Player No. 12 watched the opponent making fake moves.

The opponent's feet were also moving left and right, staring at the eyes of player No. 12.

This made player No. 12 unable to find a breakthrough.

This was very uncomfortable!

"What a trouble..."

"Hehe... No matter how powerful the Teikou First Army is, you in the Second Army are really weak!"

Huang Lai stared at the situation on the court.

On his side, those two guys were still sticking to him tightly, not giving him a chance.

All the players in the Second Army were also defended very tightly...

He glanced at Kuroko.

This guy, his words were nice, and I thought he was a bit handsome at that time.

But now no one on the opposite side defended him.

He just stood there and watched?

Just when Huang Lai was still thinking that Kuroko was useless, player No. 12 saw that there was no one defending in Kuroko's direction, so he passed the basketball to Kuroko.

Huang Lai's body was still being squeezed by the opponent's body.

Once again, he looked directly at Kuroko, his eyes suddenly widened, and he let out a startled cry.

Just as Huang Lai blinked, he opened his eyes again... At this moment, Kuroko suddenly stretched out his arm and slapped it forward.

Huang Lai's eyes were covered by the flying basketball.

"What?" Huang Lai was shocked, and subconsciously caught the basketball passed by Kuroko with both hands.

Several players defending the second army of Teiko suddenly turned their heads to look at Huang Lai, most of them with their mouths wide open.

Drops of sweat ran down their cheeks.

What just happened!

How could the ball... suddenly run into the hands of the man in the first army?

The two Komagi players defending Huang Lai looked at Kuroko in horror.

They were all stunned!

Huang Lai reacted, no longer surprised, aimed at the basket, jumped slightly, raised his hands up, and pushed.

Throw the basketball into the basket.

Then he ran and adjusted his next position.

"3 points valid!"

The people watching the game upstairs were also confused, "Just now..."

"What happened?"

"It seems that the basketball flew to that guy's hand?"

They didn't see how the basketball got to Huang Lai's hand.

The game continued...

No one was still defending Kuroko, and Kuroko was running on the basketball court.

Although his speed was relatively slow, every time he was in the place where he was, there was a basketball passed to his hand.

Kuroko's eyes condensed, and he suddenly stopped at a place, turned around and lowered his body.

Stretching out his arm and waving forward, the basketball just came in front of Kuroko at this time, and Kuroko shot the basketball as a cannonball.

Huang Lai was still surprised, but his reaction and physical fitness were very good, and he quickly caught the basketball passed by Kuroko.

The opponent was still a little confused, and Huang Lai easily dribbled the ball to break through the defense of the two people, came to the inside line and jumped lightly, and hooked the basketball into the goal.

The Teiko players regained their determination, and at this moment... they all seemed to have found their backbone.

They all ignited their fighting spirit!

Kuroko appeared again... and stood in position in advance.

This time he did not receive the basketball from his teammate, but came to the front of Komagi.

"This guy? When did he appear!?"

In the surprised eyes of Komagi, Kuroko waved his hand and turned the basketball that should have belonged to him and bounced it out.

Kise took the basketball and jumped again, aiming at the basket and shooting.

"3 points!"

In just a short while, with Kuroko's assist, Kise had already scored 13 points on the opponent.

Kise ran behind Kuroko, his eyes focused, looking at this seemingly fragile person.

Could it be...

He took advantage of his weak presence and became the indirect point of the pass?

Is it really possible to do this?

Kuroko looked back at Huang Lai while running, "Please don't take your eyes off the ball."


"There is still a gap in the score. Get ready and play seriously!"

"Hehe..." Huang Lai smiled happily, with a somewhat excited expression.

So that's it. Is this the role of Kuroko that Song Cheng and the others mentioned?

Huang Lai has already acknowledged Kuroko Tetsuya at this moment.

The scene changes... In the classroom, a young man is sitting alone at a table near the window. The warm sunlight shines through the glass onto his handsome red hair.

He is sitting with his left foot on the chair, his left hand on his knee, and a chess piece in his right hand.

The 'golden general' is slapped onto the chessboard by Akashi, facing the 'king general'.

On the chessboard, the overall situation has been decided!

The door is opened, Midorima puts one hand in his pocket, and slowly closes the door behind him with the other hand.


"Midorima?" Akashi didn't even turn his head. Maybe... he was sure that it was Midorima behind him.

Midorima strode in and stopped when there was still some distance left. "This time, Kuroko, Kise and the other two"I'm the second army's companion, and I was recommended by the supervisor."

Akagi smiled evilly, "Kise will be wearing the uniform soon, I just think it's better to introduce Kuroko's power in advance..."


"You still speak as if you know everything as usual."

"Of course I know." Akashi answered very straightforwardly, and took over as Midorima finished speaking.

A light flashed across Midorima's glasses, and his eyes frowned as he looked at Akashi's back.

"It was me who saw Kuroko Tetsuya's power, and it was me who helped Songcheng rise...!"

Open the door... Close the door, Midorima has left.

Akagi raised his head slightly and looked at the scenery outside through the window.

Akagi murmured slightly: "Only you have the qualifications! ”

“We will have a battle in the future, Song Cheng…”

On the basketball court of the private Komagi Junior High School.

With one and a half minutes left, Teikou Junior High School had already caught up and even surpassed the opponent by two points.


Song Cheng saw the increasingly skilled cooperation between the two, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Standing up, stretching his arms.

“Coach, I think… let me play next.”

People from this kind of school are not worthy of his respect…

He wants to let the opponent know the true horror of Teikou Junior High School!

Song Cheng can’t wait to play.

“Really, I haven’t played a formal game for a long time!” Song Cheng looked at the court, with a strange and charming light in his eyes.

“Teikou, players replace.”

Kuroko and Song Cheng clapped their hands, one on the court, and the other off.

Kuroko sat in the chair again and looked at it, his eyes were clear, his expression was still calm… his face was paralyzed.

“Eh? What is Teikou doing! Let that troublesome guy go off the field. Isn't this giving us a chance? ? "

"Everyone, don't be discouraged. The opponent underestimated us. As long as that transparent guy is not there, we still have a chance to win!"

"That's right. There is only a little over a minute left!"

While the Komagi players were still talking, Song Cheng was already ready on the field!

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