[Hahaha, Bai Lu is so cute!】

【There is a madman next to you]】

【It seems that Xiang Long really hates quagmires.】

【Resistance is written all over my body】

【What a coincidence: I like to watch clean people play mud battles】

【The one in front, you are so bad – I like it too!】

【As if she saw Xiang Long covered in mud and looking hopeless in the future, the car stopped in front of a grassy area.

After getting off the car, Bai Lu just grabbed Xiang Long's arm and didn't let him leave.

Of course, she also paid attention to the degree and didn't just stick to Xiang Long in the car.

Seeing the two of them, Deng Chao and others were all surprised.

"Bailu, what are you doing?"

"I'm afraid Xiang Long will run away later."

Bai Lu said excitedly

"Where can he run to?"

Zhou Shen teased,"Can he run out of your heart?""


Bai Lu's face suddenly turned red, and she stamped her feet and shouted,"Zhou Shen!"


Seeing that Bai Lu still held on to Xiang Long in this situation, Zhou Shen was really curious:"Are you really afraid that Xiang Long will run away?"

"Of course!"

Bai Lu smiled and said,"It's rare for me to find Xiang Long's weakness."


Hearing this, everyone looked over.

You know, the Running Man team has been curious about Xiang Long's weakness for a long time.

"What is Xiang Long's weakness?"

"What is he afraid of?"

"Is it fake? Is there something Xiang Long is not good at?"

Bai Lu did not answer the question, but just smiled.

The crowd had no choice but to walk along the path and came to a mud pit about half a meter deep.

The mud pit was full of yellow mud, with three round platforms in the middle.

Looking at the mud pit in front of him, Xiang Long sighed, and the last bit of luck was completely shattered.

"As you can see, the name of the third round of the game is"Shining Debut"’"

Yao Yitian explained the rules of the game:

"After a while, the two teams will go to the mud pit, and we will arrange a camera to take a photo of one of the three platforms. After the countdown is over, count the number of team members that appear in the camera."

"The team with more members showing their complete facial features wins."

"This round of the game is played seven times……"

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Long shouted,"Seven times? Why so many?"

Yao Yitian had already known from the photographer that Xiang Long resisted the quagmire, so he pushed his glasses and smiled calmly:

"Don't worry, there will be many more quagmire battles in the future."


Xiang Long's face suddenly froze, and he cried out miserably:

"Yao Yitian, you are so vicious!"

Seeing this, everyone finally understood that Xiang Long was afraid of the quagmire.

"I see, Xiang Long, you have mysophobia, right?"

Chen Qiaoen clapped her hands and laughed.

"I don't have a mysophobia, but……"

Xiang Long glanced at the quagmire, his face full of resistance:"This is too dirty!"


Deng Chao laughed unscrupulously, then put his arm around Xiang Long's shoulders and said,"Xiang Long, don't be afraid. The mud in our quagmire has been specially processed and is clay mud."

"What is clay mud?"

Xiang Long asked

"Clay mud... well, it's also a kind of mud."

After saying that, Deng Chao couldn't help laughing.

Xiang Long looked like he had lost all hope in life.

At this moment, because Deng Chao was hugging Xiang Long, Bai Lu had already let go of Xiang Long's hand. Chen He sensed an opportunity, quietly came behind Xiang Long, and then pushed hard.

Xiang Long's reaction was so quick that he realized someone was pushing him the moment his skin was stressed.

So, he first leaned forward along with the opponent's force, and while unloading this force, his body instantly took a step to the left. Turning his head, he saw Chen He, who was standing unsteadily because of the empty push.

Xiang Long's right hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed Chen He's left wrist, and then used his forward force to swing it hard.

So, after Chen At the same time as Chen He threw Xiang Long out, Xiang Long himself regained his footing at the edge of the mud.

In contrast,

Chen He was completely unprepared.

In his opinion, this push would definitely push Xiang Long down, but who would have thought that as soon as his hands touched Xiang Long's back, he felt that his hands were pushing on the air, and then before he could react, a strong force came over him, and his body staggered and fell directly into the mud.


Chen He fell face down.

Seeing him like this, everyone on the shore laughed in gloating.

Chen He slowly raised his head from the mud, his face was already covered with yellow mud.

Even so, everyone could see from his eyes how confused he was at the moment


【He He, why did you provoke Xiang Long for no reason?】

【It’s amazing, Xiang Long’s reaction speed is simply invincible!】

【I thought Xiang Long was going to fall into the quagmire.】

【Chen He: There is an old saying that goes,"If you try to steal a chicken, you will lose the rice."’】

【Chen He: If I could do it again, I would never recommend Xiang Long again.……】

At the recording site.

Seeing Chen He's confused look with yellow mud all over his face, Xiang Long also laughed, but then pointed at Chen He and said:

"Brother He, I will remember you. I will take good care of you in the next round of name tag tearing."

Chen He panicked, wiped the mud off his face, and shouted:

"No, Xiang Long, please listen to my explanation. I was just joking with you!"

"Yes, I know, so I will play tricks on you later."

Xiang Long said expressionlessly.


Chen He put his hands on his hips and laughed weakly.

Even though he knew that Xiang Long was an undercover arranged by him, he did not feel relaxed at all.

At this moment, seeing the scene on the shore, his glasses suddenly lit up - just after him, Bai Lu on the side also came behind Xiang Long and pushed hard.

Just like before, Xiang Long reacted the moment his back was under pressure, and then he leaned forward and stepped forward to avoid it, and then grabbed the opponent's wrist with his right hand.

But after seeing that it was Bai Lu who was making trouble, Xiang Long couldn't help but flash a look of astonishment and helplessness in his eyes, and subconsciously let go of the hand that was about to pull Bai Lu down.

But in doing so, his own body also lost balance, jumped forward, and jumped into the quagmire.

Of course, under his strong core control, he did not lean over and fall like Chen He, but stood directly on his legs.

After landing, he pointed at Bai Lu:

"Bai Mengyan, you are very good..."

Bai Lu also naturally noticed from Xiang Long's reaction that he let go halfway, or rather, she knew that Xiang Long would not bear to see her fall into the mud and was so fearless.

So, she proudly twisted her butt on the shore and made a grimace to continue provoking:

"Lululu...what's wrong with me?"

At this time,

Chen He was not happy:

"No, wait, Xiang Long, what do you mean? Why did you throw me into the mud when I attacked you, and why did you jump in when Bai Lu attacked you?"

Looking at Chen He's face covered in mud, and then looking at Bai Lu who was fine on the shore, Xiang Long couldn't help laughing and explained:

"I just want to see you fall down so ugly……"


Chen He glared at him,"What? Wait, what did you say? You saw how ugly I was when I fell down, so you didn't want Bai Lu to be like me, so you would rather ignore your own cleanliness and jump into the mud?"

Xiang Long then realized the ambiguity in his words and hurriedly said,"No, that's not what I meant.……"

But at this time, everyone did not give him a chance to explain, and looked at him and Bai Lu with ambiguity.

"Oh, so that's how it is."

"Got it, got it"

"Would you rather fall into the quagmire yourself than protect Bai Lu?"

"Xiang Long, you are so considerate."

Bai Lu, the instigator, also blushed at this moment, looking at Xiang Long with sparkling eyes and curved eyebrows.

In the live broadcast room, netizens once again turned into single dogs:

【I’ll drink this wave of dog food first as a token of my respect, woof!】

【Xiang Long is so warm, it makes me cry!】

【Wow, is Xiang Long so considerate?】

【Please give me a dozen boyfriends like Xiang Long!】

【Who can resist a boyfriend like Xiang Long... Don’t you think so, Bai Lu?】

【Hahaha, that's right, if you don't fight for this kind of boyfriend, he will be snatched away by someone else.】

【Should I go into the quagmire myself or should Bai Lu go into the quagmire? Xiang Long: I choose to put myself in a difficult position! 】

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