Ma Yufang and Yu Yongyan had sent photos before, so they knew what each other looked like.

And Wei Xin had also chatted with each other in the past few days, so when the two met, they didn't seem too strange.

Yu Yongyan took the initiative to say hello:"Ms. Ma, hello"

"Hello, Mr. Yu."

The two simply shook hands.

"Mr. Yu, would you like tea or coffee?"


"OK, please wait a moment."

After saying that, the assistant left the blind date room.

Ma Yufang and Yu Yongyan sat on the same row of sofa chairs, so that the people in the live broadcast room could see the two of them in the same frame.

Seeing the two of them in the same frame, the people in both live broadcast rooms expressed their approval.

【Looks like a good match】

【Is the vision of Tengda Law Firm still good?】

【Didn’t [Jiu Shen] say last time that the law firms have made changes when it comes to blind dates. They will let the blind date person look at the photo first and chat with them before arranging a meeting, so it must be possible to chat.】

【It seems that if Tengda Law Firm can also succeed today, then if Lawyer Jiang also succeeds, there will be nothing to watch. 】

Many netizens became very disappointed in an instant.

Because the biggest highlight today is not to see whether the blind date process of these rich second generations is smooth.

Whether it is smooth or not is indeed a highlight, otherwise there would not be so many people coming to the live broadcast room.

However, the biggest highlight is still the failed party, so that there can be a comparison.

Netizens seemed very disappointed at this time, but the directors of various law firms were very happy at this time.

In the group, these lawyers praised Zheng Hongwei happily.

【Zheng Hongwei, you finally stood up this time】

【It seems that there is indeed a play today, so I can save money.】

【I finally put my heart at ease. 】

Seeing that everyone in the group praised themselves, Zheng Hongwei was also very happy.

However, since Zheng Hongwei did not let down his guard at this time, the other law firms should not let down their guard either.

【Zheng Hongwei】:【Let these second-generation rich people look at the photos and chat first, the success rate of blind dates has indeed risen sharply, so you have to work harder next.】

【Zheng Hongwei】:【If our success rate rises sharply next, and Jiang Haochen fails, we will still laugh at Jiang Haochen for spending so much money to buy an office building to improve the quality of blind date services, but the result is still not as good as ours.】

【That makes sense. This guy is bullying others because his law firm is big. If the blind date success rate is surpassed by ours, he will probably be depressed to death.】

【This guy always does these crooked things. It's time to teach him a lesson.

It has to be said that people from law firms are sometimes easily carried away by success.

Just when things are a little smoother, they start to think about all sorts of things.

While these lawyers were chatting proudly, the assistant brought in Yu Yongyan's coffee, and then went out again.

The assistant would not disturb the two of them anymore, so Ma Yufang and Yu Yongyan started their formal blind date.

Yu Yongyan came to the blind date today, and he was still full of sincerity. He took out a delicately wrapped gift box from his pocket.

You can see from the gift box that it is Tiffany brand.

"Miss Ma, this is our first meeting, and I don't know what gift you would like, so I just bought a bracelet, hoping you would like it."

Ma Yufang was quite surprised to hear Yu Yongyan said he brought a gift.

However, receiving a gift during a blind date shows that the man values her, and Ma Yufang is naturally happier about this than receiving a gift.

"Mr. Yu, you don't need to be so polite when we meet for the first time."

In response to Ma Yufang's politeness, Yu Yongyan smiled and replied,"I just think that if I don't bring any gifts, I'm afraid that Miss Ma's impression of me will be greatly reduced, which would be bad."

As soon as these words came out, Ma Yufang's face immediately showed an embarrassed expression.

At this time, everyone in the live broadcast room was furious.

【Oh my god, is this another case of love at first sight? How else could she be so good at flirting?】

【This is so cheesy. How can you say this in front of so many people?】

【I just went to Yu Yongyan's live broadcast room and saw that there were 200,000 people in total with our live broadcast room. This is really brave. If it were me, I would be really embarrassed.】

【I really don’t have the courage to flirt with girls in public, no wonder I’m single. (crying expression)]

Because just now nearly 100,000 people came over to the live broadcast room of Xia Linxin and Xie Enle.

So together with the people in Ma Yufang and Yu Yongyan’s live broadcast room, the total number of people in the two live broadcast rooms is really 200,000.

Xie Enle and Xia Linxin fell in love at first sight before, and they were embarrassed in front of 100,000 people.

So Yu Yongyan can now express his affection so implicitly in front of 200,000 people, which really makes people have to give him a thumbs up.

And this also shows that at least Yu Yongyan is very satisfied with Ma Yufang.

So next it depends on Ma Yufang’s attitude.

The only attitude Ma Yufang can express at this time is to accept the gift.

Ma Yufang smiled and said,"Thank you, I like the bracelet very much."

Like the bracelet very much?

This made the netizens in the live broadcast room complain again.

【I like the bracelet so much without even looking at it. Does this mean I like the bracelet or the person?】

【At least you should take a look at the bracelet before you say that. Please be more reserved.】

【If you don't want to see the bracelet, let's see what it looks like. 】

The comments in the live broadcast room of the two people were crazy.

Ma Yufang's face turned red when she saw the comments in the live broadcast room.

Ma Yufang originally came with the mentality of ruining the blind date, and she never thought that the blind date would go so smoothly.

Although the two had seen photos before, and most of the photos were not beautified.

But when they saw the real people, they both felt that they were more compatible with each other than they looked in the photos.

Yu Yongyan saw that Ma Yufang was embarrassed, so of course he, as a boy, had to take the initiative at this time. Yu Yongyan smiled and said,"Why don't you open it and see if the bracelet suits your taste?""


Ma Yufang nodded, opened the gift box, and saw a simple platinum bracelet.

Ma Yufang also showed it to the netizens in the two live broadcast rooms.

There were naturally many girls in the live broadcast room.

So when these girls saw the bracelet, they immediately recognized it.

【This is a diamond bracelet from Tiffany's platinum series. It should cost more than 10,000 yuan.】

【Giving such an expensive gift as soon as you meet someone is really sincere.】

【How could a girl not like such sincerity in a blind date? 】

The boy in the live broadcast room saw that the girl's comments seemed to be off topic, and he immediately came out to refute. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Hey, hey, hey, girls above, are you missing the point?】

【Although a gift worth more than 10,000 yuan is not cheap, Ma Yufang does not seem to be too surprised. She is not like you who have never seen the world.】

【A second-generation rich man of this level would never buy a necklace that costs over 10,000 yuan, so it is very expensive for us, and it is not sincere at all.】

The words of the boy in the live broadcast room made the girls feel as if they were really right.

For ordinary working people like them, a bracelet that costs more than 10,000 yuan is not afraid of being cheap.

But if you look closely at the clothes and necklace on Ma Yufang, they are not worth tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

So a bracelet that costs more than 10,000 yuan is really nothing.

Giving gifts at this time can only be said to be an expression of one's affection, so the gift Yu Yongyan brought is not too cheap, and it is enough to express his feelings for the first meeting.

So the focus is on the thought, not the price of the gift. They are indeed focusing on the wrong thing.

Afterwards, the girls stopped worrying about the value of the gift, and instead started to make a fuss.

【Doesn't she have no bracelet on her right hand? Ask her to put it on.】

【Boys should take the initiative. As long as she doesn't refuse when you put the bracelet on her, the blind date is basically half successful.】

【If you dare to express your feelings on your first meeting, then be bolder. 】

When the girls in the live broadcast room started to make a noise, the boys in the live broadcast room also followed suit, all to encourage Yu Yongyan to be bolder and put the bracelet on Ma Yufang. When netizens were making a noise, the lawyers from various law firms were so happy that they wanted to open champagne to celebrate.[]

"Now the number of people in the live broadcast room is increasing, and it is almost over 300,000. On the other hand, there are only more than 20,000 people in Xia Linxin and Xie Enle's room. The gap is too big. I wonder if Jiang Haochen is angry or not."

Although netizens felt that it was boring after Xie Enle and Xia Linxin fell in love with each other, so they came to Ma Yufang and

Yu Yongyan's live broadcast room to watch the fun. There will definitely be more netizens coming in later, so Xia Linxin and Xie Enle's live broadcast room is not really empty.

But compared with Ma Yufang and Yu Yongyan's live broadcast room, Xia Linxin and Xie Enle's live broadcast room can be said to be extremely bleak.

In the case that the blind dates introduced by both parties to their clients today are considered successful, the number of people in the live broadcast room means the competition between Tengda Law Firm and Jiang Haochen's law firm.

This round, Zheng Hongwei can be regarded as the winner.

And what makes these lawyers most happy is that they originally didn't have much traffic.

The blind date traffic of Ma Yufang and Yu Yongyan can basically be said to be piggybacking on Jiang Haochen's traffic.

"Jiang Haochen's own traffic has helped my Tengda Law Firm. I wonder if this guy feels bad right now."

Zheng Hongwei couldn't help but mutter to himself happily in the office.

"Why don't I take this opportunity to create a short video account?"

Now that Jiang Haochen has so much traffic, Zheng Hongwei has thought of creating a short video account many times.

It's just that there is no suitable opportunity at the moment.

Today's opportunity seems to be good.

As blind dates will follow the existing model in the future, allowing both parties to look at photos and chat first, the success rate is worth looking forward to.

So Zheng Hongwei feels that the timing is right to create a short video account at this time, and he can also get a lot of traffic from Jiang Haochen.

If Zheng Hongwei uses Jiang Haochen's traffic and finally creates an account with tens of millions of fans, Jiang Haochen will probably be furious.

Jiang Haochen has been causing losses to various law firms recently. Now it is the turn of various law firms to be proud and make Jiang Haochen uncomfortable.

"What should I post as my first video?"

How to maximize the traffic of the first video is something Zheng Hongwei needs to consider.

When Zheng Hongwei began to consider what content to make in the first short video, Yu Yongyan was still very courageous to pursue love.

Seeing that everyone in the live broadcast room was making such a fuss, Yu Yongyan smiled and said,"I feel that this bracelet is still very suitable for you. Let me wear it for you."

Ma Yufang knew that many people were making a fuss there, so it was really embarrassing to agree at this time.

But Ma Yufang felt it was not appropriate to refuse.

In the end, Ma Yufang could only respond in a low voice:"Okay."

When netizens heard Ma Yufang say okay, they went crazy again

【Sure enough, this is also the case.】

【This must be the person I am destined to meet. If I hadn’t been on a blind date myself, I would have almost thought that blind dates were so smooth.】

【It seems that blind dates go smoothly for others, but it becomes particularly difficult for me. I can't bear it.

When netizens were expressing their feelings, Yu Yongyan had already picked up the bracelet in the gift box, and Ma Yufang also stretched out her hand and asked Yu Yongyan to put the bracelet on her. When the atmosphere was just right, Ma Yufang's other mobile phone in her bag suddenly rang.

This sudden call made Ma Yufang and Yu Yongyan feel a little helpless.

The people in the live broadcast room were speechless.

【Who is it? Calling me at such a romantic time. How tactless!】

【Friends like this should really be blocked. Who would call someone when they are in a relationship? Isn't this just disturbing?】

【If it is a harassing call, just call him Yitong. 】

When netizens were despising him, a phone call came in. Although Yu Yongyan was not happy, he still smiled and said,"You answer the phone first."


Ma Yufang nodded shyly, then took out her phone from her bag.

Ma Yufang picked up the phone and saw that it was her best friend calling.

"Doesn't she know that I'm going on a blind date today? Why is she calling me at this time?"

Ma Yufang was really confused.

Because they had a good relationship, Ma Yufang didn't think that her best friend would deliberately ruin the atmosphere of her blind date, so it might be something very urgent.

After Ma Yufang answered the phone, she asked,"What's the matter?"

The next second, Ma Yufang heard her best friend's anxious voice:"Yufang, don't accept Yu Yongyan's gift"

"I just received a message from my other sisters that Yu Yongyan is a scumbag"

"She often changed girlfriends when she was abroad. As far as she knew, she had changed at least five girlfriends during her four years of studying abroad."

"What? Are you sure?" Ma

Yufang's voice suddenly changed and she shouted subconsciously.

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