After seeing this scene, although Conan wanted to pull out Moriarty, beat him to death with heavy fists.

But after all, he was very rational and quickly calmed down. He even felt that Mao Lilan's appearance at this moment might be a factor that could be used.

Because, Mao Lilan's murderous intention is still strong and fierce, like a needle piercing the bone.

Mao Lilan looked at the light troll standing on the earth, the bloody light in his eyes was still eerie.

In the magical girl transformation state, she can feel the power and terror of the light troll.

That is not an enemy that can be challenged by the category of"human beings"!

But that's not important. Even though there is no complete memory of the remaining information in her soul, only some fragmented, but almost ripples that can be called obsessions, it still makes her face this light. When fighting against the trolls, there was not a trace of wavering.

She has long been accustomed to facing this kind of enemy who is too terrifying to describe in words.

For her, knowing one fact is enough.

Conan's aura is on the light troll, and that's enough.

To be honest, Mao Lilan, who was in the magical girl transformation state, was always a little confused. She didn't know why she had to find Conan. She even didn't know why she knew the name Edogawa Conan. She only Du knew very well that if she could kill Edogawa Conan, she would be able to truly find and see Kudo Shinichi.

This understanding, like an obsession, penetrated into her bones and entangled her soul!

If she wanted to challenge this light troll standing on the earth with her own strength, it would not be enough, but it doesn't matter, her other magical girl companions have already rushed with her 6-head gift pack. When we arrived at the scene, what was even more fortunate was that a certain well-known behind-the-scenes director did not intend to film the plot of the magical girl for dozens of episodes, so Mao Lilan did not have to wait for three or four episodes to find a companion.

Gathering the power of the Miyano sisters, the Mori couple, Dr. Agasa and Suzuki Sonoko, it evolved into a pseudo-magical girl armor with a fusion form of six heads and twelve arms, which physically explains what friendship and bonds are.

Mao Lilan didn't pay attention to this. Under the influence of the residual information from the First Eye, Mao Lilan was able to withstand any weird and terrifying phenomenon.

Her frost-white hair fluttered in the wind, and the Moriarty fragment she held in her hand resonated with the two Moriarty fragments on the magical girl's armor.

The magical girl armor with six heads and twelve arms opened its bloody mouth at this moment and swallowed Mao Lilan in!

The mysterious perspective that hijacks the TV signal always plays everything in Miwa Town at a perfect angle.

The audience sitting in front of the TV, almost holding their breath, witnessed the battle between the light troll and the big monster that lasted for less than a minute, a little more than half a minute!

Although the audience did not know the origin of that big monster, they knew clearly that the light troll was an alien invader, so they subconsciously supported the big monster.

But if the support of the audience can be effective, then there will be no need for events such as horse racing.

The objective gap was vividly reflected in the battle that lasted less than a minute.

Although the big monster was knocked down and stood up again, and even briefly transformed into a dark giant form similar to the light troll, it was still quickly killed to pieces.

The audience's hearts suddenly sank, and then they saw the light troll standing on the earth, with a villain-like Jie Jie laugh, making the Six Six Six Beast Legion and those who had taken refuge in the aliens work hard. Crime and conquer Miwa Town as quickly as possible!

At this time, that mysterious perspective also took a condescending look at Miwa Town.

Then, the audience saw that the originally peaceful and peaceful Yoneka Town was now like a battlefield filled with smoke. There were ruins of collapsed buildings everywhere, and flames and smoke filled everywhere. Among them, the most conspicuous one was the Six-Six-Six Beast. members of the Legion.

Their eyes were glowing red at this moment, their faces were extremely distorted, their muscles suddenly swelled, and they kept letting out the same weird laughter as the alien invaders, and then they wreaked havoc in Mihua Town.

Thanks to Neon's official cover-up, these viewers don't know that there may be more criminals than normal residents in the super-criminal city of Miwa Town. They just see that the original crime rate has always been the lowest in the world ( Statistical Portal and Publicity Portal), safe and peaceful Neon, such a tragic scene actually happened. I couldn’t help but yelled angrily and started to blame the Neon official. Why didn’t they send out the X team to defend Mihua Town?.

And such blaming and scolding did not last long, because this time Neon's official response was extremely fast. The audience soon saw that a formation of fighter planes had soared in the sky, cooperating with the ground troops to launch an attack..

The light troll stood there, not even bothering to move.

Artillery, missiles, and large-caliber machine guns fell on the light troll, blooming into flowers of flame, but when the smoke dissipated, the light troll didn't even get a scratch.

Such a gesture of complete disregard for modern human firepower made more viewers break through.

At this time, a gloomy and low voice came from the TV:

"Stupid humans, your strongest single combat power and modern armed firepower are just rubbish to the Demon of Light, the vanguard of our alien invasion force. Yoneka Town is about to be destroyed by us. Conquer, then come other cities. If you know what you are looking for, surrender quickly. If you surrender early, you can become a servant army of M78 Nebula like the 666 Beast Legion and enjoy regular organization and treatment.……"

"Of course, you can continue to resist. So, stupid humans, are there any heroes among you who can stand up and challenge the Demon of Light? I think there shouldn't be, because you should be aware of the gap. Why should we, the weak, resist?"

The gloomy and low voice seemed to contain strange magic power, which penetrated into the hearts of the audience little by little, influencing their minds and emotions.

Some lucky audience members had already faintly noticed that something was wrong at this moment. They The stand-in appeared automatically, resisting the magic contained in the strange whisper in various ways, but the world is unfair, and there are only a small number of people with strong luck. Most of the audience are gradually affected by the gloomy and low voice..

In the previous world line, Moriarty's"mouth" magical power once suddenly showed its power, and

Mo Yu used Moriarty's mark as a medium to intervene with his magical power. This is why the Neon official and the TV station tried to do something to save the situation after discovering that the TV signal had been hijacked, but were unable to do anything.

The criminal God showed a miracle at this moment. How could it be easily disobeyed by mortals?

And Mo Yu's purpose of doing this is also very simple. How can a wonderful crime not be witnessed by the audience?

Even if Mo Yu doesn't agree with the crime of the homeless old man, it is still a gamble. Having sacrificed everything about himself, as a criminal with high purity, and as a member of his own family, it was not too much to give him some pomp and circumstance when he left the scene.

Under Mo Yu's outstanding"eloquence", many viewers gradually lost control of their emotions. , some viewers were so angry that they couldn't help themselves, and wanted to go up and fight the light troll. There were also many viewers who were trembling with fear and screaming.

However, such extreme reactions were still relatively rare, and more viewers were still in panic.

They instinctively longed for the hero to arrive like a miracle!

But at this time, a miracle came!

The bloody mist roared across the four directions.

At this moment, the entire Mihua Town fell into silence, and even the audience suddenly felt excited. My heart was pounding with fear, and I felt like I was breathless and suffocated, because every wisp of that bloody mist was filled with murderous intent that was almost solid.

"Oh, I didn’t expect that there are such powerful beings lurking among humans, so let us wait and see what will happen next!"

The gloomy and low voice spoke with interest.

In the bloody mist, a twisted and squirming figure slowly expanded and rose, approaching step by step the light troll standing on the earth.!

The huge existence gradually passed through the blood-colored mist, revealing its figure. The flesh and blood on its body continued to squirm, and gradually formed into obsidian scales of biological texture. Countless scales were superimposed to form a huge frost-white armor.

His long hair danced all over the sky like tentacles, and his knight-like visor had seven pairs of eyes, staring at the light troll with eyes filled with hatred, madness, nothingness, pain, malice, fighting intent, and murderous intent. A bloody horn stood on top of the faceplate, glowing with sharp cold light.

The bloody mist swayed behind it, like a gorgeous skirt or a armor's cape, with a strange and gorgeous beauty!!

"strong enough!"

The person who said this was Kurosaki Ichigo. He was keenly aware that the female knight in front of him was completely different from the old man. This female knight would not have any fancy calculations, only indestructible Extreme murderous intent!

Then, Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes fell on the female knight's right hand.

There was nothing there, but there was something chilling.

Then, Kurosaki Ichigo asked Yu Conan. :"Little detective, isn't the social atmosphere in your world very bad? The kind of murderous blade that is derived from endless pain and despair, and is sharpened bit by bit with endless madness, is not something that can be born casually.!"

As a pure Martial God, his astonishing talent at the battle level allows him to understand a lot of information with just a glance.

After Conan transformed into the Light Troll, his rationality increased sharply, and so did his observation, thinking, and reasoning abilities. It skyrocketed and was now not inferior to Kurosaki Ichigo in some aspects. Therefore, he also keenly observed that the blade of murderous intent that did not exist but still showed infinite presence was like a huge iceberg. , the innermost ice core, after years of hardening, can achieve the hardness accumulated over time.

The murderous blade was not forged in a hurry, but held the endless pain and despair day after day.

Only by tempering can you create the outline that exudes an infinite sense of existence, and then by tempering it year after year can the ultimate madness be completely infiltrated into it, forming an edge that even if it doesn't exist, is still chilling!

For a moment, he was a little confused.

He used to think that Mao Lilan was transformed by Moriarty, so he had some mental problems, but now it seems that the situation seems to be different from what he thought before.

Conan's character is different from ordinary people. It's a little different. It would be fine if he didn't notice any violation, but as long as he notices something amiss, then his extraordinarily strong rationality, his highly active thinking ability at all times, and his unusually strong desire to Curiosity and action will continue to push him to go deeper until he finds out the truth!

Kudo Shinichi, who is rated as a reasoning madman by Mori Kogoro, is essentially such a man!

Conan subconsciously tried to continue thinking, but this For a moment, some emotions that Conan had never felt suddenly appeared in his mind.

That emotion was called fear!

Stop, you can't continue to investigate, and there will be an abyss of no return.

When Conan tried curiously! When we parted the fog and peered into the truth hidden under the abyss, the truth also gave us a concession across the fog and the abyss.���A glance of fear.

Conan's brain stopped at this moment. Kurosaki Ichigo noticed something was wrong, and used his mind to turn into an invisible fist, beating the fear entangled in Conan's mind, beating it down briefly, and allowing Conan to wake up.

"What was that just now? This feeling seems familiar to me!"

Conan's first reaction was doubt, and his outstanding thinking and association skills allowed him to find the familiar root immediately.

The insect arrow sent by Moriarty gave Conan a similar feeling!

It's not interference from the future, but Conan's instinct is to be afraid of it!

Conan's eyes flashed, and he felt that he had found a clue, but he was so rational that he finally understood the importance and knew that this was not the time to explore this!

"I'm fine, let's focus on the current matter. Next, you and I will divide the work and cooperate. You hold off Mao Lilan, and I will solve the riot case."

Conan took a deep look at Mao Lilan who was wearing the magic girl armor, and then his mind moved, and his spirit poured into the blood oath mark on his right hand.

Then, Conan"saw" an extremely mysterious scene.

The fog of crime It has turned into a network, criss-crossing, and spreading continuously in Mihua Town. Each blood oath mark is the terminal node of this network, but it is also the physical hardware that supports this criminal network.

A skull-shaped animal head emerges. In this criminal network, it is constantly whispering about the old man's life, and about his thoughts and wishes that he must carry out even if he dies.

"We have nothing but a share of blood-stained fangs, and we use these fangs to kill, commit crimes, and riot to tear out our destiny from the fate!"

This whisper turned into a real tide, surging throughout the entire criminal network!

These are blessings and curses!

If those who bear the blood oath mark are willing to obey, then this is the force that drives them forward. If they are not willing, There is a curse here, like a rock in the river, which will be completely worn away by the constant tide.

An invisible eternal memetic mechanism supports a never-ending case. If Conan is alone, he will not know what to do. How to solve this case, but at this moment, the support from aliens gave Conan the opportunity to try.

The ultimate purity turned into brilliance, and the purity also reverberated with unprecedented loudness. roar!

"Come on, come on, come on!"

But what can I say? Fortunately, Conan came in to take a look, because he found that the effect of fighting poison with poison seemed not very good.

The whisper of the beast and the roar of the light were mixed together, and there was indeed a conflict, but the conflict was not too severe. Then The roar of light, which was so powerful that it flew up, vaguely tolerated and supported the whisper of the beast. After the two sides were mixed, it became more powerful and evil, and in reality, the members of the six-six-six beast army became Stronger, fiercer and more powerful.

But it doesn't matter. Conan had no intention of solving this case just by fighting poison with poison.

Conan's will rushed directly to the skull beast head and shouted suddenly:

"Surrender to me, in the name of the winery that ranks number one in the criminal association rankings in Mihua Town, I promise you that as long as you surrender to me and the winery, all your wishes will come true!"

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