The bullet hit Kaido's eyelid without any evasion.

As expected, the bullet flew away.

But the development of the next incident was beyond everyone's expectations.

The falling bullet disappeared in the air without any sign, and Sarah's figure suddenly appeared in front of Kaido.

Then, Kaido's chest felt cold, and a trace of blood splashed out.

Sarah did not stop after the successful attack. She quickly fired another shot at Kaido's side in mid-air.


Kaido's face did not change, and the bullet flew past his ear.

At the same time, Sarah's figure disappeared again, and the next moment she appeared directly behind Kaido.

"Don't move!"

Kaido's neck felt slightly cold, and Sarah pointed the muzzle of the gun at Kaido's chin, with the short blade at the front of the gun across his neck.

"I know you have strong defense, but the bayonets at the front of my two pistols are reforged from two good sharp knives, cutting iron like mud, don't move if you don't want to die!"

Sarah and Kaido are very different in size, which makes her lean on Kaido's back, holding the short blade across Kaido's neck. The action looks a bit funny.

The expression on Albert's face twitched a few times, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

When he saw Kaido's look like he had some means to use as soon as possible, he knew that this bastard's talent collection disease had started to attack again.

Forget it, let him go, anyway, with Kaido's physique, being stabbed by that thing a few times, except for bleeding, it's probably nothing big.

Besides, once this bastard's armed color is turned on, it's a question whether the short blade, which is almost the size of his finger, can be inserted.

Sarah in the field was not aware of Kaido's little thoughts. She put the knife on Kaido's neck and shouted at Elbart:

"Go and gather all the members of our pirate group together, and I will let this guy go!"

The fruit that Sarah ate is called the teleportation fruit. It can not only exchange space with objects that have been added with abilities after being touched by herself, but also teleport herself and others from one place to another place within sight.

But to teleport someone, you must have physical contact with the person you are teleporting.

Now everyone in the Double Gun Pirates was stunned on the ground by Kaido's domineering aura, and they were not far apart.

With Kaido's tacit consent, Elbart took one in each hand and stacked all the living people in the Double Gun Pirates together like a human pyramid.

Seeing that her goal had been achieved, Sarah pointed at Elbart with her finger.

"You also move away!"

Elbart shrugged, stepped back more than a hundred steps, and quietly prepared to start enjoying this guy's next performance.

Bang! A shot was fired, and the bullet was shot right above the members of the Double Gun Pirates.


Sarah's figure disappeared again, and the next second, she suddenly appeared on the "mountain of people".

"The Beast Pirates, huh? We in the Double Gun Pirates have remembered this grudge. When that idiot Graves comes back, we will definitely come and settle accounts with you..."

Sarah frowned, ready to say a few harsh words.

And at this moment, Kaido rushed towards her in one step.

"It's useless. Even if I can't beat you, it's still a very easy thing to leave with my ability..."

Sarah relied on her fruit ability and planned to pretend. She looked at Kaido's waving mace, smiled contemptuously, and moved her lips slightly.


"I didn't say you can leave!"

The red thunder erupted again, and Sarah, who was about to activate her ability, suddenly felt a familiar sense of oppression.

This made her movements pause, and the next second, the domineering mace came into close contact with her head.

Kaido had no intention of sympathizing with women. With one blow, Sarah's eyes turned white and she fainted.

"This guy, why is he pretending to be so arrogant when he can just run away?"

Albert shook his head and took out a pair of seastone handcuffs purchased on Loskuene Island from his pocket.


"Raise your glasses, guys! Welcome to join the Beast Pirates!"

On the dock, Kaido raised his glass and looked at the crowd in front of him, shouting heroically.

Most of the pirate groups on the sea are built around the captain. As long as the captain makes a decision, all members of the group must obey.

Now that Olive King and Oga have joined the pirates,

If they become Kaido's subordinates, then the Blood Hand Pirates and the Bull Pirates under their command will naturally be merged into the Beast Pirates.

As for the loyalty of the two pirates, Albert also asked Kaido.

And Kaido gave Albert an unexpected answer.

Loyalty or not doesn't matter, as long as he can do the assigned tasks well, he is already a good subordinate.

The captain of a ship does not need his subordinates to be loyal to him, he only has to do one thing.

That is to be strong, absolutely strong.

When the value of betrayal cannot make it ignore its own safety, then loyalty will always exist.

Strong strength can be relied on by subordinates, and subordinates gather around, which can also strengthen their own strength.

After getting along day and night, the subordinates are full of confidence in the captain, and such a team will have cohesion, even if they experience a short-term failure, they can get together again.

Such a pirate group is the team that Kaido has been pursuing and hopes to establish.

"Sure enough, apart from anything else, you are really born to be a pirate captain, Kaido!"

After hearing Kaido's explanation, Albert felt that this guy was born to be a pirate.

He looks at the problem so thoroughly, he is worthy of being the golden teacher on the sea!

Halfway through the banquet, Jin and Quinn, who were arranged by Kaido to recruit people in the town, also rushed to the dock, and more than 400 new members of the Beast Pirates arrived with them.

So far, the newly formed Beast Pirates has expanded into a large fleet of a thousand people.

Kaido's dream of admiral is officially on track.

"Brother Albert!"

Just as Albert was eating and drinking, Quinn came to Albert with a box of paper.

He opened the box, which contained packs of beautifully packaged cigarettes.

"Oh, sure, Quinn, how do you know I smoke?"

Albart was an old smoker in his previous life, and after crossing into the pirate world, he often used points to exchange cigarettes in the system.

"Hey, aren't you going to the town with Little Lily to recruit people today? By the way, I asked about your preferences."

Discatelli, the little loli, didn't seem to like the smell of cigarettes, so when Albert was puffing, he would always avoid that little girl.

Quinn could learn about his smoking preference from her, and it seemed that he was exploited by that little girl.

He opened a pack of cigarettes, picked up a cigarette and held it in the corner of his mouth, put the cigarette butt on his fingers and lit it, and Albert exhaled a breath of smoke comfortably.

"This cigarette is good, where did you get it?"

Albart asked Quinn who was biting a cigar.

"These are all bought from the black market on Loskunje Island. The special cigarettes in the navy are basically provided as a welfare for officers above the rank of general."

Quinn also exhaled a thick puff of smoke and said with a smile.

"It seems that cigarettes are better smoked by the navy masters who are backed by the World Government. When this box is finished, call Kaido and the three of us will go to rob a warship together."

Hearing Albert's words, Quinn raised his eyebrows slightly and asked in confusion: "Brother Albert, Kaido doesn't smoke, why call him?"

"You don't understand this. It will be much more convenient to have someone who is familiar with the business in front. Kaido is an expert in robbing warships!"

"Indeed, hahahaha..."

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