Redfield looked cold and squinted at Lingling and the others.

Brook was his guide, the only warmth in his heart, and also his Achilles’ heel.

He did not allow anyone to mention Mr. Brook, especially pirates!

“Bro, who is this guy?!!”

“All of you, get out of the way, let me teach this guy a lesson!”

Seeing such an arrogant Redfield, Lingling immediately rolled up her sleeves and picked up the Supreme Blade!

“Pirates are pirates. I was right about you!”

Redfield snorted coldly, showing no fear.

“”Lingling!” Renault said softly.

At Renault’s signal, Lingling and the others dispersed and retreated behind him.

“Redfield, you haven’t seen Brooke for many years, right?!!”

“Shut up, I told you not to mention Mr. Brooke’s name!!!”

A powerful momentum burst out, like a mountain acting on Renault.


Renault, unwilling to be outdone, launched a counterattack and directly crushed him.

“That’s enough, Redfield, calm down!”

“What if I told you that I could let you see Brooke again?”

Redfield, who had just opened his umbrella sword, paused when he heard this, and his movements also stopped abruptly.

“Do you know where Mr. Brook is?!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he shook his head and became alert.

“No, you must be lying to me!”

“Can you not be so full of inner drama?!”

Renault was speechless!

This guy is really crazy!

“How do you know Mr. Brook?!”

Seeing that Renault looked confident, Redfield asked tentatively.

He forgot to ask about this matter because he was angry just now.

The other party not only knew Brook’s name, but also knew the relationship between him and Brook.

“It’s still the same condition as at the beginning. As long as you join my pirate group, I can let you meet Brook!”

“Of course, this devil fruit is yours too.”

Reno threw the devil fruit that appeared in his hand again upwards.

This time, Redfield did not refuse it at the first time.

The bat fruit was certainly attractive to him, but it was impossible for him to join the pirate group just for a devil fruit.

But Brook was different. After they parted a few years ago, he often missed Brook.

Every time when he was alone, he would think of the past with Brook, and his heart was filled with warmth. 26

This power supported him to overcome one difficulty after another, and then achieved what he has today.

Over the years, he has also looked for Brook, but each time he returned empty-handed, which has become the biggest regret in his heart.

He really hopes to see Brook again in his lifetime.

“How about it? Are you interested in my conditions?”

“And you have also explored the thoughts of my partners, and the situation you think is not happening”

“I can guarantee that my companions are completely different from those you have met before!”

Seeing that Redfield was wavering, Renault took advantage of the victory and pursued

“Good!” After a long silence, Redfield uttered a word with difficulty.

“Just let me meet Mr. Brook and I will join your pirate group!”

“make a deal!”

“Boss, what’s going on? Who is this guy? Why did he join our pirate group?

The crew members were still confused.

They were ready to draw their swords one second, and the next second they were partners?!

And this guy looked so nasty, and he looked like he deserved a beating.

“Cough cough cough…..I’ll tell you in detail later, but in short, from now on, Redfield is a member of our Reno Pirates!”

“I promised you this.” Renault threw the bat fruit in his hand.

“you……Aren’t you afraid that I will regret it?!”

“And if I can’t meet Mr. Brook, I won’t stay in your pirate group.”

Redfield took the bat fruit and looked at Reno meaningfully.

This is not an ordinary devil fruit, but a top-level mythical beast.

How many people dream of it?

“Since I said so, I am sure.”Reno waved his hand without caring.

If it was a few years ago, he really didn’t know where Brook was.

According to the timeline, Brook should have arrived at the Devil’s Triangle last year and stayed there.

With the exact location, it would not be so difficult to find.

Redfield was silent for a while, with mixed feelings in his heart.

After a little hesitation, he ate the bat fruit and slowly felt the powerful force that appeared out of thin air in his body.

“Now that everyone is here, let’s go treasure hunting with me!”

“Treasure hunt?!! Boss, there is a treasure here?!!”

Hearing the word treasure, the unhappiness in everyone’s heart instantly dissipated into thin air

“Is it true that there are treasures in this barren place?”

Lingling glanced around with some disdain. There were only ruins and ruins.

There were not even a few living things.

“Follow me.

Seeing Renault so mysterious, everyone’s curiosity was aroused and they followed him.

Redfield hesitated for a second and followed him.

At this time, on the virtual map in front of Renault, about 700 meters away from here, a fixed red dot kept flashing.

This was also lit up after he came to the location of the bat fruit.

However, he didn’t know what it was.

But because of this, it made people more excited.

“This is it.”

Renault led everyone to an abandoned palace.

From its size, one can still see its former glory.

But now, only a pile of stones remains.

“Boss, are you sure there is a treasure here?!!”

Jace spoke slowly with obvious doubt in his tone.

Although the others did not speak, the meaning they wanted to express in their eyes was exactly the same as Jace’s.

Redfield, who had just joined, looked at Renault with interest.

He suddenly remembered that when he passed by Renault, the other party was in front of a ruin.

When he went back, the ruins had changed.

“Could it be that the bat fruit is hidden there?!”

Redfield stroked his chin and had a vague guess.

“Hailding, move those two stone pillars away, be careful.”

Hailding, not knowing what was going on, lifted the two huge cross-supporting pillars to one side, revealing a flat ground.

“It should be here.”

Renault stepped forward and locked onto the flat surface.

With his experience, he punched it down, and with a bang, the ground cracked, exposing the box underneath.

“There really is a treasure, Boss, have you opened your third eye?!!”

“Can you see what’s hidden underground?!”

Everyone gathered around, with different looks.

Especially Redfield, who had never met Renault before and didn’t know that Renault had so many secrets.

Renault didn’t have the treasure blueprint, but he could find the treasure.

This method was really unheard of.

“What is this?!”

“Boss, open it and have a look.”

Jace and the others turned into curious babies, their heads forming a circle.

Renault opened the dusty box, and inside lay a pitch-black devil fruit with no visible spiral pattern.

“What kind of devil fruit is this? Do you know it?!”

Seeing that it was a devil fruit, everyone did not show the same surprise as ordinary people.

After all, which devil fruit they have is not extremely powerful?!

“never seen it!”

“I don’t know them!”

Jace and the others looked at each other, then shook their heads.

Apart from the top devil fruits, they really didn’t pay much attention to them.

“What is this?!!”

After carefully comparing the devil fruit in front of him with the devil fruit illustration in his mind, Renault still had no clue.

The system did not give any hints, which meant that it was not the top devil fruit.

“Let me take a look.”

At this moment, Redfield squeezed in from the crowd.

After observing for a moment, Redfield slowly said:”If I’m not mistaken, this should be the Natural Coal-Coal Fruit!”

“The user can create and control soot, and can also turn any part of the body into granular soot.”

“The released soot and the soot that turns into body parts can be molded into any shape, such as crows, flying birds,”

“The crows and birds made of coal ash not only have the ability to fly and attack, but can also be used for communication.”

“It’s a pretty good devil fruit.”

As soon as Redfield finished speaking, everyone looked at the black shadow. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, the black shadow had already forgotten the surroundings, and only the Coal-Coal Fruit was in his eyes.

Maybe the Coal-Coal Fruit is not the top natural type, but it is the most suitable for his ability.

“Boss!” The shadow looked up at Renault with fiery eyes.

“���It’s yours!”

Renault smiled and handed the Coal-Coal Fruit to Black Shadow.

Black Shadow, who had been impatient for a long time, opened his mouth and bit it.

Now, he and the boss are the only ones in the entire pirate group who don’t have a devil fruit.

The boss is gifted and powerful.

Even without a devil fruit,���The strongest fighter in the pirate group.

But he can’t do it.

Among all the fighters in the Reno Pirates.

Jace has the most destructive natural Thunder Fruit.

Linlin has the most destructive superhuman Tremor Fruit.

Heldin has the superhuman Momo Fruit that can amplify a hundred times.

Flame Flower has the superhuman Soul-Soul Fruit that can create Homies.

Each one is a famous heaven-defying fruit.

Only he has nothing but a short sword.

When facing a powerful enemy, he can only watch and can’t beat him.

Who knows how frustrated he is.

Now the opportunity has finally come! []

Even though the Coal-Coal Fruit is still not as good as the devil fruits of Jace and others, it complements his abilities and will surely produce a 1+1 2 effect.

“Black Shadow, Redfield, both of you have eaten the devil fruit and see the effect!”

“That’s right, let me see how powerful you are now!” Jace was even more anxious than Black Shadow.

Redfield was about to refuse, but he swallowed the words.

Now he is no longer alone, but a member of the Raynor Pirates.

“I’ll go first!”The black shadow nodded and left the crowd.

As he walked to the open space, endless black gas (coal ash) appeared around him. The black gas spread quickly and enveloped everyone.

“”You guys sense my position.”

The shadow’s voice sounded in the darkness.

Everyone started to use their Observation Haki, but they soon discovered the secret.

“”Your coal dust can also block part of the perception of observation Haki?!!”

Lingling’s voice sounded a little surprised.

Although she could still catch the trace of the black shadow, it was not as clear as before.

“I can’t detect your breath anymore.”

Rupert frowned, and his observation Haki captured only darkness, without any trace of shadows.

“Not bad, right?” The black gas dissipated, and the black shadow appeared in front of everyone again.

Rupert’s strength is comparable to that of a rear admiral, which means that once the black shadow deploys his domain, no one below the strength of a rear admiral will be able to capture his position.

The black shadow is very satisfied with this ability to weaken the opponent’s observation Haki and hide his body.

“And this.”

The shadow’s mind moved, and the coal dust condensed, transforming into a giant crow more than ten meters long under his feet, dragging his body up into the air.

“You can fly too? That’s great!”

In the world of pirates, being able to master the ability to fly is already an innate advantage.

No matter how hard the Navy’s Six-style Moon Step is, it will only temporarily stagnate in the void.

The black shadow can not only use coal ash to create a crow flying, but also turn itself into coal ash and become a flying animal.

The black shadow on the crow waved casually, and the giant crow’s body split into a dozen small crows and flew towards the ruins dozens of meters away.

“Crows attack!”

Boom boom boom boom boom! The suicide crows exploded one after another, blasting a huge deep pit in the ruins, leaving a pile of black coal ash around.

The black shadow that had finished the display fell from the crows, and the huge crow turned into coal ash and poured into his body.

“It really suits you.” Renault nodded with satisfaction.

“Redfield, it’s your turn.” When Black Shadow came back, he looked at Redfield.

The Bat-Bat Fruit was undoubtedly much more powerful than the Coal-Coal Fruit.

In addition, Redfield was using it, so it was even more powerful.

Redfield, who gradually accepted his new identity, took over Black Shadow’s position.

“Come out and spar with me, and I will show you my fruit ability during the competition.”

“Let me do it.”Reno came out immediately.

Although Redfield had joined the pirate group, he was still unfamiliar with Linlin and the others.

He had not received their approval.

In addition, after what happened just now, it would be bad if the two sides got really angry during the competition.

“”Be careful!”

With a warning, Redfield’s body began to undergo drastic changes.

A pair of blood-red wings burst through his shirt and suddenly stretched out from his back, and his teeth became sharp and slender!

Other parts of his body were also undergoing different changes.

In a few breaths, a huge blood-red bat appeared in front of everyone.

Bat Fruit Beast Form!


A sharp and long cry pierced through the void!

The next second, Redfield’s figure suddenly disappeared!

“”So fast!” Renault’s pupils shrank slightly.

This speed was faster than anyone he had ever seen!

Renault’s body slightly tilted, and the blood-colored bat brushed past him. He casually threw a punch without any domineering power.

With a bang, the powerful force directly blasted Redfield.

The blasted Redfield turned into countless vampire bats and flew in all directions.

Soon, a large number of bats gathered together again and merged into the figure of Redfield.

This is his most important life-saving ability besides being able to absorb the enemy’s vitality.

Even if he is defeated by his opponent, as long as a bat escapes, he will not die.

“Try this trick again!”

The giant bat spoke in human language, and blood mist spread all over its body, spreading rapidly.

Like the black air of the black shadow, it enveloped everyone.

The faces of the people wrapped in the blood mist changed.

Under the influence of this blood mist, they felt that the blood in their bodies was boiling, and they felt that they were about to explode.

“What kind of weird ability is this?!!”Jace and the others looked grim.

“Almost there.” Reno said calmly.

The bloody fog came and went quickly, and soon it poured into Redfield’s body and disappeared.

He also put away the power of the bat fruit and turned into a human form again.

When everyone returned to normal, they looked at Redfield with no more indifference.

I didn’t expect that this newly joined crew member would be so strong.

I’m afraid he can be ranked among the top three of the pirate group!

Pressure, pressure again!

Black Shadow: It’s over, I’m one step back!

“Although it is an animal-type mythical beast, it has abilities comparable to those of a natural devil fruit.”

“This devil fruit is suitable for you.”

“Thank you! Redfield nodded slightly.

��Well, to celebrate the addition of the new crew members and Black Shadow obtaining the Devil Fruit, the party continues!”


“Redfield, you are so strong, let’s have a drink!”

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