
Although Tiantian didn't quite understand what Senju Qianyu was writing, she always felt that it was very pornographic and violent!

Could it be that Master Qianyu would target Konoha? But why did he only focus on the female ninjas of Konoha?

Tiantian was very confused, and even her face was getting hot unconsciously. She didn't know if it was because the training just now was too intense.

"Lord Qianyu is so handsome, how could he attack Konoha? What's more, Konoha was founded by the Senju clan!"

Tiantian said to himself, and then his eyes revealed an incomparable determination.

That's right, Lord Qianyu must have just written it casually.

【After sorting out my memories, I discovered that I had traveled to the world of Naruto, and my body had traveled with me, but the cells flowing in my genes were those of the Senju clan!】

【I am really curious, as the most powerful clan in the Naruto world, how much help can the cells of the Senju clan provide me!】

【But what I didn't expect was that the Senju clan actually left me a huge amount of wealth. Starting with billions of assets, it shouldn't be too much for me to directly support a Nan sister, right?】

【Even if Sister Nan used all her money to buy detonating talismans, I... should be able to afford it, right?】

【After a period of self-training, I quickly mastered the use of chakra and some special ninjutsu of the Senju clan.】

【I set off to my final destination, Konoha. I didn’t expect to run into Tiantian right after I entered Konoha!

Tiantian tilted her head and thought about it. She met Master Qianyu when she was on her first mission. It was her first time to leave the village to do a mission, and the difficulty was a B-level mission.

Such a mission difficulty meant that she might meet and fight with ninjas from other villages!

Tiantian naturally seemed a little nervous, but Xiao Li beside her was full of passion and had no fear at all.、

"Okay, I must be the first to complete the task, and then reward myself by running around Konoha a hundred times!"


Tiantian was a little helpless. Xiao Li was simply a weirdo. He had no talent for ninjutsu and it was difficult for him to graduate from the ninja school.

She looked at Neji on the other side. This man, who was also from the Hyuga clan like Hinata, was born with a powerful bloodline limit ability like the Byakugan!

They could easily see through the chakra meridians in the human body, and the soft fist could accurately strike all the acupuncture points on the opponent's body.

The opponent whose movements were blocked would not be able to use and extract chakra, which was no different from a lamb to be slaughtered for the ninja!

It was just that Tiantian was a little strange sometimes. Since you have already hit the opponent's acupuncture points all over the body with the soft fist, why don't you just use a kunai to attack?


Finally, there is Tiantian's team leader, Might Guy, who is almost like Xiao Li's biological father and son. He wears a green tights and makes speeches that seem very passionate but are so embarrassing that they make him want to break his toes.

"Li, Tiantian, Ningci, let's set off towards youth in the sunset!"

Faced with Might Guy's pre-mission speech, Tiantian could only respond weakly,

"Hi...hi...got it……"

Tiantian sighed deeply. It was obvious that she was the only normal person in this ninja team!

Just when she was worrying about whether she needed to find a way to change teams, she accidentally bumped into a tall figure.

Tiantian couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground. Her butt hurt badly.

She wanted to lose her temper, but a very white and beautiful hand appeared in front of her.

Tiantian looked up and saw a black-haired boy standing in front of her.

His smile was very warm and beautiful. Tiantian was stunned for a moment.

"Hello, Tiantian!"

""Eh? You...you...you know me?"

Tiantian was very confused by the other party's enthusiastic greeting. He had never seen this person before.

The black-haired boy grabbed Tiantian's hand and pulled her up, then nodded and said,

"Of course, of course I know you"

"However, this is a secret for now!"

After saying this, before Tiantian could react, he had already walked towards the Konoha Hokage Building.

"Hey, Tiantian!"

Outside Konoha Village, Xiao Li was waving and shouting at Tiantian.


Tiantian didn't think about it anymore, but followed the team to the mission location outside the village.

【Tiantian is much prettier than I thought, but I pushed her down on my first try, which is not very nice.】

【Although it was only a momentary contact, it was still cute! 】

But... cute?

Does Tianyu really think I'm cute?

Tiantian looked at the comments about herself that were repeatedly mentioned in the diary by Qianshou Qianyu, and her face turned red.

As for being knocked down by Qianyu? Tiantian had forgotten it a long time ago, and she didn't feel angry at all!

"Humph, I don't need you to praise me for being cute, I want to be a powerful female ninja like Tsunade-sama!"

Tiantian puffed her cheeks and patted her cheeks to calm her beating heart. It's too exciting to peek at other people's diaries!

But Tsunade-sama seems to be from the Senju clan, I wonder if I can ask Qianyu-sama to recommend one for me? I just don't know what gift to give to Qianyu-sama. After all, no matter how cute he thinks I am, he can't help me for no reason, right?

【The current Hokage of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was quite considerate of me. After knowing that I was the only descendant of the Senju clan, he not only arranged a place for me to live, but also gave me a chance to stay in Konoha.���Provided a lot of help in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation】

【But that guy named Shimura Danzo is still as sinister as ever, and seems to be very interested in my Senju cells.】

【I'm sorry, that old guy picked the wrong person. After I killed four or five Root ninjas in a row, he really became much more honest.】

【It seems that no matter which world you are in, a strong fist is the only thing that matters. Only if you are strong enough, you can not only deal with men, but also women!】

【Under the guidance of Sarutobi Hiruzen, I visited their ninja school】

【Not bad, not bad. Of course, I’m referring to my wife Hinata!】

【Whether it's her figure, her looks or her delicate appearance, they all perfectly fit my ideal. Even her scary-looking white eyes almost perfectly hit my XP!】

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