The murderer should have been the real estate agent. He had both the motive and the conditions to commit the crime. However, through the medium of the Legion of Six-Six-Six Beasts, he only provided information, and then others carried out the murder on his behalf.

Conan turned around and looked, and sure enough, when Kogoro Mouri read out this information, the real estate agent looked embarrassed at the moment and seemed a little shaken, but then calmed down. It was obvious that he was prepared.

When Conan saw this, he guessed that the legion of six-six-six beasts probably had special instructions or training before committing the crime of exchange.

As long as he bites the bullet and knows nothing and relies on his alibi, then this case has nothing to do with him.

Conan now understands why the criminal mystery of this case is so huge. It is not because of the criminal method, but the form of the crime.

Friends who often commit crimes should know very well that regular cases, whether it is the police or detectives, basically start from the victim's network, and facts have proven that this is effective, in more than 80% of cases, Basically it is done by people within one’s own social circle.

After all, those who commit crimes are unfamiliar with the victims and cannot figure out many things.

The characteristics of random crimes and premeditated crimes are very clear. The great thing about exchange crimes is that premeditated crimes are presented in the form of random crimes.

For crimes committed in this way, it is easy for the police to conduct a thorough investigation and identify the person with the most motive and suspicion, only to find that his alibi is unbreakable. Or, after doing a thorough investigation, they feel that someone The man is a murderer, but he discovers that his relationship network with the victim has no overlap at all, and he does not meet the basic conditions for murder.

Although he figured this out, Conan found it extremely difficult because he had never encountered this kind of case before!

In the past, the criminals he faced, even rich ones, basically committed the crimes themselves and would not let others do it for them.

In other words, Conan has never dealt with serious gang crimes before. The only time was the siege at the winery. Although the siege was large, it didn't have any technical content. It was basically the whole family. A wave of A came forward from young and old.

In a hurry, the only way Conan could think of was to persuade the police to detain the reasoning enthusiast, and then keep an eye on the real estate agent, because according to the principle of crime exchange, the real estate agent must still go for someone else. criminal.

But Conan then woke up and realized that the biggest problem with his approach was time!

According to the neon-oriented justice system, even if this reasoning enthusiast is detained, if no strong on-site evidence is found, as long as a decent lawyer is found, it will easily be because the motive of the crime is unclear and he does not have the qualifications to commit murder. He was acquitted on the basis of the basic conditions.

If the Legion of Six Six Six Beasts notices that the reasoning enthusiast is detained and postpones the case that the real estate agent must do, the situation will be very troublesome. Just wait quietly for a few months, which will be enough to wear down the patience of the Neon Police. After all, the police's manpower is limited and they don't have much time. They squat at the door of the real estate agent's house every day to look for possible breakthroughs.

Although he felt troubled, Conan became more motivated and his detective soul burned brightly.

In the past, this form of crime exchange was actually very difficult to occur, because it was a cheap mutual aid version of buying a murderer to kill.

It must have a strong intermediate link to coordinate and ensure enforcement.

Otherwise, if one party commits a crime, the other party will commit a crime.

It would be very funny if one party just doesn't go, but generally speaking, even if there is such a powerful intermediary link, there is no need to do such troublesome things.

Wouldn't it be nice to just go to the killer intermediary platform?

It is in this era of stand-ins, relying on the convenience of stand-ins and the low cost and extraordinary level of crime, that criminal associations like the Six Six Six Beasts Legion, which is based on exchange crimes, have room to be born and grow.

But success is due to this, and failure is due to this. Conan feels that in this era of great doubles in the sixth world line, there must be corresponding methods of investigation and solving crimes.

Conan's understanding is also well-founded. Muddle-headed detectives like Shuren Mori Kogoro have also used their stand-in abilities to play an extremely powerful role. Others, especially the one who has been running around various crime scenes for decades, My younger brother, Officer Xiamumu, who has become famous recently, will surely have more tricks.

But before that, Conan still has to find a way to convey the information he knows!

Conan looked at Kogoro Mouri, who was holding the spiritual light stick and meditating for a while, and then wandering around the crime scene, trying to find some clues, and wondering how to communicate with him. But at this moment, the office suddenly shook.

Conan turned around and saw that outside the office window, the fog of crime became more and more turbulent, sweeping like a wave. The sound of fierce fighting vaguely echoed, and Mouri Kogoro's expression changed and he rushed out.

When he pushed out the door, he was surrounded by black mist. The increasingly terrifying giant spider was constantly fighting with Officer Memu's stand-in. The battle was extremely fierce. The two sides did not even take the right path, but directly collapsed the wall and came from the other side. Wear it here.

After a long battle, Officer Megure was already scarred and looked a little depressed. When he saw Mouri Kogoro appear, he quickly shouted:"Moori brother, have you found any clues?"

Moori Kogoro suddenly waved his hand and shouted:"Found it.!"

Conan suddenly screamed inwardly, because what Mouri Kogoro waved in his hand was actually the"suicide note" on the desk!

The power of the crime fog barrier, through this prop, formed a strange interference force, manifesting its own existence. Mouri Kogoro didn't know when he was tricked.

Officer Megure shouted:"What is the clue?"

Mouri Kogoro said:"The victim killed someone because of workplace bullying before, but now his conscience found out and he hanged himself.……"

In the next moment, strange and unspeakable ripples spread from the suicide note. In Conan's sight, the visibility of the surrounding scenery suddenly dropped by more than one level, as if the light was swallowed by an invisible force.

The huge black spider laughed eerily at this moment, and its figure became a little unreal.

Some kind of strange power spread in everyone's mind, even Conan was no exception. At this moment, in his mind, the conclusion that the executive hanged himself because of his conscience became extremely strong and clear, as if The only and unquestionable truth.

Officer Memu looked a little dazed, but the dazedness did not last long, and then he pulled himself together and said:"Is it actually suicide? Well, the cause of death of a victim has been found out, and the prisoner's double was weakened by clues, Brother Maori You are doing well, keep going……"

"Officer Memu, be careful, you have fallen into a trap. This is not suicide. The murderer's substitute has not been weakened, but has been strengthened."

Perhaps some truths have been detected before, but Conan is still able to resist the false recognition. At the same time, he also noticed that the big spider became illusory, which did not mean that the big spider was weakened.

On the contrary, the big spider with an illusory figure was weakened. , seemed to be integrated with the surrounding criminal fog, becoming far more powerful than before.

Officer Memu couldn't help but remind him loudly, because the evidence soon appeared, and the big spider suddenly waved his hand and slashed hard. When the shot was fired, Officer Memu and his stand-in were blasted away and hit the wall.

Only then did Officer Megu wake up:"Is the clue Brother Maori found actually a trick you set up?"

The big spider's substitute Jie Jie said with a strange smile:"What's the use of knowing this? When all the tricks I laid out are revealed one by one, your investigation direction will completely go astray, and all the truth will be completely blocked.

You will forget everything.

Only the trick I gave you is the only real conclusion, so you might as well accept your fate honestly.

By the way, Officer Megure, you and that Mori detective don’t have me.

So powerful as you imagine, could it be said that the cases you investigated before were actually false cases that were blocked by the fog of crime?"

Officer Memu's expression suddenly changed at this moment, and there was anger in his eyes!

Because Big Spider's words were accusing him of all the cases he had investigated before, which were all a lot of unjust, false and wrong cases.

But Officer Memu was not interested in passing He retorted verbally, glanced at Mouri Kogoro for a moment, then perked up and shouted:

"Brother Maori, I didn’t expect that although you didn’t find the correct clue, you found something more powerful. Hurry up and throw the spiritual light stick over.……"

Only then did the big spider stand-in realize that Mouri Kogoro was holding two spiritual light rods in his hands, and then he looked surprised:"Aura light rods, what are these?"

Mori Kogoro quickly threw the spiritual light rods over, and then looked at Officer Mumu. After taking it, he immediately became energetic:

"Huh, of course a low-level criminal like you wouldn't know that. You think that in the fog of crime, everything is biased towards criminals, but you don't know that the truth that you want to bury and block is also a kind of power in itself. , He will not easily succumb to darkness and crime. In the dark, He will use various methods to bring enlightenment and become a sharp blade that shreds the fog.……"

After a pause, Officer Memu said again:

"Your true identity is probably a member of the Six Six Six Beast Legion!"

The identity was exposed, and the surging fog of crime suddenly suffocated at this moment, and the upward momentum was interrupted, but the big spider still spoke harshly:

"What's the use of just knowing this? Our legion of six, six and six beasts has a flat and secretive management method. Except for the most mysterious leader of the large group, no one knows my true identity or where my power belongs. ,this���No help in solving the case……"

Officer Memu snorted coldly:"It's useless, it's just that I don't know the real use of the spiritual light stick. Let me show you why I am called Brother Man."……"

Officer Memu squeezed suddenly, and a spiritual light rod was crushed by him, turning into countless light streams and integrating into his avatar.

"The greatest effect of the spiritual light rod, which contains the power of enlightenment of the truth, is not the information carried inside, but to stimulate the avatar and make it enter a super explosive state. At this stage, the avatar's ability will be greatly improved. My avatar's ability, Originally, I could only imitate the stand-in abilities of my brothers to a certain extent, but in this super explosive state, it allowed me to go one step further.……"

In the original work, the detective has a flash of inspiration and immediately finds the key to the puzzle. The meaning behind it is essentially an explosive jump in luck. But now, in today's era, this is presented in a more intuitive way. came out and even exerted far more power than before.

Officer Memu's momentum became more and more fierce. The big spider was a little scared, but he soon became more ferocious:"So what if you take it one step further, if you are in the fog of crime, you are invincible!!!""

"Invincible, that's my strongest brother you haven't seen yet, come out, brother Kudo Shinichi……"

Officer Memu shouted loudly, and the stand behind him suddenly bloomed with brilliance, disintegrated into countless crystals, and then reorganized crazily. Finally, it faintly reorganized into a powerful human form. When the big spider saw this, he was suddenly stunned:

"What, you can actually summon Kudo Shinichi, the ancestor of the stand! ? Hey, Officer Megure, it’s normal for the leader of our legion to face this kind of treatment. If he used it on me, wouldn’t it be a bit too much?"

Conan was also stunned at this moment. He didn't expect that Officer Memu could actually summon him through a substitute!

Although the figure was slightly blurry, his appearance, clothing, and expression were exactly the same as before. , if it were another moment, Conan would definitely think that someone had made a wax figure of himself.

Of course, there are still differences. When Conan asked himself when he was most proud, there was no Kudo Shinichi summoned by Officer Megure through the substitute. If you come here, you are really called a crazy guy, and what stands out is that you are arrogant.

Officer Memu shouted:"Stop talking nonsense, brother Kudo, come on, let this low-level criminal see your invincible reasoning. Bar!"

Officer Megure gave the order, and the summoned Kudou Shinichi stand suddenly moved, stretched out his finger, and pointed at the big spider stand:

"there is only one truth!"

In an instant, the world seemed to have changed to the onlookers, and even to Conan's senses. With Kudo Shinichi's finger, the world seemed to be collapsing, turning into infinite pressure, pressing on the big spider.

At this moment, he was locked and had nowhere to escape!

Then, Kudo Shinichi's substitute suddenly jumped out, almost teleporting, and kicked out a whip kick.

The big spider had nowhere to hide, and he took the kick hard. , half of the body was almost exploded by a kick, and the strength of its legs was endless. Through the body of this big spider, it kicked the scattered corridors and even the pervading criminal fog, at least four one part

"The murderer is you……"

After another sentence, Kudou Shinichi's substitute kicked out again. The big spider vomited blood crazily and rolled in the air. Like a football, it fell hard into the distance. The leg strength was still endless, and the corridor and the fog of crime were covered. A quarter blasted.

After kicking out these two legs, Kudo Shinichi's substitute slowly disappeared and returned to his original posture. Officer Megure seemed to have consumed a lot of his system, but he still gasped and said:

"Although my stand-in ability is still not enough to completely summon Kudo Shinichi, but even so, you, a low-level criminal, must have seen Kudo Shinichi's world-famous reasoning!"

The big spider didn't answer, because he was lying on the ground vomiting blood, as if half of his life was gone. But when Conan saw this scene, he just wanted to say, Officer Megure, did you have anything against me, Kudo Shinichi? What a wonderful stereotype.

I, Kudo Shinichi, am not a bad guy who shouts that there is only one truth, and then performs a martial arts kick on the prisoner, and then uses it to reason about physics.

Apologize, right away!

But Conan doesn't deny that Officer Megure is indeed very valuable. After summoning Kudo Shinichi's stand-in to kick him twice, the whole case has undergone earth-shaking changes. He was kicked out of half his life, and even the entire case was kicked off half of the difficulty!

The crime fog that was half thinned was not just a simple reduction in concentration, but a direct change from a tsunami-like upward momentum. The declining momentum was lingering.

The surrounding chaotic corridors and murderous doors collapsed one after another. This was the result of the criminal barrier being unable to maintain itself. It returned to the original floor. Everyone present felt that the pressure dropped significantly, and The aura and strength of the big spider who had already entered the B-level realm had plummeted, and he didn't know what level he had fallen to.

What was even more terrifying was that Officer Memu still held a spiritual light rod in his hand. The deputy might summon Kudo Shinichi again at any time to give the prisoner a kick, but Officer Megure didn't do it after all, because if he did it again, the prisoner might die suddenly on the spot at any time.

"Show your true identity obediently, and then be captured without mercy. This is the last warning, otherwise, I will continue to attack, but by then, your life will be like a candle in the wind.……"

For detectives, the only way to solve a case may be to find the truth, but for the police, this is not the case. Although the truth has not been uncovered, they have the right to legitimately use force to beat the criminal until he is half dead, and then arrest him and listen to his actions. Confession can also solve problems

"Damn it, damn it, I was close to success, but I met Kudo Shinichi. Is this my fate? No, I will never accept my fate, I can continue, even if I pay the price, I will continue……"

Although the big spider vomited blood, it still roared ferociously, but at this moment, the reasoning enthusiast (!?) appeared. He stood in front of the big spider, and then held a fragment in his hand.

"The criminal is actually you. Okay, if you have anything to say, come back to the police station with me and talk to me.……"

Chief Inspector Megure���But at this moment, Conan's pupils tightened, because he noticed an extremely familiar feeling from the fragment held in the hands of the reasoning enthusiast (!?).

Moriarty's power is concentrated in it

"Great being, please look at me. I will give you everything to please you with this crime.……"

The reasoning enthusiast shouted, and then, the fragments in his hands bloomed with an evil brilliance. The big spider substitute suddenly collapsed, and together with the fog of crime, flowed towards his body. Gradually, his body gradually transformed, from The human body turned into an alienated dark outline.

And at this moment, in a higher dimension, gentle laughter came:

"Oh, interesting, it turns out that in the setting of the new world line, does my body exist in fragments?"

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