This synthesized Devil Fruit crystal was just as he expected.

When he synthesized his golden finger, he really took an unusual approach and synthesized the Devil Fruit ability that he expected. and.

The synthesis of three Devil Fruit power crystals resulted in a mythical Devil Fruit power crystal. even.

The Devil Fruit ability crystal synthesized this time can also absorb other ability crystals to create stone slabs.

"This is exactly the devil fruit power crystal I wanted."

Qingyun's eyes lit up.

He has not swallowed the Devil Fruit, even if it has no side effects, but he has not taken it so far. That is because he has not yet encountered any Devil Fruit ability that suits him, so he is not willing to take it at will. A Devil Fruit ability crystal to enhance his strength.

At this moment, the synthesized Devil Fruit ability crystal is undoubtedly the most suitable for him.

By making stone slabs, the level of this Devil Fruit can be evolved.

"It’s you."

Qingyun didn't hesitate and swallowed the Devil Fruit ability crystal. It melted in his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, he gained the ability of this Devil Fruit ability crystal.

About this Devil Fruit The ability synthesized from his abilities is also being absorbed and understood by him.

The absorption is over.

There is also a necklace around his neck.

On the necklace, there is a cross-shaped wheel hanging, with four gems embedded in the wheel.

This is what is connected to Arceus's abdomen and body.

It's called: Qianzhou Wrist!

The four gems on it will switch colors with different attributes.


Qingyun has not entered the form of the Creator God Arceus. So, this thing just turned into a necklace and appeared around his neck.

Of course, he can also directly enter the form of Arceus, the God of Creation.

Just like a normal animal fruit.

He He can switch between human form, beast form and human-animal form at will.

The most important thing is that he has now figured out his alpaca fruit phantom beast species creation god Arceus form's absorbing devil fruit ability crystal creation tablet, and What's going on with evolving himself?

For example, his Devil Fruit is currently at the mythical level, so if he creates a stone slab, he must create an attribute stone slab that is also a mythical level. For Qingyun, that is quite a big deal. After gaining 1 experience, as long as he creates 10 mythical grade attribute slates, the level of his devil fruit will evolve from the mythical grade to the next stage.

Of course, it is not that easy to create mythical grade slates. can be created

"Try it with Shasha fruit first."

Qingyun's heart moved.

He immediately took out the legendary natural rustling fruit crystal from his portable space. The devil fruit ability crystal was held in his hand. In the blink of an eye, the rustling fruit ability crystal was directly integrated into his body. He was He absorbed it.

Qingyun closed his eyes tightly. He could clearly feel that the power of the legendary natural Shasha fruit crystal absorbed into his body was condensed and absorbed by his body, and...


A stone slab directly It just flew out of his body.

It was suspended in front of him.

"Slate of earth? `.!"

Qingyun looked at the black slate in front of him in surprise. Although it was completely dark, there were pictures of the earth, rocks, mountains, etc. on it. After he created this slate by himself.

But he knew clearly what this stone slab was.

Slate of earth!

The first stone slab he created based on the power of the legendary natural-type Shasha fruit crystal.

Legend level!

After all, it was only made from the ability crystal of the legendary-grade Shasha Fruit. It is quite normal for the grade of the earth stone slab produced to be legendary-grade.

And after this stone slab of earth was created by him.

He clearly felt the power he had and was born. earth!

As long as it is a power related to earth, he can display it

"It can be said that the Shasha Fruit was directly classified into the earth attribute, so the Earth Slate was born. In this case, the Shishi Fruit seems to be regarded as an earth attribute Devil Fruit."

"Using this as a nutrient, I wonder if the grade of the earth stone slab can be upgraded from legend to epic?"

Qingyun also thought secretly.

Then, he also took out the legendary Superman-type Stone Fruit Crystal from the portable space.

He pointed the legendary Superman-type Stone Fruit Crystal towards the thing suspended around him. The earth stone slab was thrown over, and the earth stone slab also directly absorbed the legendary superhuman stone fruit crystal.

Then, the color of the earth stone slab also gradually changed.

From black.

Gradually Transformation into gold.

This process also took three minutes to end.

A completely golden slate was born.

The grade of the earth slate.

After absorbing the legendary superhuman stone fruit crystal, it was promoted from the legendary grade to the epic. Level up.

Epic Earth Slate!

The improvement in level has also given Qingyun a leap-forward improvement in his ability to deal with earth.

Levels correspond to corresponding strengths.

In other words, the epic earth mastered by Qingyun The power of the stone slab's soil is like Armed Color Haki, Wisdom Color Haki, or the Supreme Swordsman, reaching the level of the Emperor.

"There are still some Devil Fruit ability crystals that can be used, so why not make all the Devil Fruit ability crystals that can be made into stone tablets into stone tablets."

Qingyun thought this way.

Then, he also took out the Devil Fruit ability crystals from the portable space.

One by one.

He used all the Devil Fruit ability crystals that can be made into stone slabs to make stone slabs.

The legendary natural system Thunder Fruit crystal!

Make a slate.

Obtain: Legendary thunder slate!

Legendary Superman thorn fruit crystal!

Make slate.

Obtain: Legendary wood slate!

Legendary Superman quick-cut fruit crystal!

Make slate.

Obtain: Legendary gold slate!

The legendary Superman-type Quick Slash Fruit Crystal!

Make a slate.

Obtain: The Legendary Golden Stone Slate! The legendary Superman-type Gate Fruit Crystal!

Make the slate.

Obtain: The Legendary Space Slate!

The legendary Natural-type Snow Fruit Crystal!

Make the slate.

Obtain : The legendary ice slate!

The legendary natural snow fruit crystal!

Make the slate.

Obtain: The legendary ice slate! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The legendary superhuman water fruit crystal!

The legendary water fruit crystal! Superman-type sticky fruit crystals!

Create slates.

Obtain: Epic Water Slate!

He spent a lot of Devil Fruit ability crystals and successfully created a large number of slates.

Epic Earth Slate!

Epic Water Slate!

Legendary Wood Slate!

Legendary Stone Tablet of Thunder!

Legendary Stone Tablet of Gold!

Legendary Stone Tablet of Ice!

Legendary Space Tablet!

He created a total of 7 stone tablets.

Among them, two stone tablets are at the epic level.

In addition, there are five other stone tablets. It is a legendary grade.

This is already considered a good harvest.

Of course.

For Qingyun, because 7Because of the stone slab, he also mastered 7 powers.

Earth, water, wood, thunder, metal, ice and space!

7 powers in one.

In addition, his own strength is already amazing.

Therefore, if he uses these seven powers, his combat power will only become more terrifying.

"There are still some Devil Fruit ability crystals, so let’s stop there for now."

Currently, he still has 6 Devil Fruit ability crystals in his portable space.

However, making a slate is not an easy task.

For him, making a slate requires physical strength.

Just these 7 crystals After the slate was made, most of his current physical strength has been consumed.

If we want to talk about it in detail, then his current physical strength is only a small part left.

Even if he wants to make another slate, then he has to be asked. He has to recover his physical strength.

Now, to synthesize this ability crystal in the form of the Alpaca Fruit Phantom Beast Creation God Arceus, this process consumed three of his epic body crystals. Now in his hand, There are only 2 epic body crystals left.

Therefore, it is better to save whatever you can.


Nami and Weiwei unlocked a lot of postures.

The next day,

Qingyun's sailing speed slowed down a bit.

After his physical strength recovered, he also made the remaining Devil Fruit ability crystals into slates.

The Heavy Fruit and Light Fruit!

He made: Epic Light and Heavy Slate!

Transparent Fruit!

He made: The legendary void tablet!

The fruit of art!

Let him make: the legendary fantasy tablet!

The explosive fruit!

Let him make: the legendary fire tablet!

The explosive fruit!

Let him make: the legendary repulsion tablet!

This is also what made him The number of slates has reached 12.

Each slate is indispensable to his life and a part that cannot be plundered by others. He can give slates to others, allowing the other party to temporarily obtain the corresponding (good) slates. Power, but if he wanted to take it back, the slate would be taken back into his body in an instant.

He turned all the Devil Fruit ability crystals on hand into slates, allowing him to master 12 different powers.

And he.

Another choice A day's rest.

During the day, he also used the power of these 12 stone slabs to fight with Nami and others to improve his proficiency in various powers. To control the power.

And in the evening, he unlocked it again Various postures of Nami and Weiwei.

The life was not too happy.

However, it was only for a day or two.

Then, their ship was also moving at full speed.

Soon after, they also arrived at the Navy G-2 branch. here

"finally reached"

"Navy, are you ready to bear my wrath?!!!"

Qingyun's eyes are also fixed on the Navy G-2 branch that is about to dock.

Here, there is a big surprise of everything the Navy has carefully prepared for him, just waiting for his arrival.

Thanks to the monthly ticket support of 15862..!Thank you very much!

Finished on the 6th! I have been thinking about it for a long time. I wanted to be original, but gave up. Finally, I chose Arceus from Pokémon as the protagonist’s Devil Fruit, making stone slabs and mastering various abilities! Alpaca Isn’t the style also improved? So far, all the alpacas that have appeared are clones! Using the alpaca as a template, it seems not bad! I hope all the pretty boys and girls can accept it!.

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