When many people heard this declaration of aggression, they subconsciously thought it was an April Fool's Day joke.

But soon, the mysterious voice claiming to be Kurosaki Ichigo stopped appearing on the TV, and the scene was shown again, with a condescending lens focusing on the scene of Yoneka Town.

At this moment, many people felt something was wrong.

Mika Town is a key area under Neon's official news control. The media's reporting is restricted. Even if it is a supernatural event such as a monster attack, the report is evasive and vague, so many people have not really understood what happened. What.

But now, this unrestricted bird's-eye view conveys everything!

This is not something that humans can do. Although Neon's reporters are world-famous for their desperate efforts, they cannot carry the camera directly into the face of the giant of light that is dozens of meters high.

But for the general audience, it doesn't matter who is"broadcasting" the scene now. What matters is that this news is definitely exciting enough!

The giant of light, with its dark aura lingering all over its body, was so strong that it could pull the flag, and used Yoneka Town as the battlefield to beat the monsters inhumanely.

Fighting is also a way of communication.

The audience who saw this scene all invariably understood this advanced method of"communication" and also felt the meaning expressed by the giant of light through its body language.

The reason is very simple. Every attack of that dark giant of light is like an extremely evil tiger hunting, or like a mad shark biting in the angry sea. That kind of mixture of absolute cruelty and absolute ferocity, with absolute The ultimate will of only me ravages everything in the world.

You can tell just by his fighting style that this dark giant of light is definitely not a good guy!

Of course, this perception is only caused by cultural differences. After all, in the current No. 0 world, the opponents who really need Kurosaki Ichigo to beat are no longer ordinary beings. They are the sun and the moon, spring and summer. These are the vast natural phenomena of autumn and winter, so Kurosaki Ichigo's recent fighting style also tends towards this kind of brutality and ferocity.

Only this kind of power can truly shock those natural phenomena that also possess extraordinary purity.

The cultural differences are not only reflected in fighting styles, but the residents of Miwa Town will feel this more deeply.

The Soldier of Light just stood on the ground, and the dark spiritual pressure spread over an extremely wide area, almost completely covering the entire Rice Flower Town. This phenomenon unique to the Shinigami World is not friendly to the creatures in Rice Flower Town.

Ordinary residents only feel that the endless dark rain keeps falling in front of their eyes, and then turns into an endless tide, completely engulfing them. Then they feel endless suffocation, and their bodies gradually lose all strength.

People fell down one after another like wheat, lying on the ground like dehydrated fish. They could only open their mouths in vain and try their best to breathe. All thoughts and ideas were completely crushed.

But for those who were relatively powerful, such as the police officers of the Rice Flower Town Police Station, or the criminals active throughout the Town of Rice Flower, it felt as if the sky was falling, and the infinite weight was crushing them. First, their knees could not bear it. Stop, and slowly kneel down, then your waist and spine can no longer hold it, then you crawl on your knees, and finally your neck can no longer resist, and you bow your head completely!

It’s like the sky is scolding all living beings!

Kneel down, prostrate, bow your head, and pay the highest respect to the King who is above all things!

Only a few strong men, such as the leaders of various criminal associations, can barely remain standing under such pressure.

And the only ones who can really maintain a relaxed attitude are the Porsche that is still racing, and the Saint of Slaughter sitting on top of the Porsche.

But although Gin could still be relaxed, his eyes were also serious.

Although he has long known that Yoneka Town is a super crime capital with hidden dragons and crouching tigers, it is true that first magical girls appeared and attacked the organization's base, then special photo monsters appeared, and now even alien giants have descended here to fight. It’s outrageous. I don’t know if the depreciated assets under the organization can withstand this wave.

But the problem is not only whether the organization's assets can bear it, but also what kind of work can Yoneka Town do next time?

Is it a zombie biohazard or an army of underground people invading the surface?

Gin began to seriously consider whether it was necessary for the organization to sell off the assets of Miwa Town, and then evacuated directly.

Even a criminal organization does not like to live in a magical place where criminals are frequent, monsters are rampant, and alien invaders are eager to look at it.

Gin's thinking didn't last long, because he quickly remembered that Vodka and Conan were still in Miwa Town.

"Huh, don't worry about one or two of them.……"

With a cold snort, Gin turned the car around and drove towards Miwa Town.

After the Battle of Genesis, Kurosaki Ichigo has rarely shown his full strength, and the average person in the No. 0 Death God World is strong enough, so no one knows how terrifying Kurosaki Ichigo's current existence is to the world.

Just like Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's Swastika Ryūren Wakahui, whose mere existence is enough to affect the entire Soul Society's ecology, the current Kurosaki Ichigo is far stronger and more powerful than the old man Yamamoto in the past. Know how many times.

The power contained in just one arm, which only naturally radiates and exists, is an unbearable weight for the world.

Three minutes, this is the final time limit!

Before these three minutes, everything can be undone. After three minutes, the entire Mihua Town will be reduced to a dead zone!

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't really come to the mortal world, he just felt everything through the human body of Conan, and he also noticed this.

He subconsciously couldn't help but shake his head at the fact that the residents of Conan's world were so fragile.

There are also ordinary humans in Death World Bubble No. 0, but they are faced with the powerful dark sun and strange moon every day, as well as the equally powerful various natural phenomena and powerful people from all walks of life, and they gradually become more and more energetic.

Even if Ichigo Kurosaki occasionally breaks out his spiritual pressure and beats the sun and moon who don't want to go to work, want to violently skip work, and other natural phenomena, although it is difficult for these ordinary people to hold on, they can at least stand up. He raised his head with all his strength and shouted pure words such as"I can feel the aftermath of Kurosaki-sama's beating of the world, and it's really worth dying to die."

In comparison, the residents of Meika Town in the Mingko World are a little less interesting, and they don't know what aspects of their per capita immortality are reflected.

But Kurosaki Ichigo didn't come here to destroy the world. After knowing this situation, he also had an idea.

Three minutes is more than enough!

The light troll standing on the ground caught up with the monster that was blown away, and reached out to grab the monster's neck. Well, the twisted and shapeless body could not tell where the neck was and where the torso was. But that's not important. He stretched out his hand, clasped his fingers tightly, then twisted his waist and shoulders, lifted the monster up, and then slammed it to the other side.

A loud booming sound spread throughout the entire Miwa Town, but this was just the beginning. The light troll just grabbed the monster and smashed it violently left and right!

The tall buildings were flattened, and then the wreckage was blasted into the ground. Finally, the ground was shattered together and turned into a huge pit of tens of meters.

Let’s do a thirty-hit combo first to add to the fun.���, the light troll threw the monster into the sky, then took a stance and started to accumulate power!

The boxing technique called"One Bone", learned from Shigekuni Yamamoto Genryusai, appeared in another world.

But it was not a friendly scene for the audience.

The dark spiritual light kept collapsing and compressed endlessly towards the right arm of the light troll. Everyone could see that something big was coming.

Even if they were watching on TV, many viewers felt suffocated at this moment, and felt that the crisis of death was approaching like a shadow.

With a punch, the dark beam of light penetrated the monster with a penetrating force. The punch did not stop, tearing a huge crack in the ground, and then touched a hill in the distance of Mihua Town, and descended In an instant, the entire hill was completely blasted!

After finishing a set of combos, it only took a few seconds. The big monster fell to the ground in tatters!

And the criminal fog on the monster that symbolizes the case?

As early as the moment when the TV signal was hijacked and the alien invasion declaration was issued, an even greater fog of crime erupted from the light troll, and the rules of the Mingke world were already imposed on the light troll.

At the level of an alien invasion case, how could a mere riot case be able to withstand it? The moment it was launched, it was unstoppable coverage and penetration.

But after finishing this attack and beating the monster to its remaining health, the light troll stood silently on the spot, not in a hurry to kill people, but waiting. After about ten seconds, there was a thunderous sound, From his mouth:

"are you awake?"

The twisted, shapeless and broken monster was squirming on the ground, struggling to repair itself. In the process, the twisted, shapeless body gradually evolved into a human form, with the distinction of a head and a torso. Its head, well, is just a huge round pus sarcoma, with a pair of eyes emerging, and then looming facial features!

Although its shape is still indescribable, there is a vague existence called rationality in those eyes.!

"What an embarrassing nightmare!"

From the twisted and shapeless body came sighs and whispers that made people lose their sanity.

With the consciousness of sacrificing life, he forcibly distorted his life form with five Moriarty fragments. At that moment, the old homeless man's His mind has been completely destroyed and annihilated, and it is almost impossible to recover.

But maybe it is the old man's luck, or his misfortune. The so-called impossibility, but when an alien comes, he can do anything. The unparalleled iron fist!

Kurosaki Ichigo's fighting aesthetics did not include killing a confused monster, so he spent some time to"awaken" the twisted and shapeless body with the unparalleled fighting spirit contained in his fists.

But for the old man, this is not a good thing.

Regardless of success or failure, it will have no impact on him.

But at this moment, he must face it with a clear mind. Regarding all of this, those old eyes looked around!

Everything that happened in Mihua Town was reflected in his eyes.

The 666 Beast Legion had indeed caused a riot in Mihua Town. , however, the development of the situation is far less dramatic than he had expected. Now it is gradually reaching its end. The members have been suppressed by the powerful men in the criminal world of Yoneka Town and the Yoneka Town Police Department.

This is extremely close to failure! The endgame.

The reason why it is said to be infinitely close to failure is because he, the strongest member of the Six-Six-Six Beast Legion, is still alive. His mere existence supports this case and the final strength of the Six-Six-Six Beast Legion. Luck.

However, an enemy that was almost impossible to defeat had already stood in front of him.

Without communication, just by seeing it, he could tell that the giant of light standing on the earth did not wake him up. Good intentions will not soften because of his sobriety. Instead, he will become more excited and violent.

The army is defeated and the remaining... is at the end!

But surprisingly, the old man does not feel sad or painful at this moment, just a faint. sighed and said:

"Ah, we wandering wild dogs just don’t want to crouch on the ground anymore, we just want to stand up and be human again, but no matter what, we won’t succeed. The so-called fate is really disappointing..."

There are some things, he We have known it for a long time, experienced it, and have been used to it for a long time!

After the powerful gangsters in the past, they gradually fell into the bottom of society just because they had no savings.���It’s not that no one is willing to lend a helping hand, but it’s okay to rescue him once or twice, and rescue him in an emergency, but no one wants to support him throughout his old age. With the remaining strength, he wants to cheer up, but finds that society has not only closed the door to , but also to add insult to injury.

It’s not just him, anyone who becomes a homeless person, no matter who he was before, what a glorious past he had, and no matter what attempts he made, the ultimate fate is the same, that is, endless sinking, and finally at the bottom of society. In the dark corner, he lives like a piece of human-shaped garbage, waiting for the day he rots!

But at this moment, fate opened a window and shed some light. Under his call, the garbage people gathered together and made a desperate move with their remaining fangs, intending to bite out some results, but unexpectedly, along with Come with the light, in addition to hope, there are also light trolls from another world!

Even though he has become accustomed to the result of"failure", the old man still can't help but sigh!

At this moment, the light troll took a stance and said in a thunderous voice:

"I don’t know what happened to you, and I don’t want to make any judgments.

I just know that if a person wants to defeat fate, it is useless to rely on words.

Fate may be cruel, but I am not.

You still have one last chance.

After two minutes and twenty-six seconds, no matter what the outcome is, I will stop.

Before that, fight, use all your strength, hold your fist as tight as possible, condense your life to the extreme, and then, with faith and Enlightenment is the driving force, blast everything about you to me……"

That unparalleled purity that has reached the extreme, or even surpassed the extreme, will not change because of the changes in the world and the different enemies we face!

Ichigo Kurosaki, a sixteen-year-old high school student from another world and the king of pure fighting, is afraid that his enemies and the world are not violent enough

"Haha, I had hope again and again, tasted failure again and again, and went through a cycle of failure, until I reached the ending where I am still alive. Do you think that just by saying something casually, you can make me? Do you have hope again, and then muster up the courage to give it a try again? I want to tell you... Kid, my fucking mind has been ignited. Let you see, what is left of the angry-eyed King Kong who once rode the underworld? What a backbone!!!"

The voice went from dull and desperate to high-pitched in an instant.

Needless to say, the ultimate purity felt from the light troll has ignited the old man's remaining fighting spirit.

Who can respond to such a pure enemy? , and only the same pure fighting spirit.

Of course, in a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has been infected by the alien purity virus, but that is not important anymore, just like he was alone many years ago. A man rushes to the enemy organization's base, and he does not care about life and death, but his heroic spirit will last forever! This is also the last stand of an old gangster in this increasingly real world.

The huge body suddenly stood up from the ground. The body kept twisting and changing, turning into a vague appearance of King Kong. He stepped forward, and the tentacles turned into fierce blades, and then slashed towards the light giant.

The first ten seconds of two minutes and twenty-six seconds passed! Dozens of blade tentacles were violently interrupted, and then, one third of his body was smashed into powder by the pair of iron fists!

At the eleventh second, a clear realization emerged in the old man's mind.

Even if the enemy had a tendency to hold back and did not use the big move just now, he could not defeat him. He really could not defeat him. The gap between him and the enemy was no longer enlightenment. and will can make up for it.

This understanding only existed for a second, and then it was completely accepted and digested by the old man, because he had already become accustomed to it.

In the twelfth second, he began to think!

But his mind became increasingly cold.

He already knew that he would not be able to survive these two minutes and twenty-six seconds.

However, this was not the time to give up!

Not for himself, but also for the sake of the old guys who followed his riot plan. Thinking about it.

His death alone is not a big deal, but since he has gathered those old guys and brought them to this road, he is still thinking about what he needs to do at the edge of this end!

Like all criminals in the town, their brains become highly active, and in the collision of endless thinking sparks, they seek a layout and plan that can achieve their goals!

The fog of crime attached to them all moves at this moment, All of it was poured into his brain and turned into countless wild thinking fires.

Under the extreme purity of the external invaders, the most fundamental rules and power of the world were also triggered.

To analyze, to formulate, to plan, to act, to make the impossible possible in the thirteenth second of two minutes and twenty-six seconds, a person who makes full use of all external conditions, is clear-cut, has clear steps, is fancy but feasible. The sexual plan emerged in the old man’s mind.

At the fourteenth second, the old man decided to put it into practice.

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