“The work of the Ministry of Medicine is really busy, I am really embarrassed to bother you.” Sakura said with guilt, “I wanted to call Jingo, but she went out today.”

Naruto listened to Sakura’s mention of Jingye, and couldn’t help thinking of the scene the night before, but could not help but feel helpless.I knew that I wouldn’t mention the Temaki, and I didn’t explain it clearly in the end.

Jing Ye rushed back to the store, and the matter was gone.

Chapter 94 Sasuke’s defection

The office quickly calmed down, leaving only the pages of the paper.Occasionally, the two would stop tacitly to drink water, and no one felt embarrassed without talking.

One morning was not enough to handle all the work. Ten minutes before the next time they were about to get off work, the two began to stop at hand and discuss which barbecue restaurant for dinner.

“It’s still the barbecue shop near the Qiudao family. It is a little farther away from here, but I can barely eat it.” Sakura said lying on the table.

“Also.” Naruto leaned on the chair at will, looking up at the ceiling and said at will, “Call Sasuke together? Anyway, he has no task.”

Sakura suddenly silent for a moment and said.

“forget it.”

“Sasuke seems to be mood recently, and some time ago, he quarreled with Teacher Kakashi in the hospital.”

“That’s it.” Naruto said a little lazily, “Probably because of Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke wanted to kill him too much, and it has become a kind of obsession.”

“Uchiha Itachi?” Sakura heard the amount of information contained in Naruto’s words and asked, “I only know some vague originals, what is the reason for Sasuke …”

“Blood and sea deep hatred.” Naruto seemed to be talking about a sparse and ordinary thing, but he did not fully rectify and set out.

There is no need to explain anything, and he involves the endless troubles.An Uchiha Itachi is already terrifying, and another big snake pill …

The two are more abnormal than one, one more crazy.If Sakura is willing to jump, he will jump. Anyway, this quagmire Naruto doesn’t want to touch it at all.

After the bloody moon, Uchiha Sasuke was alive for revenge.

In the monthly reading, Sasuke watched his family was killed by Uchiha Itachi, but he could only ask the cold -blooded brother over and over again.

Even if he survived, Uchiha Sasuke never walked out of that bloody night.In the familiar family station, Uchiha Itachi cruelly took away everything he had.

Some people are alive, but they live in a dead child in their hearts.

“Why is this?” Sakura’s voice trembled, “Sasuke he has never mentioned it to us.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t mention that kind of thing.” Naruto opened his chair and stared at the Sakura, and took a sip of water slowly. “Sakura, some things are not you can interfere.”

“I hope that Sasuke can get revenge easily and happily. It is me, and I will definitely try my best to kill Uchiha Itachi.”

Through the glass, the cold eyes of Naruto’s blue pupils intersecting the four eyes of Sakura, who was looking up, and the latter fiercely hit a cold war on the seat.

… …

After a day of work, Naruto went home and lay down.

At noon, the barbecue was extremely silent, and Sakura was absent -minded, and Naruto was happy to eat.

Everyone in the seventh class noticed that Sasuke’s abnormalities, Naruto did not hide, but could only be regarded as ahead.Sasuke revenge, he raised his hands in favor.

Uchiha Itachi’s sense of oppression is too strong, and it is simply killing God for other people.So far, Naruto is still worried about opening the door.

Among the ninjas who have been in the battle, only the senior film -level ninja at the level of San Ninja has the ability to threaten Uchiha Itachi.

With a bang, Naruto fell into the sofa and slowly closed his eyes.

Wake up the next day.

The mission could not be completed. The seventh class was missing, and Uchiha Sasuke disappeared.

Tsunade’s anger coincides with all the Ninja has already been in the mission, and the left -behind dark man’s hand is not enough.If you do not call the root tissue, you can only enable the wood leaf tolerance.

In desperation, Tsunade’s Corporation summoned the three -person Shikamaru Naruto who had not yet been released to Naruto’s office to assign the dog head military division Shikamaru to lead the team.

There is not much nonsense, just say that you can use everything to find people back.

“Master Naruto, we still need manpower.” Shikamaru said indifferently. “If it is just the three of us, it is not enough to complete the task.”

“Ninja who has not yet been in the mission, you look at the list and report the list before departure.” Tsunade said after a moment of groaning, “Fast, never let Uchiha Sasuke escape from the border of the country of fire.”

“Yes.” Shikamaru hurriedly left, and Ningci followed.

Naruto turned and wanted to leave, and was suddenly stopped by Tsunade.

“Naruto, you stay.”

After hearing the words, Naruto stopped and turned to look at Tsunade.Looking at the white jade -like face, I remembered the sword on my chest, and the face suddenly collapsed.

“I’m very busy, don’t add another task to chase Sasuke!”

Tsunade’s face was suddenly dark, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. He lifted Naruto’s collar, and his face was fierce.

“I let you be careful, little ghost!”

“The sword returned to me!” Naruto did not show weakness and stared back. “If you don’t give me, you can hardly say if you can come back alive.”

“What do you say?” Tsunade reached out and squeezed Naruto’s face into a rubber puree. “Who do you think you are! Bar up with Naruto, do you want to die!”

“Pain and pain !!!” Naruto, who was stunned by Tsunade, was still stiff. “Without a sword, then Master Tsunade is ready to give me flowers.”

“Who would care about your life and death!” Tsunade became more and more angry, “If you pick up and pick four, I will send you back to the Ninja school!”

“Hmm! Do you have anything else to say?”

“Speak on my face,” Naruto said.

“Go out!”

With a bang, Naruto was thrown out by Tsunade away, and the grassy sword dingled beside him.

Seeing that the grasshopper sword arrived, Naruto suddenly changed his face, carefully pulling out the sword like holding his wife.Then he looked at Tsunade’s face, and his posture suddenly tall.

“Yes! I can’t die.”


“Yes, Lord Naruto.”

When Naruto saw it, he accepted it, and took the equipment that Tsunade burst out, hurriedly moisturized, and rushed to the stairs.

Upstairs, Tsunade became more and more angry, and his chest continued.

The chair in his hand was thrown downstairs, the glass shattered sounded, and a scream of Naruto sounded immediately.

“Ah !!! Which kills a thousand knives high -altitude parabolic !!!”

Listening to the sound of Naruto downstairs, Tsunade impatiently leaned out of the body out of the window.Naruto below seeing this suddenly dumb, and ran away without saying a word.

As soon as Naruto’s front foot left, Sakura’s back found Tsunade, begging to participate in the operation of recovering Sasuke.

Tsunade narrowed his eyes and rejected a bite directly on the grounds that medical ninjas did not participate in high -risk operations.And told her that she had arranged people to recover Sasuke, so she didn’t have to worry.

On the other side, Naruto included the seal space of the grassy sword, and simply prepared some equipment, and immediately followed the team led by Shikamaru to the pursuit.

The gap between the forest, Naruto did not think of many of the other three people.If you dare to take his own ice cream, he caught them and beat them fiercely.

Chapter 95, No, I don’t

“Sasuke’s face is so big, and the genius of the Nature family is here.”

On the way, Naruto murmured.

“Oh.” Ning Ci glanced at him coldly without saying anything.

Naruto will abstain from the CITIC test and has not fought with the twelve Xiaoqiang, but the seventh class hit the Saraido Zhu Li to lie down. It was not a secret.

“Naruto, you guys say a few words.” Inukuka grinned with a grin, and the arched fire said, “You guy can’t beat others again.”

“Yes, you are a guy who stealing Akamaru dog food.” Naruto said that it was a continuous replenishment, “Is it probably lost the ability to communicate and communicate with human beings?”

“It’s not good for Chi Wan, you are still a single wastewood.”

“Damn! Do you want to fight this guy?” Inuzuka was broken.

“Naruto, don’t say it, everyone is a companion.” Ding Ci squinted his eyes and turned his head with a smile.


“Why do you listen to Ding Ci so much! Damn!”

“Dingci eats potato chips to eat barbecue, just don’t eat dog food.” Naruto cut a bang, and looked at Inuzuya with scornly.”Soul Dan.”

“Can dog food be eaten too?” Xiao Li asked curiously at the back of the team.

“OK, don’t make noisy.” Captain Shikamaru opened a pair of dead fish eyes, and said with some headaches, “The task is tight, if you fail, you can’t go back and be criticized.”

“The existing clues cannot indicate that Sasuke was taken away, and Sasuke’s guy couldn’t get it …”

Shikamaru’s eyes became serious, and Yu Guang glanced at Naruto aside, and said carefully in the silence of everyone.

“It’s a defect.”

“That kind of thing has little relationship with us.” Naruto took the lead in breaking silence. “Just bring back Sasuke, as for other things, we don’t need to manage it.”

No one spoke, and even the most active Inuzuka was quiet.

Although they are noisy, they have a deep relationship with the team’s companions and ask themselves. If the companion defects such a thing, it will definitely not be able to bear it on their heads.

Naruto can bear it, there is no feeling at all.

He is recognized by his companions, and people are emotional and social animals.But when it comes to the interests of the village, it has nothing to do with him.It wasn’t him to abandon the village, but the wood leaf was not worth his desperate.

Normally, but desperately, he doesn’t want to be the so -called savior.

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