Yangzhou City.

Countless heavy machinery arrived, and construction vehicles shuttled through the streets.

The rumbling of construction sites resounded in the city.

Taixia was already known as a construction maniac, and with this all-out effort regardless of cost,

Yangzhou City built a large number of residential communities in just one month.

The speed was so fast that it was shocking.

However, in the eyes of the citizens, these residential communities were indeed”shoddy”.

Each residential building was as high as 40 or 50 floors.

Moreover, the community planning was a mess.

There was no consideration of lighting, layout, aesthetics, etc.

It was completely a pigeon building.

It could only meet people’s basic needs.

Fortunately, these new residential buildings were not built in the old city, but in the new city.

There was no impact on the lives of the citizens.

Therefore, apart from some doubts and confusion, it did not cause much sensation.

Taixia, which was operating at full capacity, had an extremely terrifying burst of action.

The approval process was green-lit throughout.

The funds were in place in one hour.

Construction machinery arrived in one day, providing unlimited support.

Earth, sand, stone and other materials used in construction were transported in continuously.

Even construction workers who had worked on old projects for many years were shocked by the official move of Taixia. If there are not enough people, they will be recruited, with a salary of 1,000 yuan a day, as long as they can recruit people and meet the needs of the project.

In this situation, the people have benefited, and all construction companies have made money.

This has resulted in such a terrifying construction speed.

In addition to residential buildings, hospitals and warehouses have also been built overtime.

People rest but machines do not, working in shifts around the clock.

In front of the construction site of a new hospital.

The general manager of Yangzhou City looked at the buildings rising from the ground in front of him, and said anxiously:”The progress is still a bit slow!”

“According to the requirements, the new hospital must be completed within two months.”

“It must be able to accommodate 20,000 beds, and no accidents can happen!”

Then he shouted to the chief engineer beside him:”Chief Engineer Yang, if you need any support, I will fully cooperate, but you must ensure the quality and quantity of the project, understand!”

“This is the death order of the Minister of Government Affairs, and it must be resolutely executed!”

Chief Engineer Yang is old, and he was an engineer in his early years.

At this moment, he replied with passion:”Resolutely complete the glorious mission entrusted to me by Taixia!”

The same situation is happening everywhere in Taixia.

The six major survival bases in the future will have defense walls tens of meters high built on the periphery.

Various military defense systems are also being built at the same time.

In order to protect every compatriot as much as possible.

The whole of Taixia is in action!

The international situation has also become a little weird due to the implementation of this series of policies by Taixia.

At the beginning, the capital tycoons and consortiums headed by America and Europe frantically earned the huge assets left over from Taixia’s withdrawal from the international market. When a whale falls, all things come to life.

I don’t know how many consortiums have been full, full, and full of oil because of this.

However, a month has passed.

After the benefits have been pocketed, these countries began to panic again.

Seeing that Taixia was on the road to defending the country, he rode away without stopping at all.

These countries are getting uneasy again.

They sent out agents and intelligence organizations to spy, but to no avail.

Some heads of state are even considering whether to invite Taixia out again.

Otherwise, Taixia must give an explanation to other countries in the world. How could the crazy expansion of international influence that was originally so crazy come to a halt all of a sudden?

Those countries that benefited were panicked, and other small countries were even more uneasy.

But Taixia had no intention of explaining to them at all, but just madly stockpiled supplies and built a defense system.

Until two months later.

After seeing the scale of Taixia’s six super city clusters.

America, Europe and other countries can no longer sit still.

The American Presidential Palace.

A summit is being held at this moment.

The American President announced the intelligence collected in these days, and the heads of state of various countries were shocked.

“Taixia’s cohesion and comprehensive national strength are simply too shocking! It’s only been two months, and so many new buildings have been built.”Xiao Rizi Prime Minister was surprised.

The British Prime Minister spread his hands and said:”In our country, this cannot be done in 20 years.”

“What does Taixia mean by this? Stockpiling supplies and building super city clusters, what are they preparing for?”

“Taixia must give an explanation!”

“Yes, either return to the international community or give an explanation, otherwise, the Philippines will consider military oppression!”


At the summit, the heads of state were arguing fiercely.

But the core idea was to find out why Taixia did this.

At this time, the President of America made the final decision.

“Contact the foreign affairs department of Taixia and inform the top leaders of Taixia of our decision. If Taixia does not give an explanation, our North Atlantic Alliance will conduct military exercises in the East China Sea.”

After 20 days of negotiations, the heads of the North Atlantic Alliance member countries, led by America, are preparing to visit Taixia collectively.


Kyoto International Airport.

America, Europe, Xiao Ri Zi, Southern Dynasty, Britain. Heads of state and foreign affairs representatives of more than 50 countries have arrived one after another.

The two sides agreed to hold a global summit in three days.

Yuquan Mountain.

Mr. Zhang is reporting the situation to the Minister of Government Affairs

“General, do we really want to announce this to the world?”

The General nodded.

“Zhendong, we can’t just be responsible for our own family, we have to be responsible for all of humanity. The news needs to be announced.”

“Moreover, our preparations have come to an end.”

“Now that the news is released, it doesn’t matter to us.���”

Mr. Zhang still couldn’t accept it.

“Minister, countries led by America have evil ambitions. Why should we be so frank?”

“Besides, it doesn’t mean that they will perish after this catastrophe. Civilization can still be passed on!”

The general pointed at him and smiled:”That’s too radical!”

“You are right. Even if we don’t tell them, they won’t perish. But it is for this reason that I am considering announcing the news.”

“If it’s a life-and-death struggle, then we can just ignore them.”

“But the situation is, we will still meet in the future. It’s too much now, and it will be difficult to meet again in the future.”

“Moreover, after this catastrophe, America will certainly be severely damaged and will no longer pose a threat.”

“At present, stability overrides everything. Instead of arguing with them endlessly or even resorting to powerlessness, it is better to let them know the truth and they will be in chaos.”……

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