After a long silence. next moment.

Violent pheasant mouth!!!

Cold air condensed on his right arm, and one formed very quickly under the control of Qing Pheasant.

The formed ice bird also rushed straight towards Qingyun, and everything it passed was frozen.

Look at this close attack.

He raised his hand and made it into a fist.

Armed color domineering hardened and wrapped around it.

A punch was thrown. boom!!!

With this punch, Aoki Pheasant's attack turned into pieces of ice fragments in an instant, scattered in the air and on the ground.

The opponent's attack.

In front of Qingyun, it is not worth mentioning at all.


If the other party wants to use this kind of attack to deal with him, you will be a bit ridiculous. certainly.

With Qing Pheasant's knowledge.

Not that stupid.

Therefore, this move was just the opponent's test against him.

But this is obviously useless

"What a terrible attack! It really scared me."

Qingyun also said with an ape-like tone. With this tone,

Aokiji also immediately sounded the tone of Kizaru.

The other party usually had this tone when fighting pirates.

But now. Even if he said this , It was said from Qingyun's mouth, especially to him. This undoubtedly made him feel a little angry. It gave him the urge to hit someone.

"You guy, why are you imitating Kizaru?……"

Qing Pheasant's words haven't finished yet. moment.

Qingyun had already appeared in front of him.

God's Technique Tyrannosaurus!!!

He raised his fist, and Overlord-colored domineering energy condensed on his fist. It seemed that because he compressed a large amount of Overlord-colored domineering energy on his fist, red and black Overlord-colored domineering lightning also shot out around his fist..

See this.

Aoki's slightly lazy expression also changed instantly.

Overlord color and domineering entanglement.

If there is any ability that is most specific to nature-type Devil Fruits, it must be the combination of Armed-Colored Haki and Overlord-Colored Haki.


He reacted quickly.

And at this moment.

Qingyun's fist also fell with one punch. boom!!!

This blow came down hard.

There was only a loud noise, and then, the ground was directly hit by his punch, like a small meteorite falling from Fujitora. ground.

A large sunken pit appeared.

The big pit spreads cracks toward the surrounding mirrors like broken ones.

"Being shunned? You move pretty fast, Aokiji."

Qingyun turned his gaze not far away, where the ice cubes were condensing little by little, forming the shape of an ice sculpture of a blue pheasant, and finally returned to the appearance of an ordinary person.

"The God Killer is indeed terrifying. If I hadn't been able to transform into elements in time, I might have died in your hands."

Qingzhi also looked at Qingyun seriously. Facing such an opponent, he really didn't dare to take it lightly now.

Otherwise, he would be in danger of losing his life if he is not careful.

For example.


The shoulders of his white suit were already partially stained with blood, and blood dripped down the collar to the ground.

A drop of blood.

At this moment, it looked so dazzling.


The Admiral was just Just after a collision with Qingyun, he was injured on the spot.

This also shocked the surrounding naval generals, the King's Shichibukai, and the big forces in front of the live broadcast screen.

This is a general.

And he has been famous for a long time. General.

I have been in the general position for many years. The opponent had already reached the general level with the help of the frozen fruits of nature. What's more, in the past ten years, how could the opponent not make any progress at all.

Even if the opponent has not reached the level of the Four Emperors.

However, at least he is a peak general level, or a quasi-emperor level strongman who has half a foot into the emperor level.

In addition, the opponent's elementalization of the natural system can almost be achieved. It is quite difficult to evade most of the attacks and injure the three generals of the navy. Even a strong man who has just entered the imperial level cannot injure Aoki in a short time.

But that's it..

Qing Pheasant was actually faced by Qing Yun once and was injured with one move.

This... is really a bit too exaggerated.

At least, in the eyes of many forces, they have already recognized

Qing Yun, the God Killer.

Definitely not the kind of strong person who has just been promoted to the emperor level.

But a strong person who has taken several steps in the emperor level.

In the distance

"I really didn’t come here in vain..!"

"If the navy is at a disadvantage or even about to lose, the world government will shamelessly cut off the live broadcast. Then my live broadcast will definitely become the only channel still live broadcasting."

"Big news, this is really big news."

Morgans was also watching the battle at the G-2 base from a distance. He was holding a live broadcast phone in his hand and kept pointing it at the field. He was also mumbling to himself.

At least.

He bet Qingyun is not the kind of reckless person.

Therefore, he bet that the opponent will not lose to the navy.

Therefore, his live broadcast and the live broadcast arranged by the World Government were both arranged on various countries, or a At the same time, he even predicted what kind of reaction the World Government would make after the navy was at a disadvantage.

He only felt that what he came on this trip was real. It's worth it.


Qingyun just took the initiative to take a move.

As one of the three generals, Qingzhi was directly injured.

One word.


He really felt that way.

The general was injured.

To him It is also a big news.

By then, after this war is over, he must polish his pen.

Frozen Time Capsule!!!

Qing Pheasant also released a cold air shock wave in the direction of Qing Yun, trying to push Qing Yun directly Frozen.

But. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shenluo Tianzheng!!!

Qingyun just raised his hand towards the opponent, and the power of repulsion was exerted by him again.

An astonishing repulsion force instantly It broke out.

The two attacks also collided together.


Qingzhi's attack that froze the ground was instantly shattered by Qingyun's repulsion.


Qingyun's attack But it hasn't stopped yet.


The repulsive force impacted Aokiji into ice cubes.

The ice cubes fell to the ground.

They re-condensed and reorganized to form Aokiji himself.


This is the power of elementalization of the natural system, and Kizaru can use it. Seeing and hearing Haki captures the enemy's attack, and enters the elemental state in advance before the opponent's attack falls, so as to avoid the damage of some attacks. How could Aokiji not do this? It's not just

Kizaru and Aokiji, the three generals are all of the natural type, and all three of them can dodge at this level.

However, elementalization is not omnipotent.

For example, Aokiji's injury just now does not mean that Aokiji did not use elementalization to avoid it. He could avoid the opponent's attack, but he was indeed aware of it, and even entered elementalization in advance to try to avoid the opponent's attack. However, the power of Overlord's domineering energy was also very effective in capturing the natural body.


He just just now , he was captured and some of his body was captured, so he suffered some minor injuries.

This can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

"Yo yo yo! God-killer Qingyun! You seem to have forgotten that I am also a general. You just stare at the blue pheasant and fight, maybe you don’t want to reminisce with your old friends."

At this time, the photonized Kizaru suddenly appeared behind Qingyun and said.

At the same time, his long legs were raised together.

Light speed kick!!!

Come up, just to give Qingyun a meeting gift.


God's Tech Fire Dragon Kick!!!

Qingyun turned around and kicked back. At the same time, he also used the power of flames. This power condensed on his feet almost instantly.

Kicked out!



Almost At the moment of contact, there was an incredible explosion. A small mushroom cloud immediately rose from the two's fighting position. At the same time, a figure flew quickly from the dust and smoke after the explosion. came out. Finally, it landed on the G-2 base building, smashing a big hole in the naval base building. Then, a figure quickly got up from the big hole and walked out. Just this move The posture when he came out seemed... a bit limping. When he came out and showed up, everyone who was paying attention also saw the appearance of the other party. Kizaru!!! The confrontation between Kizaru and Qingyun just now Hit, it turned out that Kizaru was directly knocked away. Moreover, Kizaru only kicked Qingyun, and ended up limping like this. This is a bit too exaggerated. But. To truly feel it, only Kizaru knows. The power of the flames that burst out in an instant. If he hadn't chosen to give up the grip of one foot on the ground and continued to fight head-on with the opponent, he would have lost more than just his legs. He was injured at this point, and coupled with the power of the armed domineering force, if he was hit hard, he might even have broken bones. It was terrible. Only at this moment did Kizaru (Qian Zhao) realize how terrifying the man in front of him was. The other party knew it. It was not just swordsmanship. He actually had such a powerful physique, and such amazing physical skills. He also had a domineering aura that was comparable to that of the Four Emperors. And the repulsion and flame abilities displayed by the other party. This is enough to explain. Qingyun is definitely not a newly promoted emperor. The opponent is a leader among the emperors.

"Kizaru, I'm just saying hello, why am I lame?"

Qingyun also walked out step by step. Looking at Kizaru's appearance, he couldn't help laughing.

Hearing this,

Kizaru's face also darkened.

Being ridiculed by the other party, he wanted to It is impossible to say that there is no reaction.

At this time,

Akainu above cannot sit still.

If the situation is allowed to develop like this, the navy will be completely embarrassed.

"Pirates, don't be so arrogant!"

"Let me send you, a pirate who knows nothing about the world, on your way!!!"

Akainu also walked towards Qingyun step by step. His shoulders also turned into the shape of magma. The lumps of magma fell to the ground, making a sizzling sound, and Akainu had a murderous look on his face. He said to Qingyun.

Upon seeing this,

Qingyun just smiled faintly.

"If you can do it, come on."


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It will be completed on the 7th!.

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