Xuenai actually listens to the corner? !

It’s hard, really hard.
Yukino Yukino didn’t know if he should tell Yukino Yukino about this.
Su Xiao didn’t take the initiative to tell Yukinoshita Yukino about his illness, which means that Su Xiao didn’t want Yukinoshita Yukino to know.
Even Hiratsuka Jing knew about this because he accidentally discovered that Su Xiao was dating different people outside, and called him to the office. After the other party took the initiative to explain it, he learned about it. hospital for examination.
This was nothing at all, and it was not impossible for Yukinoshita Yono to say it, but Hiratsuka Shizuo told her about it, and nothing happened.
Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t worry that Su Xiao would be retaliated when he found out about this, but she knew why Su Xiao didn’t tell Yukino Yukinoshita about her situation.
Because once Yukinoshita Yukinoshi knew about Su Xiao, he would definitely be on guard against Su Xiao, then it would be unreliable to subtly affect Yukino Yukinoshita. But now, Yukinoshita Yukino forced her to come here, what should I do?
Yukino Yukino fell into silence, but Yukino Yukino didn’t, staring at Yono Yukinoshita, waiting for an explanation.
“Xue Nao, do you have to know about this?
I think it’s okay not to be so curious.
Yukino Yukino made her scalp tingling under the stare of Yukinoshita, Yangnao Yukinoshita smiled and scratched her head, trying to dispel the curiosity in Yukino Yukino’s heart.
she doesn’t want her sister, In the end, because he knew about Su Xiao, he began to guard against Su Xiao, misunderstood Su Xiao, and then the ghost returned to his previous state.
Not to mention, after Yukino Yukino listened to her explanation, for some other reason, the final acceleration wheel is now in Su Xiao’s hands!
Su Xiao said that he had no idea about Yukino Yukinoshita, but now it seems that Yukino Yukinoshita cares too much about Su Xiao. This is a precursor to falling in love with Su Xiao!
“I’m curious and concerned, so I can’t 〃々!”
Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t even think about it, and answered directly.
She doesn’t know why she cares so much about this matter, but she can think about it slowly in the future. Now she is only curious about this matter!
Hearing Yukino Yukino’s answer, Yukino Yukino fell into silence again.
After thinking about it, Yukino Yukino got up from the sofa and took out his cell phone.
“Well, Xuena, how about I go out and make a phone call first?”
Saying that, Yukino Yukino did not give Yukinoshita Yukino a chance to refuse, and left the living room, pushed open the door, and called Su from the corridor. She has already investigated Su Xiao’s phone number, but she has never called. This time, she can only let Hiratsuka Jing take the blame. Su Xiao, who was busy from the novel group 9 *8 .0 2, 0 5 ;8 5. 6 (98025856), looked at the phone and got the number, and hung up the phone. .
If you haven’t seen the number, don’t worry about it.

But the call just hung up less than three seconds, and the same number called again.
Maybe someone changed the phone number, or maybe it was a borrowed phone?
Thinking about it, this time Su Xiao didn’t hang up the phone, but pressed Mrs. Shiina’s head with one hand and answered the call with the other.
“Hello? Which one?”
“Jun Su Xiao, it’s me, Yang Nai under the snow.
I suddenly called and disturbed me. How did I know Su Xiaojun’s phone number? I’ll explain later.
Now I have encountered a problem, and it has something to do with Su Oath! ”
Yukinoshita Yangnai’s voice came from the phone, which surprised Su Xiao.
But after hearing what Yukinoshita Yangnai said, Su Xiao didn’t say much, but continued to wait for what Yukinoshita Yangnai said.
“Xue Nai believes that I know something about Su Xiaojun that she doesn’t know.
Pressing me now, I tried to dissuade her, but failed.
How to do? About your question, should I tell Xueni? ”
Hearing Yukinoshita Yangnai’s question, Su Xiao’s eyes flashed a hint of clarity.
No wonder Yukino Yukino suddenly asked this question today. The root cause is Yono Yukinoshita.
It must be Yono Yukinoshita and Yukino Yukinoshita who said something.
However, are you going to tell me about your physique? If that’s the case, it’s a little difficult, and Yukino Yukinoshita might start to be wary of him.
At that time, the subtle influence of Yukinoshita Yukino’s affairs may not be as smooth as it is now.
“What did Teacher Jing say?”
Yukinoshita Yono will call, either from Hiratsuka Shizuo, or from an investigation, but no matter what kind of call it is, in the end, Yukinoshita Yono will pull Hiratsuka Shizuo on him, it is better to directly It’s better to ask.
It is to ask Shizuo Hiratsuka’s thoughts. If Yono Yukinoshita has not contacted Shizuo Hiratsuka, then ask Shizuo Yukino what he thinks.
“々? It’s up to you, if you’re willing to reveal it, I’ll tell Yukino.
If you don’t want to, I will forcibly stop Yukino’s questioning. Slip away now while you’re at it~!”
Hearing this, Yukinoshita Yangnai was slightly taken aback, and then hurriedly gave the key to the file.
At the same time, there are some surprises in his heart. Su Xiao is indeed a smart person. Before she can give an excuse, she thinks of her excuse and saves her from explaining it.
“Then tell Yukino, and.
You should be outside the room now, right? As long as you turn around and open the door, there is a 70% chance that Yukinoshita Yukinoshita is eavesdropping. ”
Based on Su Xiao’s understanding of Yukinoshita Yukino, the original Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t do such a behavior, but now Yukinoshita Yukino has a 70% chance of following up and eavesdropping on Yukinoshita Yang Nai (promises) who is calling.
Hearing this, Yukinoshita Yangnai’s pupils shrank, turned his head to look at the door in disbelief, without thinking much, he hit Yue Shuoke and screwed Zhuang CE1
The next moment, the figure of Yukino Yukino hurriedly escaped into the eyes of Yono Yukinoshita, and Yukino Yukino could actually listen to the corner of the wall! system?
The former Yukinoshita Yukino would never do such a thing!
“You guessed it right, Su Xiaojun… I’ll go and explain to Xuena first, and I will ask Su Xiaojun for the rest. When the autumn vacation is over, be sure to let me express my gratitude.” She stared blankly at the back of Yukinoshita Yukino, Yukino Yukino spoke and hung up the phone.
The fact that Yukino Yukino came to eavesdrop on Yukinoshita really shocked Yono Yukinoshita so much that he didn’t even notice the other voices on the other side of the phone.
“Huh? Hang up the phone?
I’m going to be in trouble tomorrow…

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