Fukuda Daigo's eyes were red, and he roared in the air.

He seemed full of momentum.

In contrast, Kobori Hiroshi, who jumped with him, looked calm, but his eyes were fixed on the basketball in the air.

The audience outside thought that Kaijo would have the final ball.

As expected, Kobori Hiroshi hit the basketball first, and at this time, Fukuda Daigo's palm was just halfway over the basketball...

Kobori Hiroshi slapped the basketball to his team with a little force.

The basketball flew smoothly into Kasamatsu's hands, and the latter suddenly rushed forward with the ball.

Kasamatsu wanted to take the lead at the beginning!

"Ah, so fast!" A noisy voice came from the audience.

Nakayama Manabu had been prepared for it, and stepped forward to make up for the defense in time, forcing Kasamatsu to stop.

"As expected of the captain of Senba, he can even let Kaijo's fast break go..." Ootsuki saw the situation clearly and said immediately.

"He is quite capable, but Haichang... is not that simple."

Having the ball, will Haichang give the other player a chance?

The answer is obvious.


Kasamatsu's attack failed, but his face was full of ease, without any disappointment.

"Although you are strong, I can't let you score so quickly. If my parents knew that I failed like this, I would have a headache." Nakayama Manabu said with a smile, but he was fully prepared for defense.

There was only seriousness in his eyes.

"That's sorry... We don't want the first ball to fall through." Kasamatsu dribbled the ball alternately between his legs, and the frequency gradually increased.

Suddenly, he suddenly attacked the right side of Nakayama Manabu.

Nakayama Manabu's eyes flashed, and he reacted very quickly and followed immediately.

He defended Kasamatsu again.

It was also at this time that Nakayama Manabu looked at Kasamatsu with a look of horror.


Where's the basketball?

When did the basketball in the opponent's hand disappear... No, when did he pass the basketball! ?

Could it be that...

Nakayama Xue immediately looked up at Song Cheng.


Then he turned his head and looked at Huang Lai.

Did he!

His first feeling... He thought that the most likely person to receive the basketball was Song Cheng, and then Huang Lai.

However, he guessed wrong.

His teammates also guessed wrong.

Moriyama took the basketball.

Because Kasamatsu's pass was very beautiful, the opponent's players did not react at the first time.

Moriyama jumped slightly and leaned back slightly...

When Uchida Kaito realized it, it was too late to stop it.

He didn't dare to believe that the opponent's basketball didn't pass to the 'ace', and he didn't expect the opponent's shooter to make a shooting gesture so quickly.

In front of him, Moriyama had already made a shooting gesture in mid-air and shot the basketball in his hand at a high speed.

"The speed of his shot has changed, and his shooting posture just now is a bit strange." Takao tilted his head and looked at the basketball flying through the air.

"Not bad, a lot of progress, but compared to me who has great luck... it's still a little behind." Midorima stared at Moriyama and smiled.

He noticed...

"Bang--" With a crisp sound, Bailang fell over.

"Wow! The first ball was taken so quickly!"

"Didn't give the opponent any chance."

"This is-the new master!" The moment the basketball entered the net, the entire audience burst into surprise again.

Luoshan audience seats.

"It seems... the cooperation between Kaijo has taken a step further." Hayama said with a smile and didn't care.

"Moriyama's strength has also improved." Mibuchi Reo said with a smile.

He noticed something wrong, but it didn't affect his pride...

His pride in the control of three-pointers!

"Haha, that's good!" Genwugu yelled, then turned to look at the brown-haired boy, and then said: "Gu Yue, what do you think of this opponent?"

"Very strong... and great, especially that little boy, very amazing aura." Gu Yuelu smiled evilly.

"Uh... little boy?" Dai Qianxun knew that Gu Yue liked to call people little boys the most.

But the guy he was facing...

was not a little boy.

That was a... monster that had defeated Akashi!

"Huh." Zhongshan Xue took a deep breath, then adjusted his own state, and looked at the five people on the opposite side again.

A hint of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

He was unwilling to admit defeat. He wanted to see how strong this much-anticipated 'master' was, and how big the gap was between him and the 'God of War' Song Cheng.

"Prioritize blocking the other three." Zhongshan Xue said to his teammates, and then served the ball to the power forward Hidaka Xin.

Xianbo's attack then began.

Hidaka Shin dribbled the ball and tried to get past Kasamatsu in front of him, but found that he couldn't do it by himself.

His strength was not good enough.They are not weak and are also elites of the team.

But he is now facing Kasamatsu from the Kaijo team...

Hidaka Shin held the ball with both hands and turned his body sideways to Kasamatsu, not letting the opponent have a chance to steal the ball.

His eyes were fixed on the position of his teammates.

And Kasamatsu was still squeezing Hidaka Shin's space forward, disrupting him and preventing him from seeing the position of his teammates.

Nakayama Manabu and Uchida Kaito knew Hidaka Shin's situation and quickly pulled away and got rid of the Kaijo players...

Hidaka Shin frowned slightly.

What a strong pressure, it feels like the opponent is playing this game as the key moment of the final game!

But... our Senba is not weak either.

Hidaka Shin saw the opportunity and passed the basketball to a low position in one direction.

The basketball was given to Uchida Kaito who came over.

However, after he took the basketball, he turned around and saw Moriyama.

Moriyama's defense was extremely tight, leaving him no chance to shoot.

He could only try to use shooting as a fake move to deceive Moriyama's defense.

What he didn't expect was that it actually worked. Moriyama jumped slightly and gave him a position.

He only needed to run a few more steps forward... Although his shot would be hasty and he couldn't guarantee that he could hit the basketball.

But... Facing such an opponent, he had no choice but to gamble!

Uchida Kaito took a step forward to the left and put his legs together...

"Uchida! No!" Nakayama Manabu shouted when Uchida Kaito was about to shoot.

Because right beside him, Huang Lai appeared at the three-point line at some point.

And he had already raised his hand and predicted his shooting action in advance...

At this time, Uchida Kaito was thinking about shooting, and he had no time to change his moves. He could only helplessly watch Huang Lai knock the basketball out of his hand.

"Intercept!" The audience outside the court exclaimed, followed by deafening cheers.

"Very good!" Kasamatsu praised.

At the same time, he also attacked Senba's half.

Huang Lai leaned over, grabbed the basketball, and dribbled past Kaito Uchida.

"Guard him!" Nakayama Manabu shouted, and he also rushed forward to intercept Huang Lai.

Hearing Nakayama Manabu's voice, Hidaka Shin also stepped forward to double-team Huang Lai.

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