“Crazy, Captain, this is a madman!”

Watching running to the downtown area, grabbing an innocent citizen with one hand, and pressing the bomb remote control with the other.

Falcon Sam held the weapon, but did not dare to act rashly.

He didn’t dare to gamble that once he took out the criminal in front of him.

Then will the bomb on him explode!

“Sam, how are you over there?”

Inside the café.

Leisurely drinking coffee, watching Sam confront the “group performer”.

The surrounding masses were frightened by this scene and kept running.

Steve Rogers asked in a solemn tone, holding his coffee cup.

“Captain, the criminal is now taking a hostage, and the criminal is still strapped to the bomb, I am afraid that once forcibly captured, it will easily cause mass casualties!”

Listening to Falcon’s words, Steve Rogers took a sip of coffee, and then said in a “solemn” tone: “Sam” nine seven seven, this criminal himself is a vicious criminal. ”

“There are already dozens of blood cases on him, and he can’t be allowed to run away no matter what.”

“Originally, I wanted to make my own move, but I still handed him over to you to capture as an assessment action to join the Avengers Reserve!”

Speaking of this, Steve took a sip of coffee and then frowned.

It’s so sweet, it seems that I just added more sugar substitutes.

Putting down the coffee cup, Steve Rogers looked at the dignified Falcon outside: “Sam, this is about whether you can join the Avengers’ reserve.” ”

“Therefore, no matter what, you can’t let this criminal, who is in debt, escape!”


Listening to Captain Rogers’ words, Falcon Sam nodded solemnly.

Just looking at the criminals holding innocent people, there was a hint of hesitation in Falcon’s eyes!

“Put down the bomb detonator in your hand, you should know that you are now ..”


Before Falcon Sam could finish speaking, the criminal holding the crowd put the hand holding the detonator to his mouth and made a booing motion.

“Are you trying to aim for my head?”

As he spoke, the criminal stuck his head out from behind the hostage: “Look, behind me is the wall. But I showed my head to you! ”

“This is undoubtedly a very stupid move, but do you dare to shoot?”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, the bomb explosion is not just this detonator.”

Saying that, the criminal threw the detonator directly at the foot of the falcon, and then rolled up his sleeves to reveal a pulse sticker: “The bomb is connected to my heart.” ”

“As long as my heart stops, then the bomb will still explode with a bang! ”

Saying that, the criminal grabbed the hostage’s neck and said to the falcon: “Wow, if there is an explosion, I am afraid that this building behind me will be blown to ashes!” ”

“So, are you going to let me go, or are you going to arrest me at all costs?”

“Oh, by the way, you don’t think that I am the only one who has committed so many crimes!”

Saying that, the criminal directly took out a mobile phone from his pocket and threw it over.

Taking the mobile phone thrown by the criminal, Falcon Sam looked at the damn guy in front of him suspiciously.

“First number, dial through and go!”

Although I don’t know what kind of moth this criminal is going to do.

But I followed him for three days before I found his location.

In the past three days, Falcon knows very well that this guy in front of him is definitely very cunning.

At the request of this criminal, Falcon dialed the first number on his phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, a man’s voice with a rough voice came out: “Hey BOSS, according to your plan, I have already taken thirty hostages randomly on the street, as long as those damn state police dare to arrest you.” ”

“I immediately posted a video of these thirty hostages online, claiming that if you are not released, then every ten minutes, a hostage will be randomly executed!”

Listening to the words coming from the other end of the phone, Falcon Sam suddenly looked at the criminal angrily.

“Man, don’t look at me with that murderous look, if you dare, then you can kill me at any time.”

“After all, I’ve already exposed my head to you!”

Saying that, this criminal seems to dislike the lack of stimulation of the falcon. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Unexpectedly, he directly let go of the hostage’s neck and pushed it out.

Watching the people who fell to the ground with their weeping and then fled with their hands and feet.

The criminal said arrogantly to Sam, “Now what? I have no hostages in my hands anymore, you can shoot me at any time!” ”

“Damn, do you think I wouldn’t dare?”

Taking a step forward with both guns, Falcon looked angrily at the criminal.

“Come on, hurry up and kill me!”

“Damn madman, you’re a madman!”

“Huh? Incompetent rage? It’s really boring! ”

Looking at Sam, who held two guns but did not dare to shoot at all, the criminal seemed to shake his head as if he was “disappointed”: “In addition, you state police in big cities are really bad, they haven’t come over for so long!” ”

Saying that, the criminal swaggered to the falcon: “I thought you would arrest me directly, you know, as long as you can catch me, then you can make meritorious contributions and be promoted to 0…”

“Unfortunately, I also prepared cyanide to bite down at any time to stop my heart beating!”

Listening to this criminal’s words, the falcon pupils shrank instantly.

Just when the criminal walked towards him, the falcon really wanted to press him to the ground and arrest him.

After all, even the detonator he threw under his feet.

Just watching him swagger so much, arrogance doesn’t seem to care at all.

The Falcon did not do this for the safety of its surroundings.

Now it seems that fortunately he was not impulsive just now.

Damn, this is a man who doesn’t care about his own life at all!

Watching this criminal Shi Shiran walk into the car, he even glanced at himself when he started the car.

The falcon held the two guns in his hand desperately, but in the end he could only watch this guy leave!

“Farke, Farke, Farke! Damn guys! ”

After cursing a few times, the falcon raised his head a little dejectedly and looked at the sun in the sky.

A good one to join the Avengers reserve team and become Captain Rogers can be a test and opportunity to trust teammates.

I was so easily given up!

However, I really don’t dare to gamble with the lives of those ordinary people 4.0!

As soon as he thought of this, Falcon Sam’s mood became even more depressed!

“Sorry Captain Rogers, I disappointed you!”

Pressing the headset, Falcon Sam said in a low voice.

Inside the café!

Listening to Sam’s words coming through the headphones, Steve shrugged his shoulders.

It’s quite disappointing.

But the disappointment wasn’t because Falcon chose to let the criminal go.

It is because when designing this assessment, he deliberately exposed at least three flaws that can be found by Falcon.

Unfortunately, Sam was so obsessed with completing the task that he didn’t even find such obvious details.

But it’s okay, teach slowly.

At least when he was a teammate, he and Su gave instructions, and he didn’t have to worry about him having other thoughts and ideas.

Well, from that point of view, maybe not bad!.

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