On the deck, Helding, who had been bandaged, looked at Lingling opposite him in shock.

He could never have imagined that this seemingly harmless little girl was so powerful.

The Silver Snake Pirates were a notorious pirate group in this sea area, and Captain Lester was a pirate with a bounty of 10 million Baileys.

But in front of Lingling, they had no ability to resist.

Lingling killed them in no time, and their bodies should have been eaten by the sea kings.

“that…….Renault, are you as strong as your sister? ?”

After hesitating for a long time, Hailding finally asked his question.

His sister is so powerful, what about Renault as a brother?!

“My cultivation talent is average, and I don’t have much strength.”

“I usually rely on my sister when I go out.”

Renault, who was controlling the boat, said without turning his head.

Helding breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

But think about it, Lingling is already a pervert, how could there be so many gifted people in this world.

Lingling heard the conversation between the two, but she didn’t say much, just made a face at Renault, the meaning was self-evident.

Renault subconsciously glanced at the cake in Lingling’s hand, and the threat was very obvious.

It seemed to mean that if you dare to tell anyone, you will never have cake to eat again.

Lingling, who understood Renault’s eyes, immediately protected the cake with both hands, pouted her little mouth, and dared not provoke Renault again

“Renault, no matter what, I really want to thank you this time. If it weren’t for you, I would be the one who died today.”

Thinking back to the situation just now, Hailding was still scared.

It was really only a thin line between life and death.

“Meeting is fate, don’t mind it.”

Renault waved his hand indifferently.

“That’s true. You and Lingling are my saviors. This time when I return to Elbaf, I will definitely treat you and Lingling well.”

“We giants are very hospitable. If the two chiefs knew you saved me, they would definitely welcome you.”

“And there are many children like you in our giant tribe, you can also get to know each other”


Halding’s last words made Renault’s eyes light up, and he asked curiously

“Do you mean the children of the Lamb’s House?”


It was Hailding’s turn to be surprised.”Do you also know the Lamb’s House?””

“That’s a place built by nuns to take in homeless children.”

“Those children are very pitiful. The nun is a very kind person. If the nun hadn’t given them a home, who knows what kind of life these children would have lived.”

When talking about the nun, Haiding’s eyes were shining. He admired the nun from the bottom of his heart.

Renault sneered secretly when he heard this. Kind?

The kind person you think is a notorious human trafficker.

Over the past few decades, countless children have been sold to the world government by him and trained to be emotionless killers.

Of course, Renault would not say this in front of Haiding. Even if he said it, Haiding would not believe it without substantial evidence.

Half a day later, they finally arrived at Elbaf.

Coming here again, Lingling was very emotional.

She walked to Renault and whispered,”Brother, I met you here.”

Fortunately, she met Renault at the beginning, otherwise, she would not know where to go.

“Hahahahahaha…….I’m finally backã€�”

The familiar smell from the tip of his nose made Hailding in a good mood, and he couldn’t help shouting out loud.

This trip to the sea was really a life-and-death experience, but fortunately he returned safely.

“Come on, Renault, Lingling, I’ll take you to see the chieftain!”

When the boat docked, Hailding couldn’t wait to take Renault to the village.

As they walked into the village, they met many giant warriors along the way.

“Hailding, are you injured? Who are these two people?

A giant warrior greeted Hailding and looked at Renault and the others warily.

“Hans, they are my benefactors, be polite to them”


The giant warrior named Hans frowned, suspicious.

The two children are Helding’s benefactor?

What is this guy doing?

“Okay, I’ll tell you later. I’m going to meet Chief Yoru and Chief Yaru.”

“The two chiefs are there now, if you want to find them, just go over there.”

Although he didn’t know what Hailding wanted to do, Hans still pointed him in a direction.

On the way, they happened to meet the two chiefs who had just left.

“”Chief! Chief!!”

Hailding waved his hands impatiently and shouted from a distance, attracting the attention of the two chiefs.

“It’s Hailding, what’s the matter?”


The two tribe leaders noticed Renault and Lingling.

They only glanced at Renault and then looked away.

They were mostly looking at Lingling.

Renault said he was used to it.

No wonder, Lingling’s body shape was really awkward.

Speaking of humans, almost no human can grow as big as Lingling at this age.

But speaking of giants, it’s a bit small.

“Hailding, who are these two? ?”

Chief Yoruru was the first to ask

“Patriarch, this is the situation……..”

Hailding told the two clan leaders everything that happened. The two clan leaders were angry at first, but in the end they looked at Lingling like a little monster.

If Hailding hadn’t said it himself, they wouldn’t have believed that the well-behaved little girl standing in front of them was so strong.

The gazes of the two clan leaders made Lingling feel very uncomfortable, and she habitually leaned towards Renault.

“Hello, two clan leaders. My name is Renault, and this is my sister Lingling.

Renault briefly introduced himself to Lingling.

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