“Don’t pull down your soul power cultivation, and strive to start the Angel God Examination as soon as possible.” Speaking of the

divine examination, Su Yan thought of the Rakshasa God who was targeted by Asura because of calculating Tang Chen, and the three remnant souls on Bibi Dong’s second martial soul, which gave her some headaches. In the original work, Rakshasa calculated Tang Chen, but Tang Chen survived,

but Shura’s revenge was even more direct, and his inheritor, Tang San, directly killed the new Rakshasa God Bibi Dong.

Rakshasa calculated the inheritor of the Asura God, and the Asura God naturally would not have any reaction, and the angel and Rakshasa were originally opposed…

She wanted to deprive Tang San of his Asura divine throne, Qian Chengxue was the heir of the Angel God, according to this…

Bibi Dong’s divine examination is completely on the opposite side of her and Qian Chengxue.

If Bibi Dong or Qian Chengxue suddenly gave her a “stab at the heir of the angel/rakshasa” in the divine examination, it would be filial piety.

In Su Yan’s view, the Rakshasa inheritance is a pit, seized and searched, and even a soul ring age is not willing to be upgraded, how to look like you want to throw the pot and run.

And the Asura God is estimated to have sensed Rakshasa’s thoughts, so he has been pressing Rakshasa’s heir, so that Rakshasa’s heir has become the grindstone of his heir.

If she could, Su Yan wanted Bibi Dong to abandon the Rakshasa lineage.

Anyway, Qian Chengxue is destined to become a first-level god, and he can take Bibi Dong to the God Realm to obtain an infinite lifespan, and whether Bibi Dong becomes a god or not, it is actually not necessary.

Ninety-eight-level Super Douluo, plus twin martial souls, except for the god servant Qian Daoliu, Poseisi, and Tang Chen, who was lost in the killing capital, Bibi Dong was already invincible. (Soul beast is not considered for the time being)

In the original work, Qian Chengxue was completely calculated by the sea god, and the sea god wanted to cut off his beard because he saw Tang San’s talent, so he intervened in it. That is to

say, under normal circumstances, it is not very likely that Asura or the sea god will take the initiative to target Qiancheng Xue, and this method is completely feasible. Moreover, the

current Bibi Dong will definitely not fall like the original, so even if she continues the Rakshasa Nine Examination, the possibility of inheriting the Rakshasa divine throne is very small.

However, under normal circumstances, giving up the divine examination is equivalent to death, and Su Yan wants Bibi Dong to give up the Rakshasa Divine Examination and save Bibi Dong, she must pay something.

After thinking for a long time, Su Yan made a decision, “Mom, I hope you give up the divine examination.

As soon as Su Yan’s words came out, Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue both looked at her in shock.

“Yeon-yeon, what did you say?” Qian Chengxue took the lead and spoke, “Mom finally got the opportunity to take the divine test, how can she say that she gave up and gave up?”

She is a person who was born with her own divine position, and Bibi Dong is not, if she gives up the Rakshasa Divine Examination, Bibi Dong may never have the opportunity to become a god again!

Su Yan looked at Qian Chengxue’s displeasure and was very helpless, she had heard of the calf protection, she had also heard of the pit father, and she had not heard of the mother protector.

“Sister, do you know under what circumstances your mother’s divine test was obtained?”

Qian Chengxue was a little speechless for a while, but Bibi Dong’s expression changed slightly, and the hand holding the teacup was slightly forced, and he directly crushed the teacup.

It’s just that the tea that Qian Chengxue personally brewed was wrapped by Bibi Dong with soul power and sent into his mouth.

Qian Chengxue looked at Bibi Dong’s reaction, and also guessed a rough idea, reached out and held Bibi Dong’s other hand, and looked at her with some worry.

“I’m okay.” Bibi Dong shook his head and looked at Su Yan, “Yanyan, give your mother a reason to give up the divine examination.” Her Rakshasa God Examination

has reached the fifth test, and Rakshasa God is also one of the first-level gods, and she will not give up the God Examination without a suitable reason.

Su Yan has no pressure on Bibi Dong’s problem, anyway, what pot is there, just throw it to the god world, Rakshasa God this stepping stone, who loves who wants it.

“Mom, this divine position is no longer suitable for you, you must know this yourself.”

“I also inherited a divine position, so I know some things in the divine realm, and you should inherit the god Rakshasa, right?” Su Yan looked at Bibi Dong and asked.

Bibi Dong nodded, there was nothing to hide, and Su Yan inherited a divine position, which had long been expected by her.

“The Rakshasa God you inherited is diametrically opposed to the angelic god aura inherited by your sister, which is not good news.” Su Yan said, “Do you think that Lord Rakshasa will allow the heir of the Angel God to grow?

Although Rakshasa was already overwhelmed and it was impossible to target a fallen angelic god, Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue did not know ah.

Whether he is or not, it is useful.

Bibi Dong was stunned, she naturally knew that Rakshasa and angels were two extremes, but…

“Rakshasa represents the ultimate evil and killing, and she is necessarily hostile to the angelic god.”

Sue Chu Yu Yan is online.

“The Divine Realm cannot directly intervene in the Nether, but what if the Rakshasa God publishes content related to the Angel God Heir in the exam?”

Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue looked at each other, if that happened, the most likely thing was that one of the two of them would not be able to complete the divine examination.

“Moreover, as the heir of the Rakshasa God, you don’t think it is strange that you have not gone further for so many years?”

“Do you know, Shura.”

Bibi Dong’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously held Su Yan’s hand, “What did you say?”

“God King Shura.” Su Yan said, “Do you know the relationship between Asura and Rakshasa?

Bibi Dong naturally knows the name of the Asura God, the enforcer of the God Realm, the God King level, and is also the mortal enemy of Rakshasa, and suppresses Rakshasa in all aspects.

“Rakshasa God is a first-class god, where did the qualifications and guts to provoke God King Shura?” Su Yan’s voice was calm, but with an unquestionable firmness.

“She is just dissatisfied with the Asura who has been suppressing her, and she doesn’t want to continue to be crushed by Shura, and she plans to pit Asura once, just find a scapegoat and run away.”

“And Shura, it just happens to use the heir of Rakshasa to be the alchemy stone of his heir.” “Mom, the Rakshasa

Divine Examination is almost doomed to fail, even if you succeed, it will become a stepping stone for Shura, do you still want to choose to inherit the Rakshasa Divine Test?” Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue

fell silent, and for a long time, Qian Chengxue asked, “Yanyan, are you… Where did you know this?

It is understandable to just know that the relationship between the angel and Rakshasa is hostile, but what Su Yan knows is too exaggerated, and even the grudge between God King Asura and Rakshasa God, she knows something.

Su Yan shook her head, “I can only say that this is related to the divine position I inherited, and the level of that divine position will not be weaker than the divine king level.”

“Everything else is here.”

The Creation God understood, and Su Yan took out the abridged version of “Douluo Continent” that the system had printed in advance and handed it to the two.

The deleted place is naturally the sacrifice of Qian Daoliu, and the angel Jiukao of Qian Chengxue’s cerebral hemorrhage.

For Qian Chengxue, becoming a god is far less important than family affection, if she knows that her grandfather will die because of her sacrifice, she is afraid that she will not sacrifice to become a god if she is killed!

I believe that if Qian Daoliu knew, he would also approve of his actions, after all, this old guy as a god servant is to sacrifice to the next angel god.

Qian Daoliu’s only wish is to let Qianjia be able to produce a god.

Su Yan really can’t understand why the original Qian Chengxue was broadcast live in the comments below, there are so many people giggling, and even some female readers are still licking their third brother there, scolding Qian Chengxue “Don’t come to the side”.

Sangou feeds you a few tons of history a day, and trains you so loyally?

Do these guys not take women’s innocence to heart so much? If this happens, they try it themselves?

Things are clustered together, and people are grouped. (Sorry, this part of the

tone is a bit extreme, but personally, I do have an opinion on this insult to the birth of women, this group opened and opened)

Spoilers are a very dangerous thing, and if the protagonist group knows the content of the story, it will be troublesome to deal with.

Therefore, although she only needed to make up a dream for Hu Liena and let Hu Liena be “reborn” once, she would definitely be able to break this white-eyed wolf back to the right path, and she did not use this method.

The fewer people who know the plot, the better, except for Qian Chengxue and Bibi Dong, who got rid of his obsession, Su Yan does not plan to tell anyone about the plot.

However, to give Qian Chengxue and Bibi Dong spoilers, Su Yan has no pressure, and even feels very happy.

Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue can completely represent the entire Martial Soul Hall, since the Martial Soul Hall is already a heart, let’s work together to stop this source of all evil!

Moreover, this gave Qian Chengxue a preventive injection in advance, and it was also to prevent her from falling hopelessly in love with Tang San in the end, just like the original.

Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue swept with spiritual power and soon knew the content of the book.

Then, the two fell into a long silence.

Although it is impossible to confirm the truth of the story, Bibi Dong and Qianyue Xue have long believed that it is true.

This also explains why Su Yan would know about their relationship, would know that Dugu Bo had immortal grass there, and would prevent Bibi Dong from accepting the inheritance of the Rakshasa God.

Rakshasa God is the whetstone prepared by Shura. And the angel god, who was

calculated by the sea god who wanted to cut off Hu Tangsan, used the cerebral hemorrhage plot of “the enemy fell in love with me” to prove how “excellent” his heir was.

Bibi Dong couldn’t help but sneer when he saw Yu Xiaogang and asked her for the Twin Martial Soul Cultivation Method for Tang San.

She was really stupid enough to fall in love with such a person.

And her disciple Hu Liena, she didn’t expect that the Martial Soul Hall had devoted all its resources to cultivate was actually such a white-eyed wolf.

The next moment, Bibi Dong didn’t know what to think, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

After a long silence, Qian Chengxue said with a hint of killing intent, “That Tang San should be in Notting City by now, I directly asked my grandfather to kill him with the title Douluo of the Martial Soul Hall!”

“The title Douluo of the Worship Hall is out, even if Tang Hao comes, he has to drink hatred on the spot!”

If she really develops according to the plot in this book, everything she does in the Heaven Dou Empire will go down the drain because of Tang San, the Martial Soul Hall will be destroyed because of Tang San, she will fall to the throne because of Tang San, and her mother will be killed because of Tang San!

Although none of this has happened yet, it is the nameless hatred that breeds in Qian Chengxue’s heart, causing her to have killing intent on this person she has never met.

Let her know all this in advance, this Tang San will definitely die.

Su Yan shook her head gently, “Sister, have you forgotten?” Behind Tang San was the Asura God.

“Since Asura can resurrect Seagod Tang San at the last moment, of course, he can also regenerate Tang San into a person we don’t know about, which is not good for us.”

“Maybe in a few decades, we will face another sea god and Shura.”

“Then are we going to watch him grow step by step, and finally become an Asura God, destroy the Martial Soul Hall, and kill us?” Qian Chengxue frowned.

“No,” Su Yan said seriously, “Since Asura is a God Realm enforcer, then his heir, no matter what he is inside, at least on the surface, must be an individual, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public.

“So, all we have to do is to guide Tang San to fall until Asura and the Sea God completely abandon him.”

Su Yan turned her head to look at Bibi Dong, “Mom, I have the confidence to save you after you give up the Rakshasa Divine Examination, do you trust me?”

“What’s your choice?”

Bibi Dong was silent for a long time, and suddenly laughed, “Since Rakshasa treats me as a scapegoat, and Asura treats me as a grindstone, then what else do I want this Rakshasa divine position to do?”

“Yeon-yeon, what should I do?” Bibi Dong looked at Su Yan, and his eyes were unprecedentedly clear. No wonder, she has only completed the Rakshasa

Five Examinations for so many years, and the reward of the Divine Examination has nothing except the Rakshasa Divine Affinity and Rakshasa Divine Power.

Even a god servant of Qiandaoliu has obtained the benefits of increasing the age of the soul ring in the assessment of the angel god, and the soul ring is eight black and one red. And she,

as the heir of the Rakshasa God, can be said to have nothing, it turns out that she has always been calculated by the god realm.

Xin Hao met Yeonyan, otherwise her future may be buried under the Asura Demon Sword.

A satisfied smile appeared at the corner of Su Yan’s mouth, “Mom, you go back to temper the soul ring with the Rakshasa Divine Power first, and before giving up the Rakshasa Divine Examination, we have to collect some interest.”

Bibi Dong nodded, Rakshasa’s divine power is much more advanced than soul power, no need to use it in vain, tempering the soul ring with divine power may enhance the effect of soul techniques.

It turned out that she was reluctant to use it in order to become a god, but now there is no need to keep it, and each test of the Rakshasa God Examination is very long, giving her enough time.

Daming Erming and Rabbit Mother: Wuhu, finished~~

Star Dou F4 will soon come off the assembly line~

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