The huge altar chariot of gods and demons, under the control of Dr. Ali, made wagggggggg~~~~Roaring like this, then rushing forward without hesitation.

After approaching Conan, the power of the magic side of the Altar Chariot of Gods and Demons was automatically extinguished. The Altar Chariot of Gods and Demons only had the inertial mechanical collision kinetic energy left, and Dr. Ali's transformation of himself did not work. Just the transformation of technology has also mixed with many magical mysteries, and these mysteries have become invalid one by one, and the remaining ones are not enough to maintain Dr. A Li's life for long.

But this is not important. Science is dead, and even magic and theology have died one by one. As an inventor, Dr. Ali can no longer find the meaning of his existence, and naturally wants to die with him.

Conan also responded to this wish. When the chariot of the altar of gods and demons approached, Conan had already launched an attack!

The huge chariot turned into fragments and scattered in all directions!

"Good night, doctor……"

Ruoyouruowu's gloomy whispers echoed in Dr. Ali's ears.

Dr. Ali, who had been crazy for many years, suddenly came to his senses at this moment and looked around with wide eyes.

I don't know when it started, but the darkness no longer covered Conan's face.

In other words, at this moment, Dr. Ali remembered what Conan looked like.

The childish face, which had not changed at all, was filled with despair and pain, and these gradually turned into madness, but behind this madness, there was still a trace of rationality that he struggled to maintain.

He knew the situation and what to do, and he did his best.

Even if the end is an abyss more terrifying than the despair now

"Conan, no, Shinichi, I hope you can sleep with mankind and end this eternal dream that has no beginning and no end.……"

Dr. A Li whispered, and then closed his eyes tiredly under the exploding flames of the Gods and Demons Altar Chariot.

"Dr. Ali, a mad scientist of an evil organization, is also spending his life at this moment to hold back the detective. Is this enough? If it's not enough, then we, the sinful people, are willing to use all our chips, just to stop our fate for a moment!"

The death of Dr. A Li made Haihara Ai's cold tone even more sad!

The cry of the death bird became more sad.

Conan's other leg was also transformed by Dr. A Li's life.

How to describe the death of a god? The detective must be defeated by this crime before he can try to describe this" death


The death of the"God of Detectives".

The double shackles exchanged by Vodka and Dr. Agasa's life, supported by the cry of the death bird, did create an effect. Even fate cannot directly pull Conan away, but the majestic fate

Conan ran towards the crime scene at an extremely fast speed, even exceeding the speed of sound. Mao Lilan also caught up with him, and his speed gradually surpassed that of the mortal who carried her. Madness, also carrying her will, is always locked on Conan. No matter how far he goes, he will never be able to escape the pursuit of the killer blade.

At this moment, Akai Shuichi raised his gun and aimed at Conan! The god of sonic movement is a challenge for snipers, but Akai Shuichi is willing to accept this challenge because this is the last combat mission given to him by all mankind. This is the reason why he is willing to live until now.

Conan's movement was stopped, and then Mao Lilan, who caught up, slashed with his sword with a charming smile.

The battle continued, and after a while, Akai Shuichi died. He died from Conan's detective watch. The supersonic anesthesia needle was launched and passed through the head!

"Another fire-chasing villain sacrificed his life in order to stop the turning of the wheel of fortune. With the third sacrifice offered, will the world stage be satisfied with this?"

Haihara Ai did not follow up and was still chasing after him, but the cry of the death bird echoed between heaven and earth with a mysterious force, existing like a narration. The sniper rifle that fell next to Akai Shuichi after his death bloomed. With the shining light, it turned into an invisible bullet and pierced Conan's left hand.

Next, there was a chase and escape between Conan and Mao Lilan.

Therefore, the story of the killing princess and the evil prince was staged.

Destiny is like a bell, playing the dark sound of midnight.

At the fantasy and bloody dance, the princess holds a knife and wants to chop the prince into pieces, but the prince is wounded all over.

The prince flees, and the princess pursues him. She chases

, he flees, she seeks, and he avoids.

But the increasingly serious injuries on Conan's body are not fatal, but this does not mean that every injury is meaningless. In this case, the villains followed the rules of the game and left"marks" on the detective. Each mark means that the detective is one step closer to"failure".

But the dance will eventually end. Driven by fate, Conan has found Kaitou Kidd, the silver-winged magician he has been waiting for for a long time.

"Although the nuclear bombs have been put on the shelves, before you came, the launch button could not be pressed. The so-called stage fate is really boring, but maybe this is the value of my existence, little detective, the ultimate story of the Phantom Thief and the Detective The story should be staged. Under my gorgeous and solemn curtain call magic show, can you stop me from being bound by fate, stealing the nuclear launch button and pressing it hard?……"

The showdown between the Phantom Thief and the Detective begins at this moment!

For Kaito Kidd, this is an incredibly difficult task, but fortunately, he is not alone.

The three sacrificed companions, the restraints imposed on Conan's legs and left hand, and then there are the killing princess Mao Lilan, the death bird Haibara Ai, and the ever-changing witch Belmode who has been lurking until now, and that... Gin, the last hope of mankind, is a companion of Kidd, the Phantom Thief!

The moment he took action, it seemed as if the lights of the whole world fell on Kaitou Kidd.

As a Phantom Thief, he has to steal the button to destroy all mankind from the hands of an evil god named Detective, even under the nose of Destiny.

If he could succeed, this would be the most exciting, gorgeous, and impeccable magic show in his life. Hongzi, who was enjoying his rest in a long dream of death, and Qingzi, as well as the police officer Zhongmori who had been chasing him for many years, must have Everyone will cheer for me!

Well, Officer Nakamori might not, or he might just jump in a hurry.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Kaitou Kid's eyes glowed with joy and madness, and he devoted his life to this ultimate magic show that defied fate and reached the realm of miracles.

Magic performances are risky, especially when facing Conan, the evil detective god.

But the significance of companionship was revealed at this moment. The Bloody Princess continued to wield an increasingly powerful killing blade, slashing the prince with a chopping momentum. Although Haibara Ai did not rush to the scene to assist because of her short legs. , but that doesn't matter, because a more powerful partner takes action.

The hem of the black windbreaker and the silver waist-length hair fluttered together, accompanied by the firing of the two guns!

The roaring gunfire produced tons and tons of output. Even Conan was beaten so hard that he couldn't help but fall back.

Gin said nothing, just focused on output!

His eyes were cold and stern, and his expression was as cold as ice, filled with boundless cruelty.

The peerless evil party who once focused on criminal enterprises, forced by cruel fate and at the request of all mankind, sacrificed their lives to devote themselves to the long road of hunting the evil god.

They launched offensives again and again, only to fail again and again.

Watching one hero after another embark on a road of no return, buried in the darkness with no end.

This former villain raised his glass again and again, only to sigh as no one could drink with him. He spilled the wine again and again to pay homage to the souls of heroes who had never returned.

One case after another was staged, and one theater version after another was staged one after another.

Ordinary people have died, heroes have died, criminals have died, scientists have died, and politicians have long since died. However, as the once great evil party, they still cannot be freed and can only live with the so-called"hope for all mankind".

There is no doubt that this so-called hope for all mankind is just a lie!

Because from the beginning, Gin knew that he was no match for Conan!

How insignificant is the evil party, who is merely a mortal body, compared with the evil god!

The strongest killer who has fought several times without losing, and who can escape unscathed no matter how hard things go, is essentially just a bad fate.

But the meaning of this lie was so heavy that Gin no longer wanted to expose it.

Since it has become the hope of all mankind, so be it!

At the last moment when all mankind was putting all its chips on the line, Gin let out a deafening roar with the roar of gunfire at the evil god who controlled the fate of the world.

This body is the hope of all mankind, and this gun also symbolizes the will of all mankind!

The roar of the gunfire was silent, but it was faintly roaring like a dragon.

As a villain, you want your own death, but as a hero, you also want the death of your enemies!

Then, Gin got his wish!

Carrying the hope of all mankind, he was kicked in the head by Conan and died on the spot.

"The fourth offering of sacrifice, fate, can you hear that the countdown bell for the end of the stage has already sounded!"

Although Haibara Ai hasn't felt it yet, her death cry has penetrated the world and become the strongest voice against fate.

And the result left by Gin is not only that Conan was riddled with bullets His body, and the right hand of the"god" that was sealed with his life, was the result of this exchange of life, which laid an indelible hope for the battle, because Kaitou Kidd was sacrificed by his companion Gin. , accomplished this incredible feat with a magnificent magic technique unprecedented in human history, which can be said to change the world.

As for what kind of magic technique Kaitou Kidd used, from the evil god named as a detective, and the shackles imposed by fate. Next, it was no longer important to complete the great feat of stealing the nuclear button, because Kaitou Kidd, who was lying on the ground and vomiting blood, raised his finger and put it to his mouth:

"Magic is gorgeous just because it is mysterious and unknowable. Therefore, detectives, don’t expose the tricks behind the magic. Let this magic that makes people call it impossible become the pinnacle and the most brilliant swan song in the history of mankind. Let this be the epitaph on the tombstone of human civilization. Let it be said that human beings have all possibilities.……"

Conan acquiesced to this request, knowing everything but saying nothing, making this magic that transcended destiny an unknowable and supreme mystery, and also made the magician of Silver Wings feel a little more relieved when the curtain came down on the stage of his life. and pride.

In order to create this great cause, Kaito Kidd also paid a price. He was originally immune to much harm from the detective due to his own inherent settings, but now he was dying. If Gin hadn't sacrificed himself in time, he would have been killed. Conan, with full firepower, killed him on the spot.

In the end, Kaitou Kid took his last breath with a proud and gratified smile, and before dying, he pressed the button in his hand

"With the joint efforts of all members of the winery, Kidd's theft plan was a great success, and he offered himself as the fifth sacrifice. The destruction of human civilization was doomed.……"

The body cry of the death bird is getting louder and louder, because this stage play has reached the most magnificent and final plot since its birth.

There was a rumble, and nuclear missiles were launched one after another, attacking cities of all sizes.

Thanks to all mankind's various attempts to kill Conan, the global nuclear arsenal has already increased many times compared to before, so that such a magnificent offensive can be maintained.

"Wandering between despair and madness, struggling to maintain the last thread of sanity, there was once a discussion about whether it was really necessary to make a desperate move for human civilization that was destined to perish. But the discussion did not last long, because the sane people agreed. It was decided that civilization should have a funeral. This is the last glory of human intelligence and rationality, and it is also the mockery of human beings who never bow to gods and fate.……"

Huiyuan Ai, who finally arrived at the scene, looked up at the meteors in the sky and said this with a sad smile.

How can civilization be demonstrated?

The humans of this world have given the answer!

All the sane ones have died one by one, leaving only the muddle-headed lunatics, maintaining the corpses of civilization. Then, under the control of fate, like rotten living corpses, they accompany the evil gods on the eternal stage to continue their never-ending game.

Such a decadent and ridiculous gesture, as the final outcome of mankind, is really ugly.

The corpse of civilization should be put into a coffin, then buried in the cemetery, and rest in peace with a proper funeral!

Human beings feel this way and decide this way.

The nuclear weapons that attack cities all over the world, as well as the ultimate plan that puts all human chips on the table, were born for this purpose.

Human liberation is not only the right of those who are sane, but will also be given to all crazy people.

From now on, civilization and humanity will all exit together on the stage of eternity!

Human rationality and madness, romance and cruelty were all concluded at this moment, and then turned into roaring light and heat, making a final roar in the vast world.

"Shinichi, this dance is almost over, you... haven't come back yet!"

And in the last roar of civilization, Mao Lilan did not stop. She whispered crazily. Her bloody eyes and the killing blade she waved faintly resonated with this roar! The bloody brilliance that tore the world apart exploded like never before. , and then completely penetrated Conan's body!

Conan, who was penetrated by Mao Lilan's knife, suddenly vomited blood. Then, the majestic darkness surrounding his body completely dissipated, revealing his face and eyes. He looked around subconsciously, and then looked at Mao Lilan, looking at her blood-stained eyes, the two lines of bloody tears falling from the corners of her eyes, and her extremely crazy smile!

"Xiaolan, your appearance is even worse than what I reasoned about.……"

A whisper filled with despair came from Conan's mouth.

At this moment, Edogawa Conan, no, Kudo Shinichi finally"awakened" completely and saw everything with his own eyes

"Shinichi, I've been looking for you for a long time, so long that I can't even remember how long it was. I have a lot to say to you.……"

Mao Lilan also knew who the person in front of her was. She whispered, but the killing blade in her hand was held tighter, and then she stabbed forward harder.

"Well, Xiaolan, don’t worry, you have found me, and the rest can be said after the ending.……"

Smiling desperately, tears kept falling. Conan's expression was no different from Mao Lilan's. The only difference was that Conan was not that crazy, or in other words, behind his eyes, there was something more terrifying than despair lurking.!

Its name is...reason!

Conan took a step forward, allowing the killing blade to penetrate him deeper, and his child-like figure changed at this moment, returning to his former appearance of Kudo Shinichi!

He hugged Mao Lilan and gave her a kiss!

This kiss was not sweet, it only tasted of blood and despair!

Mao Lilan seemed to have a premonition of everything. She smiled, cried, hated, and thanked her fate!

Then, Mao Lilan clenched the killing blade in his hand and swung it horizontally, intending to cut Kudo Shinichi in two.

But before that, Kudo Shinichi had already broken Mao Lilan's neck!

On this ball made of blood and death, the princess and the prince reunited for the first time, and it will surely be the last time.

Because only death is the only salvation in this eternal stage of despair!

Then, Kudo Shinichi's eyes that coexisted with rationality and madness fell on Haibara Ai, and at the same time, Kudo Shinichi's posture once again returned to that of the child Conan.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the body of Mao Lilan that fell to the ground helplessly. His eyes no longer had despair and sadness, only plainness.���, she turned her head and looked at Conan

"Conan or Kudo Shinichi, long time no see, so let me ask you, in the Tedan High School Dance Death Case, the detective has completely failed and cannot prevent the death of all mankind. In the case, there is no doubt that the truth of the death of all mankind is beyond doubt. Under such circumstances, when will the death destined by God come?"

Conan's eyes were desperate and crazy, but he didn't say anything!

Haihara Ai didn't care either, and just said lightly:

"The protagonist as a detective has failed, all the criminals as villains have died, and humanity has been destroyed. The story has reached this point. If it can't give a finale, the so-called fate, it would be really desperate. Forget it, let us wait……"

The bird of death has said all its final destiny, and now it says no more!

Hui Yuan Ai raised his head and waited for the answer.

Nuclear weapons that attack the world also have a sequence, and right now, there is a nuclear bomb, dragging a long flame around them, falling towards the heads of the two people!

The gorgeous firelight completely engulfed everything!

As a grand"fireworks show" at the funeral of human civilization, the mushroom clouds of nuclear explosions one after another completely covered everything and sealed the end of everything.

After a long time, in the swirl of nuclear dust, a figure slowly walked out!

He clearly has the body of a child, but his body seems to be pressed down by the mountains of endless despair, making him as stooped as an old man.

Step by step, he looked at the world wrapped in nuclear dust, smiling with despair.

��Haiyuan Ai, who was held in Conan's arms, did not laugh or cry. She was just calm, or in other words, numb. She whispered:

"Are we too insignificant, or is fate too cruel, so is this the end?"

Conan didn't know how to answer, or he couldn't answer at all!

His hand slowly climbed up to Haiyuan Ai's neck!

But at this moment, a gunshot rang out, and a bullet flew and landed on On Haiyuan Ai’s head!

At the last moment of death, Haiyuan Ai laughed:

"Destiny is not over yet, hope still exists. This last criminal case of mankind is not over yet. I will sacrifice myself to curse you and bless you. May you reach the destined ending!"

The bird that sued for death, with its own death, cast the last weight for the direction of its destiny!

But at this moment, a cold and stern voice sounded:

"Mouri Kogoro knew the price to pay for taking that step, and Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko also knew that despair was waiting for them on the road ahead. In this war, the heroes who embarked on a road of no return, no one A person is hesitant……"

"Too many people have walked this road of no return, and their last will always lingers in my ears, letting me know that there is something I must do even if I sacrifice everything."

"Although carrying the lie of mankind's last hope is not what I want, but it has come to this, I will carry it out to the end, because I have sworn that no matter what the cost, even if I fight to the last person, the organization and mankind will I will definitely defeat you……"

Wearing a black trench coat, a black top hat, and waist-length silver hair, Gin slowly stepped out through the nuclear dust cloud of high heat and radiation, and the gun in his hand was still lingering in the smoke.

A super killer who carries the hope of all mankind and vows to do whatever it takes, even if the organization fights to the last man.

At this moment, his original promise was fulfilled.

As the last person of the organization, he also appears as the last hope of mankind.

Conan looked at Gin and said with a smile:"So that's Belmode? He's disguised as a real one and can't tell the difference at all. So, are you now the final mastermind behind this case?"

Gin Speechless, he just raised his gun!

Aimed at Conan!

Consciousness and will, all sacrifices and lives, have been pressed into the barrel of the gun, turned into... jet-black bullets that can kill gods.

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