“Hailding, Black Shadow, let me test your strength, you fight them!”

On the side of the ship, Renault raised his hand to signal

“Rest assured, Captain!”

“They both left it to us!!”

“”Black Shadow, I don’t bully women, that man is mine!”

As soon as the words fell, Hailding, who was half-crouching, was like a cannonball fired from a gun, and the powerful force shook the entire ship.

“Tsk, let’s see who can kill faster.”

The black shadow spat, and his figure exploded into a ball of black mist and disappeared strangely.

“Captain, we want to fight too.”Jace curled his lips in dissatisfaction with Raynor’s decision.

He had originally wanted to show off his skills.

“There will be another chance in the future. Stop the remaining navy soldiers and don’t let them disturb Hailding and Black Shadow.”

“Although they are just soldiers, the captain gave the order.”Jace stretched his body and his eyes suddenly became fierce,”Then you will die.” With a whoosh, the thunder passed by, and only the lightning was left in the place.

“”Lady Empress, how many of them?”

The Nine Snake Warriors were stunned by this scene.

According to common sense, except for those powerful pirates who are well-known on the sea, pirates are afraid of the navy. It’s normal for them to avoid it when they encounter it.

This is the first time they have seen someone actively provoke the navy.

Most importantly, Renault is very unfamiliar in their impression. At least in the New World, they have never heard of him or seen him.

At this time, the Flame Flower, who was already in love, didn’t care about these things. She covered her chest shyly, and her beautiful eyes glanced at Renault from time to time.

“he……Is he protecting me? ?”

Flame Flower bit her red lips lightly, her beautiful eyes moved slightly, looking at the tall figure standing in front of her.

Although they had never met before, she didn’t know why, but she had an inexplicable sense of security.

Renault has often read history books in recent years, and his whole body exudes a gentle and elegant temperament, but the move just now is completely different from his temperament, forming a strong contrast.

This feeling really made Flame Flower a little drunk.

The Nine Snake Warriors secretly looked at Renault while breathing a sigh of relief, and their hearts were pounding.

This was the first time they were protected by a man since they went to sea.

They thought that men were not good things, and today they were shaken for the first time in their hearts.

As for Renault, he would naturally not save them for no reason.

Flame Flower, the current Nine Snake Queen, joined the Rocks Pirates a few years after going to sea.

Her status in the Rocks Pirates is not low.

Naturally, her talent and strength are needless to say.

Since she has met such a person, how could Renault let her leave?

Secondly, Renault has entered the age of seventeen, and will be an adult in another year.

Cough cough cough……Some things should be considered in advance.

Lingling is just nine years old, and it will take at least several more years.

But Flame Flower is different. She is in her prime and impeccable in all aspects!

At this point in time, there are only a few people who can compare with Flame Flower.

On the other side, the battle started soon.

Hailding rushed forward like a beast, knocking away all the navy soldiers who blocked his way.

The black shadows were mainly weird, and a black mist emerged, obstructing the vision, making it difficult for many navy soldiers to start.

However, when the black mist dissipated, all the navy soldiers opened their eyes wide and fell in a pool of blood.

On their necks, a small blood mark slowly emerged.

As for Jace, it was even simpler. He threw out the Thunder Kirin that he usually played with in his hand.

At the moment of leaving his hand, the Thunder Kirin, which was originally the size of a palm, suddenly became larger.

In a breath, it turned into an eight-meter-tall giant Kirin, with thunder surging around it and crackling sounds all over its body.

“Xiao Lei, swallow them up for me!!”

Lei Qilin moved among the navy soldiers like a snake, and wherever he went, the navy soldiers fell down.

They rolled their eyes and twitched all over.

“Damn, where did these guys come from? ?”

This scene made Sanders’ face change drastically. One of these guys was extremely powerful, and the other had strange moves.

As for the last one, it was obviously a devil fruit ability user.

“Sister, let’s get out of here first!!”

Sannas, who also realized that something was wrong, immediately controlled the warship and tried to escape.

“Who told you to leave!”

At this moment, a death sound suddenly rang in Sannas’ ears.

Sansas’ pupils suddenly shrank,”Iron Block!”

Almost instantly, she reacted immediately and used the Iron Block in the Navy Six Styles, and her body became as hard as steel.


The next second, the blade cut across her neck. Fortunately, she reacted in time and escaped.

Sannas, who was still in shock, teleported to Sanders’ side.

“Brother, something bad has happened!”

Beside Hailding, a dark figure holding a dagger slowly appeared.

“I will lead the two of you. If you can’t defeat me, call me.”

Having dealt with all the navy soldiers, Jace played with Xiao Lei again, watching the scene in front of him leisurely.

“It’s not necessary.”

The black shadow said without even turning his head, and then disappeared again with a bang.

“You guys are playing tricks on me! Do you really think we are afraid of you?”


Sannas snorted coldly, and her observation Haki was fully activated, locking onto the black shadow in the black fog. If she hadn’t been careless just now, how could she have been ambushed?

“Giants? ?”

Sanders looked up and down at Hailding in front of him. Only giants could have such a body shape.

“No matter where you come from, as long as you are a pirate, you must die!!”

Sanders, who pursued absolute justice, roared, and his shirt exploded into countless strips with a bang.

His whole body began to swell, and his height of more than two meters soared again until it was close to three meters.

He hooked his finger at Hailding and said disdainfully:

“I’ve heard that the giants are extremely strong. Today I want to see how many of my moves you can take.”

“”Finger gun!”

Sanders stretched out his red right finger and poked it towards Hailding’s body.


It was like two pieces of steel colliding with each other.

“Lump of iron?!”

“No, it’s Armament Haki!”

The enraged Hailding swung his dark fist and slammed towards Sanders.

“Die for me!!”

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