[Before the Battle of New York began, I asked Nick to take the Coulson Avengers Base to guard the Avengers Base for us and take care of Wanda and Pietro. 】

[Everyone thought that I had this proposal because I didn’t worry about Wanda and Pietro.] 】

[But actually, I just don’t want Coulson in this universe to die on a space carrier again! ] 】

[In my world, the death of Coulson united the Avengers, who had just assembled and had friction between them, and became a real force against the Chitauri. 】

[But in this universe, the Avengers members don’t have so much friction, so there is no need for Coulson to pay with his life again to become the glue of the Avengers.] 】

[But when it comes to this, I’m curious about S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Tahiti program and the GH-325 potion they developed.] 】

[As far as I know, this potion was extracted by S.H.I.E.L.D. from aliens, that is, the Kree. 】

[Nick Fury did order the researchers to use the agent GH-325 on Coulson, and then Coulson was revived.] 】

[It’s just that the price of playing with death has always been expensive! ] 】

Seeing this, Nick Fury frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, in this sixteenth diary, I saw 133 things about the Tahiti plan and the GH-325 potion.

Although he has always believed that Su Che, the Silver Moon Knight, is indeed from a parallel universe and is also one of the members of the Avengers.

But he has always maintained an attitude of never trusting anything one hundred percent, so he only has seventy percent trust in Su Che himself.

But now it seems that the self in the parallel universe, that Nick Fury should have a very, very high degree of trust in Su Che.

Otherwise, Su Che would never have known about the Tahiti plan, let alone that the GH-325 potion was extracted from the body of the Kree!

Thinking about it in another way, Nick Fury thinks that even if S.H.I.E.L.D. is completely dissolved, then according to his own personality.

Nor will it be revealed to anyone in the Avengers about the Tahiti plan.

After all, this kind of thing is a secret among absolute secrets!

Even Steve Rogers wouldn’t tell it!

Moreover, although the Avengers proposed it themselves, the character of that group of people is very clear.

Such a thing as the resurrection of the dead is already a violation of the normal law of self (BBDC) and life.

According to the character of those members of the Avengers, they would never like this kind of thing.

So it’s even less likely to tell them yourself!

But now, in the black gold diary, Su Che actually knew about this?

Thinking of this, Nick Fury gently patted his head.

The self of the parallel universe has such a high trust in Su Che that he will tell him about this!

Perhaps, he should also increase his trust in Su Che?


This has nothing to do with Su Che himself, it is entirely because of the trust that the parallel universe himself has in Su Che.

After all, the self in the parallel universe can have such a high level of trust in Su Che, even more than Steve Rogers.

So why can’t he trust Su Che more?

Thinking of this, Nick Fury set his eyes on the black gold diary again.

As described in the Black Gold Diary, Coulson died on a space carrier.

Nick Fury didn’t take it to heart.

After all, now Coulson is alive and well, isn’t it?

What’s more, even if Coulson of the parallel universe dies, isn’t it still resurrected later?

[The Battle of New York is over, and I waited for a whole day inside the Avengers base. 】

[For this day, the spiritual scepter is always in my hand, and I want to see if anyone will come from the future and take the spiritual scepter from my hand. 】

[But during the whole day, the person I was waiting for did not appear. 】

[Does this mean that because of some changes in this universe, we won the battle of snapping fingers in the future timeline?] 】

[I’m not sure maybe the future will get worse, because it’s a paradox, a paradox like a Möbius ring.] 】

[There is no present, so where does the future come from?] But with future interference, then what is happening now has changed, is this still the way it is in this universe? 】

[Ancient Master once said that the present and the future exist at the same time. 】

[Forget it, don’t care.] Anyway, since no one has returned from the future, it means that no one knows the future of this universe. 】

[Unless I can snatch the Time Gem from the Ancient One Mage, but obviously I can’t do this. 】

[So, I’m going to take Wanda and Pietro, and Natasha out for a walk!] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Nick Fury is ready to do something to Hydra, it’s enough to have Steve there, or don’t let Natasha get involved.] 】

[No one knows if Natasha’s participation will involve Wanda and Pietro in this matter.] 】

[What’s more, Wanda’s current body has changed, and crimson magic energy has appeared. ] It’s only a matter of time before Chaos Magic is away. 】

[I would rather see Wanda in this universe be happy and stop experiencing what happened in my universe.] 】


“Chaos magic?”

Seeing the record in the black gold diary, Queen Friga’s eyes flashed with surprise.

She didn’t expect that she would actually see the words Chaos Magic in the black gold diary.

What I didn’t expect was that Chaos Magic, the top three magical powers that existed in ancient times.

It will appear on the earthlings!

Chaos magic, if someone can really fully control the power of chaos magic, then she is enough to become an existence that can change the nine realms and even reverse the existing pattern of the universe.

No one knows better than Queen Frigga the horrors of Chaos Magic.

That’s having the power to destroy the heavens and the earth!

But fortunately, according to the records of the black gold diary, this girl with chaos magic is the girlfriend of the owner of the black gold diary and his future wife.

At the same time, he is also a friend of the Avengers, his son Thor.

This may be Thor’s luck.

At the thought of Thor, Queen Frigga sighed softly.

A journey to Earth banishment changed Thor’s soul a lot.

I am very glad that after owning the black gold diary, I saw that Thor’s soul was changing in a good direction.

Okay, his youngest son Loki:

Thinking of this, Queen Frigga closed the black gold diary.

At this moment, Loki should be escorted to the palace.


Let’s go ahead yourself!.

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