The silence is eerie all around!

People looked at this scene blankly, their brains had lost their ability to think, and only deep trembling and fear shrouded their hearts.

There is no way not to be afraid.

This kind of fear stems from the instinct of life, and it is the awe of the great race. For the giant dragon, people only have deep fear and fear in their hearts.

But at the same time, there is an instinctive and irresistible fanatical feeling of worshiping power that permeates from the deepest part of my heart!

This feeling of fanaticism can even give birth to faith!

It's like the human instinct to worship the sky, the sun and the moon, and the schedule of the stars!

This kind of worship does not need any explanation, it is just because human beings feel their own insignificance and humbleness when facing the magnificent things that are too incomprehensible, and feel strong fear, which leads to obsession and worship.

Suddenly, the invisible fear that everyone felt in their hearts disappeared.

As the gaze gathers,

The mountain in front was moving slowly, the monster's protruding and sharp back gradually receded, and the sound of footsteps shaking the ground also stopped.

until then,

The crowd gradually reacted, the dragon left, and the earthquake disappeared.

When the dust flying all over the sky fell, on the other side of the sea, a black monster with an unknown height was stretching its arms wantonly, with a free posture, as if embracing the ocean, and walked straight towards the sea.

The earthquake also stopped suddenly at this time.

Then came the screams of seething, fear, horror, and horror that erupted from the crowd—


"Everyone is okay!"

"It scared me to death, I thought I was going to be eaten!"

"Help! Why do giant dragons appear in this kind of place? It's really terrifying that such a legendary monster will appear here!"

Suddenly, the crowd was in an uproar.

Even the person lying on the ground pretending to be dead suddenly pretended to be dead, opened his eyes wide in fear, and looked up at the distant sea. Gradually, a stalwart body like the Great Wall of Desperation has disappeared in the snow-white waves, and Yinhai quickly regained its original calm.

Although that guy has gone far, the shadow of fear hanging over people still hasn't dissipated for a long time...

However, Brother Reiss didn't care what they thought.

He's finally out of the damn desert!

bloody seas.

In the depths of the vast ocean, the figure of brother Reiss is shuttling through it, as if he has returned to his own territory, leisurely and contented.

There was also a sudden feeling in his heart: he seemed to be born to be the king of the sea.

And continue to dive.

In brother Reiss' senses, the deep sea is quite beautiful, with coral and shellfish monsters all over the surroundings, and there are many arrogant ocean monsters in the deeper sea.

Eel monsters, ichthyosaur monsters, swordfish monsters, iron arm magic shrimps, giant pincer crabs, sea dragons

But at this moment.

Suddenly, a pair of terrifying bright eyes suddenly lit up in the dark sea water, and slowly, silently, they approached Reiss' Qifang!

what creature

Brother Reiss' senses sent feedback, it seemed that some monster was about to attack him, when he turned his head, a bloody mouth bit him violently!

Immediately afterwards, ten super carnivorous monsters with super large size and sharp teeth "Melville Moroccan" Fu bit brother Reiss's tail.

But it obviously found the wrong prey. When Reiss's tail erupted with tens of thousands of tons of power, the sharp dorsal fin cut open the mouth of the demon whale, causing a large amount of blood to flow into the sea.

"Woo ang!" Melville's demon whale roared in pain, and in the chaotic deep-water vortex, it spit out a huge high-pressure water cannon, and the water element cannon fell on brother Reiss, and exploded instantly!

However, the brother Reiss, who is extremely resistant to water elements, was not harmed. Even the impact force of the high-pressure water cannon was only 10,000 tons, which could not shake his electric body at all.

Seeing this scene, the Melville Demon Whale was terrified.

It seemed to realize that the object it was attacking was a terrifying "giant dragon", and the thing it had just regarded as its prey was just the "tail" of this huge monster!

But before the Melville Demon Whale, the eighth-order ocean's top monster, had time to escape, a deep blue lightning-like breathing beam penetrated its body, and at the moment the sea water boiled, it was ruthlessly melted down, and then its body was covered by a huge sheet. His mouth was bitten, and it was torn into two pieces.

Strange, isn't this guy afraid of me?

Brother Reiss also wondered why the food dared to attack him.

Could it be that this is the first time I have appeared in this sea area, and many monsters are not familiar with my breath?

But the Melville Demon Whale wouldn't be blind to such an extent, and it might have something to do with his failure to release the Dragon Might.

In fact, of course, it's not what Reiss thinks.

The Melville Demon Whale is dominant in this sea area, and other ocean monsters will walk around it when they see it. Except for the Megalodon Demon Shark next door, there are almost no natural enemies, and few of them can threaten its status. The presence.

As the eighth-level monster lord, only the giant dragon dared to hunt down the Melville Demon Whale.

However, although there are many dragons in the ocean, most of them are mixed-blood subspecies, and there are very few pure-blooded dragons. After all, sea-dwelling dragons are rare among dragons.

And it's here today.

But when I saw it, I already regretted it, even if I escaped, it was too late.

the other side.

When brother Reiss bit the roasted meat of the Melville Demon Whale, his eyes lit up with golden light, and the energy in his whole body, including the dragon wings, atomic furnace and dragon horns, shone.

His dorsal fin flickered even faster like a heartbeat.

It's not that it's entering a battle state, but because it's too emotional.

Because the taste of Melville's magic whale meat made Reiss feel heaven! He said in his heart: This is the real meat!

Looking back on the past, what did you eat?

A dung beetle-like desert scarab.

Large gecko-like rock monitor lizard.

Does that count as food?

Compared with the land, the monsters in the sea are different.

The plump and thick flesh of the Melville Demon Whale, after the first bite, brother Reiss's dragon life is satisfied.

The reason why he has a bad temper and likes to destroy in the desert during this time is also related to not eating good food.

After all, the experience in the desert can be called a nightmare.

Scarabs, Ratmen, Beastmasters, Shadow Dragons...

The clues provided by Queen Naga and the radioactive mine left by the old rock dragon made Reiss feel comfortable.

The process of being able to evolve is also very painful, and it is not an enjoyment at all.

And on the first day when I came to the sea, I threw myself into my arms and offered delicious food to my mouth, and it was still so delicious.

After wolfing down the almost 30-40 meter long Melville Demon Whale, brother Reiss activated the active bio-radar, centered on him and began to spread to a distance of 500 kilometers, and the nearest monsters would be the first to feed back to him. in the mind.

One second, two seconds passed...

In brother Reiss's senses, a large number of strange monsters appeared in the deep sea area. There was a faint giant octopus lurking in the abyss of the seabed, and a large group of various ocean monsters. They were all icebergs in this sea area. corner.

However, Reiss, who was too weak, took the initiative to skip it. He only roughly estimated the highest level of monsters in this seabed. Among them, there were more than 20 monsters above the eighth level, nearly five monsters over the ninth level, and tenth level monsters. Not sure, because when Reiss sensed the past, there was a magical force that eliminated his perception.

The movement seems to be in a certain deep sea kingdom. Only then did Reiss remember a force called "sea clan".

Sea Clan, I don't know what kind of race it will be.

All in all, among the deep-sea monsters that brother Reiss perceives, there are only five ninth-level ones that can cause a little pressure on him (referring to running fast when hunting), and the others can basically be ignored.

The eighth level is also a bit difficult, because if you don't use breath, you may not be able to catch up, and if you use it, you may burn them.

Forget about monsters above the tenth level, brother Reiss didn't sense it, even if there was, there was no need to kill the opponent.

First of all, the level is too high. They are usually the kings of an area, and there are a lot of younger brothers below them, who are the leaders of a force or something.

If you kill the opponent indiscriminately, it will make the atmosphere of the Dragon Clan decline, and it may not be long before someone shouts "another evil dragon has appeared".

Because brother Reiss disdains to be with the group of evil dragons and evil dragons such as the king killer and the dark eclipse dragon Buch.

After all, he is a member of the holy dragon species. Even if he doesn't want to be a positive dragon, he should try not to discredit the dragon family.

Otherwise, his reputation will be ruined in the future, and his vision will also become bad.

Forget about male dragons, mainly beautiful female dragons.

I have to say that Brother Reiss is indeed a giant dragon with great foresight and foresight. He thought very far, so he went straight to the territory of a ninth-level monster nearby.

I said not to be a dragon, but since they are all here, how can I not be worthy of this journey if I don’t eat one.

By the way, I also announce one thing to this sea area: Sea, your emperor is back!

5 kilometers, 6 kilometers, 7 kilometers——

Brother Reiss dived quickly, and soon came to the eight or nine thousand meters in the sea area.

It's hard to imagine what kind of monsters can survive in this environment, won't their bodies be crushed by the pressure?

But soon, Brother Reiss found himself with a big problem.

Because this is a fantasy world, a magical place.

Since the deep sea monsters can survive here, they naturally have their unique features.


As he dived, Brother Reiss saw some weird monsters again.

Their hoarse, high-pitched calls convey a dark emotion that cannot be expressed by sight.

The scene in front of me.

It can even make the scalp of people with deep-sea phobia instantly numb, because brother Reiss has come to the darkest, deepest, and most suffocating place of darkness.

He saw an unknown and terrifying deep-sea worm monster in the densely packed holes in the sand on the seabed.

And in the dark surroundings, there were strange lights flickering from time to time, and when he got close, he could clearly see the demonic monkfish that were densely packed with hideous and terrifying teeth.

There are also giant monsters like goblin sharks with several layers of teeth, and huge eel monsters like lampreys, whose dense teeth can chew everything.

Those who can survive in the deep sea are all ferocious and ferocious carnivorous monsters.


The arrival of brother Reiss made these ferocious monsters flee in fear.

No way, because!

Including the tail, which is more than 120 meters long, it can be regarded as a huge deep-sea overlord in this sea area, and from time to time, accompanied by the faint blue light of the dorsal fin, it brings a terrifying sense of oppression to other deep-sea monsters, so it goes without saying.

However, brother Reiss was very disappointed, he didn't see an indescribable thing, or "evil god" that he was looking for.

He wanted to see if there were any monsters on the bottom of the sea——

The silhouette of a octopus-like head with many tentacles, the body like jelly covered with scales, and giant claws, full of malice, like the last monster from the dark

A giant monster in the depths.

If there is, in fact, brother Reiss doesn't mind tasting the taste, as long as he can play well.

Now it seems that there should be no more.

But brother Reiss soon suddenly surprised again.

In his perception, somewhere at the bottom of the deep sea, a thick tentacle flashed past.

It seems that at the bottom of the abyss, there is a dark figure wriggling gradually. It has a huge body of nightmares, twisted and frightening, like an extremely terrifying monster made of darkness.

Super large monster.

`Found you!'

Brother Reiss watched as a giant arm thicker than his leg stretched out.

There are extremely sharp barbs and dense suction cups all over it, which looks terrifying and extremely infiltrating.

[Name: Abyss Giant Squid Chapter]

[Race: Ocean Warcraft]

【Level: Ninth Rank】

[Attributes: water, darkness]

[Skills: 100,000-ton strangulation, mental blow, circular saw tentacles, color-changing camouflage, fear attack, seabed ruler]

In the chasm of the abyss, a monster with 7 huge terrifying dark green pupils appeared, staring eerily at the outside world.

It quickly found its brother Reiss, then backed up, and stretched out a long arm to stir up the surrounding sea water, causing the twisted and bumpy bottom of the sea to boil for a moment.

That guy is over 150 meters in size!

But don't be surprised, octopus is such a creature, its legs are very long, even if it grows to 200 meters, brother Reiss thinks it is normal.

Because of this, he can eat better!


Brother Reiss didn't intend to communicate with that guy, his tail swung, and his wings exploded with terrifying propulsion in the deep sea, making the giant body glow like a comet under the sea.

The light slammed in the direction of the abyss giant squid, and the sharp and huge wing blade cut off the opponent's attacking arm and foot when it touched it.


The abyss giant squid screamed in pain, and its fearful and angry eyes were fixed on brother Reiss, not understanding why this strange dragon wanted to attack him.

The desire to survive made it instinctively counterattack, and the 7 huge eyes burst out with emerald green light [a sense of dizziness brought about by the strong mental blow flooded into Shiles' mind.

And during this process, the tentacles of the abyss giant squid quickly entangled away, intending to use the terrifying strangling skill, but it found that there was an extremely large hole on the back of this monster.

The sharp dorsal fin and even the wings are like sharp blades, it has no way to start.

During the entanglement, Zhang Abyss Giant Squid quickly found a new target and wrapped his arms and legs towards his brother Reiss' neck.

But as soon as it stretched out its arms and legs, brother Reiss recovered from the mental shock, because he had suffered many shocks from the great red dragon Gu Luodaman in his childhood, and brother Reiss' will

Very firm and highly resistant to psychic magic.

Just in time!

Seeing the arms and legs of the abyss giant squid stretched out, brother Reiss grabbed a few of them, then wrapped them around his arms, and dragged them violently. I don't know how many tons of power burst out in an instant, and the abyss giant

The squid was dragged over without any resistance, and then let out a scream, trying to spew black ink that was as hot as magma to burn the seabed.

But brother Reiss showed a dragon-like smile, didn't give it that chance, and directly tore the head of the abyss giant squid with one paw. Pulled out its magic core directly.

The magic core of the abyss giant squid was taken away, but the body still tightened and entangled conditioned reflex, and then it screamed before dying, and fell down unwillingly, seven dark green

His evil eye also dimmed.

If these evil eyes are obtained by human magicians, it will be the birth of an artifact that can control the minds and dreams of many people.

But brother Reiss didn't know how to cherish it and threw it out. He just wanted to eat meat.

The meat quality of high-level monsters is much better than that of ordinary monsters, especially the excellent food such as giant squid from the abyss.

, and even the existence of the Dragon King Apostle level can be easily hunted and killed.

While Brother Reiss was eating, the death of the Abyss Giant Squid soon spread like a storm to the bottom of the Bloody Sea.

All of a sudden, the other ninth-level monsters trembled and became restless.

At the same time, it attracted the attention of one of the submarine forces

They'll be looking for brother Reiss Pong soon.

Let him only want to be a fat house in the deep sea, but he is forced into trouble!

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