Snowflakes continued to fall above the night sky, but the people on the battleship did not have the slightest mood of appreciation at the moment.

Hundreds of people are constantly busy.

It seems that this huge battleship platform is about to have a violent war.

The Kun-type fighter slowly landed on the platform of the battleship.

Su Che and several people walked down from the Kun-type fighter.

“It’s really a big deal!”

Looking at this space carrier, Tony Stark sighed: “I want to build one for fun!” ”

“It’s best to make a nano armor according to Su’s words, which will save a lot of trouble!”

Watching Tony carry the chest containing Mark’s armor, Natasha smiled back.

“Natasha, you stay away from Su in the future, I found that you are all bad with Su Xue!”

Listening to Natasha “scold” herself, Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders.

Although, he likes friends to joke with each other like this!

“What to see?”

Came to Su Che 437 and looked at Su Che, who seemed to be picking up snowflakes with his hand stretched out.

Natasha smiled and asked, “Haven’t seen snow before?” ”

“Of course I’ve seen it, just looking at snow above sea level, this is the first time!”

Immediately attracted Tony’s ridicule: “Wow, it’s worthy of being an old man, I really like to talk about the past!” ”

Listening to Tony’s words, Steve turned his head and pointed to the box in his hand: “Although I don’t know what a nano armor is, it seems that there are not many people who carry the box and prepare to go into battle.” ”

“So, our great logistician, Mr. Tony Stark, are you ready for what we need for battle?”


Well.. Not to mention, he also bought a villa area to establish a base, and helped maintain weapons and update equipment, which seems to be really similar to logistics!

Dr. Banner, who was somewhat silent on the side, looked at several people bickering, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

Seriously, there’s no one who doesn’t want to blend into this rapport.

But Dr. Banner also knew that he was like the Saul halfway to Asgard.

Although I live here, I haven’t fully integrated into the team.

And they live here because that Nick Fury wants them to help themselves who were attacked.

This does not mean that you have joined them.

But listening to them, it seems that the first gathering was the Hydra base that destroyed Sokowia.

But unconsciously formed a small team.

Although these people always tease each other, if someone gets stuck, the rest of the team will come together to help!

Seriously, this made Dr. Banner very envious.

If memory serves.

It seems that agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. approached him and said that they hoped that they could help destroy the Sokovia Hydra base incident.

But don’t say no to it yourself this time.

If I hadn’t refused, then maybe I would be part of this team now!

Thinking of this, Dr. Banner’s eyes also flashed a rare seriousness.

Perhaps this time Nick Fury asked this small team to play his own value.

Maybe you can join them later!


Dr. Banner believes that only by allowing them to discover their worth will they have the opportunity to join them.

It is also normal to think so, in Dr. Banner’s opinion, in this small team headed by Su Che.

Everyone is not an ordinary person, they are all casual and can stand alone.

As long as you can help this time, you can reflect your value.

Then you are eligible to join them!

This can’t blame Dr. Banner for thinking so, after all, how can the lonely Bruce Banner, who has been hiding and hiding, not want to have a place to “survive”?

People are social animals, so naturally they don’t want to be alone all the time!

Seeing Tony’s gaze at him, Dr. Banner smiled “shyly”: “I was thinking, this is my second time in a place related to S.H.I.E.L.D.” ”

“The first time we met at S.H.I.E.L.D. was the last time we met. And you know, as long as I get angry, I will become the Hulk who only knows how to smash! ”

“It’s still there!”

Listening to Dr. Banner’s words, Natasha, who was walking inside the space carrier with everyone, turned her head and smiled: “That transparent jar still exists, and it is on the space carrier, so Dr. Banner, I hope you better control your temper!” ”

“I hope ..”

In the face of Natasha’s joke, Dr. Banner spread his hands: “However, doesn’t that mean that once S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to deal with us, then we can’t escape here?” ”

Listen to Dr. Banner’s rare joke.

Steve on the side pointed to Su Che in front of him and said to Bruce Banner: “Bruce don’t worry, this is the sea.” ”

“That’s right!”

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