Thor had just finished speaking a second ago, let everyone be careful, it is better than a large lizard appearing to eat everyone.

As a result, the street under his feet collapsed in an instant, and a cold-blooded lizard instantly burst out of the cave, directly biting and swallowing the defenseless Thor into his stomach!



Seeing this scene, everyone was not ~ calm.

Damn, Thor was actually swallowed by this giant lizard – in one bite?

Without hesitation, he attacked the giant lizard that swallowed Thor in one bite.

Unfortunately, bullets and energy cannon bullets hit the skin of the giant lizard, and it is impossible to break through its defenses.

It’s like being immune to any physical attack.

Watching Natasha’s bullets and Tony’s palm energy cannon didn’t work.

Su Che instantly threw out black liquid and attached it to the surface of the giant lizard.

The moment several drops of black liquid touched the giant lizard, they emitted violent fires and explosions.

The moment the smoke of the explosion cleared, the giant lizard still stood there firm.

A pair of eyes without the slightest temperature looked coldly at everyone in the Avengers.

It seems like preparing to treat everyone as food.

Looking at it, even the black liquid that exploded forty times the power of TNT could not break the appearance of this giant lizard.

Su Che frowned, and then stretched out his hand and took out the superstar’s extremely sharp death blade.

But before Su Che could launch an attack with a solemn expression, the giant lizard that was originally staring at everyone suddenly paused at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the giant lizard began to change, and bursts of thunder and lightning began to flicker from the inside out.

The smell of burnt fragrance was very similar to the barbecue at yesterday’s campfire banquet, but before the giant lizard could make a move.

In the next second, his back exploded instantly, and Sol, who was full of thunder power, broke out!

Landing on the ground with a hammer, Thor was kicked by his broken giant lizard into the bottom of the street that had just collapsed the moment he landed!

“Damn, how did the Moraksey lizard appear on Earth? You know, this is Warnerheim’s behemoth! ”

He said indignantly, and then seemed to vent his anger that had just been devoured.

Thor raised his hammer to summon a bolt of lightning, directly venting his anger at the giant lizard whip corpse that was broken out of his body!

After several slashes in succession.

Thor put away the hammer, then glanced at the lizard slime on his body, and then said to Su Che: “Dude, give me a look.” ”

“No problem!”

Faced with Sol’s request, Su Che stretched out his hand, and a clear stream of water began to wash away the lizard slime on Sol’s body.

After the slime was washed down, Thor breathed a sigh of relief!

“Are you all right?”

After watching Thor rinse off, Natasha asked with concern.

“It didn’t hurt anything, but the damn Moraxi lizard just now was pretty scary, and I couldn’t figure out how it appeared on Earth.”

“You must know that fourteen hundred years ago, when I was more than a hundred years old, I personally killed a lizard like this with Loki.”

“But at that time, I was too embarrassed, and the Moraksey lizard’s external defense power is very amazing, and it can only be killed from the inside.”

“So much so that since then, I have had some mental shadows over lizards.”

Speaking of this, Thor held the hammer indignantly and glanced at the giant lizard that was kicked into the hole in the collapsed street by himself: “After going back this time, I must let Nick Fury add money!” ”

“Damn lizard, you have to add money!”


Just when everyone was attracted by Thor, Hulk, who had just finished solving the giant wolf, jumped back.

Tilting his head to glance at Barton and Steve, he then stretched out his green finger and touched Su Che.

Seeing the Hulk greeting himself, Su Che turned his head and looked in the direction of Hulk’s finger.

I don’t know when, Steve seemed to be fighting with the air with his shield, while Patton was like a blind man, with a rare expression and a little frightened mouth open but silent, and his hands were also groping for something in the air.

And these two people are also walking farther and farther, and they are even several meters away from everyone.

Seeing this scene, Su Che immediately stepped forward to stop the two people.

“Damn, just now all the attention was drawn to Thor and the lizard, and I didn’t even notice that Steve and Clint had an accident. What happened to the two of them? ”

Tony and Natasha, who followed with them, looked at Steve and Barton, who seemed to be caught up in their own world.

I couldn’t help but step forward and ask.

“I must have been confused by psychic magic!”

Reaching out and shaking in front of Barton, he watched him have no reaction.

Even Steve, who was held down, was still struggling, as if he wanted to break through the shackles of the enemy.

Su Che immediately cast spiritual magic to restore the two people’s sanity to clarity!

As the psychic magic took effect, Steve, who had been struggling, gradually stopped moving, and Hawkeye’s somewhat flustered face gradually calmed down.

In the next second, the two people instantly gasped violently.

Seeing this, Natasha immediately came to the two people and asked: “Are you two okay, what just happened?” ”

“I don’t know!”

Looking at Natasha’s concerned eyes in front of him, Barton glanced around with trepidation: “I don’t know what is going on, but just for a moment, I can’t see anything in my eyes.” ”

“The ears can’t hear anything, and I want to shout loudly, but I can’t even make a sound, as if my five senses are closed.”

“Damn, the feeling of being silent and closed, as if you are alone in endless darkness, is simply too real.”

Saying that, Barton raised his hand and wiped his forehead.

The palms of your hands are full of sweat!

Steve on the side took a deep breath, and then turned to everyone: “You say, I just fought alone with a shield against the air?” ”

“Sue, there’s a good chance this is mind control again. And it’s also very real kind. ”

“Just at the moment when Thor was devoured by the giant lizard, I saw the red skull led by John Schmidt appear.”

“Moreover, everything feels so real, even the Hydra soldiers who were knocked down by me are not real and unreal!”

Listen to Steve and Barton.

Su Che frowned and looked at each other with Tony.

“So, in this fog, what we see or attack us is actually what we fear the most?”

Saying something with some uncertainty, Tony Stark immediately said to Su Che: “Dude, hurry up and use mind magic to give me a look, I don’t want to see those scenes!” “。

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