Chapter 166 Akimi Miyano is released!!

Metropolitan Police Department Detention Room.

The Miyamoto Police Department brought out Akimi Miyano, who had just been imprisoned.

“You guy is a core member of your team!” I really didn’t expect that I was actually deceived by a guy like you!! ”

Miyamoto police department looked at Miyano with an angry face.

“Officer, how can I not believe what you are saying?”

Akimi Inono still pretended to be anyway, and she bit herself to death as a small character who didn’t know anything.

In this way, even if he is actually brought to court, the sentence will be reduced as appropriate.

“Ahem! Still in camouflage here! Your accomplices have made a request to us to let you get away with it! ”

“For this reason, I even blew up the shrine!”

“Do you know how many people were killed or injured!!”

Miyamoto clenched his fists and looked at Akimi Miyano and questioned.

Akimi Miyano’s eyes were filled with shock.

She was really shocked.

Miyano guessed that Guan Zu would most likely not leave him alone.

But in order to save her, the Ranba Shrine was blown up!

How she hadn’t thought of it.

Miyamoto looked at Akimi Miyano and looked at the shock in her eyes, unable to tell if it was real or if she was still acting.

If it is acting, the use of skills is amazing.

“Now you are free!”

The Miyamoto Police Department returned all of Miyano’s personal belongings to her.

Not really.

It’s just a cell phone and some cash.

There is nothing useful in the phone, it is just a new mobile phone prepared for use when acting.

There is also not much money in cash.

That’s ten million yen bills.

I don’t know if the 100,000 yen was her own or if she took it from the bank during yesterday’s robbery.

But give it back to her.

When the time comes for the province, because of the hundred thousand yen, it will cause a big hemp shun.

For example, if you detonate another bomb, it will be fine.

“Can I really go?”

Akimi Miyano had a look of disbelief.

“Yes! After taking his things, hurry up and go and call your companion and tell him that you have left the Gongkou Miyamoto Police Department impatiently. ”

They only had half an hour to spare.

And from the time the robber called to the present, more than twenty minutes have passed

This Hirota Masami did not hurry up and left, and her accomplice area had to be shot.

Akimi Miyano picked up her things and bowed to Miyamoto and the other police officers.

“I’m in trouble for you!”

It really caused trouble for the police, and it was added to the marijuana smooth.

First, the bank was robbed, and billions of yen were looted in the bank

Now, bombs have been planted everywhere to force the police to release her.

The people in the Metropolitan Police Department were afraid that they would be angry to death.

“Hurry up! Hurry up! ”

Miyamoto Police Department urged.

If you don’t leave quickly, another place will be bombed.

The shrine is right next to the Imperial Palace, and there is an explosion there, and the emperor who lives inside the Imperial Kai is shocked.

This Masami Hirota must be quickly let go.

Escorted by Miyamoto Police Department and others, Akimi Miyano left the Metropolitan Police Department.

Stopped a taxi on the side of the road to leave.

“Send someone to follow secretly, don’t let her find out.”

Miyamoto Police Department Order said.

“Got it, officer!”

Several of his men immediately ran out.

Akimi Miyano left the Metropolitan Police Department and did not immediately call Sekizu or Ashira.

As a former member of the organization, even if it is only a peripheral member, Miyano Akimi is not a fool who does not understand anything.

The mobile phone was once taken away by the police, who knows if the police will install any Trojan virus inside, obtain location and microphone information, and listen to their own calls.

So Akimi Miyano didn’t plan to use the phone at the beginning.

The reason why I took it was just for the police to see.

When he got into the car, Akimi Shinno directly threw his fat mobile phone in the seat.

When she got off the bus, she wouldn’t take the phone with her.

When Akimi Miyano got into the car, he asked the driver to go to Shinjuku.

But halfway through, before arriving in Shinjuku, Miyano asked the driver to park the car on the side of the road and give money to get out of the storehouse.

I found a telephone booth, used the change found by the driver to invest coins, and called Guan Zu.

Of course, it is not the mobile phone he usually uses, but the anonymous mobile phone that he uses when he is moving.

How she said it was also an old jianghu.

Jingle Bells ~~

Guan Zu heard the phone and immediately answered the phone.


“Uncle Long, it’s me, Doctor.”

Akimi Miyano said.

“Where are you now?”

Guan Zu asked.

“In a coin-operated phone booth near Yotsuya subway station.”

“You go outside casually first and see if anyone is following you.0 If anything, call me immediately.”

Guan Zu commanded.

“Okay, I get it.”

Akimi Miyano should be next.

She also knew that she must have had a tail and a shield since then.

She absolutely could not bring back the tail of the Metropolitan Police Department, otherwise not only would she be arrested, but even Guan Zu and her sister would be arrested by the police.

Even if he is not caught, he will not be able to continue to live such a “peaceful life” as he is now. ”

Akimi Miyano takes the subway, gets off at the next stop, and then changes the bus depot.

Sure enough, he found that someone was following him.

As a former member of an organization, there are still some anti-tracking capabilities.

Don’t say get rid of the people who are following you completely, someone can at least find out when they are following them.

As long as the face appears twice in front of the eyes, it is an ‘acquaintance’.

She is not shopping in the mall, but constantly changing vehicles so that she can meet ‘acquaintances’, which is obviously abnormal.

What is so coincidental?

Miyano got off the bus, found the nearest phone booth, and called Guan Zu again.


“It’s me, Doctor.”

“How’s it going, did you find the tail?”

Guan Zu asked.

“Well, there is indeed a tail following.”

Akimi Miyano said.

“Got it, you can sell it around outside.”

After hanging up Akimi Miyano’s phone, Guan Zu called the police again.

“Hello, this is the alarm center…”

“Listen, you released my companions, but you kept sending people to follow, which made me very unhappy. So, I decided to detonate the second bomb. ”

With that, Guan Zu pressed the detonation button again, and the No. 2 bomb was detonated.


The Sakurada Gate subway station, the entrance to the Metropolitan Police Department, was exposed to the bombing.

“My patience is limited, and if we find out again that your men are following my companions, I will continue to detonate the bombs!”

Guan Zu made a threat, and then hung up the phone decisively.

Before Akimi Miyano and Ashita came into contact with them, Sekizu would try to cut off the tail behind Akimi Miyano.

Still, he wasn’t sure if that would get the Metropolitan Police Department guys to get rid of the people altogether.

But the fewer people stalking anyway, the better.

The fewer people stalking, the more likely it is that Akimi Shinno managed to escape.

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