Okamura immediately smiled and said, "Isn't this good? We are only two points behind Kaijo now!"

He was thinking from another's perspective, thinking that something that was not very good was very good.

"Really, you are the only one who talks well!" Liu Wei replied with his neck twisted.

"I am your captain after all!" Okamura spread his hands.

"So annoying!" Murasakihara Atsushi said as he walked off the court.

When he came off the court, he kicked the bench as if to vent his anger, knocking down two benches.

The substitute player on the side was shocked by Murasakihara Atsushi's strong momentum, and quickly stood up...

"Don't vent your anger on the bench!" Araki Masako angrily hit Murasakihara Atsushi on the back with a wooden sword.

"You are also annoying!" Murasakihara Atsushi replied, and then sat on the bench.

He didn't want to pay attention to Xiao Yanu now.

He looked up at the ceiling and sighed deeply.

He doesn't want to play now, it's too tiring, too troublesome.


If he doesn't play, the game will definitely fail, and he will lose.

And it will also break the promise of the little guy.


I still don't want to.

He never thought that there would be such a day when he wanted to work so hard...

Unconsciously, he seemed to... become the type of person he hated the most - the type of person who didn't know how to give up.

(During the Teiko period, he had many times despised those who had no talent but always insisted on working hard.

He always felt that those people's ideas and practices were meaningless, and it was better for them to stay at home.

For Murasakihara: Even if I don't work as hard as you, I am still stronger than you!

Those people worked hard and persisted to the end, but were still defeated by me.

Hard work is the most boring and useless thing!)

At the beginning of the second half of the game, Murasakihara Atsushi complained as soon as he came on the court: "I really... hate this game so much, I really hate the little guy."

If it weren't for the game against the little guy, if it weren't for what the little guy said before... he could have easily played badly and then comfortably lay in the hotel and ate snacks.

Kaijo has the ball.

Kasamatsu passed the basketball to Kise and continued to launch a fast break, using strong and fierce offensive means to break through Yangquan's so-called iron wall.

This is also the method Kaijo has always used.

As long as it is strong enough, no tactics are needed... fierce attack is the strongest and most effective means.

Huang Lai's surprise attack played a very good role. This time, it was still a three-man defense.

Huang Lai was not arrogant. He mainly conserved his strength and passed the ball to Moriyama from the left rear.

Moriyama rushed across the half court with the ball. At this time, Himuro was guarding Moriyama.

Moriyama stepped back with his legs together, and then threw the basketball high.

Himuro jumped up in a hurry, but was still a step late, and the basketball flew over his head.

Himuro didn't feel anything unusual about Moriyama's action.

He felt that there was nothing special, just because his retreat and jump were very smooth...

And Moriyama's basketball this time was not a shot, the purpose was to give the basketball to the main force-Song Cheng!

Song Cheng walked to a perfect position. He didn't need to jump. He could grab the basketball and shoot it forward and downward.

Murasakihara Atsushi stayed in the inside, and his huge body prevented Song Cheng from going any further.

He was more focused than ever before, and his eyes were only on Song Cheng who rushed into the inside.

This time, how will you attack!

The wildness behind Song Cheng was automatically activated. When he rushed in front of Murasakibara, the tilted fake sway on the right side caused his center of gravity to move. Then Song Cheng pulled the basketball back and headed to the left to the basket.

Murasakibara Atsushi was not surprised to see that Song Cheng could still increase his speed. He stabilized his front foot and chased him sideways.

As he moved, Song Cheng shook in front of him and changed direction again!

He completely entered the Yangquan basket and jumped up with a layup.

But Murasakibara Atsushi quickly chased up again, and his huge body seemed to completely isolate Huang Lai from the backboard.

Song Cheng's eyes flashed with lightning, but it was not obvious... His arms were slowly pulled back, and the whole person rotated in the air, bypassing Murasakibara and rushing behind him...

A crisp sound rang out, "Bang." Song Cheng elegantly hit the basketball on the backboard, and then the basketball jumped into the net.

This time he did not go head-to-head with Murasakibara Atsushi, but used wildness and physical flexibility to score this goal.

Soon, Yangquan launched an attack, and Songcheng had not yet returned to the team.

This time, Himuro threw a perfect parabola and scored a goal.

It was not that Huang Lai's defense was not good, but Huang Lai was entangled by two people during the attack.

Murasakihara Atsushi stood in front of Songcheng again, preventing Songcheng from returning to defense, and Yangquan scored two points, successfully narrowing the score to single digits.

53 (Kaijo)-46 (Yangquan)

"These two are too strong!"

"They are not on the same level as the others."

"They are like the rulers on the court..." The audience was amazed to see Song Cheng and Murasakihara Atsushi winning back and forth.

The next period of time was completely a duel between the two, but not completely... Huang Lai and Himuro have not lost touch, and the two of them can still participate in this high-quality duel!

The rhythm has changed now. Kasamatsu and others and Okamura and others are no longer responsible for the main attack, but assist and pass the ball.

Once-Himuro wanted to grab a three-pointer, but Huang Lai touched the bottom of the basketball, disrupting the parabola.

Murasakihara Atsushi and Song Cheng rushed to the inside at the same time, but Song Cheng's explosive jump did not belong to Murasakihara, and was even higher than Murasakihara Atsushi!

When Song Cheng stretched out his hand to grab the basketball, Murasakihara Atsushi's big hand actually grabbed the basketball firmly.

This is... claw hook!

Murasakihara Atsushi had never used skills before just because he didn't want to use them, not because he couldn't use them.

After he grabbed the rebound, his eyes were filled with seriousness. He lowered his body and stared at Song Cheng who was leaning against him.

Song Cheng was not feeling well either. After all, not everyone could have such a huge body.

He was like a huge mountain that stood in front of Song Cheng... unshakable.

Then Murasakibara Atsushi spun and jumped again and used the "hammer of destruction".

The violent wind made it impossible for Kasamatsu and Kobori Hiroshi to even get close to Murasakibara, let alone block her.

"Atsushi, sometimes you still can't be careless." The current in Song Cheng's eyes gradually appeared and became more and more obvious.

When facing a strong opponent, Song Cheng subconsciously triggered the [zone] and really stepped in.

When Murasakibara Atsushi was about to dunk, Song Cheng jumped behind him and slapped the basketball with his palm. The sudden surge of power made Murasakibara Atsushi unable to react.

He was blocked by Song Cheng!

Murasakihara Atsushi thought after realizing it.

Cheers came from outside the court.

Song Cheng turned back after landing, picked up the basketball that fell not far away and launched an attack...

At this time, no one noticed that Song Cheng entered the [zone], because just a moment was not enough to show how powerful Song Cheng was.

Murasakihara Atsushi also landed, with a purple light in his eyes, and he flashed in the direction of Song Cheng.

His speed was not slower than Song Cheng.

The two shuttled back and forth on the court at a very fast speed. Bingshi, who was standing on the outside line, seemed to see two white and purple lights flashing past him on both sides...

When they came to the three-point line, Murasakihara Atsushi's figure pressed up and blocked Song Cheng.

Song Cheng slowed down his dribbling speed and dribbled the basketball slowly.

The two faced each other again.

Murasakihara's aura had reached its peak, but he did not dare to act rashly in the face of Song Cheng's rhythm at this time.

He didn't dare to reach out and steal the ball...

Because he had the sixth sense of a strong man, as long as he shot, he would give Song Cheng a flaw.

Song Cheng suddenly opened his legs one in front of the other, and his dribbling speed suddenly increased, dribbling back and forth between his legs.

Murasakibara Atsushi stared at Song Cheng vigilantly, his legs and arms opened wider.

With his strong physique and long arms, and a completely defensive posture, it was not easy for Song Cheng to break through directly...

A silver current exploded in Song Cheng's eyes, and at the same time he took a step forward to hit Murasakibara Atsushi, a big change in advance, giving everyone a feeling of breakthrough.

But the basketball in Song Cheng's hand was connected with a back dribble after changing direction, and his forward body suddenly paused...

When he was halfway around his back, he slapped the basketball from his crotch, and the basketball passed between Murasakibara's legs... Song Cheng also started again at this moment and rushed to the right.

And this movement was so fast, and the back dribble made Murasakibara Atsushi not see the basketball at the first time.

When he stared at Song Cheng again, there was no basketball in Song Cheng's hand.

He thought he had passed the basketball...

Just as Song Cheng passed through Murasakibara Atsushi to get the basketball, Murasakibara Atsushi followed his eyes and saw the basketball in Song Cheng's hand. He realized that it was not a pass, but that the basketball was moved behind him at some point.

"This little trick... is really annoying." He reacted instantly, with a strong and terrifying purple light emanating from his body. He took a big step back and stretched his right hand to the right.

In a flash, Song Cheng pulled the ball back, and with a big disguised digging step, he swooped past Murasakibara Atsushi's left side.

Even Murasakibara Atsushi couldn't catch up with Song Cheng's speed.

Seeing Song Cheng's operation, the people outside the court burst into shouts and admired the extreme action...

Song Cheng passed Murasakibara Atsushi and ran towards the Yangquan free throw line.

The moment Okamura saw Murasakibara being successfully broken through, he stepped forwardAfter making up the defense, he successfully came in front of Song Cheng and looked at him.

However, he forgot one thing...

The person opposite him was Song Cheng who was in the state!


"Break through in an instant? That's Yangquan's defense..."

Song Cheng just bent down... and broke through.

There was no fake move at all.

But Okamura didn't even have time to react.

His defense was meaningless, and he didn't even make Song Cheng pause...

Sweat dripped from Okamura's forehead. He was aware that Song Cheng was about to break through and wanted to intercept him, but his body was slow to react, as if he had just been imprisoned for a moment.

No, it wasn't him who was imprisoned.

It was that Song Cheng's speed was too fast, so fast that he had already broken through when his brain sent out the action command.

Huang Lai saw Song Cheng's amazing 360-degree slam dunk from the free throw line, and said excitedly: "Oh? Little Song Cheng has entered that state."

At the same time, Qingfeng, Kagami, Midorima, and Akashi outside the court said the same thing: "From now on, there will be a good show to watch."

Now Song Cheng turned around and looked at the people in Yangquan after landing, with silver lightning raging wildly in his eyes.

He was like a ferocious beast, bursting with unmatched momentum.

Liu Wei looked at Song Cheng's back as he turned and walked towards the team, his expression dull, and muttered: "Is this... [zone]?"

Okamura recalled the feeling of facing Song Cheng before.

Surprised to find that there was no feeling...

Because Song Cheng's speed was too fast, it was as if there was no Okamura in front of him, so naturally Okamura didn't feel anything.

If it were Song Cheng, he would also feel nothing when facing Okamura.

In Yangquan's possession, Murasakihara was the first to attack, and then Okamura dribbled the ball around the midfield, looking for an opportunity to pass the ball to Kensuke Fukui.

At this time, Himuro was left alone, looking at Song Cheng who turned around and stood in the interior ready to defend.

He looked up and watched, feeling very uncomfortable.

Just now... it was a field that he could never reach, no matter how unwilling he was, that 'door' would not open to him.

"Himuro!" It was Okamura who turned back and shouted to Himuro.

Himuro came back to his senses and slowly scanned the familiar figures - Murasakihara Atsushi, Okamura, Kensuke Fukui, and Liu Wei.

He smiled faintly.


He immediately rushed forward and ran to the Kaijo three-point line.

Okamura took a deep breath, holding the basketball and looking at Song Cheng who was defending the interior alone.

This was not just a simple concentration or a strong momentum...

His oppression was heavy and piercing, but it was so quiet that people felt a chill!

In the end, he didn't choose to go forward and enter the restricted area.

He didn't dare... or he didn't want to lose this offensive opportunity.

Okamura finally threw the basketball to the right rear and gave it to Himuro.

As soon as Himuro received the basketball, Song Cheng shot out instantly and came in front of Himuro.

Seeing Song Cheng suddenly coming in front of him, he panicked for a moment, but fortunately his basic movements were very smooth and he passed the ball to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei looked at no one in front of him and knew... now he could only rely on the 'trump' to score.

The moment he touched the basketball, he threw the basketball to Murasakihara Atsushi who squeezed into the inside.

"Don't pass it!" Himuro ran forward, stretched out his hand to Liu Wei and shouted.

Because just when he passed the ball just now, Song Cheng's figure disappeared from his sight.

And what could Song Cheng do when he disappeared... All Himuro could think of was to steal the ball!

"Little guy, even if you block me, I will crush you!" Murasakihara Atsushi spread his legs and pressed against Song Cheng's side, physically confronting Song Cheng.

There was no other way. Murasakihara Atsushi was fully focused. When Song Cheng blocked him in the middle, he reacted.

Although Murasakihara Atsushi was not as fast as Song Cheng, he was the one who received the ball. He did not run very far, while Song Cheng ran back from the three-point line.

He took advantage of his height and jumped up lightly, holding the basketball in both hands.

Murasakihara Atsushi leaned against Song Cheng to prevent him from grabbing the basketball. He noticed the distance between himself and the basket and murmured, "It's troublesome..."

However, no one could stop him from scoring!

The position here was not good, but it did not hinder his dunk, so it was not a big difference for him.

"Little guy, don't be too arrogant in front of me!" Murasakihara Atsushi turned around and jumped up.

As long as he jumped up, no matter how many people on the other side there were, they would be destroyed by his power!


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