Tao Jing Satsuki covered her mouth and said with a bit of surprise: "Akagi has also entered..."

Aomine nodded solemnly: "[zone]!"

On the other side, Murasakibara Atsushi and Midorima's faces also changed.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Akashi passed the two and threw the basketball in his hand.

Because of his abnormal confidence, Akashi swung his right hand and turned to walk towards the Luoshan half.

And after he turned around... the basketball hit the net perfectly!

Time, as if it dared not to go against Akashi's will, paused... Everyone was stunned.

The absolute 'Akagi' is back!

When Akashi returned to the team and Mibuchi Reo wanted to say something, Akashi said directly: "Offense and defense, leave it to me alone."

This is not only the coldness and extreme indifference of the second personality, but also the state of complete abandonment of teammates.

Or... Akashi said this deliberately now.

The main personality has decided to return, so how can he not suppress his other side with a calm enough mind?

In fact, Akashi has another choice.

Haichang felt that the situation was not good, but they were the same as usual.

Kasamatsu and others knew that the enemy's trump card... their trump card could definitely stop it!

The only thing to worry about was Song Cheng's physical strength.

Because Song Cheng played every game to the full, and Song Cheng also entered a situation where his physical strength was greatly consumed many times.

Song Cheng smiled and said, "Even if I run out of physical strength in the end, don't you still have you?"

"Humph... It's us instead." Kasamatsu, Kobori Hiroshi, and Moriyama raised their mouths slightly at this time.

Haichang can get to this point... It is also Song Cheng's credit, and Huang Lai's credit, but the indispensable thing is the team, their entire collective.

Mutual respect and mutual trust.

Only then has the current achievements been made.

Song Cheng looked at Akashi who was standing alone in the center of the inside line, and he already knew what was going on.

The double blessing of ‘Eye of the Emperor’ and [zone], to deal with me.

But... you underestimated me a little too much.

"No matter what, if I defeat you, I can take the advantage in the first quarter!" Song Cheng took over Kasamatsu's serve.

Song Cheng's concentration had reached its peak at this time, and he quickly dribbled to the Luoshan three-point line.

As soon as he stepped in, Song Cheng could feel a terrifying pressure sweeping over him.

He knew that he had come to Akashi's defense range...

The state of zone is also the same as ‘wildness’, with a difference in depth - after stepping into the bronze gate and entering [zone], it is as if sinking into the water, removing all distractions.

And when [zone] is felt to the extreme, people will dive to the bottom.

At the same time, feeling the qualitative leap of Akashi, Qingfeng said in surprise: "Huh? At the moment of facing Songcheng, Akashi's [zone] became deeper!"

And Kaijo's Moriyama also stepped into the three-point line after Songcheng and Akashi faced off.

At this moment, his pupils flashed with shock.

A heavy aura has already spread throughout Luoshan's three-point line!

No way?

A chill ran through my body...

Could it be that... this position is already within Akashi's defense range! ?

Outside the court, May tilted her head and looked at Qingfeng in confusion: "Ada... I want to ask something."


"You just said that Akashi's [zone] has become deeper, what does that mean?"

Qingfeng replied with a somewhat leisurely expression: "Well, what I'm going to say next is only my own feeling... During the actual competition, we only have the competition in our minds. When I entered the [zone], it felt like there was a huge door, and then I had to open it. After opening it, I would sink into the water. The more focused I was, the deeper I sank. If I kept sinking, I would sink to the bottom."

"Then you have truly entered the [zone] state, and at this time you can release all your abilities without leaking a drop."

"I guess only Akashi, Song Cheng and I can do it now." Qingfeng shrugged.

"What about Murasakibara before?" May asked again. She remembered that Murasakibara Atsushi's strength was obviously very strong before.

"Murasakibara, this depends on the perception. It's surprising that Murasakibara can enter the [zone]... isn't it?"


But so what?

There was silver-white lightning floating in Song Cheng's eyes, proving that he had also entered the [zone] state at this time.

Like a silver dragon flashing by, when the figure appeared again, it was already in front of Akashi.

"This sense of imbalance... most people are concentrated on the same side!"

"It's lsolation! (AttackA kind of attacking tactic, teammates open up space to one side for a specific player to play one-on-one) This situation is the trump card of both teams, one-on-one! "

Later, Akashi's eyes became more and more sharp, his right hand had already stretched forward, and red lightning flashed a trajectory following his movement.

However, Song Cheng did not retreat but advanced. When Akashi's fingers were about to touch the basketball, he started at a rapid speed and turned half a turn to the side of Akashi.

"You can't do it. "Akagi's words were full of dominance, as if this sentence was not a statement, but an order.

His words are the truth.

The next second, Akashi did not lose his defensive position, and came to Song Cheng again to confront him.

Song Cheng did several crotch moves in a leisurely manner.

Akagi's feet followed Song Cheng's rhythm closely.

Although he knew that Song Cheng would not break through, he did not dare not defend.

Because he knew that Song Cheng had an ability of "eyes": through the most subtle information, he could analyze and predict the actions that the opponent would make.

When Song Cheng was doing a crotch move, he suddenly leaned forward and made a forward stabbing step, and Akashi immediately turned around to block it...

At the same time, he strangely accelerated the rhythm, resumed the storm-like offensive again, and changed direction in front of the body at an extreme speed, Then he dived forward.

Song Cheng glanced at Akashi lightly, and a light breeze blew past, successfully breaking through Akashi.

Akashi turned around suddenly, stepped on the ground, flew up from the side, and stretched out his five fingers together, like a sharp sword, stabbing the basket with all his strength.

At this time, Song Cheng jumped up as if he was walking into a trap... If he chose to dunk, he would be intercepted by Akashi.

A red light flashed, the blood was burning, and some dormant power in the body was roaring wildly!

An ancient breath appeared behind Song Cheng.

At this time, Song Cheng moved his body slightly in the air, passed Akashi's palm that blocked the shot, and came behind his palm.

He smashed the basketball on the backboard with one hand, making a violent collision and then reaching into the net.


"The goal is valid!"


"God of War! God of War! God of War! ..." Countless spectators were unable to restrain their emotions, shouting and cheering to their heart's content!

Like star-chasers, they were venting their emotions to their heart's content!

"Bang bang..." The continuous sound of basketballs on the court exploded again, echoing with dull sounds one after another.

That is, Luo Shan has already launched a fast break!

At the three-point line, the two met again.

Akagi's right hand slapped quickly, flashing like lightning.

"Bang bang bang! ”

“Bang, bang, bang…”

The speed of the basketball was getting faster and faster, and then Akashi connected with some fake moves.

Song Cheng’s body subconsciously fell into Akashi’s rhythm, and was moved by Akashi.

Three seconds later, it seemed that the time had come.

Akashi changed direction left and right, causing Song Cheng’s center of gravity to shift subtly, and then stepped back to guide him…

Then he broke through.

Song Cheng’s body fell backwards again. Even if he had been prepared in advance, Akashi who entered the [zone] could still shake people’s center of gravity.

Often [zone] can better exert its offensive power, which is why anyone attacking at the same level can pose a threat to the defense.

However, at this moment, Song Cheng’s body staggered back a step, and his right foot moved back as a support point to stabilize his center of gravity.

The next moment, he turned around and caught up with Akashi’s rhythm.

“It’s a bit troublesome… but it won’t happen again like last time. "Song Cheng's eyes flashed with scarlet light, just like the ferocious eyes of a wild wolf king when catching prey.

Another offensive and defensive duel, an extremely terrifying pressure was placed on Akashi.

At this moment, the eyes of Luoshan who were "watching the battle" on the side suddenly widened.

They... really saw a giant bear!

The full-blown pressure suppressed the entire venue and affected the other people in Luoshan, making them seem to see the "wildness" behind Song Cheng.

The huge pressure made Yeshan Kotaro swallow his saliva.

"How can it be... so real! ? "At this moment, even though he was standing still, he felt that his energy was being depleted and sweat was pouring down his face.

When Song Cheng exuded wildness, Ye Shan also showed a similar aura, but the wildness he showed was not as terrifying as Song Cheng.

To be honest, one was a wild beast, while the other was like a docile pet at home.

After seeing that his attack was broken by Song Cheng, Akashi was not as angry as before, nor was he as distracted as before.

Instead, he became calmer and his eyes became sharper.

There was a golden light in his eyes, and the electric current was crackling. Akashi was very angry.Si quickly performed complicated movements, trying to find Song Cheng's flaws and break them with one blow.

Akashi shook his body again, changed his steps, and then bent forward suddenly, forcing Song Cheng to attack the basket.

The next second, Song Cheng suddenly moved and came in front of Akashi again, as if he was getting more and more used to Akashi's ankle finishing.

With his arms spread out and his legs slightly apart, his tiger eyes stared at Akashi.

Akashi instantly passed the basketball... The ball seemed to disappear, and Dai Qianxun also made a move to catch the ball.

"What!?" Even Song Cheng was quite shocked.

Akashi actually passed the basketball to Dai Qianxun in this state?


I saw Akashi's arm suddenly turned around and hooked, and the back of his hand hit the basketball to the left.

Instant acceleration, breakthrough!

That turned out to be... a fake move?

Was the change in rhythm too sudden, or did Dai Qianxun affect me?

It's impossible. Dai Chihiro can't affect me!

Song Cheng didn't think much. The situation at this time didn't allow him to think more. Akashi had already broken through himself and jumped up.

"It's too late. You can't stop it." Akashi said this very calmly.

The basketball was getting closer and closer to the basket. The basketball in his hand was like a meteorite falling from the sky, majestic and fast as lightning.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the small body hid huge energy, a very powerful dunk.


"The goal is valid!"

"I was fooled... But at that level, it depends entirely on the timing of the breakthrough and the change of rhythm. I won't be fooled by fake moves, right?" Gaowei looked at Midorima and asked Midorima subconsciously.

"It's reverse sight induction! Akashi's 'Eye of the Emperor' mobilized Song Cheng's center of gravity, and also made his sight glance at Dai Chihiro. Song Cheng's ability to 'clearly see' Dai Chihiro has become his weakness." Midorima frowned slightly.

Qingfeng looked at Akashi with a strange expression, "You must have done a lot of targeted practice to be able to make such a perfect cooperation."

"Now, you should understand what happened."

"Is this the way to deal with me?"

When Akashi made the pass, Dai Chihiro had to make a streetball move to attract Song Cheng's attention. Both are indispensable.

If it was the previous Akashi, it would be impossible to have such a mind, and it would be impossible to rely on teammates to break through...

The more contact Song Cheng had, the more he felt the horror of the Akashi during the Teiko period.

Haichang ball possession——

The basketball fell into Song Cheng's hands again, and he sprinted at a lightning speed. This time, Song Cheng's speed seemed to be faster than before!

This speed!

Luoshan and his group were a little surprised.

Could it be... Song Cheng's strength is still hidden?

"It's not that Song Cheng let it go before, but the wildness and [zone] are blending!" Qingfeng said with certainty.

When things touch each other, if they are not of the same type, there will inevitably be a phenomenon of repulsion... Qingfeng and Songcheng's wildness and [zone] perception reached the peak, and they were superimposed and integrated on the court.

They are people who have successfully overcome such situations, but the same, the fusion state is also divided into levels.

Now as Songcheng is more serious, the strength he shows will inevitably be more terrifying, until the point of perfect integration!

I saw a track of silver-white lightning flashing in Songcheng's hand, which was extremely gorgeous.

Every time it fell, it would make a thunder-like sound, knocking on the hearts of Luoshan.

Akashi's eyes were stern, Songcheng was still three meters away from him, but at this time he suddenly took a step with his right foot.

A figure floated past like a ghost and moved in front of Akashi in an instant.

Yeshan Kotaro saw Songcheng's terrifying speed and said in surprise: "So fast!"

If Akashi hadn't taken that step in advance, I'm afraid Songcheng would have broken through!

Song Cheng then dribbled the ball to his left hand, then shuffled sideways.

Akashi frowned slightly, knowing that Song Cheng would change direction to the right, but he still followed.

Song Cheng could change his dribbling movements at will, forcing Akashi to keep up with every step of Song Cheng.

The next second, Song Cheng changed direction and dived to break through.

Akashi already knew Song Cheng's move, and his body also reacted, trying to intercept to the right... but his speed and reaction were weaker than Song Cheng, so he could only watch Song Cheng successfully break through from the right.

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