To outsiders, Bingshi slapped the ball forward stupidly, and Song Cheng casually reached out and hit the basketball in his hand...

But no one dared to say anything about Bingshi's problem.

Everyone knew that it was not Bingshi who was too weak, but Song Cheng who was in the state was too strong!

After slapping Bingshi's dribble, Song Cheng's eyes suddenly froze.

Because a figure actually went towards the position of the basketball that was slapped away, with an incredibly fast speed, as if he knew that the basketball was going to be slapped away by Song Cheng.

And this person... was Ziyuan.

Looking at the basketball not far away, Ziyuan's eyes were full of purple lightning.

Don't want to lose...

Then fight 200%, fight at all costs!

Looking at the basketball that bounced off the ground in front of him, Ziyuan stared at it intently and reached out to grab the basketball.

Just when his right hand grabbed the basketball...

Suddenly, a figure slowly appeared on the other side of the basketball, and the opponent's right hand also grabbed the basketball at the same time, stopping Ziyuan's pulling.

Looking at Song Cheng, Ziyuan roared in a low voice, purple lightning flashed violently in his eyes, and his right hand kept exerting force, and the veins on his right arm kept protruding, trying to pull the basketball towards him.

And Song Cheng's eyes were also raging with silver lightning, and he held the basketball with his right hand and refused to let go, and they were in a stalemate.

Looking at the two people fighting for the ball, the basketball court was silent, and everyone didn't dare to breathe, looking at them nervously.

In their eyes, invisible airflow seemed to appear around the two people, half of the dark purple airflow formed a huge figure, and half of the silver-white airflow formed a giant dragon circling and glaring.

After a stalemate, looking at Ziyuan Dun's ferocious face, Song Cheng's strength increased dramatically.

The next moment, he was stunned...

Ziyuan Dun's eyes exploded with lightning, and the veins on his arm that grabbed the ball bulged, and the muscles were even more bulging... Just this powerful arm gave people a great visual impact.

[zone] has adapted to all the energy of Ziyuan Dun.

You are right!

It's not that Murasakibara Atsushi has adapted to the state of the [zone], but that the [zone] carries the energy in Murasakibara Atsushi's body.

Because the function of the zone is to bring out a person's limit and let the human body exert 100% of its strength.

Murasakibara Atsushi is a little different. The hidden energy in his body is far more than that of Aomine and others... So Murasakibara cannot instantly exert the most powerful power when he enters the limit [zone].

And now, the energy in Murasakibara Atsushi's body is surging out.

This powerful force burst out and directly grabbed the basketball!

After grabbing the ball, Murasakibara Atsushi ran away. Murasakibara Atsushi dribbled the ball with one hand, pulling out a black figure on the court, mixed with a trace of purple lightning afterimage.

"Bang!" Coming to the unguarded basketball hoop, Murasakibara Atsushi jumped up in one step, roared, and dunked with both hands.

The whirlwind generated by Murasakibara Atsushi's huge body swept under the Kaijo basket again.

"Boom!" The basketball hoop buzzed, resounding throughout the basketball court, shocking everyone.

With Murasakibara Atsushi's violent slam dunk, the entire basketball court, which was originally silent, suddenly became lively, and everyone applauded and was full of amazement.

"So strong!"

"This ball, I feel the blood in my body is boiling!"

Unlike the audience's thoughts, the referee looked at Kaijo's basketball hoop with lingering fear.

"It should... not happen again."

He was really afraid that the basketball hoop he had just replaced would be torn off again.

Fortunately, the quality of the basketball hoop was very good this time and it did not fall down.

On the court, Kasamatsu stared at Murasakibara Atsushi, who was swinging his hands naturally after landing, and his eyes became solemn and fearful.

Huang Lai was a little excited.

He had the idea of ​​​​a duel with Murasakibara.

Now I... can I do my best to fight with Murasakibara Atsushi?

But Huang Lai was just thinking about it and had no intention of going forward to disturb the battle between the two [zone].

Song Cheng was not nervous or dissatisfied at all because he could not compete with Atsushi Murasakihara in strength. When he walked back to the team, he looked at Atsushi Murasakihara and said, "Atsushi, you hate losing, but... I hate losing the game too."

At this time, the panda symbolizing wildness appeared behind Song Cheng and stared at Murasakihara, staring at Atsushi Murasakihara with scarlet and fiery eyes.


Song Cheng pointed to the Yangquan half area, and Huang Lai understood and walked to the baseline to serve.

Suddenly, Huang Lai opened his eyes slightly, and a breath as blue as the sky appeared behind him. His right hand shot forward like a cannonball in a moment.

The basketball was passed out.

At the moment when the basketball was hit into the boundary, Song Cheng kicked his right foot and rushed towards the Yangquan territory like chasing the wind and lightning. At this time, Song Cheng's momentum was rising...

Okamura and others reacted in time and all went to block Song Cheng's attack route.

Okamura looked at the fast-moving, running across the half court.Song Cheng.

He had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart...

In normal state, just using the wild state can give people with much lower strength than Song Cheng an indescribable sense of crisis and weak pressure.

Not to mention that Song Cheng is now in the extreme state with the pressure of wildness.


Looking at Song Cheng getting closer and closer, the terrifying and powerful sense of oppression is getting stronger and stronger, as if countless invisible lines are tightly binding his body, and the number increases as Song Cheng gets closer... In the end, he feels like covering his eyes!

Not only Okamura, Liu Wei also has the same feeling.

He also wants to escape.

But the team uniforms on their bodies give them the courage to fight!

They must not be timid, and must not retreat without a fight!

He stood up, opened his hands, lowered his body slightly, and stared at Song Cheng who was rushing towards him with a firm look.

At this moment, Song Cheng has already stepped into the Yangquan half. When he took the next step, the strong sense of oppression burst out in an instant, suppressing the entire venue, especially Okamura.

While the momentum burst out, Song Cheng's sprint speed further accelerated.

He easily broke through Okamura.

One, two, three...

With a two-meter body, a copper wall, and the strongest defense, they were as fragile as paper in front of Song Cheng.

"Bypassing three people in a row!"

"Is it going to score?"

"No... Look! Ziyuan rushed up..."

"It's another duel between the two!" The audience held their breath and looked at the two very seriously.

Once again, this level of duel appeared, and they didn't want to miss any details.

Song Cheng held the ball, his right shoulder shook slightly, and his body tilted to the right.

Ziyuan followed.

Then Song Cheng quickly responded, pulling the basketball back, and rushing to the left, without slowing down at all.

The lightning in Ziyuan's eyes trembled with his body, and he followed again!

The two of them went back and forth, you attacked and I defended, you went in and I followed.

The two of them went back and forth, and the sound of shoes rubbing against the floor continued to ring out on the field.

Another game of mutual competition.

Ziyuan Atsushi's strong defensive ability did not give Song Cheng any chance.

It was simply perfect!

Just this ball was deadlocked for 15 seconds in constant probing!

In other words, Song Cheng did not have enough time to attack...

At this time, Song Cheng's eyes were bright and his eyes flickered.

In his eyes, he showed the flaws of Ziyuan Atsushi and analyzed them...

After a second, after a fake move, he suddenly fixed his eyes.

Analyzed the flaws of Ziyuan Atsushi's next move.

The steps were lured to make Ziyuan Atsushi's flaws more obvious.

Ziyuan Atsushi was led by Song Cheng to take a step to the left, and this momentary mistake allowed Song Cheng to successfully break through from the right side.

But Song Cheng still underestimated Murasakihara Atsushi's reaction speed and the strong consciousness of the 'Generation of Miracles'.

Murasakihara Atsushi lost his defense for a short while, but was able to react instantly and took a step back.

And this step made up for the short distance that Song Cheng had just broken through, and with the advantage of his huge body, he successfully stood in front of Song Cheng again.

In the last 5 seconds, Song Cheng did not hesitate, switched the ball from his left hand to his right hand, and then turned around and passed the basketball.

'It's really hard to deal with...' Song Cheng stared at Murasakihara in front of him with a serious look.

But Song Cheng could not feel the previous state, it seemed... Murasakihara Atsushi could not give him enough pressure now.

And this situation is because Song Cheng's body function has been guided out. After exceeding the limit, even if it disappears, it has adapted to a stronger degree than before.

Invisibly, an aura that cannot be seen by the naked eye spreads to the surroundings and soon covers the entire half court!

Murasakihara Atsushi's whole body gave off a heart-pounding sense of oppression... Correspondingly, at the moment this aura appeared, Murasakihara Atsushi's figure disappeared in front of Song Cheng.

He passed Song Cheng in a second and came to the three-point line, and jumped slightly to block the basketball that Huang Lai was about to throw.

"So fast!"

Huang Lai saw that the situation was not right, and moved the basketball down and threw it to Moriyama on the right.

Moriyama took the basketball and saw that there was no one defending in front of him. As a shooter, he subconsciously made a shooting gesture.

He held the ball with his left hand and pushed forward with his right hand.

It was fast.

A huge figure was reflected in Moriyama's pupils, and that figure could even be said to cover everything in front of Moriyama...

The sharp dark purple electric light was exposed, Murasakihara Atsushi opened his mouth slightly, and a stream of hot air spurted out... At the same time, he slapped the basketball towards the direction of the ice room.

With a "pop!" sound, the basketball turned strangely and rushed straight to the ice room on the side.

Murasakihara Atsushi's power was so great that he could lift the basketball into the air.There was a deviation.

Just when the audience thought Yangquan had the ball, the next scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

Bingshi made a move to catch the ball with both hands, but at the moment when the basketball was close in front of him and was about to touch him, a figure passed by Bingshi with a "whoosh".

Song Cheng was like an assassin lurking in the dark, hitting the enemy with one shot and killing him accurately!

Song Cheng got the basketball and braked with his right foot, half-turned and kicked... The terrifying speed made Song Cheng and the basketball have a trail of afterimages.

"This... Damn it!" Bingshi turned and looked at the figure, his face full of shock.

The speed was too fast, and the basketball that was about to be in his hand was taken away before he saw the person.

Bingshi's shocked eyes turned into anger, and he went straight forward to chase Song Cheng.

But the speed of the two people was very different - one was extremely fast, and the other was a speed with an upper limit.

When Song Cheng came to the inside of Yangquan, he stopped and pulled the ball to one side, and the ball-guard moved forward to block it.

He knew... it was Murasakihara Atsushi.

With his current ability, the entire three-point court was his world.

Araki Masako and Takeuchi Genta both stood up and stared at the two people who met again.

They faced each other again!

And all that just now... did not exceed ten seconds.

In other words, it was still a duel between Song Cheng and Murasakihara Atsushi!

Song Cheng had no mind to consider other people's thoughts, his footsteps flickered, and his body shape was uncertain.

He adjusted the subtle movements at high speed.

This scene made Murasakihara Atsushi particularly cautious.

It is very likely that after a fake move by Song Cheng, he will take a fierce offensive.

He dared not be distracted for a moment, and Song Cheng was also equally focused.

Murasakihara Atsushi's body sank, and one leg stepped out directly, stepping less than one meter in front of Song Cheng...

"Bang!" As the sound of the basketball rang, Song Cheng quickly took a step back, avoiding Murasakihara Atsushi's steal, and at the same time, he slapped the basketball behind his back with his right hand, hooked it with his left hand and quickly shot it out.

"Bang bang!" He quickly rushed to the right, his eyes no longer looking at Murasakihara Atsushi, but for Song Cheng's "Rebellious Divine Eyes", every step of Murasakihara Atsushi was reproduced in his mind in real time.

At the moment Murasakihara Atsushi raised his foot to chase, Song Cheng's high-speed body stopped instantly.

After stopping suddenly, Song Cheng quickly made a crotch dribble...

Murasakihara Atsushi's advantage is that the distance he takes in one step is very large, so he doesn't need much speed to catch up with people who are faster than him, but at this time he was taken advantage of by Song Cheng.

The distance Murasakihara Atsushi took in his mind had already been calculated, and after he stepped out, he stopped suddenly in the middle of his body, which could be the opportunity created by Song Cheng!

Masako Araki watched Song Cheng's sudden stop and her heart tightened.

No one expected that he could make an emergency stop at that speed, and even change direction by force.

Song Cheng did not think that he could pass Murasakihara Atsushi. This was far from enough. In the previous words, he had only created an opportunity... This opportunity also depended on how Song Cheng used it.

Song Cheng stared at Murasakihara Atsushi this time. Although Murasakihara had been pulled away by him, he could also quickly withdraw to block his disguised breakthrough.

Murasakihara Atsushi followed up as Song Cheng expected, and Song Cheng immediately stepped back to the left...

Murasakihara Atsushi saw it and quickly kicked his hind legs, jumped slightly, and stretched out his right hand forward.

Because the duel between the strong was accurate, Song Cheng could not be given any space. If he did not jump, Song Cheng could immediately throw the ball.

But he jumped, and Song Cheng could also change his trajectory. Then he just bowed to the Buddha.

Then he pushed off the ground and jumped, stretched his left foot forward, and landed on his heel first to accumulate power to jump.

He jumped very high, stabilized his center of gravity, and threw the basketball directly. This time, the basketball was thrown at a very high trajectory...

At this time, even if Murasakibara Atsushi reacted, he was still a step too late.


"The goal is valid!"

When the basketball went in, the whole audience cheered.

The audience applauded, and the atmosphere of the Haichang team was also very lively at this time.

On the Haichang bench, everyone stood up to applaud and cheer for the main players.

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