[Congratulations, you have acquired the skill 'Lock Picking’】


Xiang Long was puzzled.


Is this the unlocking I understand?

His mind moved, and the explanation of 'unlocking' emerged:

【Lock picking: You will become an excellent lock picking master, no matter it is a combination lock, fingerprint lock, or electronic lock... the world is so big, you can come and go freely!】

"Is it really unlocking?"

Looking at the system's explanation, Xiang Long was dumbfounded.

No, I want to be a star, why do you give me unlocking skills?

Am I going to perform on TV how to pry open the door of Lao Wang next door?

After a long time,

Xiang Long came back to his senses from his skills.

"Oh, forget it, it's good to have many skills, I'll just open the lock, at least I don't have to worry about forgetting to bring my keys when I go out."

Xiang Long could only comfort himself in this way

"However, I still feel a little unhappy."

Xiang Long narrowed his eyes and looked around:"Let's find someone to tear off the name tag to vent my anger."

Just as he finished thinking, he saw a figure appear at the corner in front of him - the little cheetah Zheng Kai.

"It's you!"

Xiang Long stomped his right foot on the ground, and his figure shot out like an arrow!


Looking at Xiang Long's back getting farther and farther away, Xu Hao, who was the photographer of Xiang Long, cried again.

He couldn't catch up!

He couldn't catch up at all!

【Hahaha, there is no Xianglong in the picture again】

【The baby is sad, but he doesn't say it】

【Looking at the shaking of the picture, I can feel his fatigue.】

【But then again, Xiang Long is really fast.】

【Blink and you can't see it anymore】

【I feel that Xiang Long will have no problem participating in track and field competitions】

Art Museum.

Zheng Kai was also shocked when he saw Xiang Long, especially when he saw Xiang Long running towards him at an absurd speed. He turned around and ran without saying a word.

What, you said this will make him look unpresentable?

Then ask Deng Chao and others, who were killed instantly by Xiang Long when they teamed up, whether they still want to maintain their image.

To be honest, when Zheng Kai started running, he subconsciously felt that he was safe.

It was very simple, because he was still about 20 meters away from Xiang Long at the time. Even if he competed with the world champion, he was confident that he would win.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the bells behind him getting louder and louder.

"How is it possible? Can he catch up with me?"

With an incredible look in his eyes, Zheng Kai turned his head and looked back.

Then, he saw Xiang Long's figure was less than three meters away from him!


Zheng Kai was almost scared to death after seeing this scene.

‘Speed is my strong point, how could Xiang Long be so strong and fast?! '

Zheng Kai had a thousand question marks in his mind.

But no matter how confused he was, he knew that now was not the time to think about it. He didn't dare to look back anymore, and lowered his head to rush forward.

However, even so, he could hear that the sound of the bells behind him was getting more and more urgent and louder.

Finally, after a few seconds, he felt someone pulling up his clothes on his back, and a"swish" sound was heard.

Zheng Kai suddenly became like a deflated silicone doll, and instantly wilted.

He slowly stopped, put his hands on his waist, and looked at Xiang Long with a heavy breath:

"You...how do you run so fast?"

Xiang Long also pretended to be out of breath and said with a smile:"Maybe I exercise a lot."

"You are awesome!"

Zheng Kai gave Xiang Long a thumbs up in admiration.

You know, Xiang Long was 20 meters behind him at the beginning, but he was convinced that Xiang Long could catch up with him.

Not only him, but all the netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

【Oh my god, is Xiang Long driving at double speed?】

【Can this be caught up?】

【This chase was so exciting that the picture became blurry.】

【Just looking at the overhead shot, I doubt that this is not a running man, but a lion preying on an antelope】

【Xiang Long is so big and so fast, just like a heavy tank.】

【Just like Chen He said, Xiang Long should be called Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu riding the black horse】

【Didn't Xiang Yu ride on Yu Ji? 】

Art Museum.

After tearing off Zheng Kai, Xiang Long turned around and continued to look for other people.

He really didn't lie to Chen He just now. The contract signed with the Running Man program group stipulated that his task was to tear off as many name tags as possible to prevent them from collecting their own R coins.

For each successful prevention, he would be rewarded with an additional one thousand yuan.

However, after he tore off several people in a row, the whole Running Man team knew how strong he was.

So in the next half hour, as soon as these people saw Xiang Long's figure, no matter how far away they were, they ran immediately.

As for the celebrity image?

Come on, is it okay to have an image that is torn off in seconds?

For this situation, although Xiang Long was confident that he could catch them, it would be too outrageous, so he could only choose to give up.

Just like that, for a while, the entire art museum was full of constant panting.

Seeing this scene, all the netizens in the live broadcast room laughed:

【What is Running Man? This is Running Man!】

【Wow, at first glance, each of these eight live broadcast rooms is running】

【Hahaha, no matter whether it is Brother Chao or Big Black Bull, they are all scared】

【Xiang Long is like a big devil】

【Brother Chao, who was torn twice, must be the worst. I guess when he goes home at night and lifts the quilt, he will see Xiang Long inside.】

【Bai Lu seemed to have been torn twice? 】

Art Museum.

Bai Lu was covering her name tag with one hand while carefully searching for R coins.

Whenever she heard any noise, she would immediately stop her movements alertly, and look around like a mole sticking its head out of a hole in the ground. After making sure it was safe, she would continue searching.

Her suspicious look made the director who was following her unable to bear it, and he laughed and said,"You don't have to be so careful."

"What do you know?"

Bai Lu said nervously,"Didn't you hear the broadcast? Xiang Long tore off the three of them, including Brother Lian Chao. With my small body, I guess I can't even be torn off by Xiang Long's finger."

Bai Lu's words were so interesting that the director couldn't help but laugh.

""Hush, keep your voice down!"

Bai Lu was startled and said quickly.

At this moment, she heard the sound of a bell coming from outside.

"Oh no, he's coming again!"

Bai Lu was panicking and wanted to find a place to hide, but there was no place in this room.

At the critical moment, she suddenly had an idea and waved to the camera:

"Come on, big brother, give me the camera, I'll record it myself - you all go outside!"

After saying that, without waiting for the consent of the cameramen, he grabbed the camera and waved at them.

The few people had no choice but to walk out of the house empty-handed.

Not long after they came outside, they saw Xiang Long coming from not far away.

Seeing several staff members, Xiang Long smiled and nodded politely, ready to leave.

But after just two steps, he suddenly realized something and turned back.

""Big brother, you seem to be Teacher Bai Lu's shadow photographer?"

Xiang Long asked the empty-handed man.

After all, he had just been with Bai Lu for a while, so he felt that they looked familiar.

The shadow photographer was confused, and he didn't know whether to nod his head to admit it or deny it.

Looking at the other party's empty hands, Xiang Long suddenly understood and smiled,"I understand, I understand."

Then, he waved to his shadow photographer Xu Hao:

"Come on, Brother Hao, let's go in and take a look."

Xu Hao also smiled, nodded to his colleagues, and followed Xiang Long into the room.

Seeing Xiang Long and Xu Hao's swaggering figures, Bai Lu looked at the camera and the director, and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

In the live broadcast room, all the netizens who saw this scene laughed:

【Hahaha, poor Bai Lu, she's too smart for her own good】

【I just thought Bai Mengyan's idea was great, but I didn't expect Xiang Longqi to be one step ahead.】

【The key is that Xiang Long has a good memory and actually remembered who was the photographer of Bai Lu.】

【Anyway, I definitely can't remember if I have to change it. I'm a patient with advanced prosopagnosia.】

【I also】

【It seems that Xiang Long not only has strong limbs, but also has a smart mind.】

【I only care about Bai Lu's ending now】

【It’s about to be torn three times, so miserable]

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