The North Sea, the waters of the Seleucid Kingdom.

The sea was calm at this time, and there was no sign of any sailing ships. The waterway in this sea area seemed to be blocked artificially.

At this moment, the sea water on the sea level rose and fell, and a huge fleet with the navy logo slowly appeared amid the surging waves.

This is the top war weapon of the Navy Headquarters, a giant battleship, which can be used to perform various unconventional tasks.

Each of the giant battleships is led by a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, can carry 1,000 soldiers, twelve large naval guns and fifty rapid-fire guns, and can be said to be armed to the teeth.

Moreover, as the leader of the shipbuilding industry in the first half of the Grand Route, the proud product of the Seven Waters City, these giant warships are not only powerful, but also fast.

With full sails and mechanical outer wheels on the side of the ship, they are enough to outrun 99% of the pirate ships on the sea.

In addition to the five giant warships of the headquarters, the Warring States also mobilized more than 30 warships from various bases in the North Sea to assist in the attack.

A total of 40 warships of various types and nearly 20,000 naval soldiers.

This huge force is enough to defeat any resistance in the North Sea, and their target is the Seleucid Kingdom not far away.

The naval fleet is moving very fast and approached the port of the Seleucid Kingdom in less than ten minutes.

Generally speaking, only ports will stop ships on islands, so it is often only necessary to block the ports to directly trap people on the entire island.

Especially for islands like the Seleucid Kingdom, which is surrounded by cliffs on all sides and has only two ports for entry and exit.

Once the port is blocked, it is difficult to escape.

During these ten days, the navy of Beihai has set up blockades around the two ports to ensure that no one can sneak out of the Seleucid Kingdom.

On the sea, in the naval fleet.

A lieutenant colonel ran to the deck holding a Den Den Mushi, saluted Zhan Guo and said:

"General Zhan Guo, all the fleets are ready, please give the order."

Zhan Guo took the Den Den Mushi and asked, "Where is the refuge ship arranged by the CP agency?"

"It has stopped at the dock and is ready to set sail at any time." The lieutenant colonel responded immediately.

"Okay, evacuate the people and board the refuge ship immediately. If there are not enough ships, send two warships."

Zhan Guo's eyes were covered by the mirror light, and his voice was a little determined.

"Notify them, six hours later, all ships will open fire on time according to the scheduled plan!"

"Yes!" The lieutenant colonel responded and immediately rushed to the communication room on the ship.

The underground secret room of the CP agency of the Seleucid Kingdom.

"How is the evacuation arrangement going?"

Foz Carl, wearing a black suit, held a cup of high-end coffee and looked at Dutt beside him.

"All our people have been evacuated to the warships, and the supplies and weapons have been packed." Dutt reported seriously.

"What is the situation with the people now?" Foz Carl took a sip of coffee and asked softly.

"We have successfully spread the news that the navy is about to destroy the Seleucid Kingdom. Now 80% of the population of this country has begun to flock to the dock."

Dutt's voice is still as calm as before, but his face has a subtle gloom.

"Then...what about the refugee ship?"

Foz Carl's eyes stared at the coffee cup in his hand, and the complex look in his eyes kept turning.

"Sir...according to the arrangement, the refugee ship is ready." Dutt's voice paused for a second, and then quickly answered.

"Really? Thank you for your help... Now that everything is done, let's go."

Foz Carl was obviously not in a good mood at this time, and his steps were even heavier than usual.

"Captain Fuzz..."

Dute's tone suddenly rose, and he quickly walked to Fuzz Carl and whispered: "Or... let's stay for a while... this is your hometown after all..."

Dute's words were interrupted by Fuzz Carl before he finished speaking.

"Hometown has disappeared since the first day I entered CIPHER POL."

He straightened his black suit and continued to stride forward.

"Besides, what's the use of looking at something that is destined to be destroyed..."

The news that the navy was about to destroy the Seleucid Kingdom quickly fermented in a short period of time.

At the same time

At the same time, Albert, who was lying in the room watching TV series, also received the relevant message.

"Spandine, are you sure you are not kidding me about this?"

Albert, who was awakened by the Den Den Mushi, frowned and listened to the voice of Spandine from the other end of the Den Den Mushi.

"How could I lie to you about this, Mr. Albert." Spandine's voice still had a hint of flattery.

"The Navy is indeed implementing a plan to destroy the Seleucid Kingdom. If nothing unexpected happens, it will launch a full-scale attack in two hours."

"You guy... I'll do you a favor. It's urgent. I'll hang up first and contact you later."

Albert hung up the Den Den Mushi in an emergency, rushed out of the room quickly, changed directly into a beast form, and flew above the Nether.

Sarah, who was in class, saw Albert begin to drag the chains around the Netherworld, and asked hurriedly:

"Deputy Captain, what happened?"

"No time to explain, we'll talk on the way! By the way, Sarah, in which direction is the Seleucid Kingdom?"

Sarah glanced at the sky and waved her arm in one direction.


"Okay! Everyone, hold on to the things around you immediately, don't get thrown off!"

Albert pulled the chain upwards and pulled the Netherworld directly out of the sea, and said at the same time: "It may be a little shaky next, hold on tight!"

After saying that, he spread his wings and flew in the direction Sarah pointed with the Netherworld in his hand.

At the same time, Spandine, who hung up the Den Den Mushi in his hand, also showed a smug smile.

"Sir, is it really okay for you to leak information like this?" Hans looked at Spandine, who was smug in front of him, and asked doubtfully.

"Stupid, how can this be called leaking information? I am using existing resources to obtain new information, do you understand?"

Anyway, who will win or lose after the war between the Beasts Pirates and the Navy has nothing to do with him.

It is better to use this outdated information to exchange for favors and performance!

Spandine took out a new Den Den Mushi from his arms and dialed it quickly.

"Captain Karl, I have the latest information to report to you!"

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