The young man was so tired that he could not stand the sound of the moon.


Twisting his slightly uncomfortable neck, the young man casually carried the mace on his shoulder, and suddenly picked up the wine gourd at his waist and poured a few gulps of wine into his mouth.

"Burp... Is it so far from the expected landing site... Hey, do you two know where this is?"

The figure of the young man quickly approached the two people, and his seven-meter-tall body blocked most of the moonlight, and the shadow derived from it enveloped Albert and Discatelli.

"Long horns, black hair... You look like this... Are you Kaido?"

Albat looked at the tall man with a pair of horns in front of him, who looked like a bad guy, and gradually overlapped his face with the picture of a gold medal teacher in One Piece.

After all, there are still some differences between the second dimension and the third dimension. Although Albert has some guesses, he still needs to confirm it.

"Wu la la la! I didn't expect you to know me? Am I so famous now?"

The long black hair fluttered in the wind, and the huge pupils with fierce light turned. After staring at Albert for two seconds, Kaido's mouth full of alcohol laughed unscrupulously.

Nonsense, who doesn't know Kaido, the strongest creature in the future and one of the four emperors who reigns over the new world...

Family members, who understands? I was eating barbecue and playing with my children, but the island where I lived was smashed by Kaido!

What kind of luck is this? !

Although Kaido has not grown to his peak yet, this terrifying body like a demon is still full of a strong sense of oppression.

But after the initial surprise, Albert has gradually calmed down.

This sense of oppression made Discatli, who had been holding Elbart's arm, nervous.

"Kaido? Brother Elbart, do you know this big guy?"

The girl subconsciously turned into a dragon, which made Kaido look to the side.

"Fur tribe? A person with special abilities?"

He looked at Discatli with interest and said, "Are you an ancient species or a mythical beast?"

Elbart looked at Discatli's appearance after the transformation, gently rubbed his temples, and said helplessly, "Just think of her as a person with special abilities of the mythical beast."

Discatli's current appearance is the result of Elbart loading the Sky Comet Dragon template for her.

The abilities in the template also have three modes: human, human-beast, and beast.

In general, except for not being afraid of sea water, it is actually no different from eating the animal-type devil fruit that is a specialty of One Piece.

The Sky Comet Dragon template that Discatli has is very similar to the animal-type mythical beast devil fruit.

The Animal-type Mythical Beast Devil Fruit is usually considered the rarest Devil Fruit. In addition to having the same characteristics as the Animal-type Devil Fruit that can enhance the physical fitness of the eater, it also has special superpowers or the ability to control natural elements.

It can be said that the Animal-type Mythical Beast Devil Fruit is the strongest version of the son in the pirate world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the version answer.

As we all know, Kaido likes strong people. In addition to his main job as a pirate, he also holds several positions.

He is not only a senior teacher of domineering training, but also dreams of becoming the director of a zoo.

The identity of the Mythical Beast is very popular in Kaido's eyes.

Sure enough, after hearing what Albert said, Kaido's eyes lit up.

"Oh, it seems that I'm lucky today~ You two, tell me your names!"

"My name is Albert, Neltharion Albert, and as for her..."

Before Albert finished speaking, Discatelli opened her dragon mouth and shouted: "My name is Discatelli, Neltharion Discatelli!"

Kaido's eyes were full of fire, and he immediately invited the two.

"Oh, Albert, Discatelli, how about coming to my pirate ship as an apprentice? You two will definitely make a difference in the future!"

Sure enough, this talent collection maniac set his eyes on the silly girl behind him!

But Albert did not directly reject Kaido's invitation. After all, the lessons of Kidd and King Luffy were there, and he didn't want to have a close contact with the mace that taught people.

Fighting is too barbaric, isn't it better to lie there quietly and watch the show?

But he didn't have much resistance to joining the Beasts Pirates.

After staying here for a long time, Albert actually wanted to go out for a walk.



Just as Albert was thinking, Discatelli, who had turned back into a blue-haired big loli, ignored Kaido's huge eyes that were emitting fierce light, and ruthlessly chose to reject Kaido's invitation.


Kaido asked puzzledly.

"I don't want to recognize a stinky horned gorilla as my boss!"



The atmosphere suddenly fell into a mysterious silence.

No, it's not completely silent.

Crack, crack, crack!

Kaido's right hand holding the mace had a cracking sound in the knuckles.

"Uh-huh! What an unlovable kid! "

After a burst of laughter that seemed to cover up the embarrassment, Kaido's slightly drunk eyes suddenly became ferocious.

While he was talking, he slowly put down the mace on his shoulder.

This future strongest creature now seems...

angry out of shame!

Just as Albert picked up Discatli vigilantly, ready to meet Kaido's attack at any time, he suddenly felt that his head seemed to be wet by something.

Looking up, I saw that Kaido's eyes were inexplicably filled with tears, and he began to pick up the wine gourd and gulp down the wine.

"You...why don't you want to go out to sea with me? "

This guy, is he drinking fake wine?

But Albert didn't know that Kaido was actually in the stage of collapse after years of entrepreneurship.

After the disbandment of the Rocks Pirates, Kaido did form a pirate group, but because he was too reckless and his subordinates were a bunch of rookies, the pirate group Kaido had just formed was basically destroyed after a battle.

Once, twice...

After repeated group annihilation, because of his "die together" style of fighting, Kaido not only successfully established a large number of enemies, but also "happily" became a ghost-like existence on the list of people who defected in the pirate circle.

No matter how famous, charming, or strong, it's useless.

While crying, it seemed that some sad memories were evoked. Kaido's face changed, and the angry look covered his cheeks again.

"Since you don't agree, I will beat you until you agree! "

After the voice ended, Kaido's arm muscles swelled, and he began to swing the mace in his hand heavily.

Sure enough, this guy is a psychopath!

Fortunately, after watching the anime, Albert, who likes to show his good facial expressions, has been prepared.

He threw Discatelli in his arms to the side, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and pushed forward the mace swung by Kaido.


After a muffled sound, the mace carrying huge brute force hit Albert's arm in front of him.

At the moment of contact, Albert felt as if he was hit head-on by a mountain moving at supersonic speed.

A terrible force seemed to have found an outlet, sweeping towards Albert's whole body without reservation, and completely erupted in front of his arm that was resisting!


Albat was blown away by this powerful blow on the spot, smashing one rock after another along the way, and finally crashed into a messy forest.

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