On the court, before the audience could react to Yangquan's score...

Kise looked at the basketball hanging in the air, curled his lips, and said: "Spin and accelerate the pass!"

The basketball made a sound of breaking through the air, cutting through the air, and rushed straight to the Yangquan basket at the speed of a bullet.

At this moment, among the people in Yangquan, only Murasakibara Atsushi reacted, and the others had not yet fully realized that Kaijo's attack had been launched.

'Swoosh--' The fierce wind blew across Himuro's face, and the basketball passed over Himuro and crossed the half court, and then continued to rush forward.

"A pass that runs through the entire court!" Kagami Taiga said loudly in astonishment.

Alex looked at the scene that just happened on the court and fell into self-doubt.

She seemed to...

She still underestimated Japan's 'Generation of Miracles'.

This powerful momentum and terrifying ability are no longer what a monster can describe.

Song Cheng's footsteps were as fast as lightning, and he rushed straight through like a silver flash.

In the corner of his eye, Bingshi seemed to see Song Cheng's figure, but he seemed not to see him, but he knew what was going on now.

He turned around and ran towards his own basket at high speed, trying to defend.

In the blink of an eye, the basketball and Song Cheng appeared under Yangquan's basket at the same time, and Song Cheng grabbed the basketball...

He jumped high in the air, as if choosing a dunking posture.

His waist was like a bright moon shining in the sky!

A violent tomahawk dunk!

"No, you can't!" Murasakihara Atsushi stared at Song Cheng, who was at the same height as him, with his big hand firmly holding the basketball.

"So fast!" Kasamatsu looked at Murasakihara Atsushi in astonishment.

You know, Song Cheng's speed is extremely fast!

How did Murasakihara Atsushi catch up!

Qingfeng covered his chin and muttered, "The so-called energy is weight multiplied by speed, right?" He thought he was right, but he didn't ask Mayu beside him.

Qingfeng in this state stunned Wu Yue.


Ada is actually talking about physics! ?

What a spectacle.

Qingfeng continued to talk to himself: "Some people are big but slow, some are agile but small, these two types of players are everywhere, but... but I have never seen a player like Murasakibara who is big and fast!"

That is to say, Murasakibara's energy is really different from that of others.

A flash of red light flashed in Song Cheng's eyes, and the two of them were still stiff in the air because of the strong air retention force.

Then, Song Cheng's eyes seemed to be raging with red lightning, and the "wildness" behind him emerged again.

Behind Song Cheng's strong and terrifying figure, there was a pair of scarlet eyes staring at Murasakibara Atsushi, and his mouth was still roaring and shouting!

In an instant, Song Cheng's overlord-like power made Murasakibara stunned for a moment, and the power in his hand also slightly lost.

Then... "Bang!", the basket trembled in the air.

"What! This couldn't be stopped?" At this time, Himuro had already run back to the inside of Yangquan, waiting for Murasakibara to hit the basketball towards him, so that he could quickly launch a counterattack.

He didn't expect Murasakibara to lose in strength.

At the same time, Okamura and others, including the players on the Yangquan bench, were also unbelievable.

They all knew the level of Murasakibara's strength.

But now this scene... is different for the audience outside the court.

This kind of fierce attack on the court and the powerful power confrontation are a visual feast for all the audience!

Because of the wild outburst, Song Cheng seemed to have a catharsis in his heart.

"Roar!" After landing, Song Cheng looked fierce, and turned around and roared.

After the roar, "Hu" Song Cheng took a deep breath, and his whole body relaxed immediately, and the powerful aura on his body disappeared instantly, and Song Cheng then restored his elegant and easy-going expression.

Walked back to the Haichang team with a smile on his face.


"Damn it! We were fooled by the opponent..." Okamura thought of Kaijo's battle plan and realized that their attack did not benefit them.

Now it was their turn to be in trouble. They were very passive. In this situation, their momentum would inevitably decrease...

They were now thinking about it.

With Kise's half-court shot, they could not continue to defend inside. They had to focus on the outside defense. (They knew that one person could not defend Kise)

Thinking about the bad side... Would Kise still shoot full-court, just like the guy from the 'Generation of Miracles'?

But if they launched a full-court attack, Kaijo could still use the pass throughout the court to catch them off guard.


"No next time, not even for the little guy!" Murasakibara Atsushi exuded a terrifying aura.

His auraStill bubbling out, seemingly endless...

Now Murasakihara Atsushi is constantly releasing power.

Murasakihara Atsushi doesn't use his full strength because of some reasons in junior high school. He doesn't release all his strength to play basketball.

But this time is different.

The little guy said... he likes the way he goes all out, so Murasakihara Atsushi is constantly adjusting his strength and releasing powerful power that he has never used before.

"No! Atsushi, let me take the next shot." Himuro's face was solemn.

It's not a solution to go on like this. The threat of the three-pointer from the opposite side, Kise, is too great. As Yangquan's "ace" and shooter, he must stand up and take the three-pointer.

If the next shot is two points, the rhythm is still in Kaijo's hands. They must take a three-pointer to pull back the initiative and keep the team's momentum from weakening.

Yangquan attacks.

"It's still Kise defending!" After carrying the basketball to the midfield, Fukui Kensuke found that Kise was still standing in front of Himuro.

At this time, he hesitated.

Should I pass or not?

After all, at this moment, he could rely on Murasakibara Atsushi to rush into the paint and score strongly.

Himuro cast a fiery gaze at him.

He knew who he was facing, but he couldn't just give up... He had to suppress Kise to beat back Yangquan's momentum, and this three-pointer would also have a big shock on Kaijo.

With the static killer that my master gave me, there is definitely a chance!

After weighing the pros and cons, Kensuke Fukui finally chose to believe in his own trump card.

If he didn't even believe in his own trump card, what was he still doing in this team?

"Himuro, please!" He threw the basketball straight to Himuro.

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