“So why not change to a Hokage?”

Ye Zhou questioned.

“Because for three generations, he, like the village, is rotten.” Kakashi said.

But then shook his head again: “No, it should be said that it is precisely because of the decay of three generations that the village has become decayed with him.” ”

“So that’s why Kakashi-sensei told me not to save the third generation?”

Ye Zhou made an expression of sudden realization.

“Of course, I also have some selfishness, but most of the reason is for the village.”

Kakashi was very comfortable admitting that he also had selfish intentions.

After all, the death of the White Fang was an eternal pain in Kakashi’s heart.

“Isn’t Kakashi-sensei worried about me going to report it?” Ye Zhou was curious about why Kakashi suddenly had a showdown with himself.

“I’m sure you won’t, and there are some things that are not secrets at all for Shangnin, and with your strength, sooner or later you will be able to access these secrets.” Kakashi shook his head and said without caring.

“Since Kakashi-sensei said so, then I have nothing to say.” Ye Zhou shrugged.

“However, Kakashi-sensei, maybe 470 already knows a lot of secrets in the village.”

Under Kakashi’s puzzled expression, Ye Zhou continued with a natural expression: “My electromagnetic induction can cover the entire village and detect all dead ends. ”

Hearing Ye Zhou’s explanation, Kakashi’s face changed first.

Then he asked Ye Zhou with a serious expression, “Can you even know about the conversation?” ”

If even people’s conversations can be clearly perceived, then Ye Zhou’s ability is very dangerous.

“How is that possible? Kakashi-sensei, you can’t help but think too highly of me, electromagnetic perception is only by releasing and receiving electromagnetic waves to feedback the movement of objects, how can you hear sound! ”

Ye Zhou looked at Kakashi speechlessly.

“Ah, haha, it’s me thinking too much!”

Kakashi scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Forget it, since Kakashi-sensei has nothing wrong with you, I’ll go back first.” Ye Zhou shook his head and offered his farewell to Kakashi.

“Well, be careful on the road.”

After Kakashi chatted with Ye Zhou for a while, his spirit was a little tired, so he did not keep Ye Zhou.

After the conversation that had just opened up, the two got along more casually.

When Ye Zhou went out, he also took Kakashi’s treasured tea leaves with him by the way.

Laugh at!

In the canyon where Ye Zhou usually trained, a shadow avatar suddenly turned into electric light, but then it instantly dissipated.

“Sure enough, it’s still too hard to be elemental.”

After receiving the memories transmitted by the shadow doppelganger, Ye Zhou sighed.

More than half a month had passed since he and Kakashi talked.

During this time, Ye Zhou naturally couldn’t be idle, and he once again devoted himself to training.

And elementalization is Ye Zhou’s main training goal during this time.

If you can elementalize the body, then the benefits are obvious.

After elementalization, not only can it be immune to all physical attacks, but it can also move through elementalization, which will greatly improve Ye Zhou’s mobility.

However, the dream is good, and when it was really time to develop, Ye Zhou discovered how difficult it was to achieve elementalization.

At least until now, Ye Zhou was still confused.

“If only I could get the hydration secret technique of the Ghost Lantern family.”

Ye Zhou thought of the ghost lantern family’s hydration secret technique.

Unfortunately, Ye Zhou can only think that the ghost lamp family now only has a single seedling left with the ghost lamp Shuiyue, and he still doesn’t know which pimple he was locked up by the big snake pill.

If you have time to look for the ghost lamp Water Moon, it is better to develop it yourself.

What’s more, even if he finds the ghost lamp Shuiyue, the other party will not (BBFE) hand over the family secret art to an outsider.

“Forget it, let’s figure it out yourself.”

Ye Zhou shook his head and gave up those unrealistic ideas.

Summoning a thunder avatar and then lifting it, Ye Zhou used his spiritual power to carefully sense the changes during the period when the thunder doppelganger dissipated.

The thunder avatar is a doppelganger transformed with the thunder attribute Chakra, and when it dissipates, it instantly turns into thunder and lightning.

This kind of process of transferring entities to elements made Ye Zhou have a certain idea.

As long as this transformation is studied, Ye Zhou believes that his development of body elementalization will definitely make great progress.

What’s more, this is the only way Ye Zhou can think of at present.

And just when Ye Zhou was addicted to the development of elemental skills, the shadow doppelganger who stayed at home suddenly sent a message that Sasuke was looking for himself.

“Huh? Orochimaru’s people came looking for Sasuke? Ye Zhou digested the information from the shadow doppelganger.

Since Naruto and Jiraiya went out to find Tsunade, Kakashi didn’t arrange for Ha Zhou and Sasuke to take up the mission, just let them train on their own.

So whenever Sasuke encountered doubts in training, he would come to find himself.

As for why he didn’t find Kakashi as a teacher, it can only be said that compared to Kakashi, who was killed by Itachi, Sasuke believed Ye Zhou more.

But this time the situation was obviously different from before, and in the memories of the shadow doppelganger, Sasuke mentioned Orochimaru and his men.

Ye Zhou felt that he needed to go back.

It only took less than ten minutes for Ye Zhou to return to his home.

“What are you talking about Orochimaru’s subordinates?”

After seeing Sasuke, Ye Zhou immediately asked about the situation.

“When I was training in the back mountain today, I met several people who claimed to be under the Great Snake Pill, saying that the Great Snake Pill can make me stronger.” Sasuke did not hide anything and told everything he knew. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“It seems that the big snake pill is still not dead to you!”

Ye Zhou was not surprised by this, in contrast, he cared more about Sasuke’s thoughts.

So he asked Sasuke, “What about you, what do you think?” ”

“Huh, do you still need to ask? If I’m not mistaken, Orochimaru is the one who was defeated by you in the Forest of Death, right? ”

Sasuke sneered, his tone full of disdain for Orochimaru.

“That’s right.” Ye Zhou nodded and immediately understood Sasuke’s thoughts.

I’m afraid that in Sasuke’s opinion, the big snake pill who fled under his hands was not worth letting him learn at all.

“So what about Orochimaru’s men, have they already left?” Ye Zhou then asked.

However, Sasuke shook his head and said, “Of course not, I have already killed them all. “。

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