After the second round of games, everyone went to the hotel to take a shower and change clothes.

Originally, Xiang Long had been riding in the same car with Zhou Shen, but since Xiang Long and Bai Lu had such a connection, he suddenly smiled when he got in the car and ran to Bai Lu:

"Bailu, let's change cars."

"Change car, what happened?"

Bai Lu still didn't react.

"Oh, I get carsick in that car."

Zhou Shen opened the door and got in without waiting for Bai Lu's consent.

"What the hell, you feel dizzy in that car, but not in this one?"

Bai Lu put her hands on her hips and laughed.

But Zhou Shen had already sat in, and she had no choice but to wave her fist to threaten him, then turned and walked to the other side.

It was not until she arrived at Zhou Shen's car and saw Xiang Long in the car that she finally understood Zhou Shen's intention.

However, from Xiang Long's act of rescuing her just now, Bai Lu already knew that Xiang Long was a very smart and considerate person, so she did not feel embarrassed, and greeted him generously and sat next to Xiang Long.

Xiang Long also smiled and nodded, and then sat down to observe his nose and observe his heart.


Bai Lu was slightly stunned and asked curiously:"Second brother, why don't you say a word?"

Xiang Long's expression:(¬_¬)

"Because I know you will call me that."

Bai Lu was startled, then she held her stomach and laughed.

"You said you were the same, why did you have to compare your birth time with mine?"

Bai Lu smiled and said,"It seems that from childhood to adulthood, I have never met anyone who was born earlier than me."

Xiang Long opened his mouth:

"Coincidentally, me too"

""Pfft, hahaha!"

Bai Lu laughed again without any image, with tears coming out.

Indeed, Xiang Long was born at one o'clock in the morning, and there were not many people who were born earlier than him.

It was a pity that he met her.

Seeing Bai Lu laughing, Xiang Long couldn't help laughing and said,"Teacher Bai Lu, have you forgotten that you are an actress? Do you really not care about your image at all?"

"Ahem, you're right. I can't do this. I need to be quiet and elegant.……"

Bai Lu seemed to be hypnotizing herself, and kept talking while taking deep breaths.

Seeing Bai Lu finally regain her composure, Xiang Long smiled wickedly and suddenly asked,"Teacher Bai Lu, when were you born?"

Bai Lu immediately thought of Xiang Long becoming the youngest because of this question, and her defense was instantly broken. She patted Xiang Long's arm and laughed:

"Are you sick? It was you who told me not to laugh, and it was you who made me laugh!"

"I can't help it. It's strange to see you sitting so quietly."

Xiang Long covered his arm in pain and smiled.

"What do you mean, are you saying that I am a noisy person?"

Bai Lu glared

"No, when did I say that?"

Xiang Long hurriedly explained:

"I mean, you are not a quiet person... Bah, no, I mean, quietness has nothing to do with you... No, no, I mean, you are usually really noisy... Ah, that's not right! I-I——"

Seeing that he was getting worse and worse, Xiang Long simply gave up struggling and stretched out his arm in front of Bai Lu:

"Forget it, just hit me."

Seeing this,

Bai Lu laughed again, but did not hit him. She just pretended to push his arm away with disgust:"You said I should hit you, so I will hit you. Who do you think I am?"

In the live broadcast room, seeing the interaction between Xiang Long and Bai Lu, the barrage of comments surged again:

【Ahhh, they are such a good match!】

【Menglong Brothers disbanded, Menglong CP took over!】

【These two are so fun together.】

【An uncle's smile】

【Are you really not considering a love show? I can watch their daily life for a whole day.】

【Two interesting souls]

Soon, the vehicle arrived at the hotel.

After everyone changed their clothes, they came to the venue for the third round of games.

"what is that?"

"A lot of circles"

"Are we going to have a hopscotch competition?"

When they arrived at the scene, they saw four white circles drawn horizontally and vertically in the middle of the field, a total of sixteen

"The last round of the game is called 'Dangerous Four'’"

Yao Yitian explained the rules of the game:

"As you can see, there are four horizontal and vertical circles here, a total of sixteen rings. After a while, your two teams will each get four sandbags."

"Later, the two teams start from the starting line together and put their own sandbags into different circles. After returning, the next team member will continue to put the sandbags... After all four sandbags are placed, the next person to start can change the position of his team's sandbags."

"In the end, the team that first connects four sandbags will be considered successful."

Everyone suddenly realized.

This is similar to the way Gobang is played, except that Gobang is a one-shot game, while this one can change the position later.

"From this point of view, the four rings in the middle are the most important. After that, no matter horizontally, vertically or diagonally, we can have an advantage."

Xiang Long whispered to Bai Lu and the other two:"Therefore, as long as we are fast enough and occupy the two central four rings first, we will win!"

Hearing this,

Bai Lu, Zhou Shen, and Baby:(。-ω-)-ω-)-ω-)

"Brother Long, let's say, is it possible that, except for you, none of us three has an advantage in speed?"

Zhou Shen asked speechlessly.

Xiang Long:"……"

"Well, it seems that I have to lead you this time."

With a wry smile, Xiang Long said

"Are you sure you are the one who is the undercover agent?"

Bai Lu asked suspiciously,"What if you are an undercover agent? We may not even know how we lost."

Xiang Long snorted and said,"Teacher Bai Lu, we both know who is the undercover agent.……"

Xiang Long pointed at his eyes and said:"I will keep staring at you."

Bai Lu blinked and suddenly said:"Call me sister."


Xiang Long's defense was broken instantly, and his momentum just now was like a punctured balloon, deflated immediately.

Baby smiled thoughtfully and said:"Xiang Long, you have a problem"


Xiang Long was stunned:"Sister Baby, my analysis just now is correct, right?"

Bai Lu thought she had won Baby's support, and immediately hugged Baby's arm and said:"I knew that Sister Baby has a sharp eye and has long seen that Xiang Long is an undercover agent?"

"No, I'm not talking about Xiang Long's identity, but the way he addressed you."

Baby smiled

"What's your name?"

Bai Lu was a little confused.

"Yes, Xiang Long always calls me"Sister Baby", but for you, he calls you"Teacher Bai Lu"’"

Baby teased Xiang Long,"Young man, you are a little wild if you don't call me sister when you are younger than me."

Hearing this, Bai Lu's cheeks flushed immediately, and she glanced at Xiang Long quickly, laughing deliberately to hide her shyness, and asked Xiang Long:

"Really, second brother, do you really have other thoughts?"

Xiang Long also deliberately patted his chest and said:

"The time of birth doesn’t count. In the future, I will use my strength to make you call me brother willingly!"

【Xiang Long, are you sure you are not driving?】

【You're the future’……Is it serious?】

【You' brother’……Is he serious?】

【Haha, what a good one! If you don't call me sister when you are younger, you are a little wild.’】

【Baby's words reveal the truth】

【I saw it. Bai Lu secretly glanced at Xiang Long just now!】

【I saw it too, just like a little girl whose secrets were discovered】

【There is definitely something going on between the two of them!】

【Squat for a prophecy, if Xiang Long and Bai Lu are together in the future, then take out this video】

Record the scene.

The two teams quickly arranged the relay.

The blue team is naturally the first baton of Xiang Long, and the red team is the first baton of Zheng Kai

"Get set, get ready—beep!"

As the referee blew the whistle, Xiang Long and Zheng Kai ran towards the ring in front of them.

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