People are devouring, a new talent every month

Chapter 87 The Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace arrives

Chapter 87 The Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace has arrived!

"Die! Die!"

Countless pairs of eyes on the giant meat ball monster looked at Lu Ming from a distance. Incomparably bright brilliance burst out from his eyes, which was breathtaking. Waves of invisible soul impacts like colorful ribbons quickly shot towards Lu Ming!

In the void... countless colorful ribbons were entangled with each other, and suddenly turned into sixteen colorful spiral cones. Under the reflection of endless firelight, these spiral cones glowing with colorful light were extremely dazzling, and at the same time they also contained hidden meanings. Fatal crisis!


Sixteen colorful spirals traced strange arc-shaped trajectories in the void, and finally they all rushed towards the direction of Lu Ming.

"Chichichi~" King Lianyan, who was standing in front of Lu Ming, suddenly felt the imprint of life in his divine power, as if his skin had been poured with sulfuric acid, and a sharp pain instantly penetrated his soul, but he remained expressionless. He didn't take this pain lightly.


"Thousands of revolutions!"

Lianyan King roared in his heart.

I saw him calmly controlling the blue lotus formed by his own virtual power to spin crazily, constantly impacting the sixteen sharp and abnormally colored spirals, and even vaguely wanted to completely obliterate them!

Being specially sent by Lord Suigu to protect Lu Ming, King Lianyan is indeed very outstanding in terms of defense and protection.

In the space mezzanine.

"This waste!"

Seeing that the attack of the Evil Eye King was completely blocked by the Lianyan King, the Venerable Spirit Touch felt a little unwilling.

As a strong man who is good at soul attacks, Venerable Spirit Touch naturally has many powerful servants of the immortal gods under his command.

The Evil-Eyed King he sent this time is an immortal created by the beings of the 'Hundred-Eyed Clan' who are extremely good at soul attacks in the universe. He is already considered to be the strongest soul attack among the soul-controlled immortal slaves under his command. .

Now that even the Evil Eye King's attack has failed, even if the Spirit Touch Venerable sends other slaves, it will have little effect.

The most important reason why Lord Spirit Touch sent out the Evil Eye King first was to be cautious and to test out the trump card behind Lu Ming.

In his opinion, Lu Ming's talent and status were so high that it was impossible not to have strong protective forces around him.

He first sent a soul slave to attack the opponent. Even if Lu Ming was protected by a hidden strongman, it would not have any impact on him.

As soon as he discovers that something is wrong, he can escape immediately and quickly leave the human territory through the teleportation of the Immortal Kingdom of God under his command.

But what the Lord Spirit Touch didn't expect was that the Lianyan King, who was just showing up, could actually block all the evil eye king's full attack.

"Regardless of whether there are strong men hiding around him or not, I don't have any time to waste any more. I must take action as soon as possible!" Lord Spirit Touch frowned slightly and his expression became gloomy.

Countless powerful beings among humans will leave coordinate tokens in many places within the territory. Once an irresistible alien invasion occurs somewhere, these powerful beings will arrive immediately.

Although the attack of the Evil Eye King was blocked by the Lianyan King, it was impossible for the Lianyan King to quickly deal with the Evil Eye King who was burning his immortal divine power. He would even be buried with him.

Therefore, it won't be long before more powerful human beings will rush over to kill the Evil Eye King.

In the Jinlan Universe Kingdom, the only one who can easily kill the Evil Eye King at this time is the Lord Jinlan.

Although King Jin Lan is not well-known among the many cosmic sages of the human race, after all, he is from a peak human race. In addition, he has lived a long time, and his various methods are much richer than that of a venerable from an ordinary race.

Once the opponent arrives first, even if he tries desperately to kill the target, there is still a risk of failure.

Thinking of this, Venerable Spirit Touch's eyes flashed fiercely, and his heart was filled with endless murderous intent.

"Lu Ming, if you can let me, the Venerable of the Universe, personally exchange lives with you, your life will be considered worthwhile!"

In the starry sky in the distance of the Imperial Capital Star.

"Damn it, this guy can actually block the space!" The bluestone giant King Lianyan wanted to teleport away with his junior uncle, but in front of him, the Immortal King, who was born in the Baiyan clan, actually knew how to do it. The move of "space blockade" just restrained his teleportation method.

On the Imperial Capital Planet, using the unique trick of 'Time Pause', the Xuanjia Action Team quickly killed the 'Reinani'. However, they did not expect that an enemy would suddenly appear at this time to assassinate His Highness Lu Ming.

"Let's go and rescue His Highness Lu Ming!"

"King Lianyan, we will be there soon!"

Each of the nine immortals from the Xuanjia Clan flew over quickly, and King Lianyan felt slightly relieved.

Regardless of the immortal strength of the eight feudal lords, King Qingfeng, who is proficient in the 'Standing of Time' move, is a capable helper, as long as the other party joins forces with him. Even if the king of the Hundred-Eyed Clan in front of him goes crazy, it won't be a big deal.

at this time--


Ripples appeared in the starry sky, and a coercion suddenly descended, as if a world-destroying demon god had descended. That power, which made people unable to resist at all, instantly dispersed the surrounding star field.

"This is the arrival of the Lord of the Universe!"

"Is it the Lord Jinlan?"

King Lianyan and others stared at each other.

A towering figure appeared instantly, his face vaguely obscured by black mist.

call out!

At the moment of its appearance, time in the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers completely stopped!

Lu Ming, Lianyan King and others were completely restrained in place, leaving only their souls and consciousness roaring crazily.

"No, it's the alien cosmic lord!"

"The foreign race actually sent a Universe Venerable to assassinate His Highness!"

When King Lianyan and King Qingfeng, who had just arrived, saw the scene in front of them, their eyes were filled with despair.

The strength of the Immortal God and the Lord of the Universe are completely different.

The time-stopping method of the Universe Venerable and the time-stopping method of the powerful king are also two completely different concepts.

Under the ability of 'time is stilled' exerted by a cosmic venerable, even immortal kings such as King Lianyan can only function with their conscious thoughts, and their bodies cannot take any action at all, let alone resist.


Under the cover of a strange black iron mask, this alien venerable only revealed a pair of eyes that looked very ordinary, but at this moment, extremely terrifying murderous intent burst out from his eyes!


The alien sage wearing a jet-black robe rushed directly towards Lu Ming, his speed was extremely fast, and at the same time, his body surface instantly erupted with an aura that made the surrounding world tremble, and the aura increased a thousand times in an instant.

The divine body has burned!

In fact, with his Universe Venerable level strength, even if he wanted to directly soul control Lu Ming who was under the protection of Lianyan King, he did not need to burn his divine body at all.

But since Lord Spirit Touch has chosen to take action, he will inevitably launch a thunderous strike, which will not give the human genius any hope of survival.

What if a powerful man suddenly appeared next to Lu Ming at the moment he took action?

But now, he has used all his strength to completely burn his immortal power to launch a killing blow.

"Even if there is a high-ranking lord of the universe guarding Lu Ming secretly, he will definitely not have time to stop him in his haste. This time is enough for my soul to kill or even control him!"

The reason why he used Time Stop as soon as he appeared was to guard against the possibly hidden bodyguards of the Lord of the Universe, rather than to target a few immortal gods.

"Spirit-touching hand, go!" The illusory and transparent invisible tentacles swept towards Lu Ming like an octopus.

With the soul secret method used by his cosmic master after burning his divine power, there is no way this human genius can survive!

the other side.

Facing the full force attack of a cosmic lord, Lu Ming did not show any panic on his face.

If it were his true self here, even if his spiritual will was extremely powerful, the soul strength of a ninth-level domain lord with a hundred times the genetic level would only be around the fourth-level world lord. With such a huge gap in soul strength, it is definitely impossible to withstand the soul offensive of a cosmic venerable.

But now, it is his Zhuyan clone who stays here. The second reason is that the life gene level of the Zhuyan clone is high. The key is that the Zhuyan clone has no soul at all!

I don’t even have a soul, so how can you enslave my soul and kill me?

At most, it would just be to kill his body of the Flame Master, causing him to lose some energy and property.

"Before I carried out this mission, I had guessed that I might be assassinated by aliens. I didn't even take many important treasures with me, including the Zichen Wings... Even if I died once, the loss would not be big." Exactly. With such confidence in his heart, Lu Ming could calmly face the desperate attack of this foreign lord.

However, just when he was preparing to calmly welcome the death of his Juyan clone——

"The alien thief has been waiting for you for a long time!" A majestic voice suddenly echoed in the vast starry sky.


A red-haired God of War wearing jet-black armor appeared in the void. He had brown-red crystal skin, black eyes, and raised tattoos between his eyebrows. Standing there, he seemed to be the incarnation of endless heaven and earth!

"Master of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace!"

Venerable Spirit Touch, who was about to kill Lu Ming, saw this figure appear, and he felt extremely horrified in his heart.

He never thought that the human race would send a top cosmic overlord to protect Lu Ming.

You know, although there are thousands of cosmic sages in the human race, there are even many strong men with the power of cosmic overlords. But the only ones with the top strength of the universe overlords are the Ancestral Tree Lord, the Star Prison Demon Lord, and the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord!

These three are all extremely powerful cosmic overlords with extremely special circumstances and super clone powers!

Under normal circumstances--

The number of top cosmic overlords and masters of the universe in a force should be about the same. The human race has more than a dozen cosmic masters, but only three top cosmic overlords. This is because the foundation of human beings is weak.

Like the Ancestral God Cult, which gathers a large number of special beings, there are more top cosmic overlords than the masters of the universe.

As the pinnacle of the human race, there are only three top cosmic overlords. This also leads to the higher status of the three of them, and the treasures they possess are naturally better than the top cosmic overlords of other forces.

Any one of these three has a great reputation, even more famous than the Lord of the Universe of the human race!

This is because……

The combat power of the top cosmic overlord is very close to that of the master of the universe, and the master of the universe can never be resurrected after death, but the top cosmic overlord can be resurrected after death. This causes the top cosmic overlord... to have a very special status.

For example, the Lord of the Universe of the human race has a very high status and rarely appears. It is difficult to see the sages of foreign races.

In comparison, the killing reputations of these three top universe overlords are even more frightening.

The treasure is powerful, the secret method is powerful, and the special life clone has thousands of times the level of life genes. It is extremely terrifying in terms of strength and life-saving ability.

The three top cosmic overlords of the human race are all incredible. Especially the Lord of the Celestial Eclipse Palace, in the distant past, had an astonishing record of being undefeated for a short period of time in a head-on fight with the Lord of the Universe, and then calmly left!

Compared with many lesser-known masters of the universe among the human race, countless powerful foreigners are more afraid of this heaven-defying Master of the Eclipse Palace!

The Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace is said to have four major clones, including his own body, and the most heaven-defying one is his ‘Celestial Eclipse Clone’.

Not only is his avatar's frontal combat power comparable to that of some weak Lords of the Universe who have just broken through, but his ability to move and escape through the void is such that even the Lord of the Universe's 'mastery of time and space' cannot do anything to him, and he can only be left alone. Come and go freely in the universe.

"Lingchu, you dare to come to the hinterland of my human territory and assassinate the genius of my human race. Do you want the Mochu clan to be exterminated directly?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace still had a faint smile on his face, but the words he spoke were extremely cold.

After hearing his words, Lord Lingtouch's whole soul trembled.

Although he knew that the human race was unlikely to pay a huge price to deal with the entire Mochu clan living under the protection of the demon clan, Lord Lingchu could not help but feel panicked.

After all, the human race is not unable, but unwilling. Not to mention other people, the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace in front of him has this kind of strength.

If the human race is really ruthless and sends strong men to destroy the Spirit Touch Clan, the Monster Clan Alliance may not really start a full-scale war with the human race. At most, it will send strong men to wreak havoc and revenge in the human territory.

"Since you're here, don't leave today!" The voice of the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace echoed in the surrounding starry sky again, shocking the Lord Lingtouch.


An incredible coercion instantly descended on the surrounding star field and spread out. Compared with this coercion, even the Spirit Touch Venerable just now was not worth mentioning at all.


It is so vast that all areas within several light-years of the surrounding star field, whether it is stars, three large planets, or many asteroids, are all subject to an irresistible restraint!

That's a kind of complete control over the entire void around you!

"How is it possible that there is such a terrifying suppressive power without using any domain treasures! Is it possible that this is the strongest Celestial Eclipse clone of the Master of Celestial Eclipse Palace?" Lord Spirit Touch's entire body was filled with death instantly!

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