“Young Master Dai, what do you want to do?”

“Beauty, don’t worry.” Dai Mubai smiled brightly, “I see that you are also soul masters, make friends?”

Zhu Zhuqing’s fist was hard, and when she was about to strike, Su Yan quietly pressed her cat’s paw, “Okay, but I have a request.”

“Beauty, please say.” Dai Mubai said with a smile.

“Fight with me, if you can’t beat me, please get out of here.” Su Yan pointed to the door of the hotel.

As soon as Zhu Zhuqing’s eyes lit up under her sunglasses, she knew that the crown princess was not a submissive lord!

Sister Su can be killed in seconds by the soul emperor, Dai Mubai is a small soul Venerable, dare to promise is to find death!

Dai Mubai suddenly became interested, “Okay, no problem, but beauty, how old are you this year?”

“Twelve years old.” Su Yan said lightly.

Twelve years old. Dai Mubai smiled slightly, “Then I Dai Mubai is a few years older than you.”

“In this way, I won’t bully you either, I’ll use the first two soul techniques to fight you, if you can force me to use the third soul technique, even if I lose, how about it.”

“Don’t let me, don’t lose for a while and don’t admit it.” Su Yan’s tone was still very flat, and there was even a faint mockery.

“No need, I still say that, if I come out with the third soul technique, even if I lose.” Dai Mubai really admired this girl at this time.

Knowing that his martial soul and thirty-seventh-level soul power actually let him go all out, is this very confident in himself, or is it arrogant?

Of course, if it is the latter, Dai Mubai does not mind, as a time management master, his tolerance for beautiful women has always been very high.

“Several Soul Masters,” the waiter spoke tremblingly, “May I invite you out for a competition?” Little shop…”

“No need.” Su Yan interrupted the waiter, “It will be over soon.”

“Oh, beauty, very confident.” Dai Mubai said with a smile, “Then let’s start.”

Dai Mubai let the twin sisters stand aside, and then moved their bones, “White tiger, possessed.”

A white tiger phantom appeared behind Dai Mubai, and immediately after, his body instantly expanded.

At the same time that the martial soul was summoned, the power of the white tiger spread throughout the hotel lobby, oppressing towards Su Yan. White Tiger Martial Soul,

in the Douluo Continent, is slightly inferior to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Martial Soul, but it is also a kind of top-level martial soul, a top-level martial soul of the strong attack system!

The three soul rings of yellow, yellow and purple fell down, which was the soul ring with the best ratio of the soul master.

Su Yan gave Dai Mubai enough time to summon his martial soul, and then, the corners of his mouth under the mask turned up slightly.

She lifted a hand and gently pressed down.

Yan Ling – royal power.

Gravity, five times.

The next moment, the majestic Dai Mubai knelt directly on the ground, and there was a cracking sound at his knees.

I just don’t know, whether the knee is broken, or the floor under the knee is broken, or the knee is broken with the floor.

Gravity crushing is more difficult to resist than soul power, because gravity acts not only on the surface of the body, but also on the inside of the body.

Ordinary people can’t even withstand even twice the gravity, which has a great chance of causing blood vessels in the skull to rupture, or damage to internal organs, which is life-threatening.

Even Douluo’s title powerhouse would be greatly limited under thirty times the extreme gravity of the king’s power.

The physical quality of soul masters is stronger than ordinary people, and the beast soul master is generally stronger than the instrument soul master, for Dai Mubai, the beast soul master, Su Yan directly starts from five times gravity. There

were exclamations all around, and that twelve-year-old girl actually suppressed a thirty-seventh-level soul Venerable with just a wave of her hand!

Dai Mubai’s complexion, which was originally relaxed, changed suddenly, the first and third soul rings lit up, the White Tiger Talisman Barrier, and the White Tiger King Kong changed in turn, trying to get rid of the restrictions of the royal power.

“Kneel down.” Su Yan said lightly.

Gravity, ten times.

Even if Dai Mubai used soul techniques, he couldn’t resist ten times gravity at all, and because of supergravity, blood pooled downward, and he had to adopt a posture of bowing his head and bowing to avoid brain blood loss.

This is the origin of the name [King Power], as soon as the king power comes out, all living beings bow down.

Dai Mubai had never been so humiliated, he desperately wanted to struggle, Su Yan looked at his appearance, playing with sex.

Five times, Dai Mubai looked up.

Ten times, Dai Mubai kowtowed.

Five times, Dai Mubai looked up again.

Ten times, Dai Mubai kowtowed again.

Five times………

Su Yan completely cleaned up Dai Mubai’s temper, and only then revoked the royal power, and everyone around was stunned by this hand.

“Persian cat, your strength is okay, but it is worse than me, it seems to be a little far away.” Su Yan’s tone was full of banter and mockery.

Gravity acted on every cell, and Dai Mubai was lying on the ground panting like a dead dog, and he didn’t even have the strength to scold.

Su Yan took out two gold coins and threw them to the waiter, “Give this young master a cure for his knees, repair the floor, and count the extra tips.”

After saying this, she took Zhu Zhuqing upstairs without looking back.

Seeing Su Yan casually suppressing Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing was very envious in his heart, with such a talent, the future title was within reach.

Even Davis, and her sister Zhu Zhuyun, dare not guarantee that they will reach the realm of the title!

If she had such talent and strength, how could the family easily give up on her, and why should she be trapped in the fate of the family?

In the room, Su Yan sat on the sofa and “tentatively” asked Zhu Zhuqing, “That white… Dai Mubai, right, he is your fiancé?

Zhu Zhuqing nodded silently, she lowered her head, and Su Yan could not see her expression.

“Sister, it’s not me who said, your fiancé is really not good, play with such a flower now, you can’t rely on it in the future, you are only twelve years old now, why hang yourself from a tree?”

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, “Crown Princess, you won’t understand, defeating my sister with him is my only chance to survive, but this opportunity may not be there.”

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Su Yan, the “Heaven Dou Crown Princess”, and his eyes were full of envy.

Su Yan was an abandoned baby born ordinary, but she was sheltered by the prince of the Tiandou Empire, grew up smoothly, and showed extraordinary talent and was selected as the crown princess.

And she?

The birth star Luo Zhu family seems to be a height that many people cannot reach in their lives, but even the power to live is not in their hands.

Zhu Zhuqing sighed, “I can’t escape the fate of my family after all, perhaps, the end of my life will be twenty-five years old!”

As a normal girl, if it wasn’t for no choice, how could the original Zhu Zhuqing come together with Dai Mubai?

After accepting Dai Mubai and being assimilated by Shrek, the beloved Zhu Zhuqing was already dead.

I have to say that Dai Mubai in this time period really failed Zhu Zhuqing, and fled to the Heaven Dou Empire by himself, letting his girlfriend struggle on the line of life and death.

Even if Dai Mubai later changed his mind, but if he failed to live up, he was disappointed, and this point did not have to be washed.

The original book also tied them together, hehe, it was completely Zhu Zhuqing who had to choose Dai Mubai.

In order to survive, Zhu Zhuqing had no choice but to accept Dai Mubai.

From birth to now, Zhu Zhuqing has never given up his life, and has been cultivating desperately, striving to catch up with his sister and get rid of his fate.

But seeing Dai Mubai’s appearance, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly despaired, Dai Mubai’s soul Venerable is all rotten, how can she win as a big soul master?

Could it be that she was left alone to challenge Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, and then take Dai Mubai with this waste?

Or with the sister who defeated himself, to rob Davis with his sister? She hated

Dai Mubai, hated him for not contending, hated him for being willing to fall, hated herself, hated herself, hated her powerlessness.

If…… To have the strength of Su Yan…

Zhu Zhuqing couldn’t hold back any longer, big tears fell, Su Yan walked over and sat next to her, patted her back, “Just cry out, just cry out.”

The breath brushed over her earlobe, Zhu Zhuqing’s heart seemed to have missed half a beat, she hugged Su Yan tightly, all the grievances and dissatisfaction, mixed with the fear under the forced pressure when fleeing, gushed out.

Zhu Zhuqing grabbed Su Yan’s shoulders, and for the first time in his life, he cried loudly…

Su Yan fully understood Zhu Zhuqing’s sudden dependence on her.

Zhu Zhuqing wandered on the line of life and death several times, and was chased all the way to the Heaven Dou Empire, but found his fiancé, who was regarded as a lifesaver, and was letting it go.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing’s heart is extremely fragile, and she is very life-saving to Zhu Zhuqing…

Therefore, she is now Zhu Zhuqing’s biggest dependency.

Zhu Zhuqing’s crying quickly turned into a soft sob, and she embarrassedly, let go of Su Yan’s shoulder that was half snot and half tears.

“Enough crying?” Su Yan said.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

“Then let’s get down to business,” Su Yan said, “Zhuqing, how many titled Douluo do you have in Xingluo?”

“At present, only the emperor of Star Luo, Dai Tianfeng, has the title Douluo.” Zhu Zhuqing wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Isn’t this simple,” Su Yan clapped her hands, “When you cultivate into Title Douluo, when you return to the Zhu family, can those rules of the Star Luo Empire bind you?”

Zhu Zhuqing was infuriated by Su Yan’s somewhat taken for granted, “Sister Su, do you think that Title Douluo is a big cabbage?”

“The Star Luo royal family is only a title Douluo now, and even the head of the Zhu family is just a Contra.” These can be found by checking them casually, and Zhu Zhuqing said it directly.

“So, when you become a Title Douluo, you will be free, right?” Su Yan still smiled faintly.

“Sister Su, are you comforting people?” Zhu Zhuqing was a little annoyed, and his expression of a little tantrum was very cute.

“I wasn’t trying to comfort you, because that’s the truth.” Su Yan said.

Zhu Zhuqing didn’t want to talk to this vexatious guy anymore, “Sister Su, I’m not you, I have the supreme talent of twin martial souls, and my destiny is like this!”

“Huh, fate?” Su Yan’s eyes flowed with golden light. “Life is the excuse of the

weak, luck is the humility of the strong.”

“When you gradually have great strength, when you reach the point of ignoring the rules, or even changing the rules, the rules will no longer be your bondage.”

“Instead, it becomes your tool, for you.”

Praise Tang Sansan Shanghao Tianzong by name.

“Do you want to get rid of your destiny?”

Suyan’s voice was low, but with a faint temptation, as if the serpent of the Garden of Eden said to Adam and Eve,

“Eat the fruit of that tree, and you will be on par with God.”

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Su Yan’s golden pupils, and was actually speechless for a while.

“Zhuqing, what do you mean by family?” Su Yan looked at Zhu Zhuqing with rare seriousness.

“A family is a group united by blood, made up of people who flow the same blood, and all people together are one family, scattered, and the family disappears.”

Zhu Zhuqing came back to his senses, looked at Su Yan’s serious expression, realized that she was not joking, and answered solemnly.

“Like this cup?” Su Yan raised the glass on the side and poured a glass of water.

“Cup?” Zhu Zhuqing’s face was puzzled.

“In my eyes, the family is simply something that some people have imagined, and in its name, to establish their power.” “What flows

in the blood of the family is the lust for power.”

“If you accept a gift from the family, or are chosen by the family, you are like this cup,” Su Yan shook the glass, the clear water in it swaying. “What is

in the cup is the lust for power, and when you are the one with the best quality in a batch of cups, the family will give you the lust for power and let you hold the power.”

“But one day…”

Su Yan raised her head and drank the water in the cup. “When the

water in the cup is gone, the cup loses its meaning.”

“At that point, the cup will be abandoned.”

She threw the glass on the ground, and with a loud “bang”, powder-white glass slag splashed everywhere.

Zhu Zhuqing fell into a long silence.

“What do you think? Isn’t that so? Su Yan looked at Zhu Zhuqing and sneered, “Even if you succeed in defeating your sister, will you take power instead of the family?”

“You are just puppets, the Dai family wants to use your bloodline and fertility ability, in their eyes you are just a womb suitable for giving birth to high-quality offspring!”

“The Dai family controls the Zhu family in this way to sit on the Star Luo Empire, and the Zhu family also exchanges power with the Dai family with you women, which is just a somewhat cruel transaction.”

“When this womb gives birth to the child and the next batch of cups is formed, like a cup emptying the water inside, it is no longer meaningful, and can be thrown out and broken at any time.”

“At that time, you martial souls were the female generation of the Nether Spirit Cat, and there was only one role, that is, to perform martial soul fusion techniques with members of the Star Luo royal family.”

“In addition to the queen who can spend her life relatively peacefully, how many of the other daughters of the Zhu family marry those young masters of the Dai family?”

“The family loves every child of it, what shit is this! The family is just every child who uses it!

“You, got it?”

Su Yan’s golden pupils faintly flashed with thunder, like a dragon descending heavenly punishment.

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