In the live broadcast room, netizens praised Peng Peng's question:

【Peng Peng, this is a good question!】

【Sure, Peng Peng, it's ready.】

【Peng Yuchang, your assist is worthy of being enshrined in the Imperial Ancestral Temple!】

【That’s right, just ask: Xiang Long, do you miss Bai Lu or not?】

【This CP fan likes this kind of question the most】

【If he answered yes, it would prove that Xiang Long liked Lu Bao; if he answered no... would Xiang Long dare to answer no?】

【This question is simply great, Peng Peng, thumbs up for you! 】

Countless Menglong fans are looking at Xiang Long expectantly at this moment, waiting for his answer.

Mushroom House,

Xiang Long is also a little embarrassed.

If he answers yes, it will definitely cause a huge wave on the Internet; if he answers no, it’s okay, after all, this is just a variety show, and no one will take it seriously.

However, looking at Bai Lu’s sparkling eyes, Xiang Long suddenly thought of Bai Lu’s words just now,"I really want to play with my brother."

Although Xiang Long’s hesitation was very short, Huang Lei and He Ling still noticed it.

Both of them are people with high emotional intelligence, and naturally they will not embarrass Xiang Long, the guest, so they looked at each other and wanted to laugh it off to fool Xiang Long and give him a way out. The two of them can see it, and

Bai Lu, who is much closer to Xiang Long than them, can naturally see it.

A flash of disappointment flashed through her heart, but it disappeared immediately, because she knew that the reason why Xiang Long hesitated was not because he didn’t dare to admit anything, but because he didn’t want to get caught up in public opinion.

So, she also coughed lightly, ready to complete Xiang Long's answer.

But just when all three of them were ready to speak, they saw Xiang Long, who had originally made a move to leave, turn back, but did not return to his seat, but came behind Bai Lu.

Then, he stretched out his hands, covered Bai Lu's ears, and in the surprised eyes of everyone, he shouted at the camera as if venting something:

""I miss Bai Lu!"!!!


As Xiang Long said this, the scene fell into silence.

He Ling, Huang Lei, Peng Peng, and Zhang Zifeng all looked at Xiang Long in astonishment.

No one expected that Xiang Long could answer in this way!

In this way, he not only continued his attitude of not wanting to record, and did not give people the impression of being inconsistent, but also openly shouted out his longing for Bai Lu.

"Xiang Long, you are so good!"

He Ling reacted immediately and shouted excitedly to Xiang Long who had already let go of Bai Lu's ear:

"Your answer is perfect!"

Huang Lei also smiled and clapped his hands:

"Great, Xiang Long, I finally see that you really miss Bai Lu."

Peng Peng looked at Xiang Long with eyes that were like a god.

If it were him, he felt that he would never be able to come up with such a witty answer in his entire life.

Zhang Zifeng was the same, looking at Xiang Long with eyes full of curiosity and admiration.

She didn't expect that Xiang Long, the big devil, would have such a delicate mind.

Everyone else was like this, and Bai Lu, as the person involved, was so excited and happy at the moment that she couldn't express it in words.

She stared at Xiang Long with pride and happiness in her eyes.

She kept shouting excitedly in her heart:

‘This is Xiang Long, the man Bai Lu likes! '

If she hadn't still had a trace of rationality left, preventing her from shouting out her true feelings, Bai Lu would have wanted to throw herself into Xiang Long's arms and wantonly enjoy the warmth and touch that Xiang Long brought her.

In the live broadcast room, netizens went crazy when Xiang Long covered Bai Lu's ears with his hands and shouted"I miss Bai Lu":

【Ahhhh! Xiang Long! Ahhhh!】

【Oh my god, Xiang Long, you are so good!】

【I'm a boy, and I feel like I'm being teased】

【I feel Xiang Long is really romantic】

【I don't care, tomorrow I will cover my deskmate's ears and yell"I miss her"!】

【Deify! I declare that Xiang Long's answer is deified!】

【Those who watch dating variety shows should take a lesson. This is clearly a scene that can only appear in your dating variety shows!】

【The scene where Xiang Long covers Bai Lu's ears will definitely become a famous scene in"Longing"!】

【It is not only a famous scene from"Longing", I think it should be a famous scene from all variety shows!】

【The most romantic scene in all variety shows this year】

【Xiang Long is really good, I can't resist this answer】

【Didn’t you see the look in Lubao’s eyes right now? I just asked, can she still have room for someone else in her eyes?】

【Let's be together. If not, wouldn't this be a waste of this famous scene? [狗头]】

【If the two of them really get together in the future, this scene must be played at the wedding……】

Because Xiang Long's answer was so witty and romantic, within a few minutes, many netizens cut out the clip and posted it online.

Then, as expected, Xiang Long's answer immediately caused a huge stir on the Internet.

【Is it possible that Xiang Long, this muscular man, is so capable?】

【I feel like Bai Lu has completely fallen.】

【Xiang Long's answer is brilliant.】

【Well, Xiang Long's wit is already three points of my style back then.】

【Are these two together?】

【Menglong CP fans are satisfied and wander around…】

【Haha, I'm really happy to see more and more people recognize Menglong CP.】

【If this wasn't a script, this scene would be enough to be recorded in the history of love variety shows.

With the heated discussion among netizens, in a short period of time, the entry #Xiang Long covers Bai Lu's ears to confess# entered Weibo's hot search, and directly entered the top five!

At this time, the previous entry #Bai Lu said Xiang Long flew too low# was still hanging in the top ten.

In this way, Xiang Long and his partner easily occupied two hot searches.

Affected by this, the number of people in the live broadcast room of Xiang Wang directly ushered in a surge.

Originally, the number of people in the live broadcast room was only tens of thousands, but in less than half an hour, it doubled directly to nearly 300,000!

Looking at this surge in popularity, the director of the Xiang Wang program suddenly realized:

No wonder Yao Yitian gave a lot of shots to Xiang Long and Bai Lu, who had just joined the Running Man for a few episodes. Which variety show director can handle this crazy traffic?

After understanding this, the chief director immediately winked at He Ling and Huang Lei.

They have already cooperated for several seasons and have a tacit understanding with each other. He Ling immediately understood that this was to give Xiang Long and Bai Lu more opportunities to show themselves.

The two of them didn't care about this. After all, the first priority of making a variety show is the effect of the show.

At this time, everyone finished their meal and were sitting and chatting.

Huang Lei smiled and said to Xiang Long:

"Xiang Long, actually your experience is quite amazing. I remember you were just an amateur about a month ago?"


Xiang Long nodded:"Before recording Running Man, I was an unknown fitness coach and had no contact with the entertainment industry."

"Fitness coach……"

Huang Lei shook his head in admiration:"So how many fans do you have now?"

"About 200,000 yuan."

Xiang Long said with a smile

"200,000 is already a lot."

Huang Lei gave a thumbs up and asked with a smile:"So how do you feel about this month?"

"I actually have a lot of feelings."

Xiang Long first glanced at Bai Lu, nodded in response to her bright eyes, then raised his head slightly and made an expression of emotion:

"A month ago, I was unknown and my savings totaled less than five figures. But in just one month, I already had 200,000 fans, three thousand-square-meter villas, five luxury high-end sports cars, and my savings exceeded eight figures.……"

After hearing Xiang Long's answer, everyone's eyes became surprised.

Is being a star really that profitable?

Only Bai Lu, because she knew Xiang Long's character very well, could tell at a glance that he was lying, but of course she would not expose him. Like everyone else, she smiled and watched Xiang Long's performance:

"I am not telling you this today to show off, but just to tell you a simple truth."

Xiang Long pointed at the camera and said seriously:

"The reason why I can do this is not because of others, but because of myself... I imagined it bit by bit!"


Everyone burst into laughter when they heard Xiang Long's last U-turn.

Especially Peng Peng.

He was slurping noodles while preparing to learn from Xiang Long's advanced experience, but Xiang Long's sudden arrogance caused him to sprain his waist, and the noodles he had just eaten were sprayed out directly.

Because he choked too hard, two noodles hung out of his nostrils...

In the live broadcast room, whether it was the previous audience or the audience who just came in because of the hot search, they were all amused by Xiang Long:


【Xiang Long, do you want to make me laugh to death so that you can inherit my Tomato membership?】

【It's so funny, Peng Peng actually spit out noodles from his nose - just like me [smile]】

【Family members, who understands? During the evening self-study, the whole classroom echoed with��‘Kukukuku's suppressed laughter】

【In front, I said who has been laughing, after class bring your phone to my office】

【Is Xiang Long so interesting? I'm a fan】

【God, I imagined it bit by bit, hahahaha】

【This is my first time learning about Xiang Long. Has he always been this interesting?】

【Welcome to follow Xiang Long. He really has both a gorgeous appearance and a gorgeous appearance.】

【Xiang Long: So, where is my soul? I have such a big soul, fall!!】

【Hahaha, the fans are so interesting, the stars must be good too, I’m a fan.]

Just like that, when Xiang Long finished cleaning up the dishes and sat on a chair to rest, he subconsciously opened the system panel and found that his popularity had increased from 130,000 to 230,000.

"How come it has increased so much all of a sudden?"

Xiang Long was surprised and delighted.

However, he was obviously familiar with this, so he immediately logged into Weibo, and then saw that the two hot searches for himself and Bai Lu were high up.

"Well, if it is the popularity from the hot search, it will disappear soon, so it is best to use it up quickly..."

With a thought, Xiang Long looked at Bai Lu who was washing dishes in the kitchen.

"Teacher Bai, let me help you!"

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