When these lawyers contacted their clients, some of them were still very reluctant, feeling that it was very embarrassing to admit their mistakes.

However, after these lawyers tried their best to persuade them and analyzed the pros and cons for them.

These clients knew their own limitations, so they did not dare to insist, and turned to ask these divorce lawyers how to coax their wives or husbands, so that their partners would forgive them.

These divorce lawyers are all shrewd people, having handled so many divorce cases, so they naturally have ways.

To a certain extent, these divorce lawyers are more reliable than emotional experts.

Soon, time came to the afternoon.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Junxiao came to Jiang Haochen's office.

When he came to Jiang Haochen's office, Zhao Junxiao said embarrassedly:"Lawyer Jiang, I'm so sorry that it took me so long to come here."

"It's okay, Mr. Zhao, please take a seat."

Jiang Haochen asked Zhao Junxiao to sit down.

Zhou Ruoyao brought in two cups of tea, and then was responsible for recording Zhao Junxiao's description.

After taking a sip of tea, Jiang Haochen went straight to the point:"Mr. Zhao, then please tell us in detail about the problems between you and your wife, especially your personal problems."

"I hope you don't hide it from me"

"After all, you signed a marital property agreement. If you hide it from me, if the other party's lawyer finds out about it, it will be difficult for me to help you."

""Lawyer Jiang, I know."

Zhao Junxiao began to describe his marriage in detail.

"My wife and I have been childhood sweethearts and grew up together."

"Our parents have a very good relationship and have always had a lot of business dealings."

"My wife and I went to the same school from elementary school to college."

"Because we have a good relationship, the elders on both sides want to bring us together."

"So we were together two years after graduating from college."

At this time, Jiang Haochen interrupted Zhao Junxiao.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Zhao, you said that you and Mr. Guo grew up together as childhood sweethearts. Why did you only get together after the elders on both sides wanted to bring you together?"

"There seems to be something wrong with your childhood sweetheart, right?"

Jiang Haochen doesn't have a childhood sweetheart, but Jiang Haochen thinks that true childhood sweethearts should be two people who are inseparable and have a good impression of each other.

Based on this situation, if they go to the same university, there is no reason not to be together.

So Jiang Haochen doubted the value of the childhood sweethearts mentioned by Zhao Junxiao.

Zhao Junxiao immediately explained:"Actually, this is because the two of us often fought when we were young and we didn't like each other."

"Then in high school, we all got along like buddies."

"When we got to college, even though we liked each other, we suddenly went from being good friends to being a couple, which was a bit strange."

"At that time, classmates often teased us, which made us feel very embarrassed."

"Girls are shy, so when we were in college, she would intentionally or unintentionally keep a distance from me in front of classmates, but in private we would still get along the same way as before."

"Maybe it was just a joke from my classmates. I actually privately expressed my intention to be together with her, but she always said that she couldn't accept her good friend becoming her boyfriend, so she politely rejected me."

"After graduation, I returned to work at my family's company, and the elders on both sides wanted to bring us together."

"When we reached the right age to get married, there was no one around. After we discussed it, we felt it was a good match, so we got together naturally."

"Lawyer Jiang, I have said so much because I want to say that I have deep feelings for Yanwei, because she and I grew up together. Apart from her, I have never had any other girlfriend."

"I feel really wronged for cheating on my wife this time."

"Because it happened to be during that period that Yanwei was always angry with me for no reason and treated me with cold violence"

"Then at this time, suddenly there is a woman who keeps asking about your well-being, and I am instantly moved."

"Who is the person you are having an extramarital affair with?"

"My secretary, who was also my classmate in college, actually knew that she liked me in college."

"Mr. Zhao, this is really troublesome for you."

"You knew that a woman liked you in college, but you still arranged for her to be your secretary.……"

Before Jiang Haochen finished speaking, Zhao Junxiao quickly changed his words:"No, Lawyer Jiang, I didn't find this secretary, Yanwei found it for me.""

"I was quite surprised at the time. Yanwei said that her family was in trouble and we could help."

"As an old classmate, I would definitely help her if I could, so I kept her around as a secretary and gave her a pretty good salary."

"Oh, so that's how it is."

"You just said that your wife treated you coldly and violently. If you didn't betray your marriage during that period, why did your wife treat you coldly and violently?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Junxiao also looked confused:"I still don't understand this matter. I feel like I may have done something wrong."

"A woman's mind is like a needle in the sea. I really can't figure it out."

"Anyway, she got angry easily during that period and deliberately found fault with me."

Jiang Haochen then asked:"Can you give an example to illustrate this?"

"Yes, for example, I cooked breakfast myself."

"I cooked it pretty well, just to her taste, but she said the porridge I cooked for breakfast was too sweet or too thick."

"I wanted to cook to show off, but she always disliked me for various reasons."

"As a man, I also have a temper when my wife treats me like this"

"OK, I understand your situation."

"Then tell us about your specific property situation."

"Logically speaking, you are the son who inherited your father's business, so how could you be involved in so much marital property?"

Jiang Haochen could understand the marital property agreement signed by both parties.

If the agreement includes pre-marital property, then the pre-marital property can be included in the division.

But what the couple can really divide up in the end is only the value of the marital property.

At most, the marital assets and pre-marital property are exchanged for an equal value.

So how could two rich second-generations accumulate 50 billion in marital property?

"Lawyer Jiang, in fact, the financial bloggers on the Internet did say a lot of things correctly, but they did not say some things correctly."

"My dad started the business with his three brothers."

"My family didn’t originally own 80% of the company’s shares. It was only after we expanded our shareholding and injected capital that we acquired so many shares."

"During the two years when my wife and I were married, the real estate market was still relatively sluggish and the company's business was average, so we decided to transform."

"My father asked me to invest, but my wife and I suffered repeated losses, which put our family's finances under pressure."

"My uncles used this as an excuse to say that I had no ability to manage a company."

"In order to prevent my uncles from making trouble for me when I take over the business, my father increased the capital and diluted their shares."

"When the company's share capital was expanded, my wife's family provided a large amount of funds. Because the investment was definitely a pure profit, these stocks were the common property of the couple and were written in my name."

"When my father expanded the capital, he injected our own funds"

"So my father's shares were not diluted too much in the end, he still had 40%, my wife and I had 40%, and my three uncles only had 20%.%"

"My father was in good health, but he died of a heart attack six months ago."

"My father is only sixty years old. He has always been in good health and his physical examinations have always been healthy, so he didn't think of making a will so early. Therefore, this part of the inheritance has become the common property of the couple."

Jiang Haochen understood.

The relationship between the wealthy families is indeed very complicated.

Even brothers have to take precautions in the end.

And this precaution is to expand the company's shares, dilute the shares of their brothers, and let their sons have absolute say, so that their sons will not be defeated by these uncles.

The biggest surprise is that there is no will.

Logically speaking, the wills between wealthy families will definitely not allow their daughters-in-law to have the qualifications of joint inheritance.

If they don't even trust their brothers, they certainly can't trust their daughters-in-law, and they will definitely consider the possibility of divorce.

According to the 40% originally owned by the two people. Even if they divorce and each gets half, as long as Zhao Junxiao doesn't make mistakes, he can get 20%.

Together with Zhao Junxiao's father's 40%, Zhao Junxiao can finally have 60%, with absolute controlling rights.

And even if they divorce, as a couple, Guo Yanwei must be on Zhao Junxiao's side, so 80% can definitely hold Zhao Junxiao's three uncles firmly.

But in this way, it is understandable why it involves 50 billion yuan of joint assets of the couple.

"System, to what extent do you think I can help Zhao Junxiao in this lawsuit?"

"The owner needs to consume two points"

"Confirm consumption."

Jiang Haochen's points went from 858 points he had recently accumulated to 856 points. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"As long as the owner is willing to spend points, at least he can leave the house with nothing."

"Can this also lead to a clean slate?"

This made Jiang Haochen realize that although Guo Yanwei seemed not to be at fault, in fact, the problem was very deep.

Since the difficulty was high, Jiang Haochen's fee would certainly be high.

Jiang Haochen didn't need to continue questioning the system, because asking questions would consume two points. Just be confident and save where you can.

Jiang Haochen said,"Mr. Zhao, I think I understand what you mean. Next, let's talk about the issue of attorney fees."

"The difficulty of your lawsuit is quite high, so my fee will be very high."

"It doesn't matter, Lawyer Jiang, as long as you can help me keep the company's equity, I can accept any price."

"Mr. Zhao, if you are currently just cheating in your marriage, and you are the one at fault, how much do you want to get?"

"It's just a marital property agreement, you will lose the company's equity"

"Your priority now is the company's equity, so the attorney fees I will pay you are as follows:"

"If I can't help you get your equity back, I won't charge you a penny for the lawyer's fee."

"If I help you get back the half of the shares that you should have divided, I will charge you 300 million in legal fees."

"no problem"[]

Zhao Junxiao agreed readily.

As long as he could get so many shares, even though Zhao Junxiao had grievances with his three uncles, he would not let outsiders control the company.

If he could get this result, Zhao Junxiao felt that it was already within an acceptable range.

However, Jiang Haochen would definitely not be satisfied with just 300 million in legal fees.

Jiang Haochen said again:"Mr. Zhao, I haven't finished my words yet."

".If I help you get back more than 50% but less than 60% of the shares held by you and your spouse, I will charge you an additional 3% of the total value as legal fees for the portion exceeding 50%."

"If I help you get back more than 60% but less than 70%, then I will charge 5% of the total value as additional attorney fees for the portion exceeding 50%."

"If I help you get back more than 70%, but less than 80% and more than 50%, I will charge 7% of the total value.%"

"If I help you get back 80%, less than 90% of the shares, and more than 50%, I will charge you 9% of the total value.%"

"If I help you get back more than 90% of the shares, but less than 100%, and more than 50%, I will charge you 10% of the total value.%"

"If I help you get back all the shares, I will take 10% of the total value of the part exceeding 50%.%"

"in addition,���If I beat your wife and drive her out of the house, I will take 12% of the total value of all assets, including real estate and cash, in addition to the 50% shares.%"

"I don't know if you can accept this fee."

Jiang Haochen usually charges 10% at most.

But because Zhao Junxiao is the party at fault, it will be more troublesome, so the price is slightly higher.

Jiang Haochen's fee standard made Zhao Junxiao, who was mentally prepared, take a breath.

At present, 80% of the company's shares are worth about 40 billion.

The couple has a total of 50 billion in assets, which means there are 10 billion in real estate and cash assets.

If they leave the house empty-handed as Jiang Haochen said, 50% of the shares are worth 20 billion.

Then Jiang Haochen will take 12% of the remaining 30 billion.

In addition, he will have to pay 300 million in lawyer fees to get 50% of the shares.

If the lawyer fee is judged according to the net worth, Zhao Junxiao will have to pay Jiang Haochen 3.9 billion.

Zhao Junxiao had never heard of such outrageous attorney fees.

But Zhao Junxiao had to admit that Jiang Haochen had the confidence to charge high fees.

He was the party at fault, and he beat Guo Yanwei out of the house. Zhao Junxiao felt that this was unrealistic no matter how he thought about it.

Of course, although the attorney fees were exaggerated, according to the normal division method, he was the party at fault, so he would definitely not get half of the assets, that is, he would not even get 25 billion (the best).

If Jiang Haochen beat Guo Yanwei out of the house, he could get 50 billion in assets.

After deducting Jiang Haochen's 3.9 billion attorney fees, he would still have 46.1 billion.

In comparison, he would have 21 billion more than before.

From this perspective, the attorney fees are worth it.

""Lawyer Jiang, I agree with your fee standard as long as you can really do it."

Now Zhao Junxiao can't find another lawyer, because other lawyers can't give Zhao Junxiao a sense of security. Only Jiang Haochen can give Zhao Junxiao a sense of security.

Zhao Junxiao must not lose his equity.

If he loses his equity, how can he face his parents?

Zhao Junxiao's mother died in a car accident while riding to meet with clients for this company.

And his father died of a sudden heart attack due to overwork for the company.

This company was bought by his parents with their lives, and Zhao Junxiao must not lose it.

Let alone 3.9 billion, even if the lawyer's fee doubled, Zhao Junxiao would grit his teeth and agree.

What's more, Jiang Haozi is also taking risks.

Jiang Haochen said that if he couldn't get the shares back, Jiang Haochen would not charge a penny in lawyer's fees.

Jiang Haochen himself took such a huge risk, and it was natural for him to have a high return.

"Mr. Zhao, since you agree, I will do my best to help you get it.

Jiang Haochen looked at Zhou Ruoyao and said,"Ruoyao, go prepare the contract."

""Okay, Lawyer Jiang."

After Zhou Ruoyao prepared the contract, Zhao Junxiao took a look at it, confirmed that there was no problem, and signed it with Jiang Haochen.

"Lawyer Jiang, I'll leave everything to you from now on."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I will make you extremely satisfied with the final result."

"" Okay."

Zhao Junxiao nodded, feeling that Jiang Haochen must be aiming for 3.9 billion.

Since Jiang Haochen wants to make money, Zhao Junxiao can be more assured.

At this time, Zhao Junxiao's cell phone rang.

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