However, having said that, Gin himself knew that there were already some problems with the original plan!

Not only did the minions sent out not achieve any results, they were unable to even consume or delay, so they all rushed into the street and even became Kudo Shinichi's puppets.

Of course, there are still gains.

Gin now deeply realizes that if he wants to face a monster of the level of Gong Luotou Shinichi, no matter how many weak people come, it will be meaningless. In the future, if he still wants to make plans, he must avoid this as much as possible.

The premise is that there is still a future!

Although Gin's eyes were cold, his heart was heavy. Although he did all kinds of evil, he was also very intelligent. When to fight and when to retreat, he had never hesitated. If it had been in the past, when Kudo Shinichi showed this When he develops super-standard strength, he will decisively terminate his plan and choose to retreat.

This is not shameful, because for professionals, killing is never about impulse or passion, but a technical job that requires a high degree of calmness and rationality, the collection and analysis of intelligence, and targeted tactical arrangements, all of which are indispensable. As long as you get the job done in the end and miss an opportunity or two, it's not a problem at all.

But at this moment, Gin has no way to retreat, not only because this is the will of the BOSS, but also because Gin himself... doesn't want to retreat either!

For Gin, who has always been cold-hearted, this is an extremely rare"emotion" that is difficult to relate to reason.

Is it the invincible self, the anger caused by the failure of the last mission?

Or is it that when faced with that dark will that is like absolute evil, life itself cannot suppress the budding hatred?

Or is it some more complicated reasons?

Gin did not think deeply, nor was he too influenced by these emotions, because the dragon's roar, which contained violent and murderous intent, echoed in his ears.

The black dragon of killing and calamity is roaring!

It said...

Kill Kudo Shinichi at all costs!!!

And coincidentally, this was also Gin's inner thought.

The murderous intent of heaven and earth merges with the murderous intent of man, forming a majestic force.

At this moment, the black clouds carrying evil spirits and monsters in the sky completely broke through the boundaries of illusion and appeared in the mortal world.

The vastness stretches, covering the sky, turning into darkness and covering the world.

The murderous roars, malicious neighs, and shrill and strange whispers turned into thunder, echoing between heaven and earth.

Ordinary people in Miwa Town and the surrounding areas were all looking at the black clouds dancing in the sky with countless demons and monsters. Some were speechless with fear, while some were more daring and took out their mobile phones to take pictures. , but a small number of people were frightened at first, but gradually showed strange expressions.

The vast evil and the majestic murderous intention behind it are like magnets, attracting and inspiring some people.

Basically, for one reason or another, these people have been infected by the murderous intention of heaven and earth, and the intention to commit crimes has gradually arisen in their hearts. Many of them have even begun to plan criminal methods. If the development of the original work is followed, by the time Kudo After Shinichi retrieved the true form of Edogawa Conan, these people were all reserve black men, and their fate was to be wiped out one by one by Edogawa Conan as monsters.

But at this moment, they felt a higher level of evil, and then many of their lives surged, and they felt something.

It seems a bit inconvenient to commit crimes alone. Otherwise, find an organization to join, or find some like-minded partners.

Together, these thoughts are earth-shaking, but there is no need to say more about the impact on the future at this moment.

Kudo Shinichi also saw the majestic changes in the sky, finally appearing in the mortal world, and then felt the majestic murderous intention sweeping over him, firmly locking on him!

But that's not important. What's important is that suddenly a huge ghost poked its head out from the black clouds and roared at Kudou Shinichi. This ghost was made of metal, and its body was stained with something as rich as rust. The blood stains are like metal tentacles dancing like an octopus. Occasionally, the metal tentacles are combined to form some kind of firearms and weapons!

Then, this huge metal ghost, with its tentacles dancing, assembled into a huge sniper rifle, and then pointed it at Kudo Shinichi!


The celestial phenomena have manifested the future in a clear way, but even without the manifestation of the celestial phenomena, the sinful blood flowing through Moriarty's heart, Kudo Shinichi has already sensed the coming sinful murder in the dark.!

So, Kudo Shinichi turned slightly, and then the sniper bullet passed by him!

However, when the bullet landed, it exploded on the ground like a bomb, showing that this shot was no longer the same. Far away on the other side, Cohen, a member of the winery with an official code name and can be called the sniper elite, changed his past coldness and showed a fanatical smile, because behind him, the ghost wielding countless metal tentacles had turned into a substitute and appeared behind him.

"Is this what it feels like to be a stand-in messenger? It's so great. Come on, let me see what step you can take, baby."

He did not choose to change the shooting position, but showed a fanatical and twisted smile, and once again aimed the gun at Kudo Shinichi.

The previous shot was just a normal shot, but after the stand-in appeared, it blessed this shot. That's why the bullets are as powerful as bombs, but it's not the real substitute's ability to concentrate, calm down, and stay calm in the frenzy!

The substitute behind him also assumed a shooting posture, and even showed the same attitude. The expression.

Although the so-called double, as a symbol of luck, has only existed in the background of the world from the beginning, to the creatures in the Conan world, this thing is as innate as a limb, but it has never been" It's just"awareness" and"awareness". Once it appears, after being aware of it, it is a matter of course to control and adapt.

This is especially true for these formal members of the winery who have experienced battles!

They have performed various tasks in the past. During this mission, their destiny avatar had already been in the world's backstage, fighting countless times in response to the host's will, and killed countless enemies.

Even because of the invisible boundary between the world's backstage and reality, The host has never"perceived" this subjectively. This combat experience is naturally passed on to the host as the avatar appears in the world.

"Baby, give your enemy a beautiful bloodstain!"

With a whisper, the substitute named [Bloodstained Baby] responded!

Killing intent was like a rainbow, coming across. At this moment, Kudo Shinichi felt a cold sting between his eyebrows, as if a blade was pressed against him. Between his own eyes, he looked slightly sideways. Although he was far away, he seemed to see the sniper!

Strictly speaking, he was not seeing the mortal Kudo Shinichi, whose eyes had not yet evolved. Because of his super X-ray eyes, he could not see through obstacles and see enemies one or two kilometers away. Instead, he sensed the sin of the sniper.

In a vague way, Kudo Shinichi seemed to see one person after another. The scene of his death under the sniper.

But this professional and clean killing does not show his evil.

After each sniper, he will not move immediately, but will stop for a while and admire it through the sniper scope. The fallen figure of the shot victim looked at the blood flowing from the victim's wound. Although he remained cold and silent, he laughed wildly in his heart. The earth is a beautiful scenery that can excite him.

This is why he has worked hard to hone his sniper skills and kept shooting after joining the winery.

It was not the reason for him to shoot, but admiring the blood-stained scene created by his own hands was the reason for him to keep killing. At this moment, Kudo Shinichi's eyes became darker, and endless darkness surged in his pupils.

It was a crime he had never encountered before!

In the past, all the criminals Kudo Shinichi met had a clear criminal motive, either for money or love and hate, but the criminal motive of this sniper was different. No, he only acted out of interest, and he always adhered to this point.

The evil accumulated by sin was so deep and solid that even the power of complete crime could not subdue and control it..

In other words, Kudo Shinichi at this moment does not have such magnanimity to incorporate such evil into his rule, and what Kudo Shinichi cannot do is also impossible with full criminal power.

"Moriarty, I am beginning to understand what you are saying. There are indeed chaotic evils in this world that do not need a reason, but simply want to watch the world burn. Kudo

Shinichi murmured to himself, and Mo Yu, who had been squatting next to him like an outsider from the beginning, constantly hanging up and trying to catch fish, also responded at this moment:

"Not everyone is content with order. There are always some people who will embrace chaos. However, this kind of quirky little thing is nothing. It is purely because you are rare and strange. One day you will be free from the neon neon. Go to the United States with Yusaku Kudo to learn more about the various perverted serial killers and some perverted behaviors of the upper class. It is guaranteed to open your eyes and fully witness the diversity of the human species.……"

Kudo Shinichi did not respond to Mo Yu's complaints because he did not have the time.

Sniper Cohen has pulled the trigger again.

The blood-colored light spread across a distance of one or two kilometers and came extremely quickly.

If it were just an ordinary sniper bullet, Kudo Shinichi would not be afraid. The increasingly rich sinful blood flowing on his body continued to show its miraculous qualities, making Kudo Shinichi feel a bit like a cicada prophet. With his magical power, as long as it is a sinful act, no matter how it is performed, he can vaguely understand it.

The murder carried out through the medium of sniper has been understood before the shot is fired. In this case, dodging bullets becomes a natural thing.

Although Kudo Shinichi could not yet do it while walking through the hail of gunfire and bullets without touching a single leaf, a mere sniper had completely lost the threat to him.

But the problem is that what sniper Cohen shot was not a bullet!

The blood light flashed past, and then, blood stains appeared on Kudo Shinichi's clothes.

The blood stain was like a living thing, squirming, chewing on his clothes, and then going deep inside, trying to chew on his flesh.

Kudo Shinichi immediately understood the blood-stained baby's stand-in ability, that is, it shoots invisible blood-spotted insects to attach to the enemy, causing the enemy to eventually be riddled with holes and die of blood loss.

Compared with the previous normal sniping, this stand-in ability appears to be much more sinister and vicious. In particular, the invisible blood-spotted insects shot are not aimed at a single target, but at living creatures in a small area.

Although this range is not too large, it is still troublesome enough.

"Future Mr. Holmes, you seem to be in a very embarrassed state, do you need me to take action?"

Mo Yu crossed his hands on his chest and said with a half-smile, but Kudo Shinichi did not respond, and the darkness in his pupils became more and more turbulent.

The next moment, a certain former winery man who surrendered to Kudo Shinichi's rule, His whole body was shaking, as if something was being extracted, and then a substitute appeared behind Kudo Shinichi.

This former winery man was an elite thug from the evil organization outside the winery. His crime was nothing to say, except that he was maimed to death. But his crimes have unique characteristics. When he conflicts with other organizations, he especially likes to retaliate in kind to make people in other organizations look good!

This crime and characteristics are also reflected in the avatar named [Swirling Snail]. His ability is also very���Single, tit for tat, inflicting the same injuries on the target.

The next moment, sniper Cohen also showed signs of being eaten by the blood-spotted insect!

But this was just the beginning. A second substitute emerged behind Kudo Shinichi.

【Qiaoyan Iron Prison], this is the stand-in for a guy who often lets his younger brother take the blame after committing a crime. His ability is very simple. He transfers some of his own status to his younger brother. The next moment, the blood on Kudo Shinichi's body The Spotted Insect suddenly disappeared and appeared in the body of the guy who liked to let others take the blame.

The emperor who reigns over all crimes is both a name and a description of his power!

It controls all sin and inflicts all evil.

As long as Kudo Shinichi is willing, the evil empire he has built and controlled will become his power.

When Kudo Shinichi took the initiative to take this step, his luck surged, and visions of heaven and earth suddenly appeared.

The wind of murderous intent roared in reality, and in the wind, countless sins manifested in various postures. These sins twisted, squirmed, and intertwined, and finally turned into a huge bloody eye, shining in the howling wind. , overlooking everything.

And the black clouds of murder in the sky seemed to collapse under the impact of this gaze!

But the next moment, the dragon roared suddenly, and the black clouds in the sky collapsed and condensed, turning into a body, while the demons and monsters in the black clouds turned into scales and stuck to the body.

A young but evil black dragon, covering the sky, harnesses the clouds and mist transformed by darkness, spreads its teeth and claws, and dances all over the sky.

And all this was just because an armed helicopter was speeding over.

Kudo Shinichi suddenly laughed:"Has the dark bullet that was enough to penetrate my heart finally arrived?"

In the helicopter, Gin was silent.

As an organization killer, he cannot be said to strive to be low-key when working, but he has never been so high-profile!

If every time he goes out to do a mission in the future, it is like this sudden change, and the pomp and circumstance can be seen for hundreds of miles, Ginjiu feels that he may not be able to continue in the assassin industry, or in other words, the organization's boss may give him a dismissal letter. , otherwise, wherever he goes, the organization will be exposed.

But these thoughts that had nothing to do with the main topic did not linger in Gin's mind for too long.

Because the monster named Kudo Shinichi was right in front of him!

Gin, who slightly jumped out of the armed helicopter, was as straightforward as ever, without saying any unnecessary words. The black dragon stand-in behind him took out his gun, and Gin also raised his gun. Finally, the sky was covered by the Tian Zhilong also took out his gun.

The substitute's gun, the killer's gun, and the gun of heaven and earth are all aimed at Kudo Shinichi.

The terror of that killing intent cannot be described in words!

But Kudo Shinichi just smiled, his smile getting brighter and brighter, even faintly...crazy!

Under this crazy smile, Kudo Shinichi's eyes showed for the first time a look beyond depth and reason, which was a blazing murderous intent.

"Gin, you and your organization, as the singularity when the world line changes, are the darkness I personally created and the sin I committed. Therefore, you should leave this world with me!!!"

Kudo Shinichi's voice full of murderous intent echoed between heaven and earth, and Gin's eyes fluctuated slightly at this moment. The determination and murderous intent at the highest level of the winery organization is not without reason. Coveting the magic dice is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also the information reported by Gin.

That comes from the fourth world line change,

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