Murderer: Kurosaki Ichigo!

Identity: A sixteen-year-old male high school student and the leader of the most alien invader army.

Motive for the crime: Invasion of the Earth!

Criminal method: Upgrade one bone to a double-bone attack, then break through in battle, upgrade the double-bone attack to a four-bone special move, and beat up the magical girl who resisted the alien invaders on the streets of Miwa Town!

Crime process: The victim not only did not accept his fate, but instead rose up to resist. After a fierce fight, both parties were seriously injured and both mysteriously disappeared. During this period, a large number of buildings were damaged, which caused a significant impact on the neon economy and even the global situation. significant negative impact.

Result of the crime: The murderer Kurosaki Ichigo confessed to the crime and said before disappearing that he was impressed by the fighting power of humans on Earth this time, so he would come back next time and let humans be prepared.

"Please do not approach or enter high-risk buildings to prevent secondary disasters. Please go to the following places for temporary settlements:……"

A day later, police cars and military vehicles were equipped with large speakers on their roofs, playing official propaganda at high frequencies and high pitches.

Yoneka Town, which used to be relatively prosperous, has now become extremely dilapidated, with collapsed buildings everywhere. When the wind blows, choking dust blows into the nostrils. Although the magical girl disappeared mysteriously, the scarlet flesh and blood solution she left behind , still attached to the streets, alleys and buildings of Yoneka Town.

But as time passed, it gradually withered, turning into dry and hard lumps, and finally shattered, turning into misty blood-colored dust and scattered in all directions.

Occasionally, there was still some blood and flesh solution, which still retained some vitality.

Once it sensed that someone was approaching, , just like a living creature, trying to spread over and devour it.

However, this instinctive active behavior is difficult to maintain because it loses the support of the main body.

Basically, it cannot spread more than a few inches, and the remaining energy is exhausted.

Active, it dries up and hardens quickly, and is completely wiped out!

Although Yoneka Town became dilapidated due to the battle between the alien light giant and the magical girl, it did not become deserted. On the contrary, the streets of Yoneka Town were very crowded.

The alien invasion riot case in Miwa Town, where the signal was hijacked by mysterious forces and then broadcast on television, really shocked the world.

As we all know, human beings are very curious, and the fact that the incident happened in Miwa Town makes people even more curious.

People really want to know how many outstanding people there are in Yoneka Town. First, they gave birth to Kudo Shinichi, the ancestor of the stand-in, and then they also gave birth to special photo monsters like the wandering old man. Then they were listed as the first to conquer the earth by alien invaders. One step at a time, and finally a magical girl appeared from nowhere!

Therefore, many people have traveled thousands of miles to come to Mihua Town with the mentality of"sightseeing" and"paying homage". Of course, this is what they say on the surface, but in fact, who knows.

At the beginning, although Neon officials had implemented a blockade and warning outside Miwa Town, trying to prevent other people from entering Miwa Town, in today's era of stand-ins, it is still difficult to prevent others from sneaking into Miwa Town. Some people rely on the power of substitutes to sneak into Miwa Town. They can fly over the walls and sneak in, and some simply teleport in.

When Neon officials saw this, they were helpless. Coupled with some political pressure, they finally had no choice but to hold their noses and admit it. Of course, in order not to lose their face, they called these people"voluntary enthusiastic" when announcing to the outside world."Disaster Relief Team", never mentioning that these people are here for sightseeing!

The streets of Miwa Town are very lively.

Some citizens of Miwa Town are walking on the road, preparing to find some supermarkets that are still open to buy some daily necessities.

After a while, there will be a mysterious man wearing a cap, wearing a mask, and speaking with a foreign accent.

People came over to strike up a conversation.

Although these mysterious people called themselves tourists, these"tourists" were still too young in front of the citizens of Miwa Town who had never seen any criminal behavior and could study dozens of murder methods even with plastic bags.

However, as the citizens of Yoneka Town with simple folk customs, they are also very hospitable and will not let the efforts of these tourists go in vain. As long as these tourists are willing to pay a"trivial" consulting fee, these residents of Yoneka Town are also willing to speak freely.

After traveling thousands of miles to come to Mihua Town, the"tourists" are not stingy in this regard and are generally more generous, but they are soon disappointed.

These citizens of Yoneka Town did not retain many memories of that shocking battle. When they were fused with the magical girl, they were in a hazy state of mind, as if they were sleepwalking, and could not remember anything. When they woke up, they found themselves lying on the bed. In the disintegrated flesh and blood solution, the magical girl has disappeared!

To be honest, the information that these citizens of Miwa Town know is not even as much as those who watch TV.

Many of them opened their eyes and found that the alien invaders had been repelled, but their homes had also been destroyed!

But no matter what, life must go on. The only good news is that perhaps because this disaster involves aliens, it has attracted the attention of all countries. Therefore, Neon officials have also changed their past procrastinating bureaucracy and have entered the disaster relief scene vigorously and resolutely. Got it!

However, for the citizens of Miwa Town, although official actions are rapid, the progress of the construction of resettlement sites for victims, the dispatch of disaster relief supplies, and more importantly, claims and relief, and disaster relief support, which are truly life-saving measures, are more subtle and cannot be ignored. It is said that there is no progress, but it is somewhat unsatisfactory.

What was really vigorous and resolute was the almost exhaustive search of Mihua Town in the name of disaster relief.

Whether it's a special photo monster, a giant of light, or a magical girl, Neon officials are very interested in any remaining clues and traces.

As for the outcome, these citizens of Miwa Town don't know, but this does not prevent them from using everything they know in exchange for some income.

The citizens of Mihua Town did not know much about the information about the shocking battle, but the few points that Neon officials had recently severely blocked and searched were quickly sold out by the citizens of Mihua Town.

At this time, these"tourists" have generally obtained satisfactory information, but how can these simple and honest citizens of Mihua Town let these fat sheep go so easily? Oh no, they are curious tourists, and they were soon exposed. As long as you keep adding money, there will be more news to sell

""Tourists" usually fall into this trap. Naturally, these simple citizens of Yoneka Town will not disappoint their sponsors, so they casually pick up a few things from the gossips of their parents, and then tell them to the tourists.

Those"tourists""We listened to these citizens of Yoneka Town, talking about their families and their families, telling themselves about shocking cases such as [Mysterious Corpse Dismemberment Case] [Rainy Night Serial Murder Case] and so on.

Moreover, behind these cases, there are more or less There are some weird secrets hidden, such as a murderer with an extremely mysterious background and identity, or a mysterious treasure that caused the case, or a weird secret place that makes people doubt whether it is on the earth, etc.

In order to make the"tourists" feel worthwhile. In exchange for the fare, these simple-minded citizens of Miwa Town also enthusiastically informed them of the locations of the crimes and where the relevant clues were, saying that if they wanted to learn more about the secrets of Miwa Town, just go and visit these places. It couldn't be better. These tourists were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect that a random passerby on the roadside would know so much information.

If it were described in game terms, it would be like the player just found a random person on the roadside. Face the villager NPC and give him some money, and then the villager NPC throws dozens of purple exclamation marks over his back. Each purple exclamation mark is a hidden exploration mission that vaguely points to a hidden reward.

This series of purple tasks is basically completed. Going through every corner of the streets and alleys of Yoneka Town is called the"Book of Yoneka Town". If you really do it, the information about Yoneka Town will not be fake. You will be a veteran of Yoneka Town, and these people have simple folk customs. Citizens will also kindly remind them that these hidden exploration missions carry unknown risks, and tourists are asked to do their best.

Of course, since these"tourists" choose to come to Mihua Town at this time, they naturally have high self-esteem and almost no risk. A few of them listened to the advice, and they were all eager to give it a try!

These simple-minded citizens of Mihua Town are generally considerate and silent, but there are occasional exceptions.

For example, the"tourists" are handsome or not.

She is very beautiful, generously paid, and very cautious.

She is not the kind of mindless one-on-one character in a horror movie who suddenly dies within five minutes of her appearance.

In addition, the citizens of Yoneka Town are also in a good mood, so these simple-minded citizens of Yoneka Town, Only then will some citizens’ rules that do not exist on the surface, but that every citizen of Miwa Town silently summarize, be used to warn these"tourists"!

To survive in Miwa Town, knowing more is not necessarily a good thing, if you really know a lot. For example, if you approach these places, you must be fully prepared, preferably accompanied by detectives and police officers, or at worst, in a group. The style of Miwa Town is also contemptuous of the secrets hidden in these cases. The final result is that it often becomes a source of gossip and"neighbor gossip" among the citizens of Miwa Town.

In fact, this is the case. Warning is the real secret of Miwa Town, or in other words, it is the best"treasure" if you want to survive safely in the super crime city of Miwa Town!

Of course, you can really find out what this is from the citizens of Miwa Town! The written code of the citizens of Rice Flower Town, or in other words, the"tourists" who are the code of survival of Rice Flower Town, are in the minority after all. Even if they are informed of this, they will not care. After all, if they are good babies, they will not come all the way to visit Rice Flower Town. Don't mind.

Moreover, they have not yet truly realized how terrifying the city of Yoneka Town really is.

That terror has subtly penetrated into the hearts of every resident of Miwa Town.

Therefore, these tourists did not realize that many of the case information told to them by the citizens of Miwa Town were unsolved cases. After learning so much information, they still thought about these"tourists" who ran to the crime scene. Easily targeted by the real murderer.

Even for those who have been exposed, if you go alone, if you are unlucky, you may encounter the mysterious murderer who imitated the crime as a tribute to the original murderer. At that time, you will no longer explore the secrets of Yoneka Town, but become part of the secrets of Yoneka Town..

The citizens of Mikka Town did not lie and gave them kind tips and advice.

However, Miwa Town is hospitable. It opens its arms and welcomes every guest who comes from afar warmly and frankly, allowing them to peep into the secrets of Miwa Town.

Until that secret turned into boundless darkness and completely swallowed them up!

Only those who survive this baptism and are intoxicated by the magnificence and cruelty of the darkness, or who are bound by the darkness and can never escape, are the real people of Miwa Town!

As for those who can't bear the baptism of Yoneka Town?

Yoneka Town is indifferent to this.

People who are both good and fun-loving, want to play but can't afford it, are not welcome in Miwa Town.

Yoneka Town is a lively city, always full of unknown surprises. When tourists chat with the citizens of Yoneka Town, there will occasionally be loud explosions.

Tourists curiously ask, and generally speaking, the citizens of Miwa Town will smile and tell them that there may be something wrong with the collapsed building somewhere, and a"gas explosion" occurred.

The citizens of Miwa Town did not lie, because in the past, when they heard such sounds and turned on the TV, officials would tell them that there was another pipe explosion or gas explosion in Miwa Town.

As for the real situation, the citizens of Yoneka Town know it well.

In fact, they even know a secret place in Miwa Town where they can buy explosives, commonly used cyanide poisons, weapons, and various weapons, because these places are not far from where they live, and they go out for a walk. I often pass by it when I have time, and occasionally chat with the boss or shop assistant in my free time.

Of course, they also generously told"tourists" relevant clues about these secret places in Miwa Town. The premise is that these tourists can complete the baptism of the"Maika Town Book". If they can complete it, they will know it. If not, they will know it. Done, those places don't entertain tourists.

All the weirdness and darkness are hidden in the simple words of the citizens of Yoneka Town, expressed in the form of neighborly chat, and the will of Yoneka Town is also condensed in it.

These tourists don't know that because they have learned this information, Mihua Town is already watching them silently. They ask for information everywhere, take photos everywhere, and even boldly try to remove the flesh and blood that have not completely lost their vitality. The solution is preserved to pry into the secrets of magical girls.

The alien giants of light who ignored human thermal weapons were all repelled by magical girls. How could this not make people curious and pry?

Does what these tourists do make sense? However, as outsiders, if they want to get close to the reality of Miwa Town, they still need to make some efforts and some time.

But in the real dark side of Miwa Town, for example, in the deepest parts of some remote alleys in Miwa Town, perhaps because of insufficient light, there are vague shadows permeating the air. At this time, there happens to be a mouse, quietly walking from He jumped down from the trash can, then unconsciously approached the shadow, and then was submerged into the shadow.

The mouse turned his eyes, and what he saw was a street filled with thick fog. The colors of the street were distorted and abstract, incompatible with reality. Absurd and deformed houses and buildings were scattered on both sides of the street. Deep in the fog, tentacles were looming. It flashed by.

The mouse ran in this strange place. Instead of feeling fear, it felt extremely comfortable and joyful, as if it were home. Gradually, the mouse was eroded by the fog, its fur gradually became gray, its flesh and blood began to wither, and its size gradually expanded..

Along with the changes in his body, his ignorant intelligence seemed to have gained some growth. The mouse gradually lost its previous comfort and joy and became cautious!

The streets and buildings shrouded in fog collapsed in many places. In some places, even the space disappeared, leaving only a dark void shrouded in fog.

The dilapidated streets and buildings make people feel more dangerous, because in the fog,"people" with ragged clothes and withered flesh are wandering.

These"people" screamed angrily.

The promised paradise had become so dilapidated that its inhabitants felt the same way.

They want to commit crimes, want to kill, want to riot, and want to reshape this promised paradise with their own hands.

But they can never get out again!

They have gradually become a part of this paradise, but they have been faintly rejected by the other side of the paradise, which is the real Mihua Town.

Therefore, they could only scream continuously to vent the rage in their hearts.

Their screams were also a request, and this request was faintly transmitted to the deepest part of this mist-shrouded paradise.

The mouse was also infected by the scream, running subconsciously through the dilapidated and crumbling streets, and then at a certain moment, it suddenly stopped.

The mouse's increased wisdom allowed it to vaguely remember that this place was called Yoneka Town Park, where it had once foraged for food.

But at this moment, the appearance of Yoneka Town Park in this mist-shrouded paradise made him wonder if he had remembered it wrong.

The boundless majestic fog arises from this, roaring and surging!

A horror deeper than darkness is entrenched within it.

This is the center of paradise, the origin of nightmares, and the final destination of all wanderers. It is also a terrifying dark restricted area that cannot be summoned and must not be crossed.

Because the King who rules over all darkness is entrenched within it right now.

Sensing this, the mouse couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the self-evident majesty. It quietly knelt and kowtowed, and then did not dare to stay any longer. For fear that its existence would desecrate the great existence, it hurriedly left.

And in the deepest part of this nightmare Minka Town Park, the king of beasts surrounded by all the homeless people, the Lord of the Dark Forbidden Zone, Edogawa Conan, sat on a chair made of cardboard boxes, holding his chin in one hand, looking at the bonfire burning in front of him, On the other side of the bonfire, a round and dark ball was rolling around on the ground!

After a long time, Conan said:"Okay, stop rolling, I'm almost dizzy!"

Kurosaki Ichigo's voice came from the black ball:"Don't worry, I still need some time to adapt to my new form. , and then conceived a new fighting method suitable for this form."

In this riot case, Conan has done everything he can, and the result is, as expected, a good result.

The riots in Miwa Town caused by the Legion of Six Six Six Beasts were locked in Miwa Town and turned into a nightmare Miwa Town. The giant of light and the magical girl fought and both suffered losses. In addition to a lot of damage to the buildings, the casualties have been Suppression was kept to a minimum. Except for those unlucky ones in the early stages of the riot, there were almost no casualties in the back.

This is undoubtedly a miracle!

But miracles do not come without a price.

Conan asked:"With your current posture and strength, can we really break the shackles of Nightmare Rice Flower Town and get out of here?"

The Giant of Light was blessed by Nightmare Rice Flower Town and tried to murder the magical girl on the street. In order to achieve this At one point, Kurosaki Ichigo undoubtedly made the most of the blessings of the nightmare Yoneka Town, and the two sides resonated and integrated deeply, thus bursting out with tyrannical power.

In the last confrontation, the magical girl was severely injured, but Kurosaki Ichigo also received several severe blows. In the end, he could not maintain the posture of the giant of light. Even the nightmare of Yoneka Town was reduced to this broken posture, but The problem is not here.

After the battle, due to too deep resonance and fusion, Conan and Kurosaki Ichigo were directly pulled into the nightmare Miwa Town, and then could not get out.

Ichigo Kurosaki didn't care, and said in a leisurely tone:"Don't worry, I can do anything. Even if I turn into a ball, the nightmare of Mihua Town still can't suppress me. Once I get used to it, I'll do it right away." Fight the nightmare Mikka Town for three hundred rounds to see how powerful it is!"

Edogawa Conan sighed:"Then hurry up, my subsequent series of criminal plans will be implemented outside, and... Someone is probably looking for me. If I don't report the news, I will probably be purged as a traitor to the organization.……"

Conan's reasons are naturally not just those on the surface!

During the battle, Ichigo Kurosaki had noticed the activation of the crime capital of Yoneka Town, and Conan also felt it vaguely.

But Kurosaki Ichigo didn't take it seriously, but Conan didn't think so.

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