraft before.

It turned out that Minecraft is really a hardcore survival game.

As long as you are strong enough, you are Steve!

He cut out a sharp wooden stick and pierced the pheasant. Flames came out of Lin En’s palm and ignited the wood.

Soon, the pheasant was roasted by the flames and exuded a charming aroma.

Lin En took a big bite and was a little surprised…

It is indeed a wandering Kun, it is really fragrant!

And the protein is six times that of beef!

Suddenly, Lin En became alert and heard the sound of footsteps on the grass.

Turning his head, Lin En saw a tall man gradually walking out from the shadow of the trees.

He was wearing a tattered animal skin and raised his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

Lin En casually threw a primary detection spell over, and soon, a set of data appeared in his mind.

【Name: Ian

Strength: 7

Speed: 5

Constitution: 6]

Lin En raised a smile.

If this guy was an ordinary person, he would eat the tree next to him!

“Hello, I’m Ian, a hunter living in the Falling Moon Forest,” he pointed to the pheasant that Linn had left over.

“Can I eat this?”

Lin En waved her hand generously.

“If you don’t mind, please feel free to eat it!” Ian walked forward, not caring at all that this was Lin’s leftovers!

He even chewed and swallowed the bones.

What made Lin speechless the most was that this guy didn’t even let go of the chicken butt!

“Thank you for your generosity! In return, would you like to come to my house for a sumptuous dinner?”

Looking at the undisguised desire in Ian’s eyes,

Lin En was speechless as his saliva seemed to be flowing down.

This werewolf has too low an IQ!

Only a fool can’t see that there is something wrong with you!

However, judging from what he said, this guy has something that can be called a”home” in the forest.

Seeing that the sun is about to set, he really needs to find a place to stay.

So, Lin En gladly accepted Ian’s invitation.

After twisting and turning in the Falling Moon Forest, Lin En finally came to Ian’s so-called home.

A dilapidated cabin covered with moss, which has not been maintained for a long time.

He sighed. Sure enough, he couldn’t expect this werewolf with a very low IQ to bring him any surprises!

At this time, the last ray of afterglow disappeared, and the light of the bright moon began to spread to the Falling Moon Forest…

Ian was extremely excited. He licked his lips.

He hadn’t eaten people for a long time!

Since the news that werewolves appeared in the Falling Moon Forest came out, few people would act alone and enter the Falling Moon Forest. Lin.

I have used up countless brain cells and taken him to wander aimlessly in the forest just for this moment!

The moonlight sprinkled on him, and Ian was extremely confident at this moment!

He knew that he must have his own support to dare to enter the Falling Moon Forest alone, but after the moonlight came, all his support would be gone!

Ian howled excitedly, and as he howled, thick wolf hair grew on his body, his mouth became longer, and sharp fangs grew. In just a few tens of seconds, he turned from a normal person into a werewolf!

The suddenly strong and bulging muscles made the already tattered leather clothes even more pitiful, like a rag hanging on its body.

Ian has never felt so good before!

His pupils focused and turned into vertical pupils, and his eyes looking at Lin En were full of murderous intent!

At this moment, he had completely lost his mind and did not notice that

Lin En was not panicked, but seemed to be muttering something in his mouth:

“After the transformation, the strength and speed will be greatly enhanced, and the physical fitness will be doubled.”

After Ian began to transform,

Lin En threw a primary detection spell over.

【Name: Ian

Strength 10

Speed 7

Constitution 12】

“By the way, it screams so ugly!”

Lin En scratched his ears and looked at the werewolf in front of him with cold eyes.

As it turned into an arrow and pounced on him,

Lin En put his hands in his pockets and kicked it!

The werewolf rushed over ten times faster than it rushed over, and hit an ancient tree heavily!

Blood and flesh were blurred.

His strength was thirty-one, three times that of the werewolf!

The power of one kick was no less than that of a heavy truck!

Killing it was naturally easy!

Lin En had excellent eyesight. He could see that the werewolf’s body was still wriggling and the granulation tissue was growing continuously. However, the werewolf’s brain matter turned into paste directly under the violent impact, and all the internal organs were ruptured! With a physique of twelve, can the recovery ability do that? I wonder if my physique of thirty-two can regenerate broken limbs?


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